Enum PresentMode
Defined in File present_mode.hpp
enum class holoscan::viz::PresentMode
The present mode determines how the rendered result will be presented on the screen.
enumerator AUTO
automatically select present mode depending on available modes, selection priority:
enumerator FIFO
the presentation engine waits for the next vertical blanking period to update the current image. Tearing cannot be observed. An internal queue is used to hold pending presentation requests. New requests are appended to the end of the queue, and one request is removed from the beginning of the queue and processed during each vertical blanking period in which the queue is non-empty.
enumerator IMMEDIATE
the presentation engine does not wait for a vertical blanking period to update the current image, meaning this mode may result in visible tearing. No internal queuing of presentation requests is needed, as the requests are applied immediately.
enumerator MAILBOX
the presentation engine waits for the next vertical blanking period to update the current image. Tearing cannot be observed. An internal single-entry queue is used to hold pending presentation requests. If the queue is full when a new presentation request is received, the new request replaces the existing entry, and any images associated with the prior entry become available for reuse by the application. One request is removed from the queue and processed during each vertical blanking period in which the queue is non-empty.
enumerator AUTO