NVIDIA Megatron-Core
Developer Guide (Latest)

Mixture of Experts package


  • Expert Parallel

    • A specific method of parallelism for MoE models, where experts are partitioned onto different workers and each worker processes a different batch of training samples, each worker process one or more experts for each MoE layer.

  • 3D Parallel: Data Parallel , Tensor Parallel, Pipeline Parallel, Sequence Parallel

    • Note: When using MoE with expert parallelism and tensor parallelism, sequence parallelism must be used.

  • Richer parallel mappings: EP can be combined with DP/TP/PP/SP for handling larger MoE variants.

  • Distributed optimizer.

Router and Load Balancing

  • Router type:

    • Top-K MLP router

    • Expert Choice router (coming soon)

  • Load Balancing algorithms:

    • Sinkhorn (S-BASE)

    • Aux loss / Load balancing loss

Performance Optimizations

  • GroupedGEMM when num local experts > 1

    • Supported dtype: bf16

Token Dispatch Mechanism

  • Dropless / No token drop.

  • Token drop. (coming soon)

Ease of use

  • Checkpoint converter (coming soon)

Upcoming features

  • Enhanced cutlass GroupedGEMM kernels

    • Reduced host-device syncs.

    • More supported dtype: fp32/bf16/fp16

    • Kernel heuristics tuned for A100/A10/L40S

    • BWD cutlass GroupedGEMM kernels supported

  • Token permutation / unpermutation fusion

  • Fused Sinkhorn Kernel

  • Context Parallel with MoE

  • FP8 training support

  • Enable ’–tp-comm-overlap‘ for MoE

  • Distributed optimizer for MoE params.



num-experts Number of Experts in MoE (None means no MoE)
expert-model-parallel-size Degree of expert model parallelism.
moe-grouped-gemm When there are multiple experts per rank, compress multiple local gemms into a single kernel launch to improve the utilization and performance by leveraging the Grouped GEMM feature introduced since CUTLASS 2.8
moe-router-load-balancing-type Determines the load balancing strategy for the router. “aux_loss” corresponds to the load balancing loss used in GShard and SwitchTransformer, “sinkhorn” corresponds to the balancing algorithm used in S-BASE, and “none” implies no load balancing. The default is “aux_loss”.
moe-router-topk Number of experts to route to for each token. The default is 2.
moe-aux-loss-coeff Scaling coefficient for the aux loss: a starting value of 1e-2 is recommended.
moe-z-loss-coeff Scaling coefficient for the z-loss: a starting value of 1e-3 is recommended.
moe-input-jitter-eps Add noise to the input tensor by applying jitter with a specified epsilon value.
moe-token-dropping This feature involves selectively dropping and padding tokens for each expert to achieve a specified capacity, similar to GShard, Switch-Transformer, and DeepSpeed-MoE. Note: Currently unsupported.


To train a top-2 MoE model with an auxiliary loss, include the following arguments:


--num-experts 8 --expert-model-parallel-size 8 --moe-grouped-gemm --moe-router-load-balancing-type aux_loss # options: aux_loss, sinkhorn, none. Default is aux_loss. --moe-router-topk 2 --moe-aux-loss-coeff 1e-2 --use-distributed-optimizer

A detailed MoE script:

Click here.

#!/bin/bash # Runs Mixtral 8x7B model on 16 A100 GPUs export CUDA_DEVICE_MAX_CONNECTIONS=1 GPUS_PER_NODE=8 # Change for multinode config MASTER_ADDR=${MASTER_ADDR:-"localhost"} MASTER_PORT=${MASTER_PORT:-"6000"} NNODES=${NNODES:-"1"} NODE_RANK=${RANK:-"0"} WORLD_SIZE=$(($GPUS_PER_NODE*$NNODES)) CHECKPOINT_PATH=$1 TOKENIZER_MODEL=$2 DATA_PATH=$3 DISTRIBUTED_ARGS=( --nproc_per_node $GPUS_PER_NODE --nnodes $NNODES --node_rank $NODE_RANK --master_addr $MASTER_ADDR --master_port $MASTER_PORT ) MODEL_ARGS=( --use-mcore-models --disable-bias-linear --seq-length 2048 --max-position-embeddings 32768 --num-layers 32 --hidden-size 4096 --ffn-hidden-size 14336 --num-attention-heads 32 --init-method-std 0.01 --attention-dropout 0.0 --hidden-dropout 0.0 --normalization RMSNorm --position-embedding-type rope --swiglu --untie-embeddings-and-output-weights --group-query-attention --num-query-groups 8 --no-masked-softmax-fusion --no-position-embedding ) MOE_ARGS=( --num-experts 8 --expert-model-parallel-size 4 --moe-router-load-balancing-type aux_loss # options: aux_loss, sinkhorn, None. Default is aux_loss. --moe-router-topk 2 --moe-aux-loss-coeff 1e-2 --moe-grouped-gemm ) DATA_ARGS=( --tokenizer-type Llama2Tokenizer --tokenizer-model ${TOKENIZER_MODEL} --data-path $DATA_PATH --split 99990,8,2 ) TRAINING_ARGS=( --micro-batch-size 1 --global-batch-size 128 --lr 1e-4 --train-iters 500000 --lr-decay-iters 320000 --lr-decay-style cosine --min-lr 1.0e-5 --weight-decay 0.1 --lr-warmup-iters 500 --clip-grad 1.0 --bf16 ) MODEL_PARALLEL_ARGS=( --tensor-model-parallel-size 4 --pipeline-model-parallel-size 1 --sequence-parallel --use-distributed-optimizer ) LOGGING_ARGS=( --log-interval 1 \ --save-interval 10000 \ --eval-interval 1000 \ --eval-iters 10 \ --save $CHECKPOINT_PATH \ --load $CHECKPOINT_PATH \ --tensorboard-dir "${CHECKPOINT_PATH}/tensorboard" \ --no-load-optim \ --no-load-rng ) if [ -n "${WANDB_API_KEY}" ]; then LOGGING_ARGS+=( --wandb-project ${WANDB_PROJECT:-"Mixtral-Finetuning"} --wandb-exp-name ${WANDB_NAME:-"Mixtral_8x7B"} ) fi torchrun ${DISTRIBUTED_ARGS[@]} pretrain_gpt.py \ ${MODEL_ARGS[@]} \ ${MOE_ARGS[@]} \ ${DATA_ARGS[@]} \ ${TRAINING_ARGS[@]} \ ${MODEL_PARALLEL_ARGS[@]} \ ${LOGGING_ARGS[@]}

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