NVIDIA TAO Toolkit v30.2205
NVIDIA TAO Release 30.2205

Release Notes

NVIDIA TAO Toolkit is a Python package to enable NVIDIA customers the ability to fine-tune pretrained models with customer’s own data and export them for TensorRT based inference through an edge device.

NVIDIA Transfer Learning Toolkit has been renamed to TAO Toolkit. For detailed migration guide go to this section.

Key Features

  • Bring your own models into TAO Toolkit using TAO BYOM converter.

  • Deploy TAO as a service on a Kubernetes cluster, detailed in this section

  • Integrate TAO into your workflow using RestAPIs

  • TensorBoard visualization is available for select models, as detailed in this section.

  • Train object detection networks from a pointcloud data file via PointPillars.

  • Train a classification network to classify poses from a pose skeleton via a Graph convolutional network.

  • Intermediate checkpointing is available for ASR and TTS models.

  • Support Conformer-CTC for ASR: train, finetune, evaluate, infer, and export.

Compute Stack

TF 1.15.4 Container

container name: nvcr.io/nvidia/tao/tao-toolkit-tf tag: v3.22.05-tf1.15.4-py3









TF 1.15.5 Container

container name: nvcr.io/nvidia/tao/tao-toolkit-tf tag: v3.22.05-tf1.15.5-py3









PyTorch Container

container name: nvcr.io/nvidia/tao/tao-toolkit-pyt tag: v3.22.05-py3









Language Model Container

container name: nvcr.io/nvidia/tao/tao-toolkit-lm tag: v3.22.05-py3









Model Updates

Computer Vision

  • Image Classification

    • Add verification for custom classmap file input.

    • Add classmap file input to train.

    • Add classmap file as optional input for evaluate.

    • Add status callback and results_dir command line argument for evaluate and inference.

    • Support TensorBoard visualization for train endpoint.

    • Perform initial updates for BYOM custom layer.

    • Add EFF package.

    • Add EFF package and model loading.

    • Enable BYOM in image classification.

  • DetectNet_v2

    • Limit GPU memory usage during tao detectnet_v2 evaluate,

    • Add native support to convert COCO Dataset to TFRecords,

    • Bring sampling mode parameter out in the spec file under dataset_config,

    • Enable tensorboard visualization,

    • Add configuration element for visualizer in dataset_config.

    • Fix success state for TFRecords generation.

    • Add status logging to all tasks as long as the --results_dir argument is set via command line.

  • UNet

    • Update the --gen_ds_config option during UNet export.

    • Add the dataset_convert endpoint to UNet.

    • Add support for converting COCO Dataset to TFRecords.

    • Support evaluation on a pruned model.

    • Add graph collect for functions to improve memory consumption.

    • Optimize ONNX for UNet inference.

    • Fix bugs for re-training a pruned model.

    • Add unified status_logging to UNet endpoints.

    • Support custom layer pruning and direct evaluate from .tltb via BYOM.

    • Enable Bring Your Own Model for UNet.

    • Implement support for Quantization Aware Training (QAT).

    • Add end-to-end support for ShuffleNet.

    • Enable status logging during training via StatusCallBack.

    • Improve the operation of dataloader during training.

    • Enable TensorBoard visualization during training.

    • Add a warning for output_width.

    • Enable support for training with early stopping.

  • BYOM

    • Enable custom layer pruning for Bring You Own Model (BYOM).

  • Common features

    • Fix error handling in model_io.

    • Support COCO TFRecord conversion for object detection and segmentation networks.

    • Fix a typo in SoftStartAnnealingLearningRateScheduler.

    • Implement status-logging callback.

  • YOLOv4

    • Enable smoothing to object loss.

    • Support exponential moving average (EMA).

    • Fix the YOLOv4 neck and head structure.

    • Configure NMS per data-loader configuration.

    • Fix YOLOv3 and YOLOv4 shapes.

    • Enable manually setting class weighting.

    • Enable TensorBoard visualization.

  • MaskRCNN

    • Enable skip_crowd_during_training=False.

    • Add an evaluation summary and patch exporter.

    • Enable TensorBoard visualization.

  • EfficientDet

    • Fix a typo in TRT inferencer.

  • SSD

    • Enable status logging for all endpoints when --results_dir is added to the command line

    • Enable support for training with early stopping.

  • DSSD

    • Enable status logging for all endpoints when --results_dir is added to the command line.

    • Enable support for training with early stopping.

  • RetinaNet

    • Enable support for training with early stopping.

    • Enable status logging for all endpoints when --results_dir is added to the command line.

    • Fix a bug with resume checkpoint via sequence dataloader.

    • Enable backward compatibility for a TLT 2.0 trained model.

    • Enable Tensorboard visualization during training.

    • Enable manually setting class weights.

  • FasterRCNN

    • Enable status logging for all endpoints when --results_dir is added to the command line.

    • Enable model as a CLI argument of evaluation and inference for TAO API.

    • Enable Tensorboard visualization during training

Conversational AI

  • Generic

    • Add status logging to TTS models similar to TAO Toolkit CV models

    • Fix issue in QA model evaluation for Chinese SQuAD*style dataset

    • Fix bug of create_tokenizer on always using old corpus silently

    • Update backend to use NeMo 1.7.0

  • TTS

    • Remove duration check for TTS dataset from Riva Custom Voice Recorder

    • Fix infer onnx endpoint when running infer from finetuned model

    • Fix error handling for Vocoder

    • Enable intermediate .tlt model checkpoint

  • PointPillars

    • Enabled transfer learning with pretrained models

    • Use TensorRT oss 22.02 from GitHub

  • Action Recognition

    • Update metrics module

  • ASR

    • Support Early Stopping

    • Finetune on NeMo models

    • Enable intermediate .tlt model checkpoint

Pretrained models

  • New models

    • PointPillarNet

    • PoseClassificationNet

  • Updated models

    • PeopleNet

    • PeopleSemSegNet

    • PeopleSegNet

    • LPDNet

Known Issues/Limitations

  • TAO DSSD/FasterRCNN/RetinaNet/YOLOv3/YOLOv4 can have intermittent illegal memory access errors with export or converter CLI commands. The root cause is unknown. In this case, simply run it again to resolve this issue.

  • The TAO BYOM Semantic Segmentation worflow is only supported with UNet and Image Classification.

  • TAO Image Classification networks require driver 510 or greater for training.

  • TAO Toolkit as a Service doesn’t support user authentication and per-user workspace management.

  • TTS Finetuning is only supported for data originating from the NVIDIA Custom Voice Recorder.

Key Features

Features included in this release

  • TAO Resources

    • Jupyter notebook example for showing the end-to-end workflow for the following model

  • TAO Conversational AI

    • Support for finetuning a FastPitch and HiFiGAN from a pretrained model

    • Update FastPitch and HiFiGAN export and infer endpoint to interface with RIVA

Known Issues/Limitations

  • TAO FastPitch finetuning is only supported on text transcripts that are defined in the NVIDIA Custom Voice Recorder.

  • The data from the NVIDIA Custom Voice Recorder can only be used for fine tuning a FastPitch or HiFiGAN model.

  • For finetuning FastPitch, you are required to resample the new speaker data to the sampling rate of the dataset used to train the pretrained model.

Key Features

Features included in this release:

  • TAO Resources:

    • Jupyter notebook examples showing the end-to-end workflow for the following models

      • ActionRecognitionNet

      • EfficientDet

      • Text-To-Speech using FastPitch and HiFiGAN

  • TAO CV:

    • Pretrained models for several public architectures and reference applications serving computer vision related object classification, detection and segmentation use cases.

    • Support for YOLOv4-tiny and EfficienetDet object detection models.

    • Support for pruning EfficientDet models

    • New pretrained models released on NGC

    • Converter utility to generate device specific optimized TensorRT engines

      • Jetson JP4.6

      • x86 + dGPU - TensorRT with CUDA 11.4

  • TAO Conversational AI:

    • Support for training FastPitch and HiFiGAN model from scratch

    • Adding new encoders for Natural Language Processing tasks

      • DistilBERT

      • BioMegatron-BERT

Known Issues/Limitations

  • TAO CV

    • Transfer Learning is not supported on pruned models across all applications.

    • When training with multiple GPUs, you might need to scale down the batch_size and/or scale up the learning rate to get the same accuracy seen in single GPU training.

    • When training DetectNet_v2 for object detection use-cases with more than 10 classes, you may need to either update the cost_weight parameter in the cost_function_config, or balance the number of samples per class in the dataset for better training.

    • When training a DetectNet_v2 network for datasets with less than 20,000 images, please use smaller batch-sizes (1, 2 or 4) to get better accuracy.

    • The infer subtask of DetectNet_v2 doesn’t output confidence and generates 0. as value. You may ignore these values and only consider the bbox and class labels as valid outputs.

    • ResNet101 pre-trained weights from NGC is not supported on YOLOv3, YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, SSD, DSSD and RetinaNet.

    • When generating int8 engine with tao-converter, please use -s if there is TensorRT error message saying weights are outside of fp16 range.

    • Due to the complexity of larger EfficientDet models, the pruning process will take significantly longer to finish. For example, pruning the EfficientDet-D5 model may take at least 25 minutes on a V100 server.

    • When generating a TensorRT INT8 engine on A100 GPUs using the tao-converter for MaskRCNN, enable --strict_data_type

    • Our EfficientDet codebase has source code taken from the automl github repo

  • TAO Conversational AI

    • When running convAI models on a cloud VM, users should have root access to the VM

    • Text-To-Speech pipelines only support training from scratch for a single speaker

    • Text-To-Speech training pipeline requires the audio files to be .wav format

    • TAO Toolkit 3.0-21.11 exported .riva files will not be supported in RIVA < 21.09

    • BioMegatron-BERT and Megatron based NLP tasks doesn’t support resuming a previously completed model with more number of epochs than the previously completed experiment

    • When running the end to end sample of Text-to-Speech, you may have to use expand abbreviations

Resolved Issues

  • TAO CV

    • YOLOv4, YOLOv3, UNet and LPRNet exported .etlt model files can be integrated directly into DeepStream 6.0.

  • TAO Conversational AI

    • ASR model support generating intermediate .tlt model files during training

Deprecated Features

Release Contents

Components included in this release:

  • TAO Launcher pip package

  • TAO - TF docker

  • TAO - Pytorch Docker

  • TAO - Language Model Docker

  • Jupyter notebook with sample workflows

Key Features

Transfer Learning Toolkit has been renamed to TAO Toolkit

  • TAO Toolkit Launcher:

    • Python3 pip package as a unified Command Line Interface (CLI)

    • Support for docker hosted from different registries

  • TAO Resources:

    • Jupyter notebook examples showing the end-to-end workflow for the following models

      • N-Gram Language model

  • TAO CV:

    • Support for MaskRCNN Instance segmentation model

    • Support for pruning MaskRCNN models

    • Support for serializing a template DeepStream config and labels file

    • Support for training highly accurate purpose-built models:

      • BodyPose Estimation

    • Instructions for running TAO in the cloud with Azure

    • Converter utility to generate device specific optimized TensorRT engines

    • New backbones added to UNet training

      • Vanilla UNet Dynamic

      • Efficient UNet

  • TAO Conversational AI:

    • Added support for validating an exported model for compliance with RIVA

    • Training an N-Gram language model implemented in KenLM

Known Issues/Limitations

  • TAO CV

    • Transfer Learning is not supported on pruned models across all applications.

    • When training with multiple GPUs, you might need to scale down the batch_size and/or scale up the learning rate to get the same accuracy seen in single GPU training.

    • When training DetectNet_v2 for object detection use-cases with more than 10 classes, you may need to either update the cost_weight parameter in the cost_function_config, or balance the number of samples per class in the dataset for better training.

    • When training a DetectNet_v2 network for datasets with less than 20,000 images, please use smaller batch-sizes (1, 2 or 4) to get better accuracy.

    • The infer subtask of DetectNet_v2 doesn’t output confidence and generates 0. as value. You may ignore these values and only consider the bbox and class labels as valid outputs.

    • ResNet101 pre-trained weights from NGC is not supported on YOLOv3, YOLOv4, YOLOv4-tiny, SSD, DSSD and RetinaNet.

    • When generating int8 engine with tao-converter, please use -s if there is TensorRT error message saying weights are outside of fp16 range.

  • TAO Conversational AI

    • When running convAI models on a cloud VM, users should have root access to the VM.

    • TAO Conv AI models cannot generate intermediate model.tlt files.

© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA.. Last updated on Dec 13, 2022.