3. Data Structures
Here are the data structures with brief descriptions:
- flexio_affinity
- flexio_app_attr
- flexio_cmdq_attr
- flexio_cq_attr
- flexio_dev_cqe64
- flexio_dev_eqe
- flexio_dev_sqe_seg
- flexio_dev_wqe_atomic_seg
- flexio_dev_wqe_ctrl_seg
- flexio_dev_wqe_eth_seg
- flexio_dev_wqe_inline_data_seg
- flexio_dev_wqe_inline_send_data_seg
- flexio_dev_wqe_mem_ptr_send_data_seg
- flexio_dev_wqe_rcv_data_seg
- flexio_dev_wqe_rdma_seg
- flexio_dev_wqe_transpose_seg
- flexio_event_handler_attr
- flexio_log_dev_attr
- flexio_mkey_attr
- flexio_process_attr
- flexio_qmem
- flexio_qp_attr
- flexio_qp_attr_opt_param_mask
- flexio_wq_attr
- flexio_wq_sq_attr
- spinlock_s
[ Host ]
Describes Flex IO thread affinity information.
Public Variables
- uint32_t id
- enumflexio_affinity_type type
- uint32_t flexio_affinity::id [inherited]
ID of the chosen resource (HART / DPA HART group). Reserved if affinity type none is set.
- enumflexio_affinity_typeflexio_affinity::type [inherited]
Affinity type to use for a Flex IO thread (none, strict or group).
[ Host ]
Describes process attributes for creating a Flex IO application.
Public Variables
- size_t app_bsize
- const char * app_name
- void * app_ptr
- char * app_sig_sec_name
- size_t flexio_app_attr::app_bsize [inherited]
DPA application size (bytes).
- const char * flexio_app_attr::app_name [inherited]
DPA application name.
- void * flexio_app_attr::app_ptr [inherited]
Pointer in the ELF file for the DPA application.
- char * flexio_app_attr::app_sig_sec_name [inherited]
Application signature section name.
[ Host ]
Describes process attributes for creating a Flex IO command queue (async RPC).
Public Variables
- int batch_size
- enumflexio_cmdq_state state
- int workers
- int flexio_cmdq_attr::batch_size [inherited]
Number of tasks to be executed to completion by invoked thread.
- enumflexio_cmdq_stateflexio_cmdq_attr::state [inherited]
Command queue initial state.
- int flexio_cmdq_attr::workers [inherited]
Number of available workers, each worker can handle up to batch_size number of tasks in a single invocation.
[ Host ]
Describes attributes for creating a Flex IO CQ.
Public Variables
- uint8_t always_armed
- bool cc
- flexio_uintptr_t cq_dbr_daddr
- uint16_t cq_max_count
- uint16_t cq_period
- flexio_cq_period_mode_t cq_period_mode
- struct flexio_qmem cq_ring_qmem
- flexio_cqe_comp_type cqe_comp_type
- uint8_t element_type
- uint32_t emulated_eqn
- uint8_t log_cq_depth
- bool no_arm
- uint8_t overrun_ignore
- flexio_thread * thread
- void * uar_base_addr
- uint32_t uar_id
- uint8_t flexio_cq_attr::always_armed [inherited]
Indication to always arm for the created CQ
- bool flexio_cq_attr::cc [inherited]
Indication to enable collapsed CQE for the created CQ.
- flexio_uintptr_tflexio_cq_attr::cq_dbr_daddr [inherited]
DBR memory address for the created CQ.
- uint16_t flexio_cq_attr::cq_max_count [inherited]
CQE compression max count (number of CQEs before creating an event).
- uint16_t flexio_cq_attr::cq_period [inherited]
CQE compression period (number of usecs before creating an event).
- flexio_cq_period_mode_tflexio_cq_attr::cq_period_mode [inherited]
CQE compression period mode (by CQE or by event).
- struct flexio_qmemflexio_cq_attr::cq_ring_qmem [inherited]
Ring memory info for the created CQ.
- flexio_cqe_comp_typeflexio_cq_attr::cqe_comp_type [inherited]
CQE compression type to use for the CQ (none, basic or enhanced).
- uint8_t flexio_cq_attr::element_type [inherited]
Type of the element attached to the created CQ (thread, EQ, none, emulated EQ).
- uint32_t flexio_cq_attr::emulated_eqn [inherited]
Emulated EQ number to attach to the created CQ
- uint8_t flexio_cq_attr::log_cq_depth [inherited]
Log number of entries for the created CQ.
- bool flexio_cq_attr::no_arm [inherited]
Indication to not arm the CQ on creation.
- uint8_t flexio_cq_attr::overrun_ignore [inherited]
Indication to ignore overrun for the created CQ.
- flexio_thread * flexio_cq_attr::thread [inherited]
Thread object to attach to the created CQ (only valid for element type thread).
- void * flexio_cq_attr::uar_base_addr [inherited]
CQ UAR base address.
- uint32_t flexio_cq_attr::uar_id [inherited]
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev CQE.
Public Variables
- __be32 byte_cnt
- uint8_t csum_ok
- uint8_t op_own
- __be32 qpn
- __be32 rsvd0[7]
- uint8_t rsvd29[3]
- __be32 rsvd36[2]
- __be32 rsvd48[2]
- uint8_t signature
- __be32 srqn_uidx
- __be16 wqe_counter
- __be32 flexio_dev_cqe64::byte_cnt [inherited]
0Bh - Byte count.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_cqe64::csum_ok [inherited]
07h 24..26 - checksum ok bits.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_cqe64::op_own [inherited]
0Fh 0 - Ownership bit.
- __be32 flexio_dev_cqe64::qpn [inherited]
0Eh - QPN.
- __be32 flexio_dev_cqe64::rsvd0[7] [inherited]
00h..06h - Reserved.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_cqe64::rsvd29[3] [inherited]
07h 0..23 - Reserved.
- __be32 flexio_dev_cqe64::rsvd36[2] [inherited]
09h..0Ah - Reserved.
- __be32 flexio_dev_cqe64::rsvd48[2] [inherited]
0Ch..0Dh - Reserved.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_cqe64::signature [inherited]
0Fh 8..15 - Signature.
- __be32 flexio_dev_cqe64::srqn_uidx [inherited]
08h - SRQ number or user index.
- __be16 flexio_dev_cqe64::wqe_counter [inherited]
0Fh 16..31 - WQE counter.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev EQE.
Public Variables
- __be32 cqn
- flexio_dev_eqe::@8 event_data
- uint8_t owner
- __be32 rsvd00[6]
- uint8_t rsvd00
- uint8_t rsvd02
- __be16 rsvd3c
- uint8_t rsvd4[28]
- uint8_t signature
- uint8_t sub_type
- uint8_t type
- __be32 flexio_dev_eqe::cqn [inherited]
18h 24 lsb - CQN.
- flexio_dev_eqe::@8 flexio_dev_eqe::event_data [inherited]
20h - Event data.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_eqe::owner [inherited]
3Fh - Owner.
- __be32 flexio_dev_eqe::rsvd00[6] [inherited]
00h..17h - Reserved.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_eqe::rsvd00 [inherited]
00h - Reserved.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_eqe::rsvd02 [inherited]
02h - Reserved.
- __be16 flexio_dev_eqe::rsvd3c [inherited]
3Ch - Reserved.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_eqe::rsvd4[28] [inherited]
04h..1fh - Reserved.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_eqe::signature [inherited]
3Eh - Signature.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_eqe::sub_type [inherited]
03h - Sub type.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_eqe::type [inherited]
01h - EQE type.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev send WQE segments. Only one segment can be set at a given time.
Public Variables
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_atomic_seg atomic
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_ctrl_seg ctrl
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_eth_seg eth
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_inline_data_seg inline_data
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_inline_send_data_seg inline_send_data
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_mem_ptr_send_data_seg mem_ptr_send_data
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_rdma_seg rdma
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_transpose_seg transpose
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_atomic_segflexio_dev_sqe_seg::atomic [inherited]
Atomic segment.
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_ctrl_segflexio_dev_sqe_seg::ctrl [inherited]
Control segment.
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_eth_segflexio_dev_sqe_seg::eth [inherited]
Ethernet segment.
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_inline_data_segflexio_dev_sqe_seg::inline_data [inherited]
Inline data segment.
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_inline_send_data_segflexio_dev_sqe_seg::inline_send_data [inherited]
Inline send data segment.
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_mem_ptr_send_data_segflexio_dev_sqe_seg::mem_ptr_send_data [inherited]
Memory pointer send data segment.
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_rdma_segflexio_dev_sqe_seg::rdma [inherited]
RDMA segment.
- struct flexio_dev_wqe_transpose_segflexio_dev_sqe_seg::transpose [inherited]
Transpose segment.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev WQE ATOMIC segment.
Public Variables
- __be64 compare_data
- __be64 swap_or_add_data
- __be64 flexio_dev_wqe_atomic_seg::compare_data [inherited]
02h..03h - Compare operation data.
- __be64 flexio_dev_wqe_atomic_seg::swap_or_add_data [inherited]
00h..01h - Swap or Add operation data.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev WQE control segment.
Public Variables
- __be32 general_id
- __be32 idx_opcode
- __be32 qpn_ds
- __be32 signature_fm_ce_se
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_ctrl_seg::general_id [inherited]
03h - Control general ID.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_ctrl_seg::idx_opcode [inherited]
00h - WQE index and opcode.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_ctrl_seg::qpn_ds [inherited]
01h - QPN and number of data segments.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_ctrl_seg::signature_fm_ce_se [inherited]
02h - Signature, fence mode, completion mode and solicited event.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev WQE ethernet segment.
Public Variables
- __be16 cs_swp_flags
- __be16 inline_hdr_bsz
- uint8_t inline_hdrs[2]
- __be16 mss
- __be32 rsvd0
- __be32 rsvd2
- __be16 flexio_dev_wqe_eth_seg::cs_swp_flags [inherited]
01h 16..31 - CS and SWP flags.
- __be16 flexio_dev_wqe_eth_seg::inline_hdr_bsz [inherited]
03h 16..31 - Inline headers size (bytes).
- uint8_t flexio_dev_wqe_eth_seg::inline_hdrs[2] [inherited]
03h 0..15 - Inline headers (first two bytes).
- __be16 flexio_dev_wqe_eth_seg::mss [inherited]
01h 0..15 - Max segment size.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_eth_seg::rsvd0 [inherited]
00h - Reserved.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_eth_seg::rsvd2 [inherited]
02h - Reserved.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev WQE inline data segment.
Public Variables
- uint8_t inline_data[16]
- uint8_t flexio_dev_wqe_inline_data_seg::inline_data[16] [inherited]
00h..03h - Inline data.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev WQE inline send data segment.
Public Variables
- __be32 byte_count
- __be32 data_and_padding[3]
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_inline_send_data_seg::byte_count [inherited]
00h - Byte count.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_inline_send_data_seg::data_and_padding[3] [inherited]
01h..03h - Data and padding array.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev WQE memory pointer send data segment.
Public Variables
- __be64 addr
- __be32 byte_count
- __be32 lkey
- __be64 flexio_dev_wqe_mem_ptr_send_data_seg::addr [inherited]
02h..03h - Address.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_mem_ptr_send_data_seg::byte_count [inherited]
00h - Byte count.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_mem_ptr_send_data_seg::lkey [inherited]
01h - Local key.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev WQE receive data segment.
Public Variables
- __be64 addr
- __be32 byte_count
- __be32 lkey
- __be64 flexio_dev_wqe_rcv_data_seg::addr [inherited]
02h..03h - Address.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_rcv_data_seg::byte_count [inherited]
00h - Byte count.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_rcv_data_seg::lkey [inherited]
01h - Local key.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev WQE RDMA segment.
Public Variables
- __be64 flexio_dev_wqe_rdma_seg::raddr [inherited]
00h..01h - Remote address.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_rdma_seg::rkey [inherited]
02h - Remote key.
- __be32 flexio_dev_wqe_rdma_seg::rsvd0 [inherited]
03h - Reserved.
[ DevQueueTypes ]
Describes Flex IO dev WQE transpose segment.
Public Variables
- uint8_t element_size
- uint8_t num_of_cols
- uint8_t num_of_rows
- uint8_t rsvd0[0x3]
- uint8_t rsvd1
- uint8_t rsvd2
- uint8_t rsvd4[0x8]
- uint8_t flexio_dev_wqe_transpose_seg::element_size [inherited]
00h 0..7 - Matrix element size.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_wqe_transpose_seg::num_of_cols [inherited]
01h 16..22 - Number of columns in matrix (7b).
- uint8_t flexio_dev_wqe_transpose_seg::num_of_rows [inherited]
01h 0..6 - Number of rows in matrix (7b).
- uint8_t flexio_dev_wqe_transpose_seg::rsvd0[0x3] [inherited]
00h 8..31 - Reserved.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_wqe_transpose_seg::rsvd1 [inherited]
01h - Reserved.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_wqe_transpose_seg::rsvd2 [inherited]
01h - Reserved.
- uint8_t flexio_dev_wqe_transpose_seg::rsvd4[0x8] [inherited]
02h..03h - Reserved.
[ Host ]
Describes attributes for creating a Flex IO event handler.
Public Variables
- struct flexio_affinity affinity
- uint64_t arg
- int continuable
- flexio_func_t* * host_stub_func
- flexio_uintptr_t thread_local_storage_daddr
- struct flexio_affinityflexio_event_handler_attr::affinity [inherited]
Thread's affinity information.
- uint64_t flexio_event_handler_attr::arg [inherited]
Thread argument.
- int flexio_event_handler_attr::continuable [inherited]
Thread continuable flag.
- flexio_func_t* * flexio_event_handler_attr::host_stub_func [inherited]
Stub for the entry function of the thread.
- flexio_uintptr_tflexio_event_handler_attr::thread_local_storage_daddr [inherited]
Address of the local storage buffer of the thread.
[ Host ]
Describes DPA log thread attributes for logging from the Device to the Host side.
Public Variables
- size_t data_bsize
- enumflexio_log_dev_sync_mode sync_mode
- flexio_uar * uar
- size_t flexio_log_dev_attr::data_bsize [inherited]
Size of buffer, used for data transfer from Flex IO to HOST MUST be power of two and be at least 2Kb.
- enumflexio_log_dev_sync_modeflexio_log_dev_attr::sync_mode [inherited]
Select between sync/async modes.
- flexio_uar * flexio_log_dev_attr::uar [inherited]
A pointer to a Flex IO UAR object created by the caller for the device side.
[ Host ]
Describes process attributes for creating a Flex IO MKey.
Public Variables
- int access
- flexio_uintptr_t daddr
- size_t len
- ibv_pd * pd
- int flexio_mkey_attr::access [inherited]
access contains the access mask for the MKey (Expected values: IBV_ACCESS_REMOTE_WRITE, IBV_ACCESS_LOCAL_WRITE).
- flexio_uintptr_tflexio_mkey_attr::daddr [inherited]
DPA address the MKey is created for.
- size_t flexio_mkey_attr::len [inherited]
Length of the address space the MKey is created for.
- ibv_pd * flexio_mkey_attr::pd [inherited]
IBV protection domain information for the created MKey.
[ Host ]
Describes attributes for creating a Flex IO process.
Public Variables
- ibv_pd * pd
- ibv_pd * flexio_process_attr::pd [inherited]
IBV protection domain information for the created process. Passing NULL will result in an internal PD being created and used for the process.
[ Host ]
Describes queue memory, which may be either host memory or DPA memory
Public Variables
- flexio_uintptr_t daddr
- uint64_t humem_offset
- enumflexio_memtype memtype
- uint32_t umem_id
- flexio_uintptr_tflexio_qmem::daddr [inherited]
DPA address of the queue memory (only valid for memtype FLEXIO_MEMTYPE_DPA).
- uint64_t flexio_qmem::humem_offset [inherited]
Address offset in the umem of the queue memory (only valid for memtype FLEXIO_MEMTYPE_HOST).
- enumflexio_memtypeflexio_qmem::memtype [inherited]
- uint32_t flexio_qmem::umem_id [inherited]
UMEM ID of the queue memory.
[ Host ]
Describes attributes for creating a Flex IO QP.
Public Variables
- uint8_t * dest_mac
- uint8_t fl
- uint8_t gid_table_index
- uint8_t grh
- int log_rq_depth
- uint8_t log_rra_max
- int log_sq_depth
- uint8_t log_sra_max
- uint32_t min_rnr_nak_timer
- uint32_t next_rcv_psn
- uint32_t next_send_psn
- flexio_qp_state next_state
- int no_sq
- int ops_flag
- enumflexio_qp_qpc_mtu path_mtu
- ibv_pd * pd
- int qp_access_mask
- struct flexio_qmem qp_wq_buff_qmem
- struct flexio_qmem qp_wq_dbr_qmem
- uint32_t remote_qp_num
- uint8_t retry_count
- ibv_gid rgid_or_rip
- uint16_t rlid
- uint32_t rq_cqn
- int rq_type
- uint32_t sq_cqn
- uint32_t transport_type
- uint32_t uar_id
- uint16_t udp_sport
- uint32_t user_index
- uint8_t vhca_port_num
- uint8_t * flexio_qp_attr::dest_mac [inherited]
Destination MAC address to set for the modified QP
- uint8_t flexio_qp_attr::fl [inherited]
Indication to enable force loopback for the modified QP.
- uint8_t flexio_qp_attr::gid_table_index [inherited]
GID table index to set for the modified QP
- uint8_t flexio_qp_attr::grh [inherited]
GRH to set for the modified QP.
- int flexio_qp_attr::log_rq_depth [inherited]
Log number of entries of the QP's RQ.
- uint8_t flexio_qp_attr::log_rra_max [inherited]
Log of the number of allowed outstanding RDMA read/atomic operations
- int flexio_qp_attr::log_sq_depth [inherited]
Log number of entries of the QP's SQ.
- uint8_t flexio_qp_attr::log_sra_max [inherited]
Log of the number of allowed outstanding RDMA read/atomic operations as requester
- uint32_t flexio_qp_attr::min_rnr_nak_timer [inherited]
Minimal RNR NACK timer to set for the modified QP.
- uint32_t flexio_qp_attr::next_rcv_psn [inherited]
Next receive PSN to set for the modified QP.
- uint32_t flexio_qp_attr::next_send_psn [inherited]
Next send PSN to set for the modified QP.
- flexio_qp_stateflexio_qp_attr::next_state [inherited]
QP state to move the QP to (reset, init, RTS, RTR).
- int flexio_qp_attr::no_sq [inherited]
Indication to create the QP without an SQ.
- int flexio_qp_attr::ops_flag [inherited]
Bitmask of enum flexio_qp_op_types, used to calculate WQE sizes.
- enumflexio_qp_qpc_mtuflexio_qp_attr::path_mtu [inherited]
Path MTU to set for the modified QP.
- ibv_pd * flexio_qp_attr::pd [inherited]
IBV protection domain information for the created QP.
- int flexio_qp_attr::qp_access_mask [inherited]
- struct flexio_qmemflexio_qp_attr::qp_wq_buff_qmem [inherited]
Ring memory info for the created QP's WQ.
- struct flexio_qmemflexio_qp_attr::qp_wq_dbr_qmem [inherited]
DBR memory info for the created QP's WQ.
- uint32_t flexio_qp_attr::remote_qp_num [inherited]
Remote QP number to set for the modified QP.
- uint8_t flexio_qp_attr::retry_count [inherited]
Retry count to set for the modified QP.
- ibv_gid flexio_qp_attr::rgid_or_rip [inherited]
Remote GID or remote IP to set for the modified QP.
- uint16_t flexio_qp_attr::rlid [inherited]
Remote LID to set for the modified QP.
- uint32_t flexio_qp_attr::rq_cqn [inherited]
CQ number of the QP's RQ.
- int flexio_qp_attr::rq_type [inherited]
QP's RQ type (regular, SRQ, zero-RQ)
- uint32_t flexio_qp_attr::sq_cqn [inherited]
CQ number of the QP's SQ.
- uint32_t flexio_qp_attr::transport_type [inherited]
QP's transport type (currently only FLEXIO_QPC_ST_RC is supported).
- uint32_t flexio_qp_attr::uar_id [inherited]
- uint16_t flexio_qp_attr::udp_sport [inherited]
UDP port to set for the modified QP.
- uint32_t flexio_qp_attr::user_index [inherited]
User defined user_index for the created QP.
- uint8_t flexio_qp_attr::vhca_port_num [inherited]
VHCA port number to set for the modified QP.
[ Host ]
Describes QP modify operation mask.
Public Variables
- bool min_rnr_nak_timer
- bool qp_access_mask
- bool flexio_qp_attr_opt_param_mask::min_rnr_nak_timer [inherited]
Indication to modify the QP's min_rnr_nak_timer field.
- bool flexio_qp_attr_opt_param_mask::qp_access_mask [inherited]
Indication to modify the QP's qp_access_mask field.
[ Host ]
Describes attributes for creating a Flex IO WQ.
Public Variables
- uint8_t log_wq_depth
- ibv_pd * pd
- struct flexio_wq_sq_attr sq
- uint32_t uar_id
- uint32_t user_index
- struct flexio_qmem wq_dbr_qmem
- struct flexio_qmem wq_ring_qmem
- uint8_t flexio_wq_attr::log_wq_depth [inherited]
Log number of entries for the created WQ.
- ibv_pd * flexio_wq_attr::pd [inherited]
IBV protection domain struct to use for creating the WQ.
- struct flexio_wq_sq_attrflexio_wq_attr::sq [inherited]
SQ attributes (used only for SQs).
- uint32_t flexio_wq_attr::uar_id [inherited]
- uint32_t flexio_wq_attr::user_index [inherited]
User defined user_index for the created WQ.
- struct flexio_qmemflexio_wq_attr::wq_dbr_qmem [inherited]
DBR memory address for the created WQ.
- struct flexio_qmemflexio_wq_attr::wq_ring_qmem [inherited]
Ring memory info for the created WQ.
[ Host ]
Describes attributes for creating a Flex IO SQ.
Public Variables
- uint8_t allow_multi_pkt_send_wqe
- uint8_t flexio_wq_sq_attr::allow_multi_pkt_send_wqe [inherited]
Indication enable multi packet send WQE for the created SQ.
[ Dev ]
Describes Flex IO dev spinlock.
Public Variables
- uint32_t locked
- uint32_t spinlock_s::locked [inherited]
Indication for spinlock lock state.