NVIDIA Modulus Core v0.4.0
Core v0.4.0


Source code for modulus.launch.logging.launch

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import re
import sys
import time
from typing import Dict, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.cuda.profiler as profiler
import wandb

from modulus.distributed import DistributedManager, gather_loss

from .console import PythonLogger
from .wandb import alert

[docs]class LaunchLogger(object): """Modulus Launch logger An abstracted logger class that takes care of several fundamental logging functions. This class should first be initialized and then used via a context manager. This will auto compute epoch metrics. This is the standard logger for Modulus examples. Parameters ---------- name_space : str Namespace of logger to use. This will define the loggers title in the console and the wandb group the metric is plotted epoch : int, optional Current epoch, by default 1 num_mini_batch : Union[int, None], optional Number of mini-batches used to calculate the epochs progress, by default None profile : bool, optional Profile code using nvtx markers, by default False mini_batch_log_freq : int, optional Frequency to log mini-batch losses, by default 100 epoch_alert_freq : Union[int, None], optional Epoch frequency to send training alert, by default None Example ------- >>> from modulus.launch.logging import LaunchLogger >>> LaunchLogger.initialize() >>> epochs = 3 >>> for i in range(epochs): ... with LaunchLogger("Train", epoch=i) as log: ... # Log 3 mini-batches manually ... log.log_minibatch({"loss": 1.0}) ... log.log_minibatch({"loss": 2.0}) ... log.log_minibatch({"loss": 3.0}) """ _instances = {} console_backend = True wandb_backend = False mlflow_backend = False tensorboard_backend = False enable_profiling = False mlflow_run = None mlflow_client = None def __new__(cls, name_space, *args, **kwargs): # If namespace already has an instance just return that if name_space in cls._instances: return cls._instances[name_space] # Otherwise create new singleton instance for this namespace self = super().__new__(cls) # don't pass remaining parameters to object.__new__ cls._instances[name_space] = self # Constructor set up to only be ran once by a logger self.pyLogger = PythonLogger(name_space) self.total_iteration_index = None # Distributed self.root = True if DistributedManager.is_initialized(): self.root = DistributedManager().rank == 0 # Profiler utils if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.profiler = torch.autograd.profiler.emit_nvtx( enabled=cls.enable_profiling ) self.start_event = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) self.end_event = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) else: self.profiler = None return self def __init__( self, name_space: str, epoch: int = 1, num_mini_batch: Union[int, None] = None, profile: bool = False, mini_batch_log_freq: int = 100, epoch_alert_freq: Union[int, None] = None, ): self.name_space = name_space self.mini_batch_index = 0 self.minibatch_losses = {} self.epoch_losses = {} self.mini_batch_log_freq = mini_batch_log_freq self.epoch_alert_freq = epoch_alert_freq self.epoch = epoch self.num_mini_batch = num_mini_batch self.profile = profile # Init initial iteration based on current epoch if self.total_iteration_index is None: if num_mini_batch is not None: self.total_iteration_index = (epoch - 1) * num_mini_batch else: self.total_iteration_index = 0 # Set x axis metric to epoch for this namespace if self.wandb_backend: wandb.define_metric(name_space + "/mini_batch_*", step_metric="iter") wandb.define_metric(name_space + "/*", step_metric="epoch")
[docs] def log_minibatch(self, losses: Dict[str, float]): """Logs metrics for a mini-batch epoch This function should be called every mini-batch iteration. It will accumulate loss values over a datapipe. At the end of a epoch the average of these losses from each mini-batch will get calculated. Parameters ---------- losses : Dict[str, float] Dictionary of metrics/loss values to log """ self.mini_batch_index += 1 self.total_iteration_index += 1 for name, value in losses.items(): if name not in self.minibatch_losses: self.minibatch_losses[name] = 0 self.minibatch_losses[name] += value # Log of mini-batch loss if self.mini_batch_index % self.mini_batch_log_freq == 0: # Backend Logging mini_batch_metrics = {} for name, value in losses.items(): mini_batch_metrics[f"{self.name_space}/mini_batch_{name}"] = value self._log_backends( mini_batch_metrics, step=("iter", self.total_iteration_index) ) # Console if self.root: message = "Mini-Batch Losses:" for name, value in losses.items(): message += f" {name} = {value:10.3e}," message = message[:-1] # If we have datapipe length we can get a percent complete if self.num_mini_batch: mbp = 100 * (float(self.mini_batch_index) / self.num_mini_batch) message = f"[{mbp:.02f}%] " + message self.pyLogger.log(message)
[docs] def log_epoch(self, losses: Dict[str, float]): """Logs metrics for a single epoch Parameters ---------- losses : Dict[str, float] Dictionary of metrics/loss values to log """ for name, value in losses.items(): self.epoch_losses[name] = value

def __enter__(self): self.mini_batch_index = 0 self.minibatch_losses = {} self.epoch_losses = {} # Trigger profiling if self.profile and self.profiler: self.logger.warning(f"Starting profile for epoch {self.epoch}") self.profiler.__enter__() profiler.start() # Timing stuff if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.start_event.record() else: self.start_event = time.time() if self.mlflow_backend: self.mlflow_client.update_run(self.mlflow_run.info.run_id, "RUNNING") return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): # Abnormal exit dont log if exc_type is not None: if self.mlflow_backend: self.mlflow_client.set_terminated( self.mlflow_run.info.run_id, status="KILLED" ) return # Gather mini-batch losses for name, value in self.minibatch_losses.items(): process_loss = value / self.mini_batch_index self.epoch_losses[name] = process_loss # Compute global loss if DistributedManager.is_initialized() and DistributedManager().distributed: self.epoch_losses[f"Global {name}"] = gather_loss(process_loss) if self.root: # Console printing # TODO: add out of total epochs progress message = f"Epoch {self.epoch} Metrics:" for name, value in self.epoch_losses.items(): message += f" {name} = {value:10.3e}," message = message[:-1] self.pyLogger.info(message) metrics = { f"{self.name_space}/{key}": value for key, value in self.epoch_losses.items() } # Exit profiling if self.profile and self.profiler: self.logger.warning("Ending profile") self.profiler.__exit__() profiler.end() # Timing stuff, TODO: histograms not line plots if torch.cuda.is_available(): self.end_event.record() torch.cuda.synchronize() # Returns milliseconds # https://pytorch.org/docs/stable/generated/torch.cuda.Event.html#torch.cuda.Event.elapsed_time epoch_time = self.start_event.elapsed_time(self.end_event) / 1000.0 else: end_event = time.time() epoch_time = end_event - self.start_event # Return MS for time / iter time_per_iter = 1000 * epoch_time / max([1, self.mini_batch_index]) if self.root: message = f"Epoch Execution Time: {epoch_time:10.3e}s" message += f", Time/Iter: {time_per_iter:10.3e}ms" self.pyLogger.info(message) metrics[f"{self.name_space}/Epoch Time (s)"] = epoch_time metrics[f"{self.name_space}/Time per iter (ms)"] = time_per_iter self._log_backends(metrics, step=("epoch", self.epoch)) # TODO this should be in some on delete method / clean up if self.mlflow_backend: self.mlflow_client.set_terminated( self.mlflow_run.info.run_id, status="FINISHED" ) # Alert if ( self.epoch_alert_freq and self.root and self.epoch % self.epoch_alert_freq == 0 ): if self.wandb_backend: # TODO: Make this a little more informative? alert( title=f"{sys.argv[0]} training progress report", text=f"Run {wandb.run.name} is at epoch {self.epoch}.", ) def _log_backends( self, metric_dict: Dict[str, float], step: Tuple[str, int] = None, print: bool = False, ): """Logs a dictionary of metrics to different supported backends Parameters ---------- metric_dict : Dict[str, float] Metric dictionary step : Tuple[str, int], optional Tuple containing (step name, step index), by default None print : bool, optional Print metrics, by default False """ # MLFlow Logging if self.mlflow_backend: for key, value in metric_dict.items(): # If value is None just skip if value is None: continue # Keys only allow alpha numeric, ., -, /, _ and spaces key = re.sub("[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\-\s\/\_]+", "", key) self.mlflow_client.log_metric( self.mlflow_run.info.run_id, key, value, step=step[1] ) # WandB Logging if self.wandb_backend: # For WandB send step in as a metric # Step argument in lod function does not work with multiple log calls at # different intervals metric_dict[step[0]] = step[1] wandb.log(metric_dict)

[docs] @classmethod def toggle_wandb(cls, value: bool): """Toggle WandB logging Parameters ---------- value : bool Use WandB logging """ cls.wandb_backend = value
[docs] @classmethod def toggle_mlflow(cls, value: bool): """Toggle MLFlow logging Parameters ---------- value : bool Use MLFlow logging """ cls.mlflow_backend = value
[docs] @staticmethod def initialize(use_wandb: bool = False, use_mlflow: bool = False): """Initialize logging singleton Parameters ---------- use_wandb : bool, optional Use WandB logging, by default False use_mlflow : bool, optional Use MLFlow logging, by default False """ if wandb.run is None and use_wandb: PythonLogger().warning("WandB not initialized, turning off") use_wandb = False if LaunchLogger.mlflow_run is None and use_mlflow: PythonLogger().warning("MLFlow not initialized, turning off") use_mlflow = False if use_wandb: LaunchLogger.toggle_wandb(True) wandb.define_metric("epoch") wandb.define_metric("iter") if use_mlflow: LaunchLogger.toggle_mlflow(True)
© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Jan 25, 2024.