ai4med.operations package
(predictions, labels, use_sigmoid=False) Compare prediction results with labels and compute accuracy.
- Parameters
predictions (Tensor) – output of model layers
labels (Tensor) – ground truth of test data
use_sigmoid (bool) – add sigmoid layer after predictions or not (Default: False)
- Returns
dict contains accuracy tag and value
- Return type
(x, name='prelu_layer') Parametric relu (same alpha for all channels).
For more details, check
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input tensor
name (str) – (optional) name of scope
tags (list or str) – tag name for the accuracy result in dict
use_sigmoid (bool) – add sigmoid layer after predictions or not
- Returns
tensor result, same size as input
- Return type
(x, data_format) Create and add a bias (trainable) variable for each input channel.
Same things as tf.nn.bias_add for 2D case, but for 3D it will reshape to 2D case, add bias, and reshape back, which is faster in TF.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input tensor (4D for 2D spatial case) or (5D for 3D spatial case)
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
- Returns
tensor result, same size as input
- Return type
(predictions, label_format, use_sigmoid_for_binary=True, use_softmax_for_multiclass=True) Process multple class predictions to 1 class output format.
- Parameters
predictions (Tensor) – output of model layers
label_format – format of the labels
use_sigmoid_for_binary (bool) – use sigmoid for binary classification or not
use_softmax_for_multiclass (bool) – use softmax for multple class classification or not
- Returns
predictions with expected format
- Return type
(predictions, label_format, use_sigmoid_for_binary=True, use_softmax_for_multiclass=True) Process multple class predictions to same format as label.
- Parameters
predictions (Tensor) – output of model layers
label_format – format of the labels
use_sigmoid_for_binary (bool) – use sigmoid for binary classification or not
use_softmax_for_multiclass (bool) – use softmax for multple class classification or not
- Returns
predictions with expected format
- Return type
(tensor, label_format: ai4med.common.label_format.LabelFormatInfo)
(x, filters, kernel_size, data_format, strides=1, dilation_rate=1, use_bias=True, use_wscale=False, padding='SAME', use_fixed_padding=False) 3D/2D convolution.
Similar to standard tf.layers.conv3D and tf.layers.conv2D, but allows to specify additional options, such as: a) fixed_padding b) use_wscale (from Progressive GANs)
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input tensor (4D for 2D spatial case) or (5D for 3D spatial case)
filters (int) – number of convolution filters
kernel_size (tuple) – size of convolution filter kernel
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
strides (int) – number of strides of convolution computation
dilation_rate (int) – dilation convolution rate
use_bias (bool) – add bias to filters or not
use_wscale (bool) – variable is initialzed to 0 mean 1 std or not
padding (bool) – use padding mode or not
use_fixed_padding (bool) – pad the input with zeros along the spatial dimensions or not
- Returns
tensor result of convolution computation
- Return type
(x, filters, kernel_size, data_format, strides=1, use_bias=False, use_wscale=False, padding='SAME') 3D/2D transpose convolution.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input tensor (4D for 2D spatial case) or (5D for 3D spatial case)
filters (int) – number of convolution filters
kernel_size (tuple) – size of convolution filter kernel
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
strides (int) – number of strides of convolution computation
use_bias (bool) – add bias to filters or not
use_wscale (bool) – variable is initialzed to 0 mean 1 std or not
padding (bool) – use padding mode or not
- Returns
tensor result of transpose convolution computation
- Return type
(inputs, kernel_size, data_format, dilation_rate=1, padding_mode='CONSTANT') Explicitly pads the input with zeros along the spatial dimensions independently of image size for strides > 1.
so that we can use VALID convolution later, instead of using the SAME convolutions with implicit padding. When using SAME convolutions TF automatically pads input tensors (but the padding depends on whether dimensions is even or odd, and on strides and dilation rate somewhat inconsistently)
because of that many TF own example use the explicit fixed_padding e.g.
- Parameters
inputs (Tensor) – input tensor of size [batch, channels, height_in, width_in] or [batch, height_in, width_in, channels] depending on data_format
kernel_size (tuple) – the kernel to be used in the conv2d or max_pool2d operation should be a positive integer.
data_format (str) – the input format (‘channels_last’ or ‘channels_first’)
dilation_rate (int) – dilation convolution rate
padding_mode (str) – “CONSTANT”, “REFLECT”, or “SYMMETRIC” (case-insensitive)
- Returns
tensor result with added padding
- Return type
(predictions, targets, data_format='channels_first', skip_background=False, is_onehot_targets=False, is_independent_predictions=False, jaccard=False, threshold=0.5) Compute average Dice between two 5D tensors (for 3D images) or 4D tensors (for 2D images).
- Parameters
predictions (Tensor) – predicted segmentation output. Several version are allowed 1) Nx1xHxWxD - if output segmentation has only 1 channel (e.g. only foreground prediction) 2) NxCxHxWxD - if output segmentation has several channels, and if is_independent_predictions==False(default) channels are assumed to be competing probabilities (e.g. after softmax or logits), and argmax over the channel dimension will be evaluated first. (this is the case for not overlaping classes, e.g. liver, kidneys, prostate) if is_independent_predictions==True, then the channels are assumed to be independent segmentation probabilities (e.g. several channels after sigmoid), and the average dice for each channel is computed (the foreground is thresholded using threshold = 0.5 (default) parameter). (this is the case when e.g. segmenting several nested classes, e.g. 3 overlapping tumor subregions as 3 output channels) use “metric_dice”: {“is_independent_predictions”: true} json field in your net_confg
targets (Tensor) – true segmentation values. Usually has 1 channel dimension (e.g. Nx1xHxWxD), where each element is an index indicating class label. Alternatively it can be a one-hot-encoded tensor of the shape NxCxHxWxD, where each channel is binary (or float in interval 0..1) indicating the probability of the corresponding class label (in this case you must set is_onehot_targets = True)
data_format (str) – the input format (‘channels_last’ or ‘channels_first’)
skip_background (bool) – skip dice computation on the first channel of the predicuted output (basically skipping dice on background class) or not
is_onehot_targets (bool) – targets in One-Hot format or not
is_independent_predictions (bool) – prediction results are independent or not
jaccard (bool) – compute Jaccard Indect (a.k.a. IoU) instead of dice or not
threshold (float) – threshold to convert independent_predictions probabilities into binary
- Returns
- N float values (for each class separately) and a tensor of N bools (with True for each valid
dice calculation, where true class was present)
- Return type
(tensor, tensor_mask, axis=None) Compute mean value on masked ground truth.
- Parameters
tensor (Tensor) – input data
tensor_mask (Tensor) – mask for expected ground truth
axis (int) – compute sum and mean on expected axis
- Returns
reduced results
(predictions, targets, tags, data_format='channels_first', skip_background=False, is_onehot_targets=False, is_independent_predictions=False, jaccard=False, threshold=0.5) Outputs a dict of dice values. This function outputs a dict of dice values. The first element in the output dict is the average value across all classes, and if there is more than one class, the remaining elements are per-class values. If there are no ground labels for the class in question, returns nan.
- Parameters
predictions (Tensor) – output of model layers
targets (Tensor) – ground truth of test data
tags (list, str) – key names of generated outputs
data_format (str) – the input format (‘channels_last’ or ‘channels_first’)
skip_background (bool) – remove background class or not
is_onehot_targets (bool) – targets in One-Hot format or not
is_independent_predictions (bool) – prediction results are independent or not
jaccard (bool) – compute Jaccard Indect (a.k.a. IoU) instead of dice or not
threshold (float) – threshold to convert independent_predictions probabilities into binary
- Returns
iterate through each class, and return the value in dict
- Return type
(x, rate, data_format, seed=None, training=False, name=None) Similar to conventional dropout, but drops/zeros some voxels across all channels.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input data (N-D, any dimensions, e.g. 5D for 3D images)
rate (float) – probability of dropping each channel [0..1]
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
seed (float) – optional random seed
training (bool) – in training (no dropout if not in training) or not
name (str) – optional operation name
- Returns
same size as input, with some voxels zeroed out across all channels, the remaining is rescaled
- Return type
x (Tensor)
(x, rate, data_format, seed=None, training=False, name=None) Similar to conventional dropout, but drops/zeros entire channel.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input data (N-D, any dimensions, e.g. 5D for 3D images)
rate (float) – probability of dropping each channel [0..1]
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
seed (float) – optional random seed
training (bool) – in training (no dropout if not in training) or not
name (str) – optional operation name
- Returns
same size as input, with some channels zeroed out, the remaining channels are rescaled
- Return type
x (Tensor)
(x, rate, data_format, seed=None, training=False, name=None) Similar to conventional dropout, but drops/zeros some voxels across all channels.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input data (N-D, any dimensions, e.g. 5D for 3D images)
rate (float) – probability of dropping each channel [0..1]
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
seed (float) – optional random seed
training (bool) – in training (no dropout if not in training) or not
name (str) – optional operation name
- Returns
same size as input, with some voxels zeroed out across all channels, the remaining is rescaled
- Return type
x (Tensor)
(x, rate, data_format, seed=None, training=False, name=None) Similar to conventional dropout, but drops/zeros entire channel.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input data (N-D, any dimensions, e.g. 5D for 3D images)
rate (float) – probability of dropping each channel [0..1]
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
seed (float) – optional random seed
training (bool) – in training (no dropout if not in training) or not
name (str) – optional operation name
- Returns
same size as input, with some channels zeroed out, the remaining channels are rescaled
- Return type
x (Tensor)
(seed=None, dtype=tf.float32) He normal initializer.
It draws samples from a truncated normal distribution centered on 0 with ‘stddev = sqrt(2 / fan_in)’ where ‘fan_in’ is the number of input units in the weight tensor. For more details, check He et al.,
- Parameters
seed (float) – optional random seed, used to seed the random generator
dtype (tf.dtype) – indicate input data type
- Returns
initializer for weights
(x, data_format, G=8, gamma_init=1.0, scope='group_norm_scope') Group Normalization.
For more details, check
- Parameters
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
G (int) – number of groups
gamma_init (float) – value to initialize gamma factor
scope (str) – name of group normalization scope
- Returns
tensor result of group normalization computation
(x, data_format, upsample_factor=2, trainable=False) Upsample/Upsize tensor several times using linear interpolation
Actually not strictly defined linear interpolation, but a smooth upsampling similar to linear, which is easier in TF. Supports 2D and 3D spatial dimensions only (that is 4D or 5D input tensors only).
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input data, NxCxDxHxW or NxDxHxWxC for 3D, or NxCxHxW or NxHxWxC for 2D
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
upsample_factor (int) – upsample factor for spatial dimensions, must be >=1
trainable (bool) – the factors is to be trained or not
- Returns
tensor result of spatially dimensions upsampled
(x, data_format, upsample_factor=2) Upsample/Upsize tensor several times using nearest neighbors interpolation (element repeat).
Supports N-D tensors (2D, 3D or any other dimensions)
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input data, NxCxDxHxW or NxDxHxWxC for 3D, or NxCxHxW or NxHxWxC for 2D
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
upsample_factor (int) – upsample factor for spatial dimensions, must be >=1
- Returns
tensor result of upsampling computation
(tensor, repeats, allowFirstDimBatchNone=False) Repeat tensor elements several times along each axis.
Adopted from
- Parameters
tensor (Tensor) – input data, N-D (any dimensional)
repeats (list) – Number of repeat for each dimension, length must be the same as the number of dimensions in input
allowFirstDimBatchNone (bool) – allow first batch dim is None or not
- Returns
tensor result with same type as input with shape of tensor.shape * repeats
(x, data_format, upsample_factor=2) Upsample/Upsize tensor several times using nearest neighbors interpolation (element repeat).
Supports N-D tensors (2D, 3D or any other dimensions)
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input data, NxCxDxHxW or NxDxHxWxC for 3D, or NxCxHxW or NxHxWxC for 2D
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
upsample_factor (int) – upsample factor for spatial dimensions, must be >=1
- Returns
tensor result of upsampling computation
(x, data_format, upsample_factor=2, trainable=False) Upsample/Upsize tensor several times using linear interpolation
Actually not strictly defined linear interpolation, but a smooth upsampling similar to linear, which is easier in TF. Supports 2D and 3D spatial dimensions only (that is 4D or 5D input tensors only).
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input data, NxCxDxHxW or NxDxHxWxC for 3D, or NxCxHxW or NxHxWxC for 2D
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
upsample_factor (int) – upsample factor for spatial dimensions, must be >=1
trainable (bool) – the factors is to be trained or not
- Returns
tensor result of spatially dimensions upsampled
(x, data_format, ratio=16) Squeeze and add excitation layers
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – input data, support both 3D and 2D
data_format (str) – channels_first or channels_last
ratio (int) – ratio to squeeze the channels
- Returns
tensor result of squeezed data with excitation
(x, data_format)
(x) - Parameters
x – input tensor
- Returns
True if the input tensor is a 3D volume (w/ batch and feature)
Input tensor shall be in [Batch_size, Image/Volume_Dim, Feature_Dim], where Image/Volume_Dim is 2 (Height, Width) or 3 for volume. Therefore, when tensor shape is 1+2+1, x is image tensor.