NVIDIA Clara Train 3.1

ai4med.components.stats_loggers package

class PrintTrainEpochStats

Bases: ai4med.components.stats_loggers.stats_logger.StatsLogger

Prints stats of a training epoch, based on info in the Train Context.

log(train_ctx: ai4med.common.train_ctx.TrainContext)

Prints stats of a training epoch, based on info in the Train Context, including how long the current epoch took, the average time each epoch took so far, estimated training time remaining, the current best validation metric and the epoch at which the best metric was achieved.


train_ctx – the train context


class PrintTrainStepStats(bar_length=20, new_line=True)

Bases: ai4med.components.stats_loggers.stats_logger.StatsLogger

Prints the stats of the current training step to console.

  • bar_length (int) – number of bar chars for showing percentage of completion

  • new_line (bool) – whether to create a new line for each reporting. If set to False, all steps are

  • on the same line on the screen. (printed) –

log(train_ctx: ai4med.common.train_ctx.TrainContext)
Prints step stats based on data in the training context, including:

Current epoch vs. total number of epochs; Current iteration vs. total number of iterations in the epoch; Accumulated values of print tensors; Time taken by this step.


train_ctx – the training context


class PrintValidationStats

Bases: ai4med.components.stats_loggers.stats_logger.StatsLogger

Prints the stats of model validation

log(train_ctx: ai4med.common.train_ctx.TrainContext)
Prints the stats of model validation, based on the data in training context, including:

Current epoch vs. total number of epochs; Accumulated values of print tensors; Aggregated values of print metrics


train_ctx – the training context


class RecordTrainEvents

Bases: ai4med.components.stats_loggers.stats_logger.StatsLogger

Record training summary stats to tensorboard

log(train_ctx: ai4med.common.train_ctx.TrainContext)

Record training summary stats to tensorboard, based on data in the training context. The data to be recorded are the values of summary tensors




class RecordValidationEvents

Bases: ai4med.components.stats_loggers.stats_logger.StatsLogger

log(train_ctx: ai4med.common.train_ctx.TrainContext)

Computes and logs the stats data based on the training contextual data.


train_ctx – context that contains training contextual data


class StatsLogger

Bases: object

StatsLogger is used to log stats info during training.

log(train_ctx: ai4med.common.train_ctx.TrainContext)

Computes and logs the stats data based on the training contextual data.


train_ctx – context that contains training contextual data


© Copyright 2020, NVIDIA. Last updated on Feb 2, 2023.