NVIDIA Modulus Sym v1.1.0
Sym v1.1.0


Source code for modulus.sym.utils.vpinn.integral

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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""" Helper functions and classes for integration

import torch
import quadpy as qd
import numpy as np

def tensor_int(w, v, u=None):
    # u is a N*1 tensor
    # v is a N*M tensor
    # w is a N*1 tensor, quadrature (cubature) weights
    # N is the number of points
    # M is the number of (test) functions
    # return: 1*M tensor: integrals of u*v[i] if u is not None
    # return: 1*M tensor: integrals of v[i] if u is None
    if u is None:
        return torch.einsum("ik,ij->jk", v, w)
        return torch.einsum("ij,ik,ij->jk", u, v, w)

# class template for the quadrature
class Quadrature:
    def __init__(self, scheme, trans, jac):
        # scheme is the quadpy scheme
        # trans is the transform from reference domain to target domain
        # jac is the jacobian of trans, SHOULD BE 1D NUMPY ARRAY!
        # points_ref and weights_ref are on the reference domain
        self.scheme = scheme
        self.trans = trans
        self.jac = jac

        self.points_ref = scheme.points
        self.weights_ref = scheme.weights
        # self.make_tensor()
        self.N_points = self.points_numpy.shape[0]

    def make_numpy(self):
        # points_numpy and weights_numpy are N*d numpy arrays, where N is the # of points and d is the dimension
        # The approximated integral value is given by np.dot(f(p[:,0],p[:,1],p[:,2]),w)
        self.points_numpy = self.trans(self.points_ref)
        self.weights_numpy = (
            self.weights_ref * self.jac
        )  # check here, should be 1D*1D numpy array, or 1D*constant

    def make_tensor(self):
        # points_tensor and weights_tensor are N*d tf tensors, where N is the # of points and d is the dimension
        self.points_tensor = torch.tensor(self.points_numpy, dtype=torch.float32)
        self.weights_tensor = torch.tensor(
            self.weights_numpy.reshape((-1, 1)), dtype=torch.float32

class Quadrature_Data:
    def __init__(self, points_numpy, weights_numpy):
        self.points_numpy = points_numpy
        self.weights_numpy = weights_numpy
        # self.make_tensor()

    def make_tensor(self):
        # points_tensor and weights_tensor are N*d tf tensors, where N is the # of points and d is the dimension
        self.points_tensor = torch.tensor(self.points_numpy, dtype=torch.float32)
        self.weights_tensor = torch.tensor(
            self.weights_numpy.reshape((-1, 1)), dtype=torch.float32

def Quad_Collection(quad_class, paras):
    points_tmp = []
    weights_tmp = []
    for para in paras:
        quad_tmp = quad_class(*para)
    return Quadrature_Data(np.vstack(points_tmp), np.hstack(weights_tmp))

# 1D classes. (Quad_Line can be used in nD)
class Quad_Line(Quadrature):
    def __init__(self, p0, p1, n, scheme_fcn=qd.c1.gauss_legendre):
        self.p0 = np.reshape(np.array(p0), (1, -1))
        self.p1 = np.reshape(np.array(p1), (1, -1))
            trans=lambda t: 0.5 * (self.p0 + self.p1)
            + 0.5 * (self.p1 - self.p0) * np.reshape(t, (-1, 1)),
            jac=np.linalg.norm(self.p1 - self.p0) / 2,

# 2D curves
class Quad_Circle(Quadrature):
    def __init__(self, r, c, n, scheme_fcn=qd.u2.get_good_scheme):
        self.r = np.array(r)
        self.c = np.array(c)

        def my_trans(x):
            rr = np.multiply.outer(self.r, x)
            rr = np.swapaxes(rr, 0, -2)
            return rr + self.c

        super().__init__(scheme=scheme_fcn(n), trans=my_trans, jac=2 * np.pi * self.r)

# 2D domains
class Quad_Tri(Quadrature):
    def __init__(self, v, n, scheme_fcn=qd.t2.get_good_scheme):
        from quadpy.tn._helpers import get_vol

        self.v = np.array(v)  # 3x2 numpy array
        if self.v.shape != (3, 2):
            self.v = self.v.T
        assert self.v.shape == (3, 2), "Vertices must be a 3 by 2 list or numpy array!"
        self.vol = get_vol(self.v)
            scheme=scheme_fcn(n), trans=lambda x: x.T @ self.v, jac=self.vol

class Quad_Disk(Quadrature):
    def __init__(self, r, c, n, scheme_fcn=qd.s2.get_good_scheme):
        self.r = np.array(r)
        self.c = np.array(c)

        def my_trans(x):
            rr = np.multiply.outer(self.r, x.T)
            rr = np.swapaxes(rr, 0, -2)
            return rr + self.c

        super().__init__(scheme=scheme_fcn(n), trans=my_trans, jac=np.pi * self.r**2)

[docs]class Quad_Rect(Quadrature): """ The points are specified in an array of shape (2, 2, ...) such that arr[0][0] is the lower left corner, arr[1][1] the upper right, and set region_type=False. If your c2 has its sides aligned with the coordinate axes, you can use v=[[x0, x1], [y0, y1]], and set region_type=True (default). """ def __init__(self, v, n, region_type=True, scheme_fcn=qd.c2.get_good_scheme): from quadpy.cn._helpers import transform, get_detJ if region_type: from quadpy.c2 import rectangle_points self.v = rectangle_points(*v) else: self.v = v super().__init__( scheme=scheme_fcn(n), trans=lambda x: transform(x, self.v), jac=lambda x: np.abs(get_detJ(x, self.v)) * 2 ** np.prod(len(self.v.shape) - 1), ) def make_numpy(self): self.points_numpy = self.trans(self.points_ref) self.weights_numpy = self.weights_ref * self.jac( self.points_ref ) # check here, should be 1D*1D numpy array, or 1D*constant

# 3D surfaces class Quad_Sphere(Quadrature): def __init__(self, r, c, n, scheme_fcn=qd.u3.get_good_scheme): self.r = np.array(r) self.c = np.array(c) super().__init__( scheme=scheme_fcn(n), trans=lambda x: x.T * self.r + self.c, jac=4 * np.pi * self.r**2, ) # 3D domain class Quad_Ball(Quadrature): def __init__(self, r, c, n, scheme_fcn=qd.s3.get_good_scheme): assert ( n <= 7 ), "The degree of the cubature is not more than 7. Otherwise use nD ball scheme!" self.r = np.array(r) self.c = np.array(c) def my_trans(x): rr = np.multiply.outer(self.r, x.T) rr = np.swapaxes(rr, 0, -2) return rr + self.c super().__init__( scheme=scheme_fcn(n), trans=my_trans, jac=4 / 3 * np.pi * self.r**3 ) class Quad_Tet(Quadrature): def __init__(self, v, n, scheme_fcn=qd.t3.get_good_scheme): assert ( n <= 14 ), "The degree of the cubature is not more than 14. Otherwise use nD simplex scheme!" self.v = np.array(v) if self.v.shape != (4, 3): self.v = self.v.T assert self.v.shape == (4, 3), "Vertices must be a 4 by 3 list or numpy array!" from quadpy.tn._helpers import transform, get_vol self.vol = get_vol(self.v) super().__init__( scheme=scheme_fcn(n), trans=lambda x: transform(x, self.v.T).T, jac=self.vol ) class Quad_Cube(Quadrature): def __init__(self, v, n, region_type=True, scheme_fcn=qd.c3.get_good_scheme): from quadpy.cn._helpers import transform, get_detJ assert ( n <= 11 ), "The degree of the cubature is not more than 11. Otherwise use nD cube scheme!" if region_type: from quadpy.c3 import cube_points self.v = cube_points(*v) else: self.v = v super().__init__( scheme=scheme_fcn(n), trans=lambda x: transform(x, self.v), jac=lambda x: np.abs(get_detJ(x, self.v)) * 2 ** np.prod(len(self.v.shape) - 1), ) def make_numpy(self): self.points_numpy = self.trans(self.points_ref) self.weights_numpy = self.weights_ref * self.jac( self.points_ref ) # check here, should be 1D*1D numpy array, or 1D*constant class Quad_Pyramid(Quadrature): def __init__(self, v, scheme_fcn=qd.p3.felippa_5): from quadpy.p3._helpers import _transform, _get_det_J self.v = v super().__init__( scheme=scheme_fcn(), trans=lambda x: _transform(x.T, self.v).T, jac=lambda x: np.abs(_get_det_J(self.v, x.T)), ) def make_numpy(self): self.points_numpy = self.trans(self.points_ref) self.weights_numpy = self.weights_ref * self.jac( self.points_ref ) # check here, should be 1D*1D numpy array, or 1D*constant class Quad_Wedge(Quadrature): def __init__(self, v, scheme_fcn=qd.w3.felippa_6): from quadpy.w3._helpers import _transform, _get_detJ self.v = np.array(v) super().__init__( scheme=scheme_fcn(), trans=lambda x: _transform(x.T, self.v).T, jac=lambda x: np.abs(_get_detJ(x.T, self.v)), ) def make_numpy(self): self.points_numpy = self.trans(self.points_ref) self.weights_numpy = self.weights_ref * self.jac( self.points_ref ) # check here, should be 1D*1D numpy array, or 1D*constant # nD manifold class Quad_nD_Sphere(Quadrature): def __init__(self, r, c, dim, scheme_fcn=qd.un.dobrodeev_1978): import ndim self.r = np.array(r) self.c = np.array(c) self.dim = dim def my_trans(x): rr = np.multiply.outer(self.r, x) rr = np.swapaxes(rr, 0, -2) return rr + self.c self.vol = ndim.nsphere.volume(self.dim, r=self.r) super().__init__(scheme=scheme_fcn(self.dim), trans=my_trans, jac=self.vol) class Quad_nD_Simplex(Quadrature): def __init__(self, v, dim, n, scheme_fcn=qd.tn.grundmann_moeller): from quadpy.tn._helpers import transform, get_vol self.v = np.array(v) self.dim = dim self.vol = get_vol(self.v) super().__init__( scheme=scheme_fcn(self.dim, n), trans=lambda x: transform(x, self.v.T).T, jac=self.vol, ) class Quad_nD_Ball(Quadrature): def __init__(self, r, c, dim, scheme_fcn=qd.sn.dobrodeev_1970): import ndim self.r = np.array(r) self.c = np.array(c) self.dim = dim self.vol = ndim.nball.volume(self.dim, r=self.r, symbolic=False) def my_trans(x): rr = np.multiply.outer(self.r, x.T) rr = np.swapaxes(rr, 0, -2) return rr + self.c super().__init__(scheme=scheme_fcn(self.dim), trans=my_trans, jac=self.vol) class Quad_nD_Cube(Quadrature): def __init__(self, v, dim, region_type=True, scheme_fcn=qd.cn.stroud_cn_3_3): from quadpy.cn._helpers import transform, get_detJ self.dim = dim if region_type: from quadpy.cn._helpers import ncube_points self.v = ncube_points(*v) else: self.v = v super().__init__( scheme=scheme_fcn(self.dim), trans=lambda x: transform(x, self.v), jac=lambda x: 2 ** np.prod(len(self.v.shape) - 1) * np.abs(get_detJ(x, self.v)), ) def make_numpy(self): self.points_numpy = self.trans(self.points_ref) self.weights_numpy = self.weights_ref * self.jac( self.points_ref ) # check here, should be 1D*1D numpy array, or 1D*constant # 2D cubature based on mesh def domain_weights_and_points_2D(P, T, n=5, scheme=None): # P is the point info # T is the triangle info # n is the cubature order, if applicable T = T.astype(np.int) Nt = T.shape[0] if scheme is None: scheme = qd.t2._lether.lether(n) p_ref = scheme.points w_ref = scheme.weights xy_tmp = [] w_tmp = [] for i in range(1, Nt): idp = T[i, :] tri = np.vstack((P[idp[0], :], P[idp[1], :], P[idp[2], :])) S = 0.5 * np.abs(np.linalg.det(np.hstack((tri, np.ones((3, 1)))))) xy_tmp.append(p_ref.T @ tri) w_tmp.append(S * w_ref) xy = np.vstack(xy_tmp) w = np.hstack(w_tmp) return w.astype(np.float32), xy.astype(np.float32) # 3D cubature based on mesh def domain_weights_and_points_3D(P, T, n=5, scheme=None): # P is the point info # T is the triangle info # n is the cubature order, if applicable T = T.astype(np.int) Nt = T.shape[0] if scheme is None: scheme = qd.t3.get_good_scheme(n) p_ref = scheme.points w_ref = scheme.weights xyz_tmp = [] w_tmp = [] for i in range(0, Nt): idp = T[i, :] tet = np.vstack((P[idp[0], :], P[idp[1], :], P[idp[2], :], P[idp[3], :])) V = np.abs(np.linalg.det(np.hstack((tet, np.ones((4, 1)))))) / 6 xyz_tmp.append(p_ref.T @ tet) w_tmp.append(V * w_ref) xyz = np.vstack(xyz_tmp) w = np.hstack(w_tmp) return w.astype(np.float32), xyz.astype(np.float32) # Householder reflector def Householder_reflector(u0, v0): # u and v are unit vectors # Hu=v, Hv=u u = u0.reshape((-1, 1)) / np.linalg.norm(u0) v = v0.reshape((-1, 1)) / np.linalg.norm(v0) return np.eye(3) + (u @ v.T + v @ u.T - u @ u.T - v @ v.T) / (1 - u.T @ v)

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Oct 17, 2023.