Creating Operators
Creating a custom operator is also illustrated in the ping_custom_op example.
When assembling a C++ application, two types of operators can be used:
Native C++ operators: custom operators defined in C++ without using the GXF API, by creating a subclass of
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8OperatorE">holoscan::Operator</a>
. These C++ operators can pass arbitrary C++ objects around between operators.GXF Operators: operators defined in the underlying C++ library by inheriting from the
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1ops_1_1GXFOperator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3ops11GXFOperatorE">holoscan::ops::GXFOperator</a>
class. These operators wrap GXF codelets from GXF extensions. Examples are<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1ops_1_1VideoStreamReplayerOp.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3ops21VideoStreamReplayerOpE">VideoStreamReplayerOp</a>
for replaying video files,<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1ops_1_1FormatConverterOp.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3ops17FormatConverterOpE">FormatConverterOp</a>
for format conversions, and<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1ops_1_1HolovizOp.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3ops9HolovizOpE">HolovizOp</a>
for visualization.
It is possible to create an application using a mixture of GXF operators and native operators. In this case, some special consideration to cast the input and output tensors appropriately must be taken, as shown in a section below.
Native C++ Operators
Operator Lifecycle (C++)
The lifecycle of a <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8OperatorE">holoscan::Operator</a>
is made up of three stages:
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator5startEv">start()</a>
is called once when the operator starts, and is used for initializing heavy tasks such as allocating memory resources and using parameters.<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator7computeER12InputContextR13OutputContextR16ExecutionContext">compute()</a>
is called when the operator is triggered, which can occur any number of times throughout the operator lifecycle betweenstart()
.<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator4stopEv">stop()</a>
is called once when the operator is stopped, and is used for deinitializing heavy tasks such as deallocating resources that were previously assigned instart()
All operators on the workflow are scheduled for execution. When an operator is first executed, the start()
method is called, followed by the compute()
method. When the operator is stopped, the stop()
method is called. The compute()
method is called multiple times between start()
and stop()
If any of the scheduling conditions specified by Conditions are not met (for example, the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1CountCondition.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan14CountConditionE">CountCondition</a>
would cause the scheduling condition to not be met if the operator has been executed a certain number of times), the operator is stopped and the stop()
method is called.
We will cover how to use Conditions in the Specifying operator inputs and outputs (C++) section of the user guide.
Typically, the start()
and the stop()
functions are only called once during the application’s lifecycle. However, if the scheduling conditions are met again, the operator can be scheduled for execution, and the start()
method will be called again.
Fig. 15 The sequence of method calls in the lifecycle of a Holoscan Operator
We can override the default behavior of the operator by implementing the above methods. The following example shows how to implement a custom operator that overrides start, stop and compute methods.
Listing 2 The basic structure of a Holoscan Operator (C++)
#include "holoscan/holoscan.hpp"
using holoscan::Operator;
using holoscan::OperatorSpec;
using holoscan::InputContext;
using holoscan::OutputContext;
using holoscan::ExecutionContext;
using holoscan::Arg;
using holoscan::ArgList;
class MyOp : public Operator {
MyOp() = default;
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override {
void start() override {
void compute(InputContext&, OutputContext& op_output, ExecutionContext&) override {
void stop() override {
Creating a custom operator (C++)
To create a custom operator in C++ it is necessary to create a subclass of
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8OperatorE">holoscan::Operator</a>
. The following example demonstrates how to use native operators (the operators that do not have an underlying, pre-compiled GXF Codelet).
Code Snippet: examples/ping_multi_port/cpp/ping_multi_port.cpp
Listing 3 examples/ping_multi_port/cpp/ping_multi_port.cpp
#include "holoscan/holoscan.hpp"
class ValueData {
ValueData() = default;
explicit ValueData(int value) : data_(value) {
HOLOSCAN_LOG_TRACE("ValueData::ValueData(): {}", data_);
~ValueData() { HOLOSCAN_LOG_TRACE("ValueData::~ValueData(): {}", data_); }
void data(int value) { data_ = value; }
int data() const { return data_; }
int data_;
namespace holoscan::ops {
class PingTxOp : public Operator {
PingTxOp() = default;
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override {
void compute(InputContext&, OutputContext& op_output, ExecutionContext&) override {
auto value1 = std::make_shared<ValueData>(index_++);
op_output.emit(value1, "out1");
auto value2 = std::make_shared<ValueData>(index_++);
op_output.emit(value2, "out2");
int index_ = 1;
class PingMxOp : public Operator {
PingMxOp() = default;
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override {
spec.param(multiplier_, "multiplier", "Multiplier", "Multiply the input by this value", 2);
void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext& op_output, ExecutionContext&) override {
auto value1 = op_input.receive<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>("in1").value();
auto value2 = op_input.receive<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>("in2").value();
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Middle message received (count: {})", count_++);
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Middle message value1: {}", value1->data());
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Middle message value2: {}", value2->data());
// Multiply the values by the multiplier parameter
value1->data(value1->data() * multiplier_);
value2->data(value2->data() * multiplier_);
op_output.emit(value1, "out1");
op_output.emit(value2, "out2");
int count_ = 1;
Parameter<int> multiplier_;
class PingRxOp : public Operator {
PingRxOp() = default;
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override {
// // Since Holoscan SDK v2.3, users can define a multi-receiver input port using 'spec.input()'
// // with 'IOSpec::kAnySize'.
// // The old way is to use 'spec.param()' with 'Parameter<std::vector<IOSpec*>> receivers_;'.
// spec.param(receivers_, "receivers", "Input Receivers", "List of input receivers.", {});
spec.input<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>>("receivers", IOSpec::kAnySize);
void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext&, ExecutionContext&) override {
auto value_vector =
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message received (count: {}, size: {})", count_++, value_vector.size());
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message value1: {}", value_vector[0]->data());
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message value2: {}", value_vector[1]->data());
// // Since Holoscan SDK v2.3, the following line is no longer needed.
// Parameter<std::vector<IOSpec*>> receivers_;
int count_ = 1;
} // namespace holoscan::ops
class MyPingApp : public holoscan::Application {
void compose() override {
using namespace holoscan;
// Define the tx, mx, rx operators, allowing the tx operator to execute 10 times
auto tx = make_operator<ops::PingTxOp>("tx", make_condition<CountCondition>(10));
auto mx = make_operator<ops::PingMxOp>("mx", Arg("multiplier", 3));
auto rx = make_operator<ops::PingRxOp>("rx");
// Define the workflow
add_flow(tx, mx, {{"out1", "in1"}, {"out2", "in2"}});
add_flow(mx, rx, {{"out1", "receivers"}, {"out2", "receivers"}});
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
auto app = holoscan::make_application<MyPingApp>();
return 0;
In this application, three operators are created: PingTxOp
, PingMxOp
, and PingRxOp
operator is a source operator that emits two values every time it is invoked. The values are emitted on two different output ports,out1
(for odd integers) andout2
(for even integers).The
operator is a middle operator that receives two values from thePingTxOp
operator and emits two values on two different output ports. The values are multiplied by themultiplier
operator is a sink operator that receives two values from thePingMxOp
operator. The values are received on a single input,receivers
, which is a vector of input ports. ThePingRxOp
operator receives the values in the order they are emitted by thePingMxOp
As covered in more detail below, the inputs to each operator are specified in the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator5setupER12OperatorSpec">setup()</a>
of the operator. Then inputs are received within the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator7computeER12InputContextR13OutputContextR16ExecutionContext">compute()</a>
method via <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1InputContext.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12InputContext7receiveEN8holoscan8expectedI5DataTN8holoscan12RuntimeErrorEEEPKc">op_input.receive()</a>
and outputs are emitted via <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OutputContext.html#_CPPv4I00EN8holoscan13OutputContext4emitEvRNSt10shared_ptrI5DataTEEPKcK7int64_t">op_output.emit()</a>
Note that for native C++ operators as defined here, any object including a shared pointer can be emitted or received. For large objects such as tensors it may be preferable from a performance standpoint to transmit a shared pointer to the object rather than making a copy. When shared pointers are used and the same tensor is sent to more than one downstream operator, one should avoid in-place operations on the tensor or race conditions between operators may occur.
Specifying operator parameters (C++)
In the example holoscan::ops::PingMxOp
operator above, we have a parameter multiplier
that is declared as part of the class as a private member using the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan12OperatorSpec5paramER9ParameterIPN8holoscan6IOSpecEEPKcPKcPKc13ParameterFlag">param()</a>
templated type:
Parameter<int> multiplier_;
It is then added to the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan12OperatorSpecE">OperatorSpec</a>
attribute of the operator in its <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator5setupER12OperatorSpec">setup()</a>
method, where an associated string key must be provided. Other properties can also be mentioned such as description and default value:
// Provide key, and optionally other information
spec.param(multiplier_, "multiplier", "Multiplier", "Multiply the input by this value", 2);
If your parameter is of a custom type, you must register that type and provide a YAML encoder/decoder, as documented under <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan8Operator18register_converterEvv">holoscan::Operator::register_converter()</a>
See the Configuring operator parameters section to learn how an application can set these parameters.
Specifying operator inputs and outputs (C++)
To configure the input(s) and output(s) of C++ native operators, call the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12OperatorSpec5inputER6IOSpecv">spec.input()</a>
and <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12OperatorSpec6outputER6IOSpecv">spec.output()</a>
methods within the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator5setupER12OperatorSpec">setup()</a>
method of the operator.
The <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12OperatorSpec5inputER6IOSpecv">spec.input()</a>
and <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12OperatorSpec6outputER6IOSpecv">spec.output()</a>
methods should be called once for each input and output to be added. The <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan12OperatorSpecE">OperatorSpec</a>
object and the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator5setupER12OperatorSpec">setup()</a>
method will be initialized and called automatically by the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Application.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan11ApplicationE">Application</a>
class when its <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Application.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan11Application3runEv">run()</a>
method is called.
These methods (<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12OperatorSpec5inputER6IOSpecv">spec.input()</a>
and <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12OperatorSpec6outputER6IOSpecv">spec.output()</a>
) return an <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1IOSpec.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan6IOSpecE">IOSpec</a>
object that can be used to configure the input/output port.
By default, the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1MessageAvailableCondition.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan25MessageAvailableConditionE">holoscan::MessageAvailableCondition</a>
and <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan36DownstreamMessageAffordableConditionE">holoscan::DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition</a>
conditions are applied (with a min_size
of 1
) to the input/output ports. This means that the operator’s <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator7computeER12InputContextR13OutputContextR16ExecutionContext">compute()</a>
method will not be invoked until a message is available on the input port and the downstream operator’s input port (queue) has enough capacity to receive the message.
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override {
// Above statement is equivalent to:
// spec.input<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>("in")
// .condition(ConditionType::kMessageAvailable, Arg("min_size") = static_cast<uint64_t>(1));
// Above statement is equivalent to:
// spec.output<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>("out")
// .condition(ConditionType::kDownstreamMessageAffordable, Arg("min_size") = static_cast<uint64_t>(1));
In the above example, the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12OperatorSpec5inputER6IOSpecv">spec.input()</a>
method is used to configure the input port to have the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1MessageAvailableCondition.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan25MessageAvailableConditionE">holoscan::MessageAvailableCondition</a>
with a minimum size of 1. This means that the operator’s <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator7computeER12InputContextR13OutputContextR16ExecutionContext">compute()</a>
method will not be invoked until a message is available on the input port of the operator. Similarly, the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OperatorSpec.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12OperatorSpec6outputER6IOSpecv">spec.output()</a>
method is used to configure the output port to have the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan36DownstreamMessageAffordableConditionE">holoscan::DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition</a>
with a minimum size of 1. This means that the operator’s <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator7computeER12InputContextR13OutputContextR16ExecutionContext">compute()</a>
method will not be invoked until the downstream operator’s input port has enough capacity to receive the message.
If you want to change this behavior, use the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1IOSpec.html#_CPPv4IDpEN8holoscan6IOSpec9conditionER6IOSpec13ConditionTypeDpRR5ArgsT">IOSpec::condition()</a>
method to configure the conditions. For example, to configure the input and output ports to have no conditions, you can use the following code:
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override {
// ...
The example code in the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator5setupER12OperatorSpec">setup()</a>
method configures the input port to have no conditions, which means that the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator7computeER12InputContextR13OutputContextR16ExecutionContext">compute()</a>
method will be called as soon as the operator is ready to compute. Since there is no guarantee that the input port will have a message available, the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator7computeER12InputContextR13OutputContextR16ExecutionContext">compute()</a>
method should check if there is a message available on the input port before attempting to read it.
The <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1InputContext.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12InputContext7receiveEN8holoscan8expectedI5DataTN8holoscan12RuntimeErrorEEEPKc">receive()</a>
method of the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1InputContext.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan12InputContextE">InputContext</a>
object can be used to access different types of input data within the
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator7computeER12InputContextR13OutputContextR16ExecutionContext">compute()</a>
method of your operator class, where its template argument
) is the data type of the input. This method takes the name of the input port as an argument
(which can be omitted if your operator has a single input port), and returns the input data.
If input data is not available, the method returns an object of the holoscan::expected<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>, holoscan::RuntimeError>
The holoscan::expected<T, E>
class template is used to represent expected objects, which can either hold a value of type T
or an error of type E
The expected object is used to return and propagate errors in a more structured way than using error codes or exceptions.
In this case, the expected object can hold either a std::shared_ptr<ValueData>
object or a <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1RuntimeError.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan12RuntimeErrorE">holoscan::RuntimeError</a>
class that contains an error message describing the reason for the failure.
The holoscan::RuntimeError
class is a derived class of std::runtime_error
and supports accessing more error information, for example, with the what()
In the example code fragment below, the PingRxOp
operator receives input on a port called “in”
with data type std::shared_ptr<ValueData>
. The <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1InputContext.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12InputContext7receiveEN8holoscan8expectedI5DataTN8holoscan12RuntimeErrorEEEPKc">receive()</a>
method is used to
access the input data.
The maybe_value
is checked to be valid or not with the if
condition. If there is an error in the input data, the error message is logged and the operator throws the error.
If the input data is valid, we can access the reference of the input data using the value()
method of the expected
To avoid copying the input data (or creating another shared pointer), the reference of the input data is stored in the value
variable (using auto& value = maybe_value.value()
The data()
method of the ValueData
class is then called to get the value of the input data.
// ...
class PingRxOp : public holoscan::Operator {
PingRxOp() = default;
void setup(holoscan::OperatorSpec& spec) override {
void compute(holoscan::InputContext& op_input, holoscan::OutputContext&,
holoscan::ExecutionContext&) override {
auto maybe_value = op_input.receive<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>("in");
if (!maybe_value) {
HOLOSCAN_LOG_ERROR("Failed to receive message - {}", maybe_value.error().what());
// [error] Failed to receive message - InputContext receive() Error: No message is received from the input port with name 'in'
throw maybe_value.error(); // or `return;`
auto& value = maybe_value.value();
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Message received (value: {})", value->data());
Internally, message passing in Holoscan is implemented using the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Message.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan7MessageE">Message</a>
class, which wraps a std::any
object and provides a type-safe interface to access the input data. The std::any
class is a type-safe container for single values of any type and is used to store the input and output data of operators. The std::any
class is part of the C++ standard library and is defined in the any
header file.
Since the Holoscan SDK uses GXF as an execution engine, the holoscan::Message
object is also encapsulated in a nvidia::gxf::Entity
object when passing data among Holoscan native operators and GXF operators. This ensures that the data is compatible with the GXF framework.
If the input data is expected to be from a GXF operator or a tensor (in both cases, the data is an instance of nvidia::gxf::Entity
), the holoscan::gxf::Entity
class can be used in the template argument of the receive
method to access the input data. The holoscan::gxf::Entity
class is a wrapper around the nvidia::gxf::Entity
class (which is like a dictionary object) and provides a way to get a tensor and to add a tensor to the entity.
The Holoscan SDK provides built-in data types called Domain Objects, defined in the include/holoscan/core/domain
directory. For example, the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Tensor.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan6TensorE">holoscan::Tensor</a>
is a Domain Object class that represents a multi-dimensional array of data, which is interoperable with the underlying GXF class (nvidia::gxf::Tensor
). The holoscan::Tensor
class provides methods to access the tensor data, shape, and other properties. Passing <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Tensor.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan6TensorE">holoscan::Tensor</a>
objects to/from GXF operators is supported.
The <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Tensor.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan6TensorE">holoscan::Tensor</a>
class is a wrapper around the <a href="api/cpp/typedef_tensor_8hpp_1afd6b2b681b22ddeaca73cd6a6232c5e1.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan22DLManagedTensorContextE">DLManagedTensorContext</a>
struct holding a DLManagedTensor object. As such, it provides a primary interface to access tensor data and is interoperable with other frameworks that support the DLPack interface.
See the interoperability section for more details.
In the example below, the TensorRx operator receives input on a port called “in” with data type <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3gxf6EntityE">holoscan::gxf::Entity</a>
// ...
class TensorRxOp : public holoscan::Operator {
TensorRxOp() = default;
void setup(holoscan::OperatorSpec& spec) override {
void compute(holoscan::InputContext& op_input, holoscan::OutputContext&,
holoscan::ExecutionContext&) override {
// Type of 'maybe_entity' is holoscan::expected<holoscan::gxf::Entity, holoscan::RuntimeError>
auto maybe_entity = op_input.receive<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("in");
if (maybe_entity) {
auto& entity = maybe_entity.value(); // holoscan::gxf::Entity&
// Get a tensor from the entity if it exists.
// Can pass a tensor name as an argument to get a specific tensor.
auto tensor = entity.get<holoscan::Tensor>(); // std::shared_ptr<holoscan::Tensor>
if (tensor) {
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("tensor nbytes: {}", tensor->nbytes());
If the entity contains a tensor, the get
method of the holoscan::gxf::Entity
class can be used to retrieve the tensor. The get
method returns a std::shared_ptr<holoscan::Tensor>
object, which can be used to access the tensor data. The nbytes
method of the holoscan::Tensor
class is used to get the number of bytes in the tensor.
By using the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1TensorMap.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan9TensorMapE">holoscan::TensorMap</a>
class, which stores a map of tensor names to tensors (std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<holoscan::Tensor>>
), the code that receives an entity object containing one or more tensor objects can be updated to receive a holoscan::TensorMap
object instead of a holoscan::gxf::Entity
object. The holoscan::TensorMap
class provides a way to access the tensor data by name, using a std::unordered_map
-like interface.
// ...
class TensorRxOp : public holoscan::Operator {
TensorRxOp() = default;
void setup(holoscan::OperatorSpec& spec) override {
void compute(holoscan::InputContext& op_input, holoscan::OutputContext&,
holoscan::ExecutionContext&) override {
// Type of 'maybe_entity' is holoscan::expected<holoscan::TensorMap, holoscan::RuntimeError>
auto maybe_tensor_map = op_input.receive<holoscan::TensorMap>("in");
if (maybe_tensor_map) {
auto& tensor_map = maybe_tensor_map.value(); // holoscan::TensorMap&
for (const auto& [name, tensor] : tensor_map) {
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("tensor name: {}", name);
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("tensor nbytes: {}", tensor->nbytes());
In the above example, the TensorRxOp
operator receives input on a port called “in” with data type holoscan::TensorMap
. The receive
method of the InputContext
object is used to access the input data. The receive
method returns an expected
object that can hold either a holoscan::TensorMap
object or a holoscan::RuntimeError
object. The holoscan::TensorMap
class is a wrapper around the std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<holoscan::Tensor>>
class and provides a way to access the tensor data. The nbytes
method of the holoscan::Tensor
class is used to get the number of bytes in the tensor.
If the type std::any is used for the template argument of the receive
method, the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1InputContext.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan12InputContext7receiveEN8holoscan8expectedI5DataTN8holoscan12RuntimeErrorEEEPKc">receive()</a>
method will return a std::any
object containing the input of the specified name. In the example below, the PingRxOp
operator receives input on a port called “in” with data type std::any
. The type()
method of the std::any
object is used to determine the actual type of the input data, and the std::any_cast
// ...
class AnyRxOp : public holoscan::Operator {
AnyRxOp() = default;
void setup(holoscan::OperatorSpec& spec) override {
void compute(holoscan::InputContext& op_input, holoscan::OutputContext&, holoscan::ExecutionContext&) override {
auto maybe_any = op_input.receive<std::any>("in");
if (!maybe_any) {
HOLOSCAN_LOG_ERROR("Failed to receive message - {}", maybe_any.error().what());
auto& in_any = maybe_any.value();
const auto& in_any_type = in_any.type();
try {
if (in_any_type == typeid(holoscan::gxf::Entity)) {
auto in_entity = std::any_cast<holoscan::gxf::Entity>(in_any);
auto tensor = in_entity.get<holoscan::Tensor>(); // std::shared_ptr<holoscan::Tensor>
if (tensor) {
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("tensor nbytes: {}", tensor->nbytes());
} else if (in_any_type == typeid(std::shared_ptr<ValueData>)) {
auto in_value = std::any_cast<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>(in_any);
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Received value: {}", in_value->data());
} else {
HOLOSCAN_LOG_ERROR("Invalid message type: {}",;
} catch (const std::bad_any_cast& e) {
HOLOSCAN_LOG_ERROR("Failed to cast message - {}", e.what());
Receiving any number of inputs (C++)
Instead of assigning a specific number of input ports, it may be preferable to allow the ability to receive any number of objects on a port in certain situations.
for variable input handling
One way to achieve this is to define a multi-receiver input port by calling spec.input<std::vector<T>>("port_name", IOSpec::kAnySize)
with IOSpec::kAnySize
as the second argument in the setup()
method of the operator, where T
is the type of the input data (as done for PingRxOp
in the native operator ping example).
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override {
spec.input<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>>("receivers", IOSpec::kAnySize);
Listing 4 examples/ping_multi_port/cpp/ping_multi_port.cpp
class PingRxOp : public Operator {
PingRxOp() = default;
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override {
// // Since Holoscan SDK v2.3, users can define a multi-receiver input port using 'spec.input()'
// // with 'IOSpec::kAnySize'.
// // The old way is to use 'spec.param()' with 'Parameter<std::vector<IOSpec*>> receivers_;'.
// spec.param(receivers_, "receivers", "Input Receivers", "List of input receivers.", {});
spec.input<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>>("receivers", IOSpec::kAnySize);
void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext&, ExecutionContext&) override {
auto value_vector =
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message received (count: {}, size: {})", count_++, value_vector.size());
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message value1: {}", value_vector[0]->data());
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message value2: {}", value_vector[1]->data());
// // Since Holoscan SDK v2.3, the following line is no longer needed.
// Parameter<std::vector<IOSpec*>> receivers_;
int count_ = 1;
} // namespace holoscan::ops
class MyPingApp : public holoscan::Application {
void compose() override {
using namespace holoscan;
// Define the tx, mx, rx operators, allowing the tx operator to execute 10 times
auto tx = make_operator<ops::PingTxOp>("tx", make_condition<CountCondition>(10));
auto mx = make_operator<ops::PingMxOp>("mx", Arg("multiplier", 3));
auto rx = make_operator<ops::PingRxOp>("rx");
// Define the workflow
add_flow(tx, mx, {{"out1", "in1"}, {"out2", "in2"}});
add_flow(mx, rx, {{"out1", "receivers"}, {"out2", "receivers"}});
Then, once the following configuration is provided in the compose()
add_flow(mx, rx, {{"out1", "receivers"}, {"out2", "receivers"}});
the PingRxOp
will receive two inputs on the receivers
port in the compute()
auto value_vector =
When an input port is defined with IOSpec::kAnySize
, the framework creates a new input port for each input object received on the port. The input ports are named using the format <port_name>:<index>
, where <port_name>
is the name of the input port and <index>
is the index of the input object received on the port. For example, if the receivers
port receives two input objects, the input ports will be named receivers:0
and receivers:1
The framework internally creates a parameter (receivers
) with the type std::vector<holoscan::IOSpec*>
, implicitly creates input ports (receivers:0
and receivers:1
), and connects them (adding references of the input ports to the receivers
vector). This way, when the receive()
method is called, the framework can return the input data from the corresponding input ports as a vector.
auto value_vector =
If you add HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO(rx->description());
at the end of the compose()
method, you will see the description of the PingRxOp
operator as shown below:
id: -1
name: rx
fragment: ""
type: kNative
fragment: ""
- name: receivers
type: std::vector<holoscan::IOSpec*>
description: ""
flag: kNone
- name: receivers:1
io_type: kInput
typeinfo_name: N8holoscan3gxf6EntityE
connector_type: kDefault
- name: receivers:0
io_type: kInput
typeinfo_name: N8holoscan3gxf6EntityE
connector_type: kDefault
- name: receivers
io_type: kInput
typeinfo_name: St6vectorISt10shared_ptrI9ValueDataESaIS2_EE
connector_type: kDefault
Configuring input port queue size and message batch condition
If you want to receive multiple objects on a port and process them in batches, you can increase the queue size of the input port and set the min_size
parameter of the MessageAvailableCondition
condition to the desired batch size. This can be done by calling the connector()
and condition()
methods with the desired arguments, using the batch size as the capacity
and min_size
parameters, respectively.
Setting min_size
to N
will ensure that the operator receives N
objects before the compute()
method is called.
void setup(holoscan::OperatorSpec& spec) override {
holoscan::Arg("capacity", static_cast<uint64_t>(2)))
holoscan::Arg("min_size", static_cast<uint64_t>(2)));
Then, the receive()
method can be called with the receivers
port name to receive input data in batches.
void compute(holoscan::InputContext& op_input, holoscan::OutputContext&,
holoscan::ExecutionContext&) override {
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>> value_vector;
auto maybe_value = op_input.receive<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>("receivers");
while (maybe_value) {
maybe_value = op_input.receive<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>("receivers");
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message received (size: {})", value_vector.size());
In the above example, the operator receives input on a port called “receivers” with a queue size of 2 and a min_size
of 2. The receive()
method is called in a loop to receive the input data in batches of 2. Since the operator does not know the number of objects to be received in advance, the receive()
method is called in a loop until it returns an error. The input data is stored in a vector, and the size of the vector is logged after all the input data is received.
To simplify the above code, the Holoscan SDK provides a IOSpec::kPrecedingCount
constant as a second argument to the OperatorSpec’s input()
method to specify the number of preceding connections to the input port (in this case, the number of connections to the receivers
port is 2) as the batch size. This can be used to receive the input data in batches without the need to call the receive()
method in a loop.
void setup(holoscan::OperatorSpec& spec) override {
spec.input<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>>("receivers", holoscan::IOSpec::kPrecedingCount);
Then, the receive()
method can be called with the receivers
port name to receive the input data in batches.
void compute(holoscan::InputContext& op_input, holoscan::OutputContext&,
holoscan::ExecutionContext&) override {
auto value_vector =
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message received (size: {})", value_vector.size());
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message value1: {}", value_vector[0]->data());
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message value2: {}", value_vector[1]->data());
In the above example, the operator receives input on a port called “receivers” with a batch size of 2. The receive()
method is called with the receivers
port name to receive the input data in batches of 2. The input data is stored in a vector, and the size of the vector is logged after all the input data has been received.
If you want to use a specific batch size, you can use holoscan::IOSpec::IOSize(int64_t)
instead of holoscan::IOSpec::kPrecedingCount
to specify the batch size. Using IOSize in this way is equivalent to the more verbose condition()
and connector()
calls to update the capacity
and min_size
arguments shown near the start of this section.
The main reason to use condition()
or connector()
methods instead of the shorter IOSize
is if additional parameter changes, such as the queue policy, need to be made. See more details on the use of the condition()
and connector()
methods in the advanced topics section below (Further customizing inputs and outputs).
void setup(holoscan::OperatorSpec& spec) override {
spec.input<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>>("receivers", holoscan::IOSpec::IOSize(2));
If you want to receive the input data one by one, you can call the receive()
method without using the std::vector<T>
template argument.
void compute(holoscan::InputContext& op_input, holoscan::OutputContext&,
holoscan::ExecutionContext&) override {
while (true) {
auto maybe_value = op_input.receive<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>("receivers");
if (!maybe_value) { break; }
auto& value = maybe_value.value();
// Process the input data
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message received (value: {})", value->data());
The above code will receive input data one by one from the receivers
port. The receive()
method is called in a loop until it returns an error. The input data is stored in a variable, and the value of the input data is logged.
This approach (receiving the input data one by one) is not applicable for the holoscan::IOSpec::kAnySize
case. With the holoscan::IOSpec::kAnySize
argument, the framework creates a new input port for each input object received on the port internally. Each implicit input port (named using the format <port_name>:<index>
) is associated with a MessageAvailableCondition
condition that has a min_size
of 1
. Therefore, the receive()
method needs to be called with the std::vector<T>
template argument to receive the input data in batches at once.
If you really need to receive the input data one by one for holoscan::IOSpec::kAnySize
case (though it is not recommended), you can receive the input data from each implicit input port (named <port_name>:<index>
) one by one using the receive()
method without the std::vector<T>
template argument. (e.g., op_input.receive<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>("receivers:0")
, op_input.receive<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>("receivers:1")
, etc.).
To avoid the error message (such as The operator does not have an input port with label 'receivers:X'
) when calling the receive()
method for the implicit input port, you need to calculate the number of connections to the receivers
port in advance and call the receive()
method for each implicit input port accordingly.
void compute(holoscan::InputContext& op_input, holoscan::OutputContext&,
holoscan::ExecutionContext&) override {
int input_count = spec()->inputs().size() - 1; // -1 to exclude the 'receivers' input port
for (int i = 0; i < input_count; i++) {
auto maybe_value =
op_input.receive<std::shared_ptr<ValueData>>(fmt::format("receivers:{}", i).c_str());
if (!maybe_value) { break; }
auto& value = maybe_value.value();
// Process the input data
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("Rx message received (value: {})", value->data());
Using IOSpec::kPrecedingCount
or IOSpec::IOSize(int64_t)
appears to show the same behavior as IOSpec::kAnySize
in the above example. However, the difference is that since IOSpec::kPrecedingCount
or IOSpec::IOSize(int64_t)
doesn’t use separate MessageAvailableCondition
conditions for each (internal) input port, it is not guaranteed that the operator will receive the input data in order.
This means the operator may receive the input data in a different order than the order in which the connections are made in the compose()
method. Additionally, with the multithread scheduler, it is not guaranteed that the operator will receive the input data from each of the connections uniformly. The operator may receive more input data from one connection than from another.
If the order of the input data is important, it is recommended to use IOSpec::kAnySize
and call the receive()
method with the std::vector<T>
template argument to receive the input data in batches at once.
Please see the C++ system test cases for more examples of receiving multiple inputs in C++ operators.
Building your C++ operator
You can build your C++ operator using CMake, by calling find_package(holoscan)
in your CMakeLists.txt
to load the SDK libraries. Your operator will need to link against holoscan::core
Listing 5
# Your CMake project
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.20)
project(my_project CXX)
# Finds the holoscan SDK
find_package(holoscan REQUIRED CONFIG PATHS "/opt/nvidia/holoscan")
# Create a library for your operator
add_library(my_operator SHARED my_operator.cpp)
# Link your operator against holoscan::core
PUBLIC holoscan::core
Once your CMakeLists.txt
is ready in <src_dir>
, you can build in <build_dir>
with the command line below. You can optionally pass Holoscan_ROOT
if the SDK installation you’d like to use differs from the PATHS
given to find_package(holoscan)
# Configure
cmake -S <src_dir> -B <build_dir> -D Holoscan_ROOT="/opt/nvidia/holoscan"
# Build
cmake --build <build_dir> -j
Using your C++ Operator in an Application
If the application is configured in the same CMake project as the operator, you can simply add the operator CMake target library name under the application executable
call, as the operator CMake target is already defined.# operator add_library(my_op my_op.cpp) target_link_libraries(my_operator PUBLIC holoscan::core) # application add_executable(my_app main.cpp) target_link_libraries(my_operator PRIVATE holoscan::core my_op )
If the application is configured in a separate project as the operator, you need to export the operator in its own CMake project, and import it in the application CMake project, before being able to list it under
also. This is the same as what is done for the SDK built-in operators, available under theholoscan::ops
You can then include the headers to your C++ operator in your application code.
GXF Operators
With the Holoscan C++ API, we can also wrap GXF Codelets from GXF extensions as Holoscan Operators.
If you do not have an existing GXF extension, we recommend developing native operators using the C++ or Python APIs to skip the need for wrapping gxf codelets as operators. If you do need to create a GXF Extension, follow the Creating a GXF Extension section for a detailed explanation of the GXF extension development process.
The manual codelet wrapping mechanism described below is no longer necessary in order to make use of a GXF Codelet as a Holoscan operator. There is a new <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1ops_1_1GXFCodeletOp.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3ops12GXFCodeletOpE">GXFCodeletOp</a>
which allows directly using an existing GXF codelet via <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Fragment.html#_CPPv4I00Dp0EN8holoscan8Fragment13make_operatorENSt10shared_ptrI9OperatorTEE7StringTDpRR5ArgsT">Fragment::make_operator</a>
without having to first create a wrapper class for it. Similarly there is now also a <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1GXFComponentResource.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan20GXFComponentResourceE">GXFComponentResource</a>
class which allows a GXF Component to be used as a Holoscan resource via <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Fragment.html#_CPPv4I00Dp0EN8holoscan8Fragment13make_resourceENSt10shared_ptrI9ResourceTEE7StringTDpRR5ArgsT">Fragment::make_resource</a>
. A detailed example of how to use each of these is provided for both C++ and Python applications in the examples/import_gxf_components folder.
Given an existing GXF extension, we can create a simple “identity” application consisting of a replayer, which reads contents from a file on disk, and our recorder from the last section, which will store the output of the replayer exactly in the same format. This allows us to see whether the output of the recorder matches the original input files.
The MyRecorderOp
Holoscan Operator implementation below will wrap the MyRecorder
GXF Codelet shown here.
Operator definition
Listing 6 my_recorder_op.hpp
#include "holoscan/core/gxf/gxf_operator.hpp"
namespace holoscan::ops {
class MyRecorderOp : public holoscan::ops::GXFOperator {
HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER(MyRecorderOp, holoscan::ops::GXFOperator)
MyRecorderOp() = default;
const char* gxf_typename() const override { return "MyRecorder"; }
void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override;
void initialize() override;
Parameter<holoscan::IOSpec*> receiver_;
Parameter<std::shared_ptr<holoscan::Resource>> my_serializer_;
Parameter<std::string> directory_;
Parameter<std::string> basename_;
Parameter<bool> flush_on_tick_;
} // namespace holoscan::ops
The holoscan::ops::MyRecorderOp
class wraps a MyRecorder
GXF Codelet by inheriting from the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1ops_1_1GXFOperator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3ops11GXFOperatorE">holoscan::ops::GXFOperator</a>
class. The HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS_SUPER macro is used to forward the arguments of the constructor to the base class.
We first need to define the fields of the MyRecorderOp
class. You can see that fields with the same names are defined in both the MyRecorderOp
class and the MyRecorder
GXF codelet .
Listing 7 Parameter declarations in gxf_extensions/my_recorder/my_recorder.hpp
nvidia::gxf::Parameter<nvidia::gxf::Handle<nvidia::gxf::Receiver>> receiver_;
nvidia::gxf::Parameter<nvidia::gxf::Handle<nvidia::gxf::EntitySerializer>> my_serializer_;
nvidia::gxf::Parameter<std::string> directory_;
nvidia::gxf::Parameter<std::string> basename_;
nvidia::gxf::Parameter<bool> flush_on_tick_;
Comparing the MyRecorderOp
holoscan parameter to the MyRecorder
gxf codelet:
Holoscan Operator |
GXF Codelet |
<a href="api/cpp/typedef_forward__def_8hpp_1acaccb6c50efc493a58bf447d50bf0164.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan9ParameterE">holoscan::Parameter</a> |
nvidia::gxf::Parameter |
holoscan::IOSpec* |
nvidia::gxf::Handle<nvidia::gxf::Receiver>> or nvidia::gxf::Handle<nvidia::gxf::Transmitter>> |
std::shared_ptr<holoscan::Resource>> |
nvidia::gxf::Handle<T>> example: T is nvidia::gxf::EntitySerializer |
We then need to implement the following functions:
const char* gxf_typename() const override
: return the GXF type name of the Codelet. The fully-qualified class name (MyRecorder
) for the GXF Codelet is specified.void setup(OperatorSpec& spec) override
: setup the OperatorSpec with the inputs/outputs and parameters of the Operator.void initialize() override
: initialize the Operator.
Setting up parameter specifications
The implementation of the setup(OperatorSpec& spec)
function is as follows:
Listing 8 my_recorder_op.cpp
#include "./my_recorder_op.hpp"
#include "holoscan/core/fragment.hpp"
#include "holoscan/core/gxf/entity.hpp"
#include "holoscan/core/operator_spec.hpp"
#include "holoscan/core/resources/gxf/video_stream_serializer.hpp"
namespace holoscan::ops {
void MyRecorderOp::setup(OperatorSpec& spec) {
auto& input = spec.input<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("input");
// Above is same with the following two lines (a default condition is assigned to the input port if not specified):
// auto& input = spec.input<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("input")
// .condition(ConditionType::kMessageAvailable, Arg("min_size") = static_cast<uint64_t>(1));
spec.param(receiver_, "receiver", "Entity receiver", "Receiver channel to log", &input);
"Entity serializer",
"Serializer for serializing input data");
spec.param(directory_, "out_directory", "Output directory path", "Directory path to store received output");
spec.param(basename_, "basename", "File base name", "User specified file name without extension");
"Boolean to flush on tick",
"Flushes output buffer on every `tick` when true",
void MyRecorderOp::initialize() {...}
} // namespace holoscan::ops
Here, we set up the inputs/outputs and parameters of the Operator. Note how the content of this function is very similar to the MyRecorder
GXF codelet’s registerInterface function.
In the C++ API, GXF
components (such asDoubleBufferReceiver
) are considered as input and output ports of the Operator so we register the inputs/outputs of the Operator withinput<T>
functions (whereT
is the data type of the port).Compared to the pure GXF application that does the same job, the SchedulingTerm of an Entity in the GXF Application YAML are specified as
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Condition.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan9ConditionE">Condition</a>
s on the input/output ports (e.g.,<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1MessageAvailableCondition.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan25MessageAvailableConditionE">holoscan::MessageAvailableCondition</a>
and<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan36DownstreamMessageAffordableConditionE">holoscan::DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition</a>
The highlighted lines in MyRecorderOp::setup
above match the following highlighted statements of GXF Application YAML:
Listing 9 A part of apps/my_recorder_app_gxf/my_recorder_gxf.yaml
name: recorder
- name: input
type: nvidia::gxf::DoubleBufferReceiver
- name: allocator
type: nvidia::gxf::UnboundedAllocator
- name: component_serializer
type: nvidia::gxf::StdComponentSerializer
allocator: allocator
- name: entity_serializer
type: nvidia::gxf::StdEntitySerializer
component_serializers: [component_serializer]
- type: MyRecorder
receiver: input
serializer: entity_serializer
out_directory: "/tmp"
basename: "tensor_out"
- type: nvidia::gxf::MessageAvailableSchedulingTerm
receiver: input
min_size: 1
In the same way, if we had a Transmitter
GXF component, we would have the following statements (Please see available constants for <a href="api/cpp/enum_condition_8hpp_1a5dc906177a4609bd59caa475ba7cdb30.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan13ConditionTypeE">holoscan::ConditionType</a>
auto& output = spec.output<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("output");
// Above is same with the following two lines (a default condition is assigned to the output port if not specified):
// auto& output = spec.output<holoscan::gxf::Entity>("output")
// .condition(ConditionType::kDownstreamMessageAffordable, Arg("min_size") = static_cast<uint64_t>(1));
Initializing the operator
Next, the implementation of the initialize()
function is as follows:
Listing 10 my_recorder_op.cpp
#include "./my_recorder_op.hpp"
#include "holoscan/core/fragment.hpp"
#include "holoscan/core/gxf/entity.hpp"
#include "holoscan/core/operator_spec.hpp"
#include "holoscan/core/resources/gxf/video_stream_serializer.hpp"
namespace holoscan::ops {
void MyRecorderOp::setup(OperatorSpec& spec) {...}
void MyRecorderOp::initialize() {
// Set up prerequisite parameters before calling GXFOperator::initialize()
auto frag = fragment();
auto serializer =
add_arg(Arg("serializer") = serializer);
} // namespace holoscan::ops
Here we set up the pre-defined parameters such as the serializer
. The highlighted lines above matches the highlighted statements of GXF Application YAML:
Listing 11 Another part of apps/my_recorder_app_gxf/my_recorder_gxf.yaml
name: recorder
- name: input
type: nvidia::gxf::DoubleBufferReceiver
- name: allocator
type: nvidia::gxf::UnboundedAllocator
- name: component_serializer
type: nvidia::gxf::StdComponentSerializer
allocator: allocator
- name: entity_serializer
type: nvidia::gxf::StdEntitySerializer
component_serializers: [component_serializer]
- type: MyRecorder
receiver: input
serializer: entity_serializer
out_directory: "/tmp"
basename: "tensor_out"
- type: nvidia::gxf::MessageAvailableSchedulingTerm
receiver: input
min_size: 1
The Holoscan C++ API already provides the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1StdEntitySerializer.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan19StdEntitySerializerE">holoscan::StdEntitySerializer</a>
class which wraps the nvidia::gxf::StdEntitySerializer
GXF component, used here as serializer
Building your GXF operator
There are no differences in CMake between building a GXF operator and building a native C++ operator, since the GXF codelet is actually loaded through a GXF extension as a plugin, and does not need to be added to target_link_libraries(my_operator ...)
Using your GXF Operator in an Application
There are no differences in CMake between using a GXF operator and using a native C++ operator in an application. However, the application will need to load the GXF extension library which holds the wrapped GXF codelet symbols, so the application needs to be configured to find the extension library in its yaml configuration file, as documented here.
Interoperability between GXF and native C++ operators
To support sending or receiving tensors to and from operators (both GXF and native C++ operators), the Holoscan SDK provides the C++ classes below:
A class template called
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Map.html#_CPPv4I0EN8holoscan3MapE">holoscan::Map</a>
which inherits fromstd::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<T>>
. The template parameterT
can be any type, and it is used to specify the type of thestd::shared_ptr
objects stored in the map.A
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1TensorMap.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan9TensorMapE">holoscan::TensorMap</a>
class defined as a specialization ofholoscan::Map
for the<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Tensor.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan6TensorE">holoscan::Tensor</a>
When a message with a <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1TensorMap.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan9TensorMapE">holoscan::TensorMap</a>
is emitted from a native C++ operator,
the message object is always converted to a <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3gxf6EntityE">holoscan::gxf::Entity</a>
object and sent to the
downstream operator.
Then, if the sent GXF Entity object holds only Tensor object(s) as its components, the downstream operator can receive the message data as a <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1TensorMap.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan9TensorMapE">holoscan::TensorMap</a>
object instead of a <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3gxf6EntityE">holoscan::gxf::Entity</a>
Fig. 16 shows the relationship between the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3gxf6EntityE">holoscan::gxf::Entity</a>
and nvidia::gxf::Entity
classes and the relationship
between the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Tensor.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan6TensorE">holoscan::Tensor</a>
and nvidia::gxf::Tensor
Fig. 16 Supporting Tensor Interoperability
Both holoscan::gxf::Tensor
and nvidia::gxf::Tensor
are interoperable with each other because they are wrappers around the same underlying <a href="api/cpp/typedef_tensor_8hpp_1afd6b2b681b22ddeaca73cd6a6232c5e1.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan22DLManagedTensorContextE">DLManagedTensorContext</a>
struct holding a DLManagedTensor object.
The holoscan::TensorMap
class is used to store multiple tensors in a map, where each tensor is associated with a unique key. The holoscan::TensorMap
class is used to pass multiple tensors between operators, and it is used in the same way as a std::unordered_map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<holoscan::Tensor>>
Since both <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1TensorMap.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan9TensorMapE">holoscan::TensorMap</a>
and <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1gxf_1_1Entity.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan3gxf6EntityE">holoscan::gxf::Entity</a>
objects hold tensors which are interoperable, the message data between GXF and native C++ operators are also interoperable.
Fig. 17 illustrates the use of the holoscan::TensorMap
class to pass multiple tensors between operators. The GXFSendTensorOp
operator sends a nvidia::gxf::Entity
object (containing a nvidia::gxf::Tensor
object as a GXF component named “tensor”) to the ProcessTensorOp
operator, which processes the tensors and then forwards the processed tensors to the GXFReceiveTensorOp
Consider the following example, where GXFSendTensorOp
and GXFReceiveTensorOp
are GXF operators, and where ProcessTensorOp
is a Holoscan native operator in C++:
Fig. 17 The tensor interoperability between C++ native operator and GXF operator
The following code shows how to implement ProcessTensorOp
’s compute()
method as a C++ native operator communicating with GXF operators. Focus on the use of the holoscan::gxf::Entity
Listing 12 examples/tensor_interop/cpp/tensor_interop.cpp
void compute(InputContext& op_input, OutputContext& op_output,
ExecutionContext& context) override {
// The type of `in_message` is 'holoscan::TensorMap'.
auto in_message = op_input.receive<holoscan::TensorMap>("in").value();
// The type of out_message is TensorMap
TensorMap out_message;
for (auto& [key, tensor] : in_message) { // Process with 'tensor' here.
cudaError_t cuda_status;
size_t data_size = tensor->nbytes();
std::vector<uint8_t> in_data(data_size);
CUDA_TRY(cudaMemcpy(, tensor->data(), data_size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("ProcessTensorOp Before key: '{}', shape: ({}), data: [{}]",
fmt::join(tensor->shape(), ","),
fmt::join(in_data, ","));
for (size_t i = 0; i < data_size; i++) { in_data[i] *= 2; }
HOLOSCAN_LOG_INFO("ProcessTensorOp After key: '{}', shape: ({}), data: [{}]",
fmt::join(tensor->shape(), ","),
fmt::join(in_data, ","));
CUDA_TRY(cudaMemcpy(tensor->data(),, data_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
out_message.insert({key, tensor});
// Send the processed message.
The input message is of type
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1TensorMap.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan9TensorMapE">holoscan::TensorMap</a>
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Tensor.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan6TensorE">holoscan::Tensor</a>
in theTensorMap
object is copied on the host asin_data
.The data is processed (values multiplied by 2)
The data is moved back to the
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Tensor.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan6TensorE">holoscan::Tensor</a>
object on the GPU.A new
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1TensorMap.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan9TensorMapE">holoscan::TensorMap</a>
is created to be sent to the next operator with<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1OutputContext.html#_CPPv4I00EN8holoscan13OutputContext4emitEvRNSt10shared_ptrI5DataTEEPKcK7int64_t">op_output.emit()</a>
A complete example of the C++ native operator that supports interoperability with GXF operators is available in the examples/tensor_interop/cpp directory.
When assembling a Python application, two types of operators can be used:
Native Python operators: custom operators defined in Python, by creating a subclass of
<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator">holoscan.core.Operator</a>
. These Python operators can pass arbitrary Python objects around between operators and are not restricted to the stricter parameter typing used for C++ API operators.Python wrappings of C++ Operators: operators defined in the underlying C++ library by inheriting from the
<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8OperatorE">holoscan::Operator</a>
class. These operators have Python bindings available within the<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_operators.html#module-holoscan.operators">holoscan.operators</a>
module. Examples are<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_operators.html#holoscan.operators.VideoStreamReplayerOp">VideoStreamReplayerOp</a>
for replaying video files,<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_operators.html#holoscan.operators.FormatConverterOp">FormatConverterOp</a>
for format conversions, and<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_operators.html#holoscan.operators.HolovizOp">HolovizOp</a>
for visualization.
It is possible to create an application using a mixture of Python wrapped C++ operators and native Python operators. In this case, some special consideration to cast the input and output tensors appropriately must be taken, as shown in a section below.
Native Python Operator
Operator Lifecycle (Python)
The lifecycle of a <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator">holoscan.core.Operator</a>
is made up of three stages:
<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.start">start()</a>
is called once when the operator starts, and is used for initializing heavy tasks such as allocating memory resources and using parameters.<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.compute">compute()</a>
is called when the operator is triggered, which can occur any number of times throughout the operator lifecycle betweenstart()
.<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.stop">stop()</a>
is called once when the operator is stopped, and is used for deinitializing heavy tasks such as deallocating resources that were previously assigned instart()
All operators on the workflow are scheduled for execution. When an operator is first executed, the start()
method is called, followed by the compute()
method. When the operator is stopped, the stop()
method is called. The compute()
method is called multiple times between start()
and stop()
If any of the scheduling conditions specified by Conditions are not met (for example, the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_conditions.html#holoscan.conditions.CountCondition">CountCondition</a>
would cause the scheduling condition to not be met if the operator has been executed a certain number of times), the operator is stopped and the stop()
method is called.
We will cover how to use <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_conditions.html#module-holoscan.conditions">Conditions</a>
in the Specifying operator inputs and outputs (Python) section of the user guide.
Typically, the start()
and the stop()
functions are only called once during the application’s lifecycle. However, if the scheduling conditions are met again, the operator can be scheduled for execution, and the start()
method will be called again.
Fig. 18 The sequence of method calls in the lifecycle of a Holoscan Operator
We can override the default behavior of the operator by implementing the above methods. The following example shows how to implement a custom operator that overrides start, stop and compute methods.
Listing 13 The basic structure of a Holoscan Operator (Python)
from holoscan.core import (
class MyOp(Operator):
def __init__(self, fragment, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(fragment, *args, **kwargs)
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
def start(self):
def compute(self, op_input: InputContext, op_output: OutputContext, context: ExecutionContext):
def stop(self):
method vs
The <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.setup">setup</a>
method aims to get the “operator’s spec” by providing <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.OperatorSpec">OperatorSpec</a>
object as a spec param. When <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.__init__">__init__</a>
is called, it calls C++’s <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator4specERKNSt10shared_ptrI12OperatorSpecEE">Operator::spec</a>
method (and also sets <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.spec">self.spec</a>
class member), and calls <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.setup">setup</a>
method so that Operator’s <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.spec">spec</a>
property holds the operator’s specification. (See the source code for more details.)
Since the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.setup">setup</a>
method can be called multiple times with other <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.OperatorSpec">OperatorSpec</a>
object (e.g., to enumerate the operator’s description), in the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.setup">setup</a>
method, a user shouldn’t initialize something in the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator">Operator</a>
object. Such initialization needs to be done in <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.initialize">initialize</a>
method. The <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.__init__">__init__</a>
method is for creating the Operator object and it can be used for initializing the operator object itself by passing miscellaneous arguments. Still, it doesn’t ‘initialize’ the corresponding GXF entity object.
Creating a custom operator (Python)
To create a custom operator in Python it is necessary to create a subclass of
<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator">holoscan.core.Operator</a>
. A simple example of an operator that
takes a time-varying 1D input array named “signal” and applies convolution with a boxcar (i.e. rect) kernel.
For simplicity, this operator assumes that the “signal” that will be received on the input is
already a numpy.ndarray
or is something that can be cast to one via (np.asarray
). We will see
more details in a later section on how we can interoperate with various tensor classes, including
the GXF Tensor objects used by some of the C++-based operators.
Code Snippet: examples/numpy_native/
Listing 14 examples/numpy_native/
import os
from holoscan.conditions import CountCondition
from holoscan.core import Application, Operator, OperatorSpec
from holoscan.logger import LogLevel, set_log_level
import numpy as np
class SignalGeneratorOp(Operator):
"""Generate a time-varying impulse.
Transmits an array of zeros with a single non-zero entry of a
specified `height`. The position of the non-zero entry shifts
to the right (in a periodic fashion) each time `compute` is
fragment : holoscan.core.Fragment
The Fragment (or Application) the operator belongs to.
height : number
The height of the signal impulse.
size : number
The total number of samples in the generated 1d signal.
dtype : numpy.dtype or str
The data type of the generated signal.
def __init__(self, fragment, *args, height=1, size=10, dtype=np.int32, **kwargs):
self.count = 0
self.height = height
self.dtype = dtype
self.size = size
super().__init__(fragment, *args, **kwargs)
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
# single sample wide impulse at a time-varying position
signal = np.zeros((self.size,), dtype=self.dtype)
signal[self.count % signal.size] = self.height
self.count += 1
op_output.emit(signal, "signal")
class ConvolveOp(Operator):
"""Apply convolution to a tensor.
Convolves an input signal with a "boxcar" (i.e. "rect") kernel.
fragment : holoscan.core.Fragment
The Fragment (or Application) the operator belongs to.
width : number
The width of the boxcar kernel used in the convolution.
unit_area : bool, optional
Whether or not to normalize the convolution kernel to unit area.
If False, all samples have implitude one and the dtype of the
kernel will match that of the signal. When True the sum over
the kernel is one and a 32-bit floating point data type is used
for the kernel.
def __init__(self, fragment, *args, width=4, unit_area=False, **kwargs):
self.count = 0
self.width = width
self.unit_area = unit_area
super().__init__(fragment, *args, **kwargs)
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
signal = op_input.receive("signal_in")
assert isinstance(signal, np.ndarray)
if self.unit_area:
kernel = np.full((self.width,), 1/self.width, dtype=np.float32)
kernel = np.ones((self.width,), dtype=signal.dtype)
convolved = np.convolve(signal, kernel, mode='same')
op_output.emit(convolved, "signal_out")
class PrintSignalOp(Operator):
"""Print the received signal to the terminal."""
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
signal = op_input.receive("signal")
class ConvolveApp(Application):
"""Minimal signal processing application.
Generates a time-varying impulse, convolves it with a boxcar kernel, and
prints the result to the terminal.
A `CountCondition` is applied to the generate to terminate execution
after a specific number of steps.
def compose(self):
signal_generator = SignalGeneratorOp(
CountCondition(self, count=24),
convolver = ConvolveOp(self, name="conv", **self.kwargs("convolve"))
printer = PrintSignalOp(self, name="printer")
self.add_flow(signal_generator, convolver)
self.add_flow(convolver, printer)
def main(config_file):
app = ConvolveApp()
# if the --config command line argument was provided, it will override this config_file`
if __name__ == "__main__":
config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'convolve.yaml')
Code Snippet: examples/numpy_native/convolve.yaml
Listing 15 examples/numpy_native/convolve.yaml
height: 1
size: 20
dtype: int32
width: 4
unit_area: false
In this application, three native Python operators are created: SignalGeneratorOp
, ConvolveOp
and PrintSignalOp
. The SignalGeneratorOp
generates a synthetic signal such as
[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]
where the position of the non-zero entry varies each time it is called.
performs a 1D convolution with a boxcar (i.e. rect) function of a specified width.
just prints the received signal to the terminal.
As covered in more detail below, the inputs to each operator are specified in the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.setup">setup()</a>
of the operator. Then inputs are received within the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.compute">compute</a>
method via <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.InputContext.receive">op_input.receive()</a>
and outputs are emitted via <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.OutputContext.emit">op_output.emit()</a>
Note that for native Python operators as defined here, any Python object can be emitted or received. When transmitting between operators, a shared pointer to the object is transmitted rather than a copy. In some cases, such as sending the same tensor to more than one downstream operator, it may be necessary to avoid in-place operations on the tensor in order to avoid any potential race conditions between operators.
Specifying operator parameters (Python)
In the example SignalGeneratorOp
operator above, we added three keyword arguments in the operator’s __init__
method, used inside the compose()
method of the operator to adjust its behavior:
def __init__(self, fragment, *args, width=4, unit_area=False, **kwargs):
# Internal counter for the time-dependent signal generation
self.count = 0
# Parameters
self.width = width
self.unit_area = unit_area
# To forward remaining arguments to any underlying C++ Operator class
super().__init__(fragment, *args, **kwargs)
As an alternative closer to C++, these parameters can be added through the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.OperatorSpec">OperatorSpec</a>
attribute of the operator in its <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.setup">setup()</a>
method, where an associated string key must be provided as well as a default value:
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
spec.param("width", 4)
spec.param("unit_area", False)
Other kwargs
properties can also be passed to spec.param
, such as headline
, description
(used by GXF applications), or kind
(used when Receiving any number of inputs (Python), which is deprecated since v2.3.0).
Native operator parameters added via either of these methods must not have a name that overlaps with any of the existing attribute or method names of the base <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator">Operator</a>
See the Configuring operator parameters section to learn how an application can set these parameters.
Specifying operator inputs and outputs (Python)
To configure the input(s) and output(s) of Python native operators, call the spec.input()
and spec.output()
methods within the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.setup">setup()</a>
method of the operator.
The spec.input()
and spec.output()
methods should be called once for each input and output to be added. The <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.OperatorSpec">holoscan.core.OperatorSpec</a>
object and the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.setup">setup()</a>
method will be initialized and called automatically by the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Application">Application</a>
class when its <a href="api/python/">run()</a>
method is called.
These methods (spec.input()
and spec.output()
) return an <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.IOSpec">IOSpec</a>
object that can be used to configure the input/output port.
By default, the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_conditions.html#holoscan.conditions.MessageAvailableCondition">holoscan.conditions.MessageAvailableCondition</a>
and <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_conditions.html#holoscan.conditions.DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition">holoscan.conditions.DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition</a>
conditions are applied (with a min_size
of 1
) to the input/output ports. This means that the operator’s <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.compute">compute()</a>
method will not be invoked until a message is available on the input port and the downstream operator’s input port (queue) has enough capacity to receive the message.
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
# Above statement is equivalent to:
# spec.input("in")
# .condition(ConditionType.MESSAGE_AVAILABLE, min_size = 1)
# Above statement is equivalent to:
# spec.output("out")
# .condition(ConditionType.DOWNSTREAM_MESSAGE_AFFORDABLE, min_size = 1)
In the above example, the spec.input()
method is used to configure the input port to have the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_conditions.html#holoscan.conditions.MessageAvailableCondition">holoscan.conditions.MessageAvailableCondition</a>
with a minimum size of 1. This means that the operator’s <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.compute">compute()</a>
method will not be invoked until a message is available on the input port of the operator. Similarly, the spec.output()
method is used to configure the output port to have a <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_conditions.html#holoscan.conditions.DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition">holoscan.conditions.DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition</a>
with a minimum size of 1. This means that the operator’s <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.compute">compute()</a>
method will not be invoked until the downstream operator’s input port has enough capacity to receive the message.
If you want to change this behavior, use the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.IOSpec.condition">IOSpec.condition()</a>
method to configure the conditions. For example, to configure the input and output ports to have no conditions, you can use the following code:
from holoscan.core import ConditionType, OperatorSpec
# ...
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
The example code in the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.setup">setup()</a>
method configures the input port to have no conditions, which means that the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.compute">compute()</a>
method will be called as soon as the operator is ready to compute. Since there is no guarantee that the input port will have a message available, the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.compute">compute()</a>
method should check if there is a message available on the input port before attempting to read it.
The <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.InputContext.receive">receive()</a>
method of the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.InputContext">InputContext</a>
object can be used to access different types of input data within the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Operator.compute">compute()</a>
method of your operator class. This method takes the name of the input port as an argument (which can be omitted if your operator has a single input port).
For standard Python objects, <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.InputContext.receive">receive()</a>
will directly return the Python object for input of the specified name.
The Holoscan SDK also provides built-in data types called Domain Objects, defined in the include/holoscan/core/domain
directory. For example, the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Tensor">Tensor</a>
is a Domain Object class that is used to represent a multi-dimensional array of data, which can be used directly by OperatorSpec
, InputContext
, and OutputContext
This <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Tensor">holoscan.core.Tensor</a>
class supports both DLPack and NumPy’s array interface (<a href="">__array_interface__</a>
and <a href="">__cuda_array_interface__</a>
) so that it can be used with other Python libraries such as CuPy, PyTorch, JAX, TensorFlow, and Numba. See the interoperability section for more details.
In both cases, it will return None
if there is no message available on the input port:
# ...
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
msg = op_input.receive("in")
if msg:
# Do something with msg
Receiving any number of inputs (Python)
Instead of assigning a specific number of input ports, it may be preferable to allow the ability to receive any number of objects on a port in certain situations.
for variable input handling
One way to achieve this is to define a multi-receiver input port by calling spec.input("port_name", IOSpec.ANY_SIZE)
with IOSpec.ANY_SIZE
as the second argument in the setup()
method of the operator (as done for PingRxOp
in the native operator ping example).
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
spec.input("receivers", size=IOSpec.ANY_SIZE)
Code Snippet: examples/ping_multi_port/python/
Listing 16 examples/ping_multi_port/python/
class PingRxOp(Operator):
"""Simple receiver operator.
This operator has:
input: "receivers"
This is an example of a native operator that can dynamically have any
number of inputs connected to is "receivers" port.
def __init__(self, fragment, *args, **kwargs):
self.count = 1
# Need to call the base class constructor last
super().__init__(fragment, *args, **kwargs)
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
# # Since Holoscan SDK v2.3, users can define a multi-receiver input port using
# # 'spec.input()' with 'size=IOSpec.ANY_SIZE'.
# # The old way is to use 'spec.param()' with 'kind="receivers"'.
# spec.param("receivers", kind="receivers")
spec.input("receivers", size=IOSpec.ANY_SIZE)
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
values = op_input.receive("receivers")
print(f"Rx message received (count:{self.count}, size:{len(values)})")
self.count += 1
print(f"Rx message value1:{values[0].data}")
print(f"Rx message value2:{values[1].data}")
# Now define a simple application using the operators defined above
class MyPingApp(Application):
def compose(self):
# Define the tx, mx, rx operators, allowing the tx operator to execute 10 times
tx = PingTxOp(self, CountCondition(self, 10), name="tx")
mx = PingMxOp(self, name="mx", multiplier=3)
rx = PingRxOp(self, name="rx")
# Define the workflow
self.add_flow(tx, mx, {("out1", "in1"), ("out2", "in2")})
self.add_flow(mx, rx, {("out1", "receivers"), ("out2", "receivers")})
Then, once the following configuration is provided in the compose()
self.add_flow(mx, rx, {("out1", "receivers"), ("out2", "receivers")})
the PingRxOp
will receive two inputs on the receivers
port in the compute()
values = op_input.receive("receivers")
When an input port is defined with IOSpec.ANY_SIZE
, the framework creates a new input port for each input object received on the port. The input ports are named using the format <port_name>:<index>
, where <port_name>
is the name of the input port and <index>
is the index of the input object received on the port. For example, if the receivers
port receives two input objects, the input ports will be named receivers:0
and receivers:1
The framework internally creates a parameter (receivers
) with the type std::vector<holoscan::IOSpec*>
, implicitly creates input ports (receivers:0
and receivers:1
), and connects them (adding references of the input ports to the receivers
vector). This way, when the receive()
method is called, the framework can return the input data from the corresponding input ports as a tuple.
values = op_input.receive("receivers")
If you add print(rx.description)
at the end of the compose()
method, you will see the description of the PingRxOp
operator as shown below:
id: -1
name: rx
fragment: ""
type: kNative
fragment: ""
- name: receivers
type: std::vector<holoscan::IOSpec*>
description: ""
flag: kNone
- name: receivers:1
io_type: kInput
typeinfo_name: N8holoscan3gxf6EntityE
connector_type: kDefault
- name: receivers:0
io_type: kInput
typeinfo_name: N8holoscan3gxf6EntityE
connector_type: kDefault
- name: receivers
io_type: kInput
typeinfo_name: N8holoscan3gxf6EntityE
connector_type: kDefault
Configuring input port queue size and message batch condition
If you want to receive multiple objects on a port and process them in batches, you can increase the queue size of the input port and set the min_size
parameter of the MessageAvailableCondition
condition to the desired batch size. This can be done by calling the connector()
and condition()
methods with the desired arguments, using the batch size as the capacity
and min_size
parameters, respectively.
Setting min_size
to N
will ensure that the operator receives N
objects before the compute()
method is called.
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
spec.input("receivers").connector(IOSpec.ConnectorType.DOUBLE_BUFFER, capacity=2).condition(
ConditionType.MESSAGE_AVAILABLE, min_size=2
Then, the receive()
method can be called with the receivers
port name to receive input data in batches.
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
values = []
value = op_input.receive("receivers")
while value:
value = op_input.receive("receivers")
print(f"Rx message received (size:{len(values)})")
In the above example, the operator receives input on a port called “receivers” with a queue size of 2 and a min_size
of 2. The receive()
method is called in a loop to receive the input data in batches of 2. Since the operator does not know the number of objects to be received in advance, the receive()
method is called in a loop until it returns a None
value. The input data is stored in a list, and the size of the list is logged after all the input data is received.
To simplify the above code, the Holoscan SDK provides a IOSpec.PRECEDING_COUNT
constant as a second argument to the spec.input()
method to specify the number of preceding connections to the input port (in this case, the number of connections to the receivers
port is 2) as the batch size. This can be used to receive the input data in batches without the need to call the receive()
method in a loop.
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
spec.input("receivers", size=IOSpec.PRECEDING_COUNT)
Then, the receive()
method can be called with the receivers
port name to receive the input data in batches.
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
values = op_input.receive("receivers")
print(f"Rx message received (size:{len(values)})")
print(f"Rx message value1:{values[0].data}")
print(f"Rx message value2:{values[1].data}")
In the above example, the operator receives input on a port called “receivers” with a batch size of 2. The receive()
method is called with the receivers
port name to receive the input data in batches of 2. The input data is stored in a tuple, and the size of the tuple is logged after all the input data has been received.
If you want to use a specific batch size, you can use holoscan.IOSpec.IOSize(size : int)
instead of holoscan.IOSpec.PRECEDING_COUNT
to specify the batch size. Using IOSize
in this way is equivalent to the more verbose condition()
and connector()
calls to update the capacity
and min_size
arguments shown near the start of this section.
The main reason to use condition()
or connector()
methods instead of the shorter IOSize
is if additional parameter changes, such as the queue policy, need to be made. See more details on the use of the condition()
and connector()
methods in the advanced topics section below (Further customizing inputs and outputs).
def setup(self, spec: OperatorSpec):
spec.input("receivers", size=IOSpec.IOSize(2))
If you want to receive the input data one by one, you can call the receive()
method with the kind="single"
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
while True:
value = op_input.receive("receivers", kind="single")
if value is None:
# Process the input data
print(f"Rx message received (value:{})")
The above code will receive the input data one by one from the receivers
port. The receive()
method is called in a loop until it returns a None
The input data is stored in a variable, and the value of the input data is logged.
This approach (receiving the input data one by one) is not applicable for the IOSpec.ANY_SIZE
case. With the IOSpec.ANY_SIZE
argument, the framework creates a new input port for each input object received internally. Each implicit input port (named using the format <port_name>:<index>
) is associated with a MessageAvailableCondition
condition that has a min_size
of 1
. Therefore, the receive()
method cannot be called with the kind="single"
keyword argument to receive the input data one by one. Instead, it can be called without any kind
argument or with the kind="multi"
argument for the IOSpec.ANY_SIZE
If you really need to receive the input data one by one for IOSpec.ANY_SIZE
case (though it is not recommended), you can receive the input data from each implicit input port (named <port_name>:<index>
) one by one using the receive()
method without the kind
argument. (e.g., op_input.receive("receivers:0")
, op_input.receive("receivers:1")
, etc.).
To avoid the error message (such as The operator does not have an input port with label 'receivers:X'
) when calling the receive()
method for the implicit input port, you need to calculate the number of connections to the receivers
port in advance and call the receive()
method for each implicit input port accordingly.
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
input_count = len(self.spec.inputs) - 1 # -1 to exclude the 'receivers' input port
for i in range(input_count):
value = op_input.receive(f"receivers:{i}")
if value is None:
# Process the input data
print(f"Rx message received (value:{})")
or IOSpec.IOSize(2)
appears to show the same behavior as IOSpec.ANY_SIZE
in the above example. However, the difference is that since IOSpec.PRECEDING_COUNT
or IOSpec.IOSize(2)
doesn’t use separate MessageAvailableCondition
conditions for each (internal) input port, it is not guaranteed that the operator will receive the input data in order.
This means the operator may receive the input data in a different order than the order in which the connections are made in the compose()
method. Additionally, with the multithread scheduler, it is not guaranteed that the operator will receive the input data from each of the connections uniformly. The operator may receive more input data from one connection than from another.
If the order of the input data is important, it is recommended to use IOSpec.ANY_SIZE
and call the receive()
method to receive the input data in batches at once.
Please see the Python system test cases for more examples of receiving multiple inputs in Python operators.
Python wrapping of a C++ operator
Wrapping an operator developed in C++ for use from Python is covered in a separate section on creating C++ operator Python bindings.
As of Holoscan 2.1, there is a <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_operators.html#holoscan.operators.GXFCodeletOp">GXFCodeletOp</a>
class which can be used to easily wrap an existing GXF codelet from Python without having to first write an underlying C++ wrapper class for it. Similarly there is now also a <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_resources.html#holoscan.resources.GXFComponentResource">GXFComponentResource</a>
class which allows a GXF Component to be used as a Holoscan resource from Python applications. A detailed example of how to use each of these is provided for Python applications in the examples/import_gxf_components folder.
Interoperability between wrapped and native Python operators
As described in the Interoperability between GXF and native C++ operators section, <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Tensor.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan6TensorE">holoscan::Tensor</a>
objects can be passed to GXF operators using a <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1TensorMap.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan9TensorMapE">holoscan::TensorMap</a>
message that holds the tensor(s). In Python, this is done by sending dict
type objects that have tensor names as the keys and holoscan Tensor or array-like objects as the values. Similarly, when a wrapped C++ operator that transmits a single <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Tensor.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan6TensorE">holoscan::Tensor</a>
is connected to the input port of a Python native operator, calling op_input.receive()
on that port will return a Python dict containing a single item. That item’s key is the tensor name and its value is the corresponding <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Tensor">holoscan.core.Tensor</a>
Consider the following example, where VideoStreamReplayerOp
and HolovizOp
are Python wrapped C++ operators, and where ImageProcessingOp
is a Python native operator:
Fig. 19 The tensor interoperability between Python native operator and C++-based Python GXF operator
The following code shows how to implement ImageProcessingOp
’s compute()
method as a Python native operator communicating with C++ operators:
Listing 17 examples/tensor_interop/python/
def compute(self, op_input, op_output, context):
# in_message is a dict of tensors
in_message = op_input.receive("input_tensor")
# smooth along first two axes, but not the color channels
sigma = (self.sigma, self.sigma, 0)
# out_message will be a dict of tensors
out_message = dict()
for key, value in in_message.items():
print(f"message received (count:{self.count})")
self.count += 1
cp_array = cp.asarray(value)
# process cp_array
cp_array = ndi.gaussian_filter(cp_array, sigma)
out_message[key] = cp_array
op_output.emit(out_message, "output_tensor")
<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.InputContext.receive">op_input.receive()</a>
method call returns adict
<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Tensor">holoscan.core.Tensor</a>
object is converted to a CuPy array by usingcupy.asarray()
method call.The CuPy array is used as an input to the
function call with a parametersigma
. The result of the<a href="">ndi.gaussian_filter()</a>
function call is a CuPy array.Finally, a new
object is created ,out_message
, to be sent to the next operator with<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.OutputContext.emit">op_output.emit()</a>
. The CuPy array,cp_array
, is added to it where the key is the tensor name. CuPy arrays do not have to explicitly be converted to aholocan.core.Tensor
object first since they implement a DLPack (and__cuda__array_interface__
) interface.
A complete example of the Python native operator that supports interoperability with Python wrapped C++ operators is available in the examples/tensor_interop/python directory.
You can add multiple tensors to a single dict
object , as in the example below:
Operator sending a message:
out_message = {
"video": output_array,
"labels": labels,
"bbox_coords": bbox_coords,
# emit the tensors
op_output.emit(out_message, "outputs")
Operator receiving the message, assuming the outputs
port above is connected to the inputs
port below with <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.Fragment.add_flow">add_flow()</a>
has the corresponding tensors:
in_message = op_input.receive("inputs")
# Tensors and tensor names
video_tensor = in_message["video"]
labels_tensor = in_message["labels"]
bbox_coords_tensor = in_message["bbox_coords"]
Some existing operators allow configuring the name of the tensors they send/receive. An example is the tensors
parameter of <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_operators.html#holoscan.operators.HolovizOp">HolovizOp</a>
, where the name for each tensor maps to the names of the tensors in the <a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_gxf.html#holoscan.gxf.Entity">Entity</a>
(see the holoviz
entry in apps/endoscopy_tool_tracking/python/endoscopy_tool_tracking.yaml).
A complete example of a Python native operator that emits multiple tensors to a downstream C++ operator is available in the examples/holoviz/python directory.
There is a special serialization code for tensor types for emit/receive of tensor objects over a UCX connection that avoids copying the tensor data to an intermediate buffer. For distributed apps, we cannot just send the Python object as we do between operators in a single fragment app, but instead we need to cast it to holoscan::Tensor
to use a special zero-copy code path. However, we also transmit a header indicating if the type was originally some other array-like object and attempt to return the same type again on the other side so that the behavior remains more similar to the non-distributed case.
Transmitted object |
Received Object |
holoscan.Tensor | holoscan.Tensor |
dict of array-like | dict of holoscan.Tensor |
host array-like object (with __array_interface__ ) |
numpy.ndarray |
device array-like object (with __cuda_array_interface__ ) |
cupy.ndarray |
This avoids NumPy or CuPy arrays being serialized to a string via cloudpickle so that they can efficiently be transmitted and the same type is returned again on the opposite side. Worth mentioning is that ,if the type emitted was e.g. a PyTorch host/device tensor on emit, the received value will be a numpy/cupy array since ANY object implementing the interfaces returns those types.
Automated operator class creation
Holoscan also provides a holoscan.decorator
module which provides ways to autogenerate Operators by adding decorators to an existing function or class. Please see the separate section on operator creation via holoscan.decorator.create_op.
Further customizing inputs and outputs
This section complements the information above on basic input and output port configuration given separately in the C++ and Python operator creation guides. The concepts described here are the same for either the C++ or Python APIs.
By default, both the input and output ports of an Operator will use a double-buffered queue that has a capacity of one message and a policy that is set to error if a message arrives while the queue is already full. A single MessageAvailableCondition
/<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_conditions.html#holoscan.conditions.MessageAvailableCondition">Python</a>
)) condition is automatically placed on the operator for each input port so that the compute
method will not be called until a single message is available at each port. Similarly each output port has a DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition
/<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_conditions.html#holoscan.conditions.DownstreamMessageAffordableCondition">Python</a>
) condition that does not let the operator call compute
until any operators connected downstream have space in their receiver queue for a single message. These default conditions ensure that messages never arrive at a queue when it is already full and that a message has already been received whenever the compute
method is called. These default conditions make it relatively easy to connect a pipeline where each operator calls compute in turn, but may not be suitable for all applications. This section covers how the default behavior can be overridden on request.
Overriding operator port properties is an advanced topic. Developers may want to skip this section until they come across a case where the default behavior is not sufficient for their application.
To override the properties of the queue used for a given port, the connector
(<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1IOSpec.html#_CPPv4NK8holoscan6IOSpec9connectorEv">C++</a>
/<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.IOSpec.connector">Python</a>
) method can be used as shown in the example below. This example also shows how the condition
(<a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1IOSpec.html#_CPPv4IDpEN8holoscan6IOSpec9conditionER6IOSpec13ConditionTypeDpRR5ArgsT">C++</a>
/<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_core.html#holoscan.core.IOSpec.condition">Python</a>
) method can be used to change the condition type placed on the Operator by a port. In general, when an operator has multiple conditions, they are AND combined, so the conditions on all ports must be satisfied before an operator can call compute
Consider the following code from within the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator5setupER12OperatorSpec">holoscan::Operator::setup()</a>
method of an operator.
Arg("capacity", static_cast<uint64_t>(2)),
Arg("policy", static_cast<uint64_t>(1))) // 0=pop, 1=reject, 2=fault (default)
Arg("min_size", static_cast<uint64_t>(2)),
Arg("front_stage_max_size", static_cast<size_t>(2)));
This would define
an output port named “out1” with the default properties
an output port named “out2” that still has the default connector (a
), but the default condition ofConditionType::kDownstreamMessageAffordable
is removed by settingConditionType::kNone
. This indicates that the operator will not check if any port downstream of “out2” has space available in its receiver queue before callingcompute
.an input port named “in” where both the connector and condition have different parameters than the default. For example, the queue size is increased to 2 and
is “reject”, indicating that if a message arrives when the queue is already full, that message will be rejected in favor of the message already in the queue.
Consider the following code from within the <a href="api/cpp/classholoscan_1_1Operator.html#_CPPv4N8holoscan8Operator5setupER12OperatorSpec">holoscan::Operator::setup()</a>
method of an operator.
policy=1, # 0=pop, 1=reject, 2=fault (default)
).condition(ConditionType.MESSAGE_AVAILABLE, min_size=2, front_stage_max_size=2)
This would define
an output port named “out1” with the default properties
an output port named “out2” that still has the default connector (a
<a href="api/python/holoscan_python_api_resources.html#holoscan.resources.DoubleBufferTransmitter">holoscan.resources.DoubleBufferTransmitter</a>
), but the default condition ofConditionType.DOWNSTREAM_MESSAGE_AFFORDABLE
is removed by settingConditionType.NONE
. This indicates that the operator will not check if any port downstream of “out2” has space available in its receiver queue before callingcompute
.an input port named “in1” where both the connector and condition have different parameters than the default. For example, the queue size is increased to 2 and
is “reject”, indicating that if a message arrives when the queue is already full, that message will be rejected in favor of the message already in the queue.
To learn more about overriding connectors and/or conditions there is a multi_branch_pipeline example which overrides default conditions to allow two branches of a pipeline to run at different frame rates. There is also an example of increasing the queue sizes available in this Python queue policy test application.
Using the Holoscan SDK with Other Libraries
The Holoscan SDK enables seamless integration with various powerful, GPU-accelerated libraries to build efficient, high-performance pipelines.
Please refer to the Best Practices to Integrate External Libraries into Holoscan Pipelines tutorial in the HoloHub repository for detailed examples and more information on Holoscan’s tensor interoperability and handling CUDA libraries in the pipeline. This includes CUDA Python, CuPy, MatX for C++, cuCIM, CV-CUDA, and OpenCV for integration into Holoscan applications.