NVIDIA Clara Train 3.1

Bring your own Transforms

If you are bringing your transforms, then you can either:

  • Load the transforms as pip package hence they will be available to AIAA Server.

  • Copy the transforms into <workspace>/lib and AIAA can pick up from this path.

  • Copy the transforms into someplace and configure PYTHONPATH before AIAA Server is started.


When you are using custom transforms, make sure in config.json you either:

  1. provide the full class name of the transform.

  2. use short-name but provide the class path to the transform. For e.g. "path": "mytransforms.StatisticalNormalization"

Please read Clara Training Framework: Bring your own Transformation and Clara Training Framework: Bring your own Data Loader.

The same transformation/data loader can be used both in training and AIAA.


import numpy as np # note the ai4med here from ai4med.common.medical_image import MedicalImage from ai4med.common.transform_ctx import TransformContext from ai4med.components.transforms.transformer import Transformer class FilterProbabilityThreshold(Transformer): def __init__(self, label_field='model', threshold=0.5): Transformer.__init__(self) self._label_field = label_field self._threshold = threshold def transform(self, transform_ctx: TransformContext): label = transform_ctx.get_image(self._label_field) result = (np.squeeze(label.get_data()) > self._threshold).astype(np.uint8) m = label.new_image(result, label.get_shape_format()) transform_ctx.set_image(self._label_field, m) return transform_ctx

If you save this transform in a file called mytransforms.py and put it inside <workspace>/lib folder. Then you can use it in config_aiaa.json as the following:


{ "name": "mytransforms.FilterProbabilityThreshold", "args": { "label_field": "model", "threshold": 0.5 } }



{ "name": "FilterProbabilityThreshold", "path": "mytransforms.FilterProbabilityThreshold", "args": { "label_field": "model", "threshold": 0.5 } }

Note that we are using “data[key]” to get and set the data. This is different from the previous approach which uses the MedicalImage and TranformContext.


import numpy as np class LabelNPSqueeze(object): def __init__(self, label_in='model', label_out='model', dtype='uint8'): self.key_label_in = label_in self.key_label_out = label_out self.dtype = dtype def __call__(self, data): label = data[self.key_label_in] label = np.squeeze(label).astype(self.dtype) data[self.key_label_out] = label return data

If you save this transform in a file called mytransforms.py and put it inside <workspace>/lib folder. Then you can use it in config_aiaa.json as the following:


{ "name": "mytransforms.LabelNPSqueeze", "args": { "label_in": "model", "label_out": "model" } }


Simple Dictionary Based Transformer can not be used in training in Clara.


If you are writing a simple transformer, you might want to first look for some very good and simple features/transforms from Clara Train API. You can find more details in Clara Train API documents on how to write your own Transforms.


An example for BYOM model config can be found in the container at: /opt/nvidia/medical/nvmidl/apps/aas/tests/byom/config_aiaa.json.

© Copyright 2020, NVIDIA. Last updated on Feb 2, 2023.