NVIDIA Modulus Core v0.4.0
Core v0.4.0


Source code for modulus.distributed.fft

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import torch

from modulus.distributed.manager import DistributedManager
from modulus.distributed.mappings import (
from modulus.distributed.utils import distributed_transpose, pad_helper, truncate_helper

def conj_pad_helper_2d(tensor, pad_dim, other_dim, new_size):
    ndim = tensor.ndim
    pad_dim = (pad_dim + ndim) % ndim
    other_dim = (other_dim + ndim) % ndim

    # pad with conj
    orig_size = tensor.shape[pad_dim]
    tensor_pad = pad_helper(tensor, pad_dim, new_size, mode="conj")

    # gather
    tensor_pad_gather = gather_from_parallel_region(
        tensor_pad, dim=other_dim, group="spatial_parallel"

    # flip dims
    flip_slice = [
        slice(0, x)
        if ((idx != pad_dim) and (idx != other_dim))
        else slice(orig_size, new_size)
        if (idx == pad_dim)
        else slice(1, x)
        for idx, x in enumerate(tensor_pad_gather.shape)
    tensor_pad_gather[flip_slice] = torch.flip(
        tensor_pad_gather[flip_slice], dims=[other_dim]

    # truncate:
    result = scatter_to_parallel_region(
        tensor_pad_gather, dim=other_dim, group="spatial_parallel"

    return result

[docs]class DistributedRFFT2(torch.autograd.Function): """ Autograd Wrapper for a distributed 2D real to complex FFT primitive. It is based on the idea of a single global tensor which is distributed along a specified dimension into chunks of equal size. This primitive computes a 1D FFT first along dim[0], then performs an AllToAll transpose before computing a 1D FFT along dim[1]. The backward pass performs an IFFT operation with communication in the opposite order as in the forward pass. For the forward method, data should be split along dim[1] across the "spatial_parallel" process group. The output is data split in dim[0]. """
[docs] @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x, s, dim, norm="ortho"): # NVTX marker torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push("DistributedRFFT2.forward") # save: ctx.s = s ctx.dim = dim ctx.norm = norm # assume last dim is split (second to last is contiguous): x1 = torch.fft.fft(x, n=s[0], dim=dim[0], norm=norm) torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() # transpose x1_recv, _ = distributed_transpose( x1, dim[0], dim[1], group=DistributedManager().group("spatial_parallel"), async_op=False, ) x1_tran = torch.cat(x1_recv, dim=dim[1]) torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() # another fft: x2 = torch.fft.fft(x1_tran, n=s[1], dim=dim[1], norm=norm) torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() # truncate in last dim: ctx.last_dim_size = x2.shape[dim[1]] last_dim_size_trunc = ctx.last_dim_size // 2 + 1 output = truncate_helper(x2, dim[1], last_dim_size_trunc) # pop range torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() return output
[docs] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): # load dim = ctx.dim norm = ctx.norm s = ctx.s last_dim_size = ctx.last_dim_size # pad the input to perform the backward fft g_pad = pad_helper(grad_output, dim[1], last_dim_size) # do fft g1 = torch.fft.ifft(g_pad, n=s[1], dim=dim[1], norm=norm) # transpose g1_recv, _ = distributed_transpose( g1, dim[1], dim[0], group=DistributedManager().group("spatial_parallel"), async_op=False, ) g1_tran = torch.cat(g1_recv, dim=dim[0]) # now do the BW fft: grad_input = torch.real(torch.fft.ifft(g1_tran, n=s[0], dim=dim[0], norm=norm)) return grad_input, None, None, None
[docs]class DistributedIRFFT2(torch.autograd.Function): """ Autograd Wrapper for a distributed 2D real to complex IFFT primitive. It is based on the idea of a single global tensor which is distributed along a specified dimension into chunks of equal size. This primitive computes a 1D IFFT first along dim[1], then performs an AllToAll transpose before computing a 1D FFT along dim[0]. The backward pass performs an FFT operation with communication in the opposite order as in the forward pass. For the forward method, data should be split along dim[0] across the "spatial_parallel" process group. The output is data split in dim[1]. """
[docs] @staticmethod def forward(ctx, x, s, dim, norm="ortho"): # NVTX marker torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push("DistributedIRFFT2.forward") # save: ctx.s = s ctx.dim = dim ctx.norm = norm ctx.orig_dim_size = x.shape[dim[1]] if s is not None: first_dim_size = s[0] ctx.last_dim_size = s[1] else: first_dim_size = x.shape[dim[0]] ctx.last_dim_size = 2 * (ctx.orig_dim_size - 1) # fft in contig contig dim x_pad = conj_pad_helper_2d(x, dim[1], dim[0], ctx.last_dim_size) x1 = torch.fft.ifft(x_pad, n=ctx.last_dim_size, dim=dim[1], norm=norm) # transpose x1_recv, _ = distributed_transpose( x1, dim[1], dim[0], group=DistributedManager().group("spatial_parallel"), async_op=False, ) x1_tran = torch.cat(x1_recv, dim=dim[0]) # ifft in contig dim x2 = torch.fft.ifft(x1_tran, n=first_dim_size, dim=dim[0], norm=norm) # take real part output = torch.real(x2).contiguous() # pop range torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() return output
[docs] @staticmethod def backward(ctx, grad_output): # load dim = ctx.dim norm = ctx.norm orig_dim_size = ctx.orig_dim_size # do fft g1 = torch.fft.fft(grad_output, dim=dim[0], norm=norm) # transpose g1_recv, _ = distributed_transpose( g1, dim[0], dim[1], group=DistributedManager().group("spatial_parallel"), async_op=False, ) g1_tran = torch.cat(g1_recv, dim=dim[1]) # now do the BW fft: x2 = torch.fft.fft(g1_tran, dim=dim[1], norm=norm) # truncate grad_input = truncate_helper(x2, dim[1], orig_dim_size) return grad_input, None, None, None
© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Jan 25, 2024.