NVIDIA Megatron-Core
Developer Guide (Latest)

fusions package

This package provides modules that provide commonly fused operations. Fusing operations improves compute efficiency by increasing the amount of work done each time a tensor is read from memory. To perform the fusion, modules in this either rely on PyTorch functionality for doing just-in-time compilation (i.e. torch.jit.script in older PyTorch versions of torch.compile in recent versions), or call into custom kernels in external libraries such as Apex or TransformerEngine.

This module uses PyTorch JIT to fuse the bias add and dropout operations. Since dropout is not used during inference, different functions are used when in train mode and when in inference mode.

core.fusions.fused_bias_dropout.bias_dropout_add_fused_inference(x_with_bias: Tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]], residual: torch.Tensor, prob: float) → torch.Tensor

core.fusions.fused_bias_dropout.bias_dropout_add_fused_train(x_with_bias: Tuple[torch.Tensor, Optional[torch.Tensor]], residual: torch.Tensor, prob: float) → torch.Tensor


core.fusions.fused_bias_dropout.get_bias_dropout_add(training, fused)

This module uses PyTorch JIT to fuse the bias add and GeLU nonlinearity operations.

This module provides a wrapper around various fused LayerNorm implementation in Apex.

class core.fusions.fused_layer_norm.FusedLayerNorm(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: torch.nn.Module

Layer Norm, fused into a single CUDA kernel.

  • hidden_size (int) – Transformer hidden dimension.

  • eps (float) – Epsilon added to denominator, for numerical stability.

  • persist_layer_norm (bool) – Use persistent fused layer norm kernel.

  • Please (This kernel supports only a set of hidden sizes.) –

  • supported. (check persist_ln_hidden_sizes if your hidden size is) –

  • parallel (sequence) – Apply sequence parallelism optimization.

  • zero_centered_gamma (bool) – Adjust LayerNorm weights such that they are

  • stability. (centered around zero. This improves numerical) –

  • config (TransformerConfig) – Transformer config. Include to match custom

  • interfaces. (layer norm) –

  • normalization (str) – Normalization type, used for Transformer Engine.

  • here. (Must equal 'LayerNorm') –

forward(input: torch.Tensor) → torch.Tensor


This module provides wrappers around variations of Softmax in Apex.

class core.fusions.fused_softmax.FusedScaleMaskSoftmax(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: torch.nn.Module

fused operation: scaling + mask + softmax

  • input_in_fp16 – flag to indicate if input in fp16 data format.

  • input_in_bf16 – flag to indicate if input in bf16 data format.

  • attn_mask_type – attention mask type (pad or causal)

  • scaled_masked_softmax_fusion – flag to indicate user want to use softmax fusion

  • mask_func – mask function to be applied.

  • softmax_in_fp32 – if true, softmax in performed at fp32 precision.

  • scale – scaling factor used in input tensor scaling.

forward(input: torch.Tensor, mask: Optional[torch.Tensor])

Forward pass of softmax with masked input.

In case attn_mask_type is causal the mask is generated and None can be passed. A user-defined mask is only needed when attn_mask_type is not causal.

forward_fused_softmax(input, mask)

forward_torch_softmax(input, mask)

static get_batch_per_block(sq, sk, b, np)

is_kernel_available(mask, b, np, sq, sk)

class core.fusions.fused_softmax.ScaledMaskedSoftmax(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: torch.autograd.Function

Fused operation which performs following three operations in sequence 1. Scale the tensor. 2. Apply the mask. 3. Perform softmax.

static backward(ctx, output_grads)

static forward(ctx, inputs, mask, scale)

class core.fusions.fused_softmax.ScaledSoftmax(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: torch.autograd.Function

Fused operation which performs following two operations in sequence 1. Scale the tensor. 2. Perform softmax.

static backward(ctx, output_grads)

static forward(ctx, inputs, scale)

class core.fusions.fused_softmax.ScaledUpperTriangMaskedSoftmax(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)

Bases: torch.autograd.Function

Fused operation which performs following three operations in sequence 1. Scale the tensor. 2. Apply upper triangular mask (typically used in gpt models). 3. Perform softmax.

static backward(ctx, output_grads)

static forward(ctx, inputs, scale)

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© Copyright 2022-2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Mar 16, 2024.