NVIDIA Modulus Core v0.4.0
Core v0.4.0


Source code for modulus.metrics.general.crps

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from .histogram import cdf as cdf_function

Tensor = torch.Tensor

def kcrps(pred: Tensor, obs: Tensor, dim: int = 0):
    Computes the local Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) by using
    the kernel version of CRPS

    Creates a map of CRPS and does not accumulate over lat/lon regions.
        CRPS(X, y) = E[X - y] - 0.5 E[X-X']

    pred : Tensor
        Tensor containing the ensemble predictions. The ensemble dimension
        is assumed to be the leading dimension unless 'dim' is specified.
    obs : Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]
        Tensor or array containing an observation over which the CRPS is computed
        with respect to.
    dim : int, optional
        The dimension over which to compute the CRPS, assumed to be 0.

        Map of CRPS
    pred = pred.unsqueeze(0).transpose(0, dim + 1).squeeze(dim + 1)
    n = pred.shape[0]
    _crps = 0.0 * obs
    for i in range(n):
        x_i = pred[i]
        x_j = pred[i:]
        _crps += torch.abs(x_i - obs) / n
        _crps -= torch.sum(torch.abs(x_i[None] - x_j) / n, dim=0) / n
    return _crps

def _crps_gaussian(mean: Tensor, std: Tensor, obs: Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]) -> Tensor:
    Computes the local Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS)
    using assuming that the forecast distribution is normal.

    Creates a map of CRPS and does not accumulate over lat/lon regions.


    .. math::

        CRPS(mean, std, y) = std * [ \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{\\pi}}} - 2 \\phi ( \\frac{x-mean}{std} ) -
                ( \\frac{x-mean}{std} ) * (2 \\Phi(\\frac{x-mean}{std}) - 1) ]

    where \\phi and \\Phi are the normal gaussian pdf/cdf respectively.

    mean : Tensor
        Tensor of mean of forecast distribution.
    std : Tensor
        Tensor of standard deviation of forecast distribution.
    obs : Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]
        Tensor or array containing an observation over which the CRPS is computed
        with respect to. Broadcasting dimensions must be compatible with the non-zeroth
        dimensions of bins and cdf.

        Map of CRPS
    if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
        obs = torch.from_numpy(obs).to(mean.device)
    # Check shape compatibility
    if mean.shape != std.shape:
        raise ValueError(
            "Mean and standard deviation must have"
            + "compatible shapes but found"
            + str(mean.shape)
            + " and "
            + str(std.shape)
            + "."
    if mean.shape != obs.shape:
        raise ValueError(
            "Mean and obs must have"
            + "compatible shapes but found"
            + str(mean.shape)
            + " and "
            + str(obs.shape)
            + "."

    d = (obs - mean) / std
    phi = torch.exp(-0.5 * d**2) / torch.sqrt(torch.as_tensor(2 * torch.pi))

    # Note, simplified expression below is not exactly Gaussian CDF
    Phi = torch.erf(d / torch.sqrt(torch.as_tensor(2.0)))

    return std * (2 * phi + d * Phi - 1.0 / torch.sqrt(torch.as_tensor(torch.pi)))

def _crps_from_cdf(
    bin_edges: Tensor, cdf: Tensor, obs: Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]
) -> Tensor:
    """Computes the local Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS)
    using a cumulative distribution function.

    Creates a map of CRPS and does not accumulate over lat/lon regions.


    .. math::

        CRPS(X, y) = int[ (F(x) - 1[x - y])^2 ] dx

    where F is the empirical cdf of X.

    bins_edges : Tensor
        Tensor [N+1, ...] containing bin edges. The leading dimension must represent the
        N+1 bin edges.
    cdf : Tensor
        Tensor [N, ...] containing a cdf, defined over bins. The non-zeroth dimensions
        of bins and cdf must be compatible.
    obs : Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]
        Tensor or array containing an observation over which the CRPS is computed
        with respect to. Broadcasting dimensions must be compatible with the non-zeroth
        dimensions of bins and cdf.

        Map of CRPS
    if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
        obs = torch.from_numpy(obs).to(cdf.device)
    if bin_edges.shape[1:] != cdf.shape[1:]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected bins and cdf to have compatible non-zeroth dimensions but have shapes"
            + str(bin_edges.shape[1:])
            + " and "
            + str(cdf.shape[1:])
            + "."
    if bin_edges.shape[1:] != obs.shape:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected bins and observations to have compatible broadcasting dimensions but have shapes"
            + str(bin_edges.shape[1:])
            + " and "
            + str(obs.shape)
            + "."
    if bin_edges.shape[0] != cdf.shape[0] + 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected zeroth dimension of cdf to be equal to the zeroth dimension of bins + 1 but have shapes"
            + str(bin_edges.shape[0])
            + " and "
            + str(cdf.shape[0])
            + "+1."
    dbins = bin_edges[1, ...] - bin_edges[0, ...]
    bin_mids = 0.5 * (bin_edges[1:] + bin_edges[:-1])
    obs = torch.ge(bin_mids, obs).int()
    return torch.sum(torch.abs(cdf - obs) ** 2 * dbins, dim=0)

def _crps_from_counts(
    bin_edges: Tensor, counts: Tensor, obs: Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]
) -> Tensor:
    """Computes the local Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS)
    using a histogram of counts.

    Creates a map of CRPS and does not accumulate over lat/lon regions.


    .. math::

        CRPS(X, y) = int[ (F(x) - 1[x - y])^2 ] dx

    where F is the empirical cdf of X.

    bins_edges : Tensor
        Tensor [N+1, ...] containing bin edges. The leading dimension must represent the
        N+1 bin edges.
    counts : Tensor
        Tensor [N, ...] containing counts, defined over bins. The non-zeroth dimensions
        of bins and counts must be compatible.
    obs : Union[Tensor, np.ndarray]
        Tensor or array containing an observation over which the CRPS is computed
        with respect to. Broadcasting dimensions must be compatible with the non-zeroth
        dimensions of bins and counts.

        Map of CRPS
    if isinstance(obs, np.ndarray):
        obs = torch.from_numpy(obs).to(counts.device)
    if bin_edges.shape[1:] != counts.shape[1:]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected bins and cdf to have compatible non-zeroth dimensions but have shapes"
            + str(bin_edges.shape[1:])
            + " and "
            + str(counts.shape[1:])
            + "."
    if bin_edges.shape[1:] != obs.shape:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected bins and observations to have compatible broadcasting dimensions but have shapes"
            + str(bin_edges.shape[1:])
            + " and "
            + str(obs.shape)
            + "."
    if bin_edges.shape[0] != counts.shape[0] + 1:
        raise ValueError(
            "Expected zeroth dimension of cdf to be equal to the zeroth dimension of bins + 1 but have shapes"
            + str(bin_edges.shape[0])
            + " and "
            + str(counts.shape[0])
            + "+1."
    cdf_hat = torch.cumsum(counts / torch.sum(counts, dim=0), dim=0)
    return _crps_from_cdf(bin_edges, cdf_hat, obs)

[docs]def crps( pred: Tensor, obs: Union[Tensor, np.ndarray], dim: int = 0, method: str = "kernel" ) -> Tensor: """ Computes the local Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) by either computing a histogram and CDF of the predictions, or using the kernel definition. Creates a map of CRPS and does not accumulate over lat/lon regions. Computes: .. math:: CRPS(x, y) = E[X-y] - 0.5*E[X-X'] if B < 100 CRPS(X, y) = int[ (F(x) - 1[x - y])^2 ] dx otherwise where F is the empirical cdf of X. Parameters ---------- pred : Tensor Tensor containing the ensemble predictions. obs : Union[Tensor, np.ndarray] Tensor or array containing an observation over which the CRPS is computed with respect to. dim : int, Optional Dimension with which to calculate the CRPS over, the ensemble dimension. Assumed to be zero. method: str, Optional The method to calculate the crps. Can either be "kernel" or "histogram". Returns ------- Tensor Map of CRPS """ if method not in ["kernel", "histogram"]: raise ValueError("Method must either be 'kernel' or 'histogram'.") n = pred.shape[dim] pred = pred.unsqueeze(0).transpose(0, dim + 1).squeeze(dim + 1) obs = torch.as_tensor(obs, device=pred.device, dtype=pred.dtype) if method == "kernel": return kcrps(pred, obs, dim=0) else: number_of_bins = max(int(np.sqrt(n)), 100) bin_edges, cdf = cdf_function(pred, bins=number_of_bins) _crps = _crps_from_cdf(bin_edges, cdf, obs) return _crps
© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Jan 25, 2024.