NVIDIA Clara Train 3.1

ai4med.components.inferers package

class InferenceContext

Bases: abc.ABC

Contains required information to do inference

abstract close()

Closes the context

abstract get_model_input_shapes()

Gets the shapes of model inputs


A dict where keys are input names and values are shapes

abstract get_model_output_shapes()

Gets the shapes of model outputs


A dict where keys are output names and values are shapes

class Inferer(predictor: ai4med.components.inferers.predictor.Predictor)

Bases: abc.ABC

Describes the procedure to do inference

abstract infer(model_input_values, input_shape_format: ai4med.common.shape_format.ShapeFormat, inference_ctx: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext)

Get prediction values given input values and InferenceContext

  • model_input_values (dict) – A dict of input names (string) map to input values (numpy array)

  • input_shape_format (ShapeFormat) – shape format of input images

  • inference_ctx (InferenceContext) – inference context data


A dict of output names (string) map to output values (numpy array)


Returns what extra input items are supported.

When calling infer, the caller must not provide input items that are not supported by this inferer.


desired_input_names – A list of formal names of the input items (e.g. tensor names)


A list of input names supported


Returns what extra output items are supported.

When calling infer, the caller must not ask for output items that are not supported by this inferer.


desired_output_names – A list of formal names of the output items (e.g. tensor names)


A list of output names supported

class Predictor

Bases: abc.ABC

A wrapper class that wraps different backends to get prediction values

abstract predict(model_input_values, input_shape_format: ai4med.common.shape_format.ShapeFormat, inference_ctx: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext)

Gets prediction values

  • model_input_values (dict) – A dict of input names (string) map to input values (numpy array)

  • input_shape_format (ShapeFormat) – shape format of input images

  • inference_ctx (InferenceContext) – inference context data


A dict of output names (string) map to output values (numpy array)

abstract predict_list(model_input_values_list, input_shape_format: ai4med.common.shape_format.ShapeFormat, inference_ctx: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext)

Gets prediction values for a list of input

  • model_input_values_list (list) – A list of dict of input names (string) map to input values (numpy array)

  • input_shape_format (ShapeFormat) – shape format of input images

  • inference_ctx (InferenceContext) – inference context data


A list of dict of output names (string) map to output values (numpy array)

class SimpleInferer(predictor: ai4med.components.inferers.predictor.Predictor)

Bases: ai4med.components.inferers.inferer.Inferer

This class implements a simple inferer, which feeds input values directly into its Predictor to get prediction values

infer(model_input_values, input_shape_format: ai4med.common.shape_format.ShapeFormat, inference_ctx: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext)

Get prediction values given input values and InferenceContext

  • model_input_values (dict) – A dict of input names (string) map to input values (numpy array)

  • input_shape_format (ShapeFormat) – shape format of input images

  • inference_ctx (InferenceContext) – inference context data


A dict of output names (string) map to output values (numpy array)


Returns what extra input items are supported.

When calling infer, the caller must not provide input items that are not supported by this inferer.


desired_input_names – A list of formal names of the input items (e.g. tensor names)


A list of input names supported


Returns what extra output items are supported.

When calling infer, the caller must not ask for output items that are not supported by this inferer.


desired_output_names – A list of formal names of the output items (e.g. tensor names)


A list of output names supported

class ScanClassWindowInferer(predictor: ai4med.components.inferers.predictor.Predictor, roi_size=None, batch_size=1, scan_interval=None, final_activation=None)

Bases: ai4med.components.inferers.inferer.Inferer

Performs scanning window inference

Breaks the input volume into smaller cubes, runs inference on those small cubes, and gathers results.

  • roi_size – Specifies the window width in each dimension

  • batch_size – Batch size for scanning window (this means how many smaller cubes that we want to batch to get result at a time)

  • scan_interval (list) – Scan interval.

For scan interval:

If None, then default heuristics is used. If list, the length need to be the same as spatial dimension of data.

  • If the number > 1, it will be treated as real interval,

  • otherwise it will multiply with the dimension of data.

infer(model_input_values, input_shape_format: ai4med.common.shape_format.ShapeFormat, inference_ctx: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext)

Get prediction values given input values and InferenceContext

  • model_input_values (dict) – A dict of input names (string) map to input values (numpy array)

  • input_shape_format (ShapeFormat) – shape format of input images

  • inference_ctx (InferenceContext) – inference context data


A dict of output names (string) map to output values (numpy array)


Returns what extra input items are supported.

When calling infer, the caller must not provide input items that are not supported by this inferer.


desired_input_names – A list of formal names of the input items (e.g. tensor names)


A list of input names supported


Returns what extra output items are supported.

When calling infer, the caller must not ask for output items that are not supported by this inferer.


desired_output_names – A list of formal names of the output items (e.g. tensor names)


A list of output names supported

class ScanWindowInferer(predictor: ai4med.components.inferers.predictor.Predictor, roi_size=None, batch_size=1)

Bases: ai4med.components.inferers.inferer.Inferer

Performs scanning window inference

Breaks the input volume into smaller cubes, runs inference on those small cubes, and gathers results.

  • roi_size – Specifies the window width in each dimension

  • batch_size – Batch size for scanning window (this means how many smaller cubes that we want to batch to get result at a time)

infer(model_input_values, input_shape_format: ai4med.common.shape_format.ShapeFormat, inference_ctx: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext)

Get prediction values given input values and InferenceContext

  • model_input_values (dict) – A dict of input names (string) map to input values (numpy array)

  • input_shape_format (ShapeFormat) – shape format of input images

  • inference_ctx (InferenceContext) – inference context data


A dict of output names (string) map to output values (numpy array)


Returns what extra input items are supported.

When calling infer, the caller must not provide input items that are not supported by this inferer.


desired_input_names – A list of formal names of the input items (e.g. tensor names)


A list of input names supported


Returns what extra output items are supported.

When calling infer, the caller must not ask for output items that are not supported by this inferer.


desired_output_names – A list of formal names of the output items (e.g. tensor names)


A list of output names supported

class TFInferenceContext(session, model_input_tensors: dict, model_output_tensors: dict)

Bases: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext

This defines TensorFlow 1.x session-based inference context data structure

model_input and model_output are the input/output of the neural network while extra_input might be learning rate placeholder and extra_output might be some validation metrics

  • session – A TF session

  • model_input_tensors (dict) – A dict of model input names (string) map to input tensors (TF Tensor)

  • model_output_tensors (dict) – A dict of model output names (string) map to output tensors (TF Tensor)

  • extra_input_tensors (dict) – A dict of extra input names (string) map to input tensors (TF Tensor) set by set_extra_input_tensors

  • extra_input_values (dict) – A dict of extra input names (string) map to input values (numpy array) set by set_extra_input_tensors

  • extra_output_tensors (dict) – A dict of extra output names (string) map to input tensors (TF Tensor) set by set_extra_input_tensors


Closes the context


Gets the shapes of model inputs


A dict where keys are input names and values are shapes


Gets the shapes of model outputs


A dict where keys are output names and values are shapes

set_extra_input_tensors(tensor_dict: dict, input_values: dict)

Sets extra input tensors and their input values for inference

  • tensor_dict (dict) – name => tensor

  • input_values (dict) – name => value

set_extra_output_tensors(tensor_dict: dict)

Sets extra output tensors for inference


tensor_dict (dict) – name => tensor

class TFPredictor

Bases: ai4med.components.inferers.predictor.Predictor

This class implements TF1.x style procedure

predict(model_input_values, input_shape_format: ai4med.common.shape_format.ShapeFormat, inference_ctx: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext)

Gets prediction values

  • model_input_values (dict) – A dict of input names (string) map to input values (numpy array)

  • input_shape_format (ShapeFormat) – shape format of input images

  • inference_ctx (InferenceContext) – inference context data


A dict of output names (string) map to output values (numpy array)

predict_list(model_input_values_list, input_shape_format: ai4med.common.shape_format.ShapeFormat, inference_ctx: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext)

Gets prediction values for a list of input

  • model_input_values_list (list) – A list of dict of input names (string) map to input values (numpy array)

  • input_shape_format (ShapeFormat) – shape format of input images

  • inference_ctx (InferenceContext) – inference context data


A list of dict of output names (string) map to output values (numpy array)

class TFSaliencyInferer(conv_layer_name='relu3_blk/Relu:0')

Bases: ai4med.components.inferers.simple_inferer.SimpleInferer

A wrapper class using TFSaliencyPredictor with SimpleInferer to generate saliency and processed input for visualization purposes for a specified layer.

class TFSaliencyPredictor(conv_layer_name='relu3_blk/Relu:0')

Bases: ai4med.components.inferers.predictor.Predictor

This class implements TF1.x style procedure to generate saliency and processed input for visualization purposes for a specified layer.

Modified and extended from https://github.com/cydonia999/Grad-CAM-in-TensorFlow/blob/master/grad-cam-tf.py and https://github.com/Ankush96/grad-cam.tensorflow/blob/master/main.py

predict(model_input_values, input_shape_format: ai4med.common.shape_format.ShapeFormat, inference_ctx: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext)

Gets prediction values

  • model_input_values (dict) – A dict of input names (string) map to input values (numpy array)

  • input_shape_format (ShapeFormat) – shape format of input images

  • inference_ctx (InferenceContext) – inference context data


A dict of output names (string) map to output values (numpy array)

predict_list(model_input_values_list, input_shape_format: ai4med.common.shape_format.ShapeFormat, inference_ctx: ai4med.components.inferers.inference_context.InferenceContext)

Gets prediction values for a list of input

  • model_input_values_list (list) – A list of dict of input names (string) map to input values (numpy array)

  • input_shape_format (ShapeFormat) – shape format of input images

  • inference_ctx (InferenceContext) – inference context data


A list of dict of output names (string) map to output values (numpy array)

get_names(graph= )
resize_volume(nda, output_shape, order=1, preserve_range=True, anti_aliasing=False)
class TFSimpleInferer

Bases: ai4med.components.inferers.simple_inferer.SimpleInferer

A wrapper class using TFPredictor with SimpleInferer

class TFScanClassWindowInferer(roi_size=None, batch_size=1, scan_interval=None, final_activation=None)

Bases: ai4med.components.inferers.sw_class_inferer.ScanClassWindowInferer

A wrapper class using TFPredictor with ScanWindowInferer

class TFScanWindowInferer(roi_size=None, batch_size=1)

Bases: ai4med.components.inferers.sw_inferer.ScanWindowInferer

A wrapper class using TFPredictor with ScanWindowInferer

© Copyright 2020, NVIDIA. Last updated on Feb 2, 2023.