ai4med.components.models package
(num_classes, num_feat='96,256,512,1024,1024,3072,4096', mil=False, use_batch_norm=False, use_group_norm=True, use_group_normG=8, reg_weight=0.0, dropout_prob=0.5, final_activation='softmax', dtype=tf.float32, data_format='channels_first') Bases:
WZ. 9/10/2019 Build AlexNet for 3D images or 2D images on image classification with / without (fixed input size) multiple instance learning (MIL)
- Parameters
inputs (tensor) – Tensor of input image (e.g NxCxHxWxD)
num_classes (int) – number of classes
training (bool) – bool variable indicating training or testing
num_feat (int) – number of filters or hidden nodes in each layer
mil (bool) – use multi-instance learning or not
use_batch_norm (bool) – bool variable indicating batch norm, default True
use_group_norm (bool) – bool variable indicating group norm, default False
use_group_normG (int) – number of groups
data_format (str) – channels_first (default) or channels_last
- Returns
The output of the AlexNet (MIL)
() Get the additional loss function in AHNet model.
- Returns
Loss function
(inputs, is_training, build_ctx: ai4med.common.build_ctx.BuildContext) Forward computation process of model for both training and inference.
- Parameters
inputs (tf.Tensor) – input data for the AHNet model
is_training (bool) – in training process or not
build_ctx (BuildContext) – reserved argument for future features
- Returns
Prediction results
(weight_decay, pretrain_weight_name=None, pretrain_weight_url=None, data_format='channels_last', n_spatial_dim=2) Bases:
Classification model based on DenseNet-121.
Keras densenet121 model with intial weights taken from:
URL to the h5 file:
Dense Convolutional Network (DenseNet) connects each layer to every other layer in a feed-forward fashion. Whereas traditional convolutional networks with L layers have L connections - one between each layer and its subsequent layer - DenseNet has L(L+1)/2 direct connections. For each layer, the feature maps of all preceding layers are used as inputs, and its own feature maps are used as inputs into all subsequent layers. It can support both 2D and 3D classification tasks.
For more implementation details of DenseNet121, please check the libs.
- Parameters
weight_decay (float) – L2 regularization factor
pretrain_weight_name (str) – local path of pretrain weight file
pretrain_weight_url (str) – link to download pretrain weight file
n_spatial_dim (int) – spatial dimension count of data, support 2D and 3D data
- Returns
Prediction results
() Get the additional loss function in DenseNet121 model.
- Returns
Loss function
(inputs, is_training, build_ctx: ai4med.common.build_ctx.BuildContext) Forward computation process of DenseNet121 model for both training and inference.
- Parameters
inputs (tf.Tensor) – input data for the AHNet model
is_training (bool) – in training process or not
build_ctx (BuildContext) – reserved argument for future features
- Returns
Prediction results
() Get the update_ops for Batch Normalization.
The method “tf.control_dependencies” allow the operations used as inputs of the context manager are run before the operations defined inside the context manager. So we use “update_ops” to implement Batch Normalization.
- Returns
Update operations
Base class of Models
- Returns
Prediction results
(build_ctx: ai4med.common.build_ctx.BuildContext) Connect model with graph.
- Parameters
build_ctx – specified graph context
- Returns
Prediction results
() Get the additional loss function in AHNet model.
- Returns
Loss function
(inputs, is_training, build_ctx: ai4med.common.build_ctx.BuildContext) Forward computation process of model for both training and inference.
- Parameters
inputs (tf.Tensor) – input data for the AHNet model
is_training (bool) – in training process or not
build_ctx (BuildContext) – reserved argument for future features
- Returns
Prediction results
() Get the update_ops for Batch Normalization.
The method “tf.control_dependencies” allow the operations used as inputs of the context manager are run before the operations defined inside the context manager. So we use “update_ops” to implement Batch Normalization.
- Returns
Update operations
(num_classes, if_use_psp, plane, pretrain_weight_name, pretrain_weight_url=None, final_activation='softmax', dtype=tf.float32, data_format='channels_first', n_spatial_dim=2) Bases:
Segmentation model based on AHNet.
3D Anisotropic Hybrid Network (AH-Net) transfers convolutional features learned from 2D images to 3D anisotropic volumes. Such a transfer inherits the desired strong generalization capability for within-slice information while naturally exploiting between-slice information for more effective modelling. It can support both 2D and 3D segmentation tasks.
This implementation accepts an hdf5 file as pretrain weights through pretrain_weight_url, and if provided will initialize the network with those weights. If nothing is provided, the default initial weights will be from:
For more implementation details of AHNet, please check the libs.
Note: The input dimensions must be divisible 32 due to the structure of layers in the network.
- Parameters
num_classes (int) – expected class number of prediction results
if_use_psp (bool) – use “pyramid volumetric pooling” module for decoder or not
plane (str) – permute the weight tensors of first convolution layer to change channel dimension to plane dimension
pretrain_weight_name (str) – local path of pretrain weight file
pretrain_weight_url (str) – link to download pretrain weight file
final_activation (str) – final activation layer, supports: softmax, sigmoid, linear
dtype (tf.dtype) – reserved argument for future features
data_format (str) – input and output data dimensions supports CHANNEL_FIRST and CHANNEL_LAST
n_spatial_dim (int) – spatial dimension count of data, support 2D and 3D data
- Returns
Prediction results
() Get the additional loss function in AHNet model.
- Returns
Loss function
(inputs, is_training, build_ctx: ai4med.common.build_ctx.BuildContext) Forward computation process of AHNet model for both training and inference.
- Parameters
inputs (tf.Tensor) – input data for the AHNet model
is_training (bool) – in training process or not
build_ctx (BuildContext) – reserved argument for future features
- Returns
Prediction results
(num_classes, blocks_down='1,2,2,4', blocks_up='1,1,1', init_filters=8, use_batch_norm=False, use_group_norm=True, use_group_normG=8, reg_weight=0.0, dropout_prob=0.0, final_activation='softmax', use_vae=False, dtype=tf.float32, data_format='channels_first') Bases:
3D Segmentation model based on ResNet encoder and decoder.
Construct a encoder - decoder structure network based on ResNet.
- Parameters
num_classes (int) – expected class number of prediction results
blocks_down (str) – encoder layer number and ResNet block number of every layer
blocks_up (str) – decoder layer number and ResNet block number of every layer
init_filters (int) – convolution kernel number of first layer
use_batch_norm (bool) – use batch normalization, but only if use_group_norm is explicitly set to false.
use_group_norm (bool) – use group normalization or not. By default this is true.
use_group_normG (int) – group numbter of group normalization
reg_weight (float) – weight regularization factor
dropout_prob (float) – dropout rate for several layers in training
final_activation (str) – final activation layer, supports: softmax, sigmoid, linear
use_vae (bool) – use “Variational Auto Encoder” or not
dtype (tf.dtype) – data type of the network
data_format (str) – input and output data dimensions supports CHANNEL_FIRST and CHANNEL_LAST
- Returns
Prediction results
() Get the additional loss function in AHNet model.
- Parameters
None –
- Returns
Loss function
(inputs, is_training, build_ctx: ai4med.common.build_ctx.BuildContext) Forward computation process of ResNet model for both training and inference.
- Parameters
inputs (tf.Tensor) – input data for the ResNet model
is_training (bool) – in training process or not
build_ctx (BuildContext) – reserved argument for future features
- Returns
Prediction results
(num_classes, nf_enc='32,64,64,64', nf_dec='64,64,64,64,64,32,32', use_batch_norm=False, use_group_norm=True, use_group_normG=8, reg_weight=0.0, dropout_prob=0.0, final_activation='softmax', dtype=tf.float32, data_format='channels_first') Bases:
3D Segmentation model based on UNet.
For more details, check our implemented UNet in the paper. Wentao Zhu et al., NeurReg: Neural Registration and Its Application to Image Segmentation, WACV 2020. Wentao Zhu et al., Neural Multi-Scale Self-Supervised Registration for Echocardiogram Dense Tracking, arXiv 2019.
- Parameters
num_classes (int) – expected class number of prediction results
nf_enc (str) – number of filters in each encoder layer
nf_dec (str) – number of filters in each decoder layer
use_batch_norm (bool) – augmented batch normalization
use_group_norm (bool) – augmented group normalization
use_group_normG (int) – group numbter of group normalization
reg_weight (float) – weight regularization factor
dropout_prob (float) – dropout rate for several layers in training
final_activation (str) – final activation layer, supports: softmax, sigmoid, linear
dtype (tf.dtype) – data type of the network
data_format (str) – input and output data dimensions supports CHANNEL_FIRST and CHANNEL_LAST
- Returns
Prediction results
() Get the additional loss function in AHNet model.
- Returns
Loss function
(inputs, is_training, build_ctx: ai4med.common.build_ctx.BuildContext) Forward computation process of model for both training and inference.
- Parameters
inputs (tf.Tensor) – input data for the AHNet model
is_training (bool) – in training process or not
build_ctx (BuildContext) – reserved argument for future features
- Returns
Prediction results
(num_classes, nf_enc='32,64,64,64', nf_dec='64,64,64,64,64,32,32', gpu_enc='0,0,0,0', gpu_dec='0,0,0,0,0,0,0', use_batch_norm=False, use_group_norm=True, use_group_normG=8, reg_weight=0.0, dropout_prob=0.0, final_activation='softmax', dtype=tf.float32, data_format='channels_first') Bases:
3D Segmentation model based on UNet.
For more details, check our implemented UNet in the paper. Wentao Zhu et al., NeurReg: Neural Registration and Its Application to Image Segmentation, WACV 2020. Wentao Zhu et al., Neural Multi-Scale Self-Supervised Registration for Echocardiogram Dense Tracking, arXiv 2019.
- Parameters
num_classes (int) – expected class number of prediction results
nf_enc (str) – number of filters in each encoder layer
nf_dec (str) – number of filters in each decoder layer
gpu_enc (str) – the gpu id for each encoder layer
gpu_dec (str) – the gpu id for each decoder layer
use_batch_norm (bool) – augmented batch normalization
use_group_norm (bool) – augmented group normalization
use_group_normG (int) – group numbter of group normalization
reg_weight (float) – weight regularization factor
dropout_prob (float) – dropout rate for several layers in training
final_activation (str) – final activation layer, supports: softmax, sigmoid, linear
dtype (tf.dtype) – data type of the network
data_format (str) – input and output data dimensions supports CHANNEL_FIRST and CHANNEL_LAST
- Returns
Prediction results
() Get the additional loss function in AHNet model.
- Returns
Loss function
(inputs, is_training, build_ctx: ai4med.common.build_ctx.BuildContext) Forward computation process of model for both training and inference.
- Parameters
inputs (tf.Tensor) – input data for the AHNet model
is_training (bool) – in training process or not
build_ctx (BuildContext) – reserved argument for future features
- Returns
Prediction results