DiffDock: Preparing Workspace and Data for Pre-training#

This section outlines the steps to prepare your workspace with pre-processed files for training DiffDock using the NVIDIA NGC platform.

This workspace can then be used to launch DiffDock training job using the template script <BioNeMO_Workspace>/examples/molecule/diffdock/scripts/train_bcp.sh.

For more information about how to launch DiffDock training using BCP script, you can check Running BioNeMo on DGX-Cloud using BCP tutorial.

The commands below expect that you have NGC CLI installed on your machine. All of the commands below can then be run outside of BioNeMo Docker container.

Step 1: Create a Workspace#

Create a new NGC workspace by running the following command. Make sure to replace diffdock_bcp_train with your desired workspace name and nv-us-east-2 with your preferred ACE

ngc workspace create --name diffdock_bcp_train --ace nv-us-east-2

Store the workspace ID provided after creating the workspace. You will need this ID for mounting data and running jobs.

export WKSP_ID=??

Step 2: Create a Local Data Directory#

Create a local directory to store pre-training. For this documentation, we’ll use ~/diffdock_data.

mkdir -p ~/diffdock_data/data

Step 3: Mount the NGC Workspace To Your Local Directory#

Mount the NGC workspace to your local directory using the following command.

ngc workspace mount $WKSP_ID ~/diffdock_data --mode RW

Step 4: Prepare Raw PDB Data#

Gather and clean your own pdb data, for each receptor-ligand complex with pdbid, prepare the processed protein pdb as <pdbid>_protein_processed.pdb, and each ligand file as <pdbid>_ligand.sdf or <pdbid>_ligand.mol2, and put them under folder like ~/PDB_processed/<pdbid>/. After you clean all the pdb data you have, inside this folder ~/PDB_processed/, you will have many folders named with pdbid, and in each folder, you have have the protein and ligand files. As an example, you will have

tree ~/PDB_processed/

will give this file tree:

├── 6t88
│   ├── 6t88_ligand.sdf
│   └── 6t88_protein_processed.pdb
├── 6vs3
│   ├── 6vs3_ligand.sdf
│   └── 6vs3_protein_processed.pdb
├── 6wtn
│   ├── 6wtn_ligand.sdf
│   └── 6wtn_protein_processed.pdb
├── 6yqv
│   ├── 6yqv_ligand.sdf
│   └── 6yqv_protein_processed.pdb

Then copy the data to the mounted directory in your NGC workspace.

cp -r ~/PDB_processed ~/diffdock_data/data

And prepare the split files for train, validation and test, and put them in ~/diffdock_data/data/splits/. Here we name them as split_train, split_val, and split_test, accordingly. These split files are text files, with each row as pdbid name. These will look like this:

$ head -n 4 ~/diffdock_data/data/splits/split_train

Step 5: Run Pre-processing of Train Data for Score Model#

This script performs pre-processing of train data for diffdock score model.

If you followed the Quickstart Guide, you may already have a .env file in your root path. If so, run source .env to export all the necessary variables. If you don’t have a .env file in your path, update and run the following commands to export necessary variables before running the commands below.

export NGC_CLI_ORG=??
export NGC_CLI_TEAM=??

First do protein embedding using esm2:

ngc batch run --name "DiffDock_Protein_Embedding" --priority NORMAL --preempt RUNONCE --ace nv-us-east-2 --instance dgxa100.80g.2.norm --commandline "ln -s /bionemo_diffdock/data \\${BIONEMO_HOME}/data; bcprun --debug --nnodes=1 --npernode=1 -w /workspace/bionemo --cmd 'python examples/molecule/diffdock/train.py do_embedding_preprocessing=True do_training=False '" --result /results --image ${BIONEMO_IMAGE} --org ${NGC_CLI_ORG} --team ${NGC_CLI_TEAM} --workspace ${WKSP_ID}:/bionemo_diffdock:RW --label ml__bionemo

Then, do the graph preprocessing for score model:

ngc batch run --name "DiffDock_Complex_Graph_Preprocessing_Score" --priority NORMAL --preempt RUNONCE --ace nv-us-east-2 --instance dgxa100.80g.2.norm --commandline "ln -s /bionemo_diffdock/data \\${BIONEMO_HOME}/data; bcprun --debug --nnodes=1 --npernode=1 -w /workspace/bionemo --cmd 'python examples/molecule/diffdock/train.py do_preprocessing=True do_training=False data.num_workers=20 '" --result /results --image ${BIONEMO_IMAGE} --org ${NGC_CLI_ORG} --team ${NGC_CLI_TEAM} --workspace ${WKSP_ID}:/bionemo_diffdock:RW --label ml__bionemo

Step 6 : Verify that the data pre-processing is successful in Step 5#

You can re-mount your workspace after running through all the steps above and be able to see pre-processed data. Follow Step 3 to mount the workspace onto your local workstation.’ Below is an example directory structure you should see for pre-processed diffdock training data for score and confidence models.

ls ~/diffdock_data/data

It will have following files:

ls ~/diffdock_data/data/data_cache

It will show following files:


Step 7: Run Pre-processing of Train Data for Confidence Model#

The dataset preprocessing for confidence model will use a trained score model to do reverse diffusion and to generate ligand conformers. It is strongly suggested to train a small score model for this to save time and to improve the accuracy of confidence model. Refer to Diffdock Model Training for details of training a small score model.

Once you have a trained small score model, copy the model to the mounted directory as follow,

mkdir -p ~/diffdock_data/models/
cp /path/to/your/small_score_model.nemo ~/diffdock_data/models/small_score_model.nemo
export DIFFDOCK_SCORE_MODEL=models/small_score_model.nemo

we can do the data preprocessing for confidence model:

ngc batch run --name "DiffDock_Complex_Graph_Preprocessing_Confidence" --priority NORMAL --preempt RUNONCE --ace nv-us-east-2 --instance dgxa100.80g.2.norm --commandline "ln -s /bionemo_diffdock/data \\${BIONEMO_HOME}/data; bcprun --debug --nnodes=1 --npernode=1 -w /workspace/bionemo --cmd 'python examples/molecule/diffdock/train.py --config-name=train_confidence do_preprocessing=True do_training=False data.num_workers=20 score_infer.restore_from_path=/workspace/bionemo/${DIFFDOCK_SCORE_MODEL} '" --result /results --image ${BIONEMO_IMAGE} --org ${NGC_CLI_ORG} --team ${NGC_CLI_TEAM} --workspace ${WKSP_ID}:/bionemo_diffdock:RW --label ml__bionemo

If you want to use the score model checkpoint converted from public diffdock, replace the setting of small score model with following commands:

ngc registry model download-version nvidian/clara-lifesciences/diffdock:paper_score.23.08 --dest  ~/
cp ~/diffdock_vpaper_score.23.08/diffdock_score.nemo ~/diffdock_data/models/
export DIFFDOCK_SCORE_MODEL=models/diffdock_score.nemo

And use the same ngc batch run command above