Struct OperatorTimestampLabel
Defined in File messagelabel.hpp
struct OperatorTimestampLabel
This struct represents a timestamp label for a Holoscan Operator.
The class stores information about the timestamps when an operator receives from an input and when it publishes to an output. It also holds a reference to the operator.
This class is used by MessageLabel to create an array of Operators representing a path.
Public Functions
OperatorTimestampLabel() = default
inline explicit OperatorTimestampLabel(Operator *op)
Construct a new OperatorTimestampLabel object from an Operator pointer with a receive timestamp equal to the current time and publish timestamp equal to -1.
- Parameters
op – The pointer to the operator for which the timestamp label is created.
inline OperatorTimestampLabel(Operator *op, int64_t rec_t, int64_t pub_t)
inline OperatorTimestampLabel(const OperatorTimestampLabel &o)
OperatorTimestampLabel &operator=(const OperatorTimestampLabel &o)
inline void set_pub_timestamp_to_current()
Public Members
Operator *operator_ptr = nullptr
int64_t rec_timestamp = 0
int64_t pub_timestamp = 0
OperatorTimestampLabel() = default