DeepStream 3D Depth Camera App#

The deepstream-3d-depth-camera sample application is provided at app/sample_apps/deepstream-3d-depth-camera for your reference. This example demonstrates two different pipelines which bring depth camera from 2D into 3D world. The depth and color data capture component is produced by Intel® RealSense Depth Camera D435 series. For more details, see


You must have the following development packages installed:

  • GStreamer-1.0

  • GStreamer-1.0 Base Plugins

  • GStreamer-1.0 gstrtspserver

  • X11 client-side library

  • libyaml-cpp-dev

  • RealSense SDK

  1. To install these packages, execute the following command:

    sudo apt-get install libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev \
    libgstrtspserver-1.0-dev libx11-dev libyaml-cpp-dev
  2. Follow the RealSense SDK documentation to add RealSense public key and list of repositories. For x86, refer to IntelRealSense/librealsense. For Jetson platforms, refer to IntelRealSense/librealsense. You may use Ubuntu 20.04 source path into apt-repository to install dependencies.

    sudo add-apt-repository "deb bionic main" -u
  3. Then install librealsense2 package to build and test.

    sudo apt-get install librealsense2-utils librealsense2-dev

    Make sure RealSense SDK version is not earlier than 2.48.

  4. Plugin in Intel RealSense Depth D400 series USB camera. To verify the camera and upgrade firmware, run realsense-viewer and update from the UI. Navigate to the folder sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-3d-depth-camera.

  5. If you are running these commands inside deepstream container, make sure camera devices are mounted in the docker run command. For example:

    docker run --rm -it --gpus '"device=0"' --device /dev/video0 --device /dev/video1 --device /dev/video2 ...
  6. Export DISPLAY environment to the correct display. for example, export DISPLAY=:0.0.

Depth Color Capture to 2D Rendering Pipeline Overview#

This is the first pipeline from the depth capture to 2D based depthmap to direct rendering with linear colors configured by the user.

DeepStream Depth Camera for 2D rendering stack overview

The pipeline is setup by ds_3d_realsense_depth_capture_render.yaml. It has 2 components, ds3d::dataloader for depth/color and datarender for GLES 2D render.

  • ds3d::dataloader loads custom lib and creates a RealSense dataloader through the createRealsenseDataloader function. This specific loader is configured for output streams of [color, depth]. Gst-appsrc connects the dataloader into the deepstream pipeline.

    name: realsense_dataloader
    type: ds3d::dataloader
    out_caps: ds3d/datamap
    custom_create_function: createRealsenseDataloader
  • ds3d::datarender loads custom lib and create a GLES render through the createDepthStreamDataRender function. This specific loader is configured for 2D depth and color images. Gst-appsink connects the datarender into the deepstream pipeline.

    name: depth-render
    type: ds3d::datarender
    in_caps: ds3d/datamap
    custom_create_function: createDepthStreamDataRender
  • realsense_dataloader captures color and depth streams in ds3d/datamap, then delivers the data to ds3d::datarender component depth-render.

Depth Color Capture to 3D Point Cloud Processing and Rendering#

The 2nd pipeline is from depth capture, 3D point cloud processing and alignment, to the 3D point cloud rendering with colors.

DeepStream Depth Camera for 3D point cloud processing overview

The 2nd pipeline is setup by the ds_3d_realsense_depth_to_point_cloud.yaml. It has 3 components: ds3d::dataloader for depth/color capture, ds3d::datafilter for depth-to-point-cloud processing, and datarender for GLES 3D points render.

  • ds3d::dataloader is the same as the 1st pipeline for depth and color capture. It also outputs the intrinsic parameters of the color/depth sensors, and extrinsic parameters from depth to color sensor module.

    name: realsense_dataloader
    type: ds3d::dataloader
    out_caps: ds3d/datamap
    custom_create_function: createRealsenseDataloader
  • ds3d::datafilter loads custom lib and creates a depth-to-3D-point processing filter through the createDepth2PointFilter function. This specific filter generates the 3D point-cloud dataset from depth, and calculates a UV-coordinate map for correspondence between points and color position. It requires sensors’ intrinsic and extrinsic data from dataloader to make the alignment.

    name: point2cloud_datafilter
    type: ds3d::datafilter
    in_caps: ds3d/datamap
    out_caps: ds3d/datamap
    custom_create_function: createDepth2PointFilter

    ds3d::datafilter is loaded by the nvds3dfilter Gst-plugin which accepts in_caps as sink_caps and out_caps as src_caps. It creates a custom ds3d::datafilter instance and processess data as ds3d/datamap.

  • ds3d::datarender loads custom lib and create a GLES render through the createPointCloudDataRender function . This specific loader is configured for 3D points and colors rendering. It also supports 3D scene rotation based on mouse-drag.

    name: point-render
    type: ds3d::datarender
    in_caps: ds3d/datamap
    custom_create_function: createPointCloudDataRender
  • realsense_dataloader captures color and depth streams along with the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of the sensor in ds3d/datamap. It then delivers the data to the next component point2cloud_datafilter. This component generates 3D point-cloud data and UV coordination map into new output data ds3d/datamap. Finally, the data is delivered to ds3d::datarender component point-render for 3D rendering.

Inside the configuration files, in_caps and out_caps correspond to Gstreamer’s sink_caps and src_caps.

Getting Started#

Run RealSense Camera for Depth Capture and 2D Rendering Examples#

  1. Run the depth capture 2D render pipeline:

    $ deepstream-3d-depth-camera -c ds_3d_realsense_depth_capture_render.yaml
  2. This sets up a realsense dataloader.

name: realsense_dataloader
type: ds3d::dataloader
out_caps: ds3d/datamap
custom_create_function: createRealsenseDataloader
  1. It then streams ds3d/datamap to final the rendering component: depth-render.

name: depth-render
type: ds3d::datarender
in_caps: ds3d/datamap
custom_create_function: createDepthStreamDataRender
  1. The depth-render custom lib shall display the depth data and color data together in same window. Update min_depth/max_depth to remove foreground and background objects in the depth rendering. From RealSense specification, D435 Camera depth range is between 0.3 and 3 meters.

min_depth: 0.3 # in meters
max_depth: 2.0 # in meters
  1. Update min_depth_color/min_depth_color [R, G, B] values to visualize color map of depth.

     min_depth_color: [255, 128, 0] # RGB color value for mininum depth
     max_depth_color: [0, 128, 255] # RGB color value for maximum depth

The other colors are linearly interpolated between ``min_depth_color`` and ``max_depth_color``

Run 3D Depth Capture, Point Cloud filter, and 3D Points Rendering Examples#

  1. Run the depth capture and 3D processing pipeline:

$ deepstream-3d-depth-camera -c ds_3d_realsense_depth_to_point_cloud.yaml
  1. This sets up a realsense dataloader (same as 2D depth). It then streams ds3d/datamap to the downstream datafilter component point2cloud_datafilter.

    name: realsense_dataloader
    type: ds3d::dataloader
    out_caps: ds3d/datamap
    custom_create_function: createRealsenseDataloader
  2. It streams ds3d/datamap to the nvds3dfilter Gst-plugin which loads point2cloud_datafilter to convert 2D depth into 3D points. For more details on nvds3dfilter Gst-plugin, See Gst-nvds3dfilter.

    name: point2cloud_datafilter
    type: ds3d::datafilter
    in_caps: ds3d/datamap
    out_caps: ds3d/datamap
    custom_create_function: createDepth2PointFilter
  3. Finally the data stream as ds3d/datamap is delivered to the render component point-render.

    name: point-render
    type: ds3d::datarender
    in_caps: ds3d/datamap
    custom_create_function: createPointCloudDataRender
  • Fields of view_* are the eyes of the view position, similar to the OpenGL gluLookAt().

    view_position: [0, 0, -1] # view position in xyz coordinates
    view_target: [0, 0, 1] # view target which is the direction pointing to
    view_up: [0, -1.0, 0] # view up direction
  • Fields of near/far/fov are the perspective range of the eye, similar to the OpenGL gluPerspective().

    near: 0.01 # nearest points of perspective
    far: 10.0 # farmost points of perspective
    fov: 40.0 # FOV of perspective

DeepStream 3D Depth Camera App Configuration Specifications#

deepstream-3d-depth-camera [ds3d::userapp] group settings#

The table below demonstrates the group settings for ds_3d_realsense_depth_to_point_cloud.yaml as an example.

3D depth camera app user debug supported settings#



Type and Range



Specify type ds3d::userapp

Component type for user debug

Must be type: ds3d::userapp


Indicate user-defined component name


name: debugdump


Indicate whether enable debug log


enable_debug: False


Indicate file location to dump depth raw data


dump_depth: depth_uint16_640x480.bin


Indicate file location to dump color raw data


dump_color: color_rgba_1920x1080.bin


Indicate file location to dump 3D points raw data. datatype is Float and XYZ packed


dump_points: pointxyz.bin

DS3D Custom Components Configuration Specifications#

See more details in the DS_3D supported custom components specifications section in the DeepStream-3D Custom Apps and Libs Tutorials.

Build application From Source#

  1. Go to the folder sources/apps/sample_apps/deepstream-3d-depth-camera.

  2. Run the following commands:

    $ Set CUDA_VER in the MakeFile as per platform.
    For both Jetson & x86, CUDA_VER=12.2
    $ make
    $ make install


Check the source code for more details on how to load dataloader/datarender through Gst-appsrc and Gst-appsink. datafilter is loaded by the nvds3dfilter Gst-plugin.