Class ExpiringMessageAvailableCondition

Holoscan v2.2.0

Base Type

class ExpiringMessageAvailableCondition : public holoscan::gxf::GXFCondition

Public Functions

template<typename ArgT, typename ...ArgsT, typename = std::enable_if_t<!std::is_base_of_v<::holoscan::Condition, std::decay_t<ArgT>> && (std::is_same_v<::holoscan::Arg, std::decay_t<ArgT>> || std::is_same_v<::holoscan::ArgList, std::decay_t<ArgT>>)>>
inline ExpiringMessageAvailableCondition(ArgT &&arg, ArgsT&&... args)
ExpiringMessageAvailableCondition() = default
inline explicit ExpiringMessageAvailableCondition(int64_t max_batch_size)
inline ExpiringMessageAvailableCondition(int64_t max_batch_size, int64_t max_delay_ns)
template<typename Rep, typename Period>
inline explicit ExpiringMessageAvailableCondition(int64_t max_batch_size, std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> max_delay)
inline virtual const char *gxf_typename() const override
inline void receiver(std::shared_ptr<gxf::GXFResource> receiver)
inline std::shared_ptr<gxf::GXFResource> receiver()
virtual void setup(ComponentSpec &spec) override

Define the condition specification.


spec – The reference to the component specification.

virtual void initialize() override

Initialize the component.

This method is called only once when the component is created for the first time, and use of light-weight initialization.

void max_batch_size(int64_t max_batch_size)
inline int64_t max_batch_size()
void max_delay(int64_t max_delay_ns)

Set max delay.

Note that calling this method doesn’t affect the behavior of the condition once the condition is initialized.


max_delay_ns – The integer representing max delay in nanoseconds.

template<typename Rep, typename Period>
inline void max_delay(std::chrono::duration<Rep, Period> max_delay_duration)

Set max delay.

Note that calling this method doesn’t affect the behavior of the condition once the condition is initialized.


max_delay_duration – The max delay of type std::chrono::duration.

int64_t max_delay_ns()

Get max delay in nano seconds.


The minimum time which needs to elapse between two executions (in nano seconds)

nvidia::gxf::ExpiringMessageAvailableSchedulingTerm *get() const

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