ai4med.libs.transforms package
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage)
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Argmax over channels to produce multi-label segmentation
- Parameters
- the MedicalImage to be processed (img) –
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage)
(class_names: Union[list, tuple], dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.transformer.Transformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.transformer.Transformer</a>
Convert data to multi channels using brats classes. The possible classes are TC (Tumor core), WC (Whole tumor) and ET (Enhancing tumor). For further details, please see the paper “3D MRI brain tumor segmentation using autoencoder regularization”
- Parameters
class_names (list) – List of class names to use for creating channels.
- Returns
Converted image with new channels based on brats classes.
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage) Converts to multi channel image using a list of brats classes.
- Parameters
img – Input image to convert.
- Returns
Converted image with new channels based on brats classes.
(class_names, dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.transformer.Transformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.transformer.Transformer</a>
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage)
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, num_times: int)
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage)
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage)
(num_indices, translation_list=None, dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.transformer.Transformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.transformer.Transformer</a>
Create new channels from data using class indexes.
- Parameters
num_indices (int) – Number of class indices.
translation_list (list) – List of ints used for creating channels.
- Returns
MedicalImage with new channels created from class indices.
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage) Convert the data in image to multi-channel.
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.transformer.Transformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.transformer.Transformer</a>
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, num_indices)
(use_sigmoid_for_binary=True, use_softmax_for_multiclass=True) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.transformer.Transformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.transformer.Transformer</a>
(predictions, label_format)
(size, batch_size, location_generator, dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Crops fixed sized sub-volumes from image with the centers being determined by the location generator. Different location generators can be used for different algorithms to choose the centers of volumes to be cropped. This cropper will automatically use SymmetricPadder to increase the image to the minimum size if necessary.
- Parameters
label_image – MedicalImage of the label data. This will be used for finding foreground/background
imgs – name of field for label image. This will be used for finding foreground/background
size – the size of the crop region e.g. [224,224,128]
batch_size – number of samples (crop regions) to take
location_generator – transform that picks centers based on image and label data
(label_img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, imgs, cache_id) - Parameters
label_img (MedicalImage) – label MedicalImage
imgs (list) – list of MedicalImages to be sampled from
cache_id – DataElementKey.ID from the transform context to uniquely identify the data element
- Returns
(label_medical_image, img_medical_images) for MedicalImages that have been processed
(size, batch_size, ratio_pos_neg=None) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Generate valid sample locations based on image with option for specifying foreground ratio. This is the same as RandomSampleLocationGenerator3, except that this also return a list that indicates each center is foreground or not
- Parameters
size – size of the ROIs to be sampled
batch_size – batch size of data
ratio_pos_neg (optional) – ratio of total locations generated that have center being foreground
(a, is_foreground=False)
(a, is_foreground=False)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, label_img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage) - Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – MedicalImage for the image
label_img (MedicalImage) – MedicalImage for the label
- Returns
A list of centers picked from the foreground and background determined by img and label_img in a ratio
specified by ratio_pos_neg
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Changes image intensity by gamma.
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, gamma) Changes image intensity by gamma.
Each pixel/voxel intensity is updated as x = ((x-min)/intensity_range)^gamma*intensity_range+min
- Parameters
img – image to be updated
gamma – gamma value
- Returns
updated image
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.padder.Padder">ai4med.libs.transforms.padder.Padder</a>
- Performs padding by appending to the end of the data all on one side for each dimension.
Uses np.pad so in practice, a mode needs to be provided. See numpy.lib.arraypad.pad for additional details.
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed
out_size – the size of region of interest at the end of the operation
mode – str or function. A portion from numpy.lib.arraypad.pad is copied below.
One of the following string values or a user supplied function. 'constant' Pads with a constant value. Default is 0. 'edge' Pads with the edge values of array. 'linear_ramp' Pads with the linear ramp between end_value and the array edge value. 'maximum' Pads with the maximum value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'mean' Pads with the mean value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'median' Pads with the median value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'minimum' Pads with the minimum value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'reflect' Pads with the reflection of the vector mirrored on the first and last values of the vector along each axis. 'symmetric' Pads with the reflection of the vector mirrored along the edge of the array. 'wrap' Pads with the wrap of the vector along the axis. The first values are used to pad the end and the end values are used to pad the beginning. <function> Padding function, see Notes.
(out_size, data_shape)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, out_size, mode: str, **kwargs)
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Calculate Extreme points based on foreground labels.
(label: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, permutation=0, background_index=0) Get list extreme points based on foreground label. Add permutation if needed.
- Parameters
label (MedicalImage) – Input image containing label data.
permutation (float) – Random permutation amount (Default: 0).
background_index (int) – Index of the background label.
- Returns
list of extreme points.
(size, deform=False, rotation=True, rotation_degree=15, scale=True, scale_factor=0.1, pos=1, neg=1, fast_crop=False) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Fast image data augmentation method (CPU based) by combining volume transform and ROI cropping.
- Parameters
size – cropped ROI size, e.g., [96, 96, 96].
deform – whether to apply 3D deformation.
rotation – whether to apply 3D rotation.
rotation_degree – the degree of rotation, e.g., 15 means randomly rotate the image/label in a range [-15, +15].
scale – whether to apply scaling.
scale_factor – the percentage of scaling, e.g., 0.1 means randomly scaling the image/label in a range [-0.1, +0.1].
pos – the factor controlling the ratio of positive ROI sampling.
neg – the factor controlling the ratio of negative ROI sampling.
- Returns
New image and new label
(data, seg, patch_size, patch_center_dist_from_border=30, do_elastic_deform=True, alpha=0.0, 1000.0, sigma=10.0, 13.0, do_rotation=True, angle_x=0, 6.283185307179586, angle_y=0, 6.283185307179586, angle_z=0, 6.283185307179586, do_scale=True, scale=0.75, 1.25, border_mode_data='nearest', border_cval_data=0, order_data=3, border_mode_seg='constant', border_cval_seg=0, order_seg=0, random_crop=True)
(data, seg, patch_size, patch_center_dist_from_border=30, do_elastic_deform=True, alpha=0.0, 1000.0, sigma=10.0, 13.0, do_rotation=True, angle_x=0, 6.283185307179586, angle_y=0, 6.283185307179586, do_scale=True, scale=0.75, 1.25, border_mode_data='nearest', border_cval_data=0, order_data=3, border_mode_seg='constant', border_cval_seg=0, order_seg=0, random_crop=True)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, label: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage)
(image, out_size, start_dim, end_dim, pad_mode='constant')
(size, pad=20, use_only_one_class=False, keep_classes=False, use_gpu=False, pert=0, dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Crops a sub-volume conforming to the foreground of the label.
- Parameters
size – resized size of the crop region e.g. [128,128,128]
pad – amount of padding around object in millimeters
use_only_one_class – if true, one non-zero class is randomly picked to be the foreground while the rest are ignored. Otherwise, all classes are considered foreground
keep_classes – if true, keep original label indices in label image (no thresholding). If false, the label indices will be altered and all the classes of the input will be consolidated into one class.
use_gpu – if true, use gpu for resizing (currently not yet implemented)
pert – maximum magnitude of random perturbation in each dimension added to padding in millimeters
(label_img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, imgs) - Parameters
label_img – the label MedicalImage to be used to determine foreground and background
imgs – list of MedicalImages to be processed
- Returns
Cropped label image and imgs
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
General purpose cropper to produce sub-volume region of interest (ROI). Either a center and size must be provided, or alternatively if center and size are not provided, the start and end coordinates of the ROI must be provided. The sub-volume must sit the within original image.
Note: This transform will not work if the crop region is larger than the image itself. For small volumes that may run into this issue, it is important to use something like SymmetricPadder before this transform to bring the image up to the minimum size.
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed
roi_center (list or tuple) – voxel coordinates for center of the crop ROI
roi_size (list or tuple) – size of the crop ROI
roi_start (list or tuple) – voxel coordinates for start of the crop ROI
roi_end (list or tuple) – voxel coordinates for end of the crop ROI
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, roi_center=None, roi_size=None, roi_start=None, roi_end=None) Produces sub-volume region of interest (ROI). Either a center and size must be provided, or alternatively if roi_center and roi_center are not provided, the roi_start and roi_end coordinates of the ROI must be provided. The sub-volume must sit the within original image.
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed
roi_center (list or tuple) – voxel coordinates for center of the crop ROI
roi_size (list or tuple) – size of the crop ROI
roi_start (list or tuple) – voxel coordinates for start of the crop ROI
roi_end (list or tuple) – voxel coordinates for end of the crop ROI
Returns: MedicalImage that has been processed
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
General purpose sampler to produce batched sub-volumes with roi_centers and roi_size. The number of samples will be determined by the length of roi_centers. Sub-volumes must sit within original image, and the output is batched. (currently not used, maybe can remove if GeneralCropper covers everything this does)
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed, non-batched
roi_size – the size of ROIs (same for all ROIs)
roi_centers – the center points of sample ROIs
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, roi_centers, roi_size)
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Makes new image using extreme points.
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, points, sigma=0) Make new image using extreme points.
- Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – Original image for reference.
points (ndarray) – List of extreme points.
sigma (float) – Parameter for adding gaussian. Default 0
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Normalize input based on provided args, using calculated mean and std if not provided (shape of subtrahend and divisor must match. if 0, entire volume uses same subtrahend and divisor, otherwise the shape can have dimension 1 for channels).
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed
subtrahend (ndarray) – the amount to subtract by (usually the mean)
divisor (ndarray) – the amount to divide by (usually the standard deviation)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, subtrahend=None, divisor=None) Normalizes the data
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed
subtrahend – the amount to subtract by (usually the mean)
divisor – the amount to divide by (usually the standard deviation)
- Returns
MedicalImage that has been processed
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Apply specific intensity scaling to the whole numpy array scaling from [a_min, a_max] to [b_min, b_max] with clip option
- Parameters
a_min (int or float) – intensity original range min
a_max (int or float) – intensity original range max
b_min (int or float) – intensity target range min
b_max (int or float) – intensity target range max
do_clipping (bool) – whether to perform clip after scaling
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, a_min, a_max, b_min, b_max, do_clipping=False, to_dtype=) - Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – input image to be processed
a_min (int or float) – intensity original range min
a_max (int or float) – intensity original range max
b_min (int or float) – intensity target range min
b_max (int or float) – intensity target range max
do_clipping (bool) – whether to perform clip after scaling
to_dtype (dtype attribute) – data type identifier
- Returns
MedicalImage that has been processed
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
multiply the input intensities by a provided scaling factor.
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, scale_factor, to_dtype=) multiply the data of img by scale_factor.
- Parameters
scale_factor – a multiplicative factor
to_dtype – output data type
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Perturbs intensity
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, scale, shift) Intensity scale and shift Operation based on this formula
c = c * (1+scale) + shift * std(c)
where scale and shift are range of internal random variables- Parameters
scale – increase or decrease the range of intensity
shift – move up or down the intensity
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Uniformly shifts intensity values for entire image by offset value.
- Parameters
offset – value to shift intensity by
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, offset, to_dtype=) - Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – input image to be processed
offset (int or float) – value to shift intensity by
to_dtype (dtype attribute) – dtype of output
Returns: MedicalImage that has been processed
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Replaces given set of labels in data with new labels.
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, input_labels, output_labels) Replaces all input_labels in data to output_labels.
- Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – image containing data.
input_labels (list) – Input indices for mapping.
output_labels (list) – Output indices to map to.
- Returns
Image with new set of labels after mapping.
(size, batch_size, location_generator, batches_to_gen_at_once=1, dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Crops fixed sized sub-volumes from image with the centers being determined by the location generator. Different location generators can be used for different algorithms to choose the centers of volumes to be cropped. This cropper will automatically use SymmetricPadder to increase the image to the minimum size if necessary, padding with default mode constant and with the value 0.
- Parameters
label_image – MedicalImage of the label data. This will be used for finding foreground/background
imgs – name of field for label image. This will be used for finding foreground/background
size – the size of the crop region e.g. [224,224,128]
batch_size – number of samples (crop regions) to take
location_generator – transform that picks centers based on image and label data
batches_to_gen_at_once – the number of batches of ROI centers that will be generated at once by the location generator. Rather than process the foreground/background and generating a batch of centers each time, if the same image will end up being used to generate centers multiple times, this variable can be set to determine the number of batches of centers to generate at once and then cache for better efficiency.
(label_img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, imgs, cache_id) - Parameters
label_img (MedicalImage) – label MedicalImage
imgs (list) – list of MedicalImages to be sampled from
cache_id – DataElementKey.ID from the transform context to uniquely identify the data element
- Returns
(label_medical_image, img_medical_images) for MedicalImages that have been processed
Base class for multi-format transformer.
Following tensorflow’s NN format, 12 numpy data formats are specified based on image dimension, batch mode, and channel mode
(med_image, *args, **kwargs)
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Adds noise to the entire image.
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, noise) Adds noise to the entire image.
- Parameters
img – the source medical image
noise – numpy array with the same shape as img’s data
- Returns
Instance of MedicalImage
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Normalize input to zero mean and unit std, based on non-zero elements only for each input channel individually.
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage)
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
(out_size, data_shape)
(must_copy=True) Bases:
(from_img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, to_img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, property_names: list)
Pseudo multiplicative bias field for MRI
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Generate multiplicative bias field and apply
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, degree=3, coeff_range=0.0, 0.1) Apply random bias field.
- Parameters
img – instance of MedicalImage
degree – degree of freedom of the polynomials
coeff_range – range of the random coefficients
- Returns
(size, batch_size, ratio_pos_neg=None, batches_to_gen_at_once=1) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Generate valid sample locations based on image with option for specifying foreground ratio Valid: samples sitting entirely within image
Compared to the other RandomSampleLocationGenerators, this one only takes into account the label and ignores if the voxels in the image are 0 when determining the background. That makes this transform faster but can increase the chance areas with less foreground are selected.
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage containing foreground/background (typically label data)
size – size of the ROIs to be sampled
sample_number – total sample centers to be generated, equal to the batch_size * batches_to_gen_at_once
ratio_pos_neg (optional) – ratio of total locations generated that have center being foreground (label value > 0)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, label_img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage) - Parameters
img – img is not used but still here to match the signatures of the other RandomSampleLocationGenerators
label_img (MedicalImage) – label MedicalImage to use to determine foreground and background
- Returns
list of centers generated with specified Pos Neg Ratio.
(size, batch_size, ratio_pos_neg=None, batches_to_gen_at_once=1) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Generate valid sample locations based on image with option for specifying foreground ratio. This differs from RandomSampleLocationGenerator because this one takes the image into account as well as the label to find foreground and background: (image_entry not zero) and (label_entry == 0)
- Parameters
img – MedicalImage containing volume
label_img – MedicalImage containing label with foreground/background
size – size of the ROIs to be sampled
sample_number – total sample centers to be generated, equal to the batch_size * batches_to_gen_at_once
ratio_pos_neg (optional) – ratio of total locations generated that have center being foreground
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, label_img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage) - Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – MedicalImage for the image
label_img (MedicalImage) – MedicalImage for the label
- Returns
A list of centers picked from the foreground and background determined by img and label_img in a ratio
specified by ratio_pos_neg
(size, batch_size, ratio_pos_neg=None, batches_to_gen_at_once=1) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Generate valid sample locations based on image with option for specifying foreground ratio. This is like RandomSampleLocationGenerator2 which takes into account the image as well as the label to find foreground and background: (image_entry not zero) and (label_entry == 0)
The difference between this and RandomSampleLocationGenerator2 is that this uses the fast_crop algorithm, so the way in which the centers are picked is different. This transform uses True/False masks the size of the spatial shape corresponding to foreground and background, then randomly picks a point from the entire volume before checking if the value matches foreground or background, whatever is being picked that iteration. On the other hand, RandomSampleLocationGenerator2 uses True/False masks to get all valid background and foreground points to pick from, and then picks an arbitrary index to find such a point.
- Parameters
img – MedicalImage containing volume
label_img – MedicalImage containing label with foreground/background
size – size of the ROIs to be sampled
sample_number – total sample centers to be generated, equal to the batch_size * batches_to_gen_at_once
ratio_pos_neg (optional) – ratio of total locations generated that have center being foreground
(a, is_foreground=False)
(a, is_foreground=False)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, label_img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage) - Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – MedicalImage for the image
label_img (MedicalImage) – MedicalImage for the label
- Returns
A list of centers picked from the foreground and background determined by img and label_img in a ratio
specified by ratio_pos_neg
(lower_size, max_displacement=50, keep_aspect=True, dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Crop randomly sized sub-volume from image between lower_size and the image size. The size of the resulting image after this transformation will vary.
- Parameters
lower_size – lower limit of crop size, can be a list or tuple for the spatial dimensions of the image. lower_size can also be a single value in which case a list will be created automatically and lower_size for each dimension will be that value. int values in lower_size are interpreted as the size in voxels. Alternatively, lower_size can be type float, in which case it must be < 1, to represent the ratio of the cropped lower_size to the original image size.
max_displacement – max displacement from center of the input image to the center of the crop region. This can be one integer greater than or equal to 0, or a list or tuple of size equal to the spatial dimensions of the input images with an integer greater than or equal to 0 for each respective dimension.
keep_aspect – if true, then original aspect ratio is kept. if true, the first dimension of lower_size will be used and the rest will be ignored.
(imgs) - Parameters
imgs – List of MedicalImages to crop
- Returns
List of cropped MedicalImages
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Sharpen input with gaussian filter for each input channel individually.
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage)
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Smooth input with gaussian filter for each input channel individually.
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage)
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Flips in spatial domain along given axis (ignore channel and batch).
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, flip_axis) Flips img around given flip_axis.
- Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – image containing data to be rotated.
flip_axis (list) – Axis to use for flipping.
- Returns
flipped image.
(flags=1, border_mode=2, dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Rotate 2D images.
- Parameters
flags – Interpolation mode. Default: cv2.INTER_LINEAR.
border_mode – Border mode. Default : cv2.BORDER_REFLECT.
dtype – np array type to convert to after rotation happens.
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, angle) Rotate the spatial data of 2D Image by given angle.
- Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – image containing data to be rotated.
angle (float) – Angle of rotation in degrees in counter clockwise direction.
- Returns
Image rotated by given angle.
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Rotates a given 3D array by multiple of 90 degrees.
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, num_rotations=1, axis=None) Rotate the spatial data of image by 90 degrees x num_rotations.
- Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – image containing data to be rotated.
num_rotations (int) – Num of times to rotate. Default 1
axis (list) – Axis for rotation. If None, default axis is presumed based on shape.
- Returns
Image rotated by 90 degrees x num_rotations.
(dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Scales spatial domain (ignore channel and batch)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, factor, is_label)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, target_resolution, is_label)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, target_spacing, is_label)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, is_label)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, target_shape, is_label)
(se, dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Scales spatial domain with ndimage.binary_closing to smooth.
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, target_shape, nearest)
(use_gpu=False, keep_size=False, dtype=) Bases:
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer">ai4med.libs.transforms.multi_format_transformer.MultiFormatTransformer</a>
Zooms a 3d image. Batch and channel dimensions are not zoomed.
- Parameters
use_gpu (bool) – Should use cpu or gpu
keep_size (bool) – Should keep original size (pad if needed)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, interpolation, zoom=1) Zooms a 3d image. Batch and channel dimensions are not zoomed.
- Parameters
img (MedicalImage) – image containing data.
interpolation – Interpolation type (defined in ImageOps.INTERPOLATION_*)
zoom (list) – Amount to zoom in each spatial dimension. (<1 means zoom out. >1 means zoom in. Default 1)
- Returns
Image with spatial data zoomed according to given zoom factor.
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.padder.Padder">ai4med.libs.transforms.padder.Padder</a>
Performs padding on both sides of data for each dimension. The padded image size is divisible by an given integer. This component calculates the nearest pad size, out_size, and computes difference between the out_size and the size of the data and divides it by 2 for the amount to pad on each side. If the number of cells that need to be padded is odd, there will be one more added to the end of the data compared to the beginning. Uses np.pad so in practice, a mode needs to be provided. See numpy.lib.arraypad.pad for additional details.
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed
div_int – the integer the pad size is divisible by
mode – str or function. A portion from numpy.lib.arraypad.pad is copied below.
One of the following string values or a user supplied function. 'constant' Pads with a constant value. Default is 0. 'edge' Pads with the edge values of array. 'linear_ramp' Pads with the linear ramp between end_value and the array edge value. 'maximum' Pads with the maximum value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'mean' Pads with the mean value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'median' Pads with the median value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'minimum' Pads with the minimum value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'reflect' Pads with the reflection of the vector mirrored on the first and last values of the vector along each axis. 'symmetric' Pads with the reflection of the vector mirrored along the edge of the array. 'wrap' Pads with the wrap of the vector along the axis. The first values are used to pad the end and the end values are used to pad the beginning. <function> Padding function, see Notes.
(out_size, shape)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, div_int: int, mode: str, **kwargs)
<a href="#ai4med.libs.transforms.padder.Padder">ai4med.libs.transforms.padder.Padder</a>
Performs padding on both sides of data for each dimension. This component calculates the difference between the out_size and the size of the data and divides it by 2 for the amount to pad on each side. If the number of cells that need to be padded is odd, there will be one more added to the end of the data compared to the beginning. Uses np.pad so in practice, a mode needs to be provided. See numpy.lib.arraypad.pad for additional details.
- Parameters
img – the MedicalImage to be processed
out_size – the size of region of interest at the end of the operation
mode – str or function. A portion from numpy.lib.arraypad.pad is copied below.
One of the following string values or a user supplied function. 'constant' Pads with a constant value. Default is 0. 'edge' Pads with the edge values of array. 'linear_ramp' Pads with the linear ramp between end_value and the array edge value. 'maximum' Pads with the maximum value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'mean' Pads with the mean value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'median' Pads with the median value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'minimum' Pads with the minimum value of all or part of the vector along each axis. 'reflect' Pads with the reflection of the vector mirrored on the first and last values of the vector along each axis. 'symmetric' Pads with the reflection of the vector mirrored along the edge of the array. 'wrap' Pads with the wrap of the vector along the axis. The first values are used to pad the end and the end values are used to pad the beginning. <function> Padding function, see Notes.
(out_size, shape)
(img: ai4med.common.medical_image.MedicalImage, out_size, mode: str, **kwargs)