NVIDIA Clara Train 3.1

ai4med.utils package


Processes label_format, which specifies number of classes in each label as an int array. Returns number of binary and multi class labels and also the starting indices for each respective label, plus the number of classes for each multi_class label.

Note: If we have 5 binary labels plus 4 multiclass labels each of 6 classes, then total number of labels network needs to output is 5 + 4 * 6, so we must record where in the network each label corresponds to

customized_rounding(val, first_decimal_digit=None, rounding_precision=3)

Customize rounding operation

  • val – a positive floating number

  • first_decimal_digit – first non-zero decimal digit in consideration, if val is greater than zero, first_decimal_digit is equal to zero (first digit above decimal point)

  • rounding_precision – available digits in consideration after first_decimal_digit (including first_decimal_digit)


A floating number after customized rounding

create_inference_file_list(data_file, task='segmentation', allowed_formats='.nii', '.nii.gz', '.png', '.npy', base_dir=None, input_key='image', data_list_key='validation')

Returns a list of files for inference, based on given path

load_segmentation_dataset_paths(json_path, base_dir=None)

Load image and label paths from json file

parse_data_list_file(task, data_list_key, data_list_file_path, base_dir=None)

Load image properties and get image/label paths from json file

Json file is similar to what you get from http://medicaldecathlon.com/ Those dataset.json files

  • taskTask to perform

  • data_list_key – The key to get a list of dictionary to be used

  • data_list_file_path – The path to the json file

  • base_dir – The base directory of the dataset

Returns a list of data items, each of which is a dict keyed by element names

resolve_data_list_file_paths(task, data_list_key, data_list_file_path, base_dir=None)

Helper function to just create standard config for tf.session

get_tensor_by_node_name(graph, name)
get_tensor_by_node_name_or_none(graph, name)

Given a frozen_graph path, return a tf.Graph

Returns: a graph.


Just loads a graph def from a path

mask_by_brats_class(img_data: numpy.ndarray, class_name, dtype)

Get a channel mask from brats class.

  • img_data – Input data to generate mask from.

  • class_name – One of the brats class names.

  • dtype – Type of required output.


Channel mask converted from data using brats class.

mask_by_class_index(img_data: numpy.ndarray, idx_number, dtype)

Get channel mask using class index.

  • img_data – Input image data to generate mask.

  • idx_number – Class index number.

  • dtype – Required output type.


Channel mask converted using provided class index.

class MetricAccumulator

Bases: object

Utility functions to package.

Package metric updates, initializerrs, computation routines into a dictionary that that the fitter function can use to make summary operations for TensorBoard.



metrics values

get(name, default=None)

Get metrics values from dict with key name

  • name (str) – key name

  • default (str) – default value if can’t found


value of specified key


Reset metrics values to None





Update metrics values from dict


metrics_dict (dict) – new metrics values


metrics values

Helper functions to execute multi-gpu training. Adapted from Sebastian Schoner’s blog post: http://blog.s-schoener.com/2017-12-15-parallel-tensorflow-intro/ And also: Vahid Kazemi’s Effective Tensorflow github https://github.com/vahidk/EffectiveTensorflow#multi_gpu Portions therein were adapted from other contributors. These are also attributed

UPDATE, since we now used hvd, ALL non hvd components should be staged for deletion

assign_to_device(device, ps_device)

Returns a function to place variables on the ps_device.

  • device – Device for everything but variables

  • ps_device – Device to put the variables on. Example values are /GPU:0 and /CPU:0.

  • ps_device is not set then the variables will be placed on the default device. (If) –

  • best device for shared varibles depends on the platform as well as the (The) –

  • Start with CPU (model.) – 0 and then test GPU:0 to see if there is an

  • improvement.

bcast(var, root=0)

Broadcast root variable to all process variables. Just a wrapper over standard mpi calls


Returns a list of the identifiers of all visible GPUs.


Returns True if multi_gpu else False.


Utility function to turn tf optimizer into a multi_gpu one. In this case just a wrapper over hvd to hide it in an abstraction

make_parallel(fn, devices, model_dict, controller='/cpu:0')

Takes a function, returning loss and acc, and parallelizes it

Note, function will take the input tensors and split them across devices. So if you are using iterators, you only need to call get_next() once, regardles of the number of devices. As you increase the number of devices you can increase the batch size accordingly. Any non tensor inputs in the model_dict will not be split, instead they will just be passed as is to the model function. Any non tensor outputs from model function will not be concatenated - only one copy of them will be stored in the output dictionary. Common reason for non tensor outputs is if the model function returns a list of update operations or variables

  • fn (function) – a function accepting input dictionary of tensors and

  • output dictionary of tensors (returning) –

  • devices (str list) – list of device identifiers to parallelize function

  • controller (str) – device identifier acting as the controller


out_dictionary of parallelized tensor computations.


Returns process rank


Utility function to init mult-gpu functionality. In this case just a wrapper over hvd to hide it in an abstraction


Utility function to broadcast variables from one process to model clones In this case just a wrapper over hvd to hide it in an abstraction

reduce_dict(input_dict, root=0)

Reduces all values in the input dictionary across processes using the mean

reduce_list(scattered_list, root=0)
reduce_val(var, reduction_fn= , root=0)

Reduces all values across mpi ranks


Sets up tf.Session config for multi_gpu operation.


Shards the data for multi_gpu training/validation


data_dict: dict, where each value is a list that will be sharded


python dict, that only contains 1/hvd.size() instances, with some logic if the hvd.size() is not a perfect divisor of the list lengths. In that case, the short-changed shards will have an additional data instance included, to make all lengths equal

Utilities to remove unneeded nodes from a GraphDefs.

strip_unused(input_graph_def, input_node_names, output_node_names, placeholder_type_enum)

Removes unused nodes from a GraphDef.

  • input_graph_def – A graph with nodes we want to prune.

  • input_node_names – A list of the nodes we use as inputs.

  • output_node_names – A list of the output nodes.

  • placeholder_type_enum – The AttrValue enum for the placeholder data type, or a list that specifies one value per input node name.


A GraphDef with all unnecessary ops removed.

  • ValueError – If any element in input_node_names refers to a tensor instead of an operation.

  • KeyError – If any element in input_node_names is not found in the graph.

strip_unused_from_files(input_graph, input_binary, output_graph, output_binary, input_node_names, output_node_names, placeholder_type_enum)

Removes unused nodes from a graph file.

© Copyright 2020, NVIDIA. Last updated on Feb 2, 2023.