Turbulent physics: Zero Equation Turbulence Model
This tutorial walks you through the process of adding a algebraic (zero equation) turbulence model to the Modulus Sym simulations. In this tutorial you will learn the following:
How to use the Zero equation turbulence model in Modulus Sym.
How to create nodes in the graph for arbitrary variables.
This tutorial assumes that you have completed the Introductory Example tutorial on Lid Driven Cavity Flow and have familiarized yourself with the basics of the Modulus Sym APIs.
In this tutorial you will add the zero equation turbulence for a Lid Driven Cavity flow. The problem setup is very similar to the one found in the Introductory Example. The Reynolds number is increased to 1000. The velocity profile is kept the same as before. To increase the Reynolds Number, the viscosity is reduced to 1 × 10−4 \(m^2/s\).
The case set up in this tutorial is very similar to the example in Introductory Example. It only describes the additions that are made to the previous code.
The python script for this problem can be found at examples/ldc/ldc_2d_zeroEq.py
Importing the required packages
Import Modulus Sym’ ZeroEquation
to help setup the problem.
Other import are very similar to previous LDC.
import os
import warnings
from sympy import Symbol, Eq, Abs
import torch
import modulus.sym
from modulus.sym.hydra import to_absolute_path, instantiate_arch, ModulusConfig
from modulus.sym.utils.io import csv_to_dict
from modulus.sym.solver import Solver
from modulus.sym.domain import Domain
from modulus.sym.geometry.primitives_2d import Rectangle
from modulus.sym.domain.constraint import (
from modulus.sym.domain.monitor import PointwiseMonitor
from modulus.sym.domain.validator import PointwiseValidator
from modulus.sym.domain.inferencer import PointwiseInferencer
from modulus.sym.eq.pdes.navier_stokes import NavierStokes
from modulus.sym.eq.pdes.turbulence_zero_eq import ZeroEquation
from modulus.sym.utils.io.plotter import ValidatorPlotter, InferencerPlotter
from modulus.sym.key import Key
Defining the Equations, Networks and Nodes
In addition to the Navier-Stokes equation, the Zero Equation turbulence
model is included by instantiating the ZeroEquation
equation class.
The kinematic viscosity \(\nu\) in the Navier-Stokes equation is a now a sympy expression
given by the ZeroEquation
The ZeroEquation
turbulence model provides the
effective viscosity \((\nu+\nu_t)\) to the Navier-Stokes equations.
The kinematic viscosity of the fluid calculated based on the Reynolds
number is given as an input to the ZeroEquation
The Zero Equation turbulence model is defined in the equations below. Note, \(\mu_t = \rho \nu_t\).
(144)\[\mu_t=\rho l_m^2 \sqrt{G}\]
(145)\[G=2(u_x)^2 + 2(v_y)^2 + 2(w_z)^2 + (u_y + v_x)^2 + (u_z + w_x)^2 + (v_z + w_y)^2\]
(146)\[l_m=\min (0.419d, 0.09d_{max})\]
Where, \(l_m\) is the mixing length, \(d\) is the normal distance from wall, \(d_{max}\) is maximum normal distance and \(\sqrt{G}\) is the modulus of mean rate of strain tensor.
The zero equation turbulence model requires normal distance
from no slip walls to compute the turbulent viscosity. For most examples,
signed distance field (SDF) can act as a normal distance. When the geometry is generated
using either the Modulus Sym’ geometry module/tesselation module you have access to the sdf
variable similar to the other coordinate variables when used in interior sampling. Since
zero equation also computes the derivatives of the viscosity, when using the PointwiseInteriorConstraint
you can pass an argument that says compute_sdf_derivatives=True
. This will compute
the required derivatives of the SDF like sdf__x
, sdf__y
, etc.
# make geometry
height = 0.1
width = 0.1
x, y = Symbol("x"), Symbol("y")
rec = Rectangle((-width / 2, -height / 2), (width / 2, height / 2))
# make list of nodes to unroll graph on
ze = ZeroEquation(nu=1e-4, dim=2, time=False, max_distance=height / 2)
ns = NavierStokes(nu=ze.equations["nu"], rho=1.0, dim=2, time=False)
flow_net = instantiate_arch(
input_keys=[Key("x"), Key("y")],
output_keys=[Key("u"), Key("v"), Key("p")],
nodes = (
ns.make_nodes() + ze.make_nodes() + [flow_net.make_node(name="flow_network")]
Setting up domain, adding constraints and running the solver
This section of the code is very similar to LDC tutorial, so the code and final results is presented here.
# make ldc domain
ldc_domain = Domain()
# top wall
top_wall = PointwiseBoundaryConstraint(
outvar={"u": 1.5, "v": 0},
lambda_weighting={"u": 1.0 - 20 * Abs(x), "v": 1.0}, # weight edges to be zero
criteria=Eq(y, height / 2),
ldc_domain.add_constraint(top_wall, "top_wall")
# no slip
no_slip = PointwiseBoundaryConstraint(
outvar={"u": 0, "v": 0},
criteria=y < height / 2,
ldc_domain.add_constraint(no_slip, "no_slip")
# interior
interior = PointwiseInteriorConstraint(
outvar={"continuity": 0, "momentum_x": 0, "momentum_y": 0},
"continuity": Symbol("sdf"),
"momentum_x": Symbol("sdf"),
"momentum_y": Symbol("sdf"),
ldc_domain.add_constraint(interior, "interior")
# add validator
file_path = "openfoam/cavity_uniformVel_zeroEqn_refined.csv"
if os.path.exists(to_absolute_path(file_path)):
mapping = {
"Points:0": "x",
"Points:1": "y",
"U:0": "u",
"U:1": "v",
"p": "p",
"d": "sdf",
"nuT": "nu",
openfoam_var = csv_to_dict(to_absolute_path(file_path), mapping)
openfoam_var["x"] += -width / 2 # center OpenFoam data
openfoam_var["y"] += -height / 2 # center OpenFoam data
openfoam_var["nu"] += 1e-4 # effective viscosity
openfoam_invar_numpy = {
key: value
for key, value in openfoam_var.items()
if key in ["x", "y", "sdf"]
openfoam_outvar_numpy = {
key: value for key, value in openfoam_var.items() if key in ["u", "v", "nu"]
openfoam_validator = PointwiseValidator(
# add inferencer data
grid_inference = PointwiseInferencer(
output_names=["u", "v", "p", "nu"],
ldc_domain.add_inferencer(grid_inference, "inf_data")
f"Directory{file_path}does not exist. Will skip adding validators. Please download the additional files from NGC https://catalog.ngc.nvidia.com/orgs/nvidia/teams/modulus/resources/modulus_sym_examples_supplemental_materials"
# add monitors
global_monitor = PointwiseMonitor(
output_names=["continuity", "momentum_x", "momentum_y"],
"mass_imbalance": lambda var: torch.sum(
var["area"] * torch.abs(var["continuity"])
"momentum_imbalance": lambda var: torch.sum(
* (torch.abs(var["momentum_x"]) + torch.abs(var["momentum_y"]))
# make solver
slv = Solver(cfg, ldc_domain)
# start solver
if __name__ == "__main__":
The results of the turbulent lid driven cavity flow are shown below.

Fig. 65 Visualizing variables from Inference domain

Fig. 66 Comparison with OpenFOAM data. Left: Modulus Sym Prediction. Center: OpenFOAM, Right: Difference