
NVIDIA GPUs, starting with the dGPU Turing generation (except TU117 GPU) and Jetson Orin generation, contain a hardware accelerator for computing optical flow. Optical flow vectors are useful in various use cases such as object detection and tracking, video frame rate up-conversion, depth estimation, stitching, and so on. The Gst-nvof plugin collects a pair of NV12 images and passes it to the low-level optical flow library. The low-level library returns a map of flow vectors between the two frames as its output. The map of flow vectors is encapsulated in the NvDsOpticalFlowMeta structure and is added as a user meta with meta_type set to NVDS_OPTICAL_FLOW_META. The user meta is added to the frame_user_meta_list member of NvDsFrameMeta. For guidance on how to access user metadata, see User/Custom Metadata Addition Inside NvDsMatchMeta and Tensor Metadata.



Flow vectors are bi-dimensional vector and each component of flow vector is stored using S10.5 in a fixed-point representation of a 16-bit number. Structure NvOFFlowVector is used to store Flow Vector.

* Holds motion vector information about an element.
typedef struct _NvOFFlowVector
/** Holds the motion vector X component. */
gshort flowx;

/** Holds the motion vector Y component. */
gshort flowy;
} NvOFFlowVector;

MSB specifies the sign bit, the next 10 bits specify the integer value and the last 5 bits represent the fractional value of the flow vector. HW support only quarter pixel resolution and only the first 2 bits from 5 available fraction bits are used. We can convert the flow vector from fixed-point representation to floating-point using the following formula.

NvOFFlowVector   output;
float32_t flow_vector.x = output.flowx/32.0f;
float32_t flow_vector.y = output.flowy/32.0f;

Inputs and Outputs#

  • Inputs

    • GStreamer buffer containing NV12 frame(s)

  • Control parameters

    • gpu-id: selects the GPU ID (valid only for dGPU platforms)

    • dump-of-meta: enables dumping of optical flow map vector into a .bin file

    • preset-level: sets the preset level

    • pool-size: sets the pool size

    • grid-size: sets the grid size

  • Outputs

    • GStreamer buffer containing NV12 frame(s)

    • NvDsOpticalFlowMeta metadata


The following table summarizes the features of the plugin.

Gst-nvof plugin features#




Configure GPU selection

Sets the gpu ID to be used for optical flow operation (valid only for dGPU platforms)

DS 4.0

Configure dumping of optical flow metadata

Enables dumping of optical flow output (motion vector data)

DS 4.0

Configure preset level

Sets the desired preset level

DS 4.0

Configure grid size

Sets the flow vector block size

DS 4.0

Gst Properties#

The following table describes the Gst properties of the Gst-nvof plugin.

Gst-nvof plugin features#



Type and Range

Example Notes


Device ID of the GPU to be used for decoding (dGPU only).

Integer, 0 to 4,294,967,295



Dumps optical flow output into a .bin file.



Selects a preset level, default preset level is 0 i.e. NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_FAST

Possible values are:

0 (NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_FAST): high performance, low quality.

1 (NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_MEDIUM): intermediate performance and quality.

2 (NV_OF_PERF_LEVEL_SLOW): low performance, best quality (valid only for dGPU platforms).

Enum, 0 to 2



Selects the grid size. The hardware generates flow vectors blockwise, one vector for each block of 4×4 pixels. Currently only the 4x4 grid size is supported.

Enum, 0



Sets the number of internal motion vector output buffers to be allocated.

Integer, 1 to 4,294,967,295
