Base Command
AI Center of Excellence with NVIDIA Base Command
Using a Modified NGC Image in Base Command
- Modified NGC Image Overview
- Step #1: Setting Up Docker
- Step #2: Authenticating local Docker with NGC
- Step #3: Pulling Docker Images from NGC
- Step #4: Running a Docker Container
- Step #5: Modify Image with Dockerfile
- Step #6: Testing the modified image on Base Command
Using a Jupyter Notebook Resource in Base Command
- Using Jupyter Notebook Resources Overview
- Step #1: Start a JupyterLab job
- Step #2: Select a Resource
- Step #3: Access JupyterLab UI and Download Jupyter Notebook
- Step #4: Using a Jupyter Notebook Example
Using Visual Studio Code Server in Base Command
- Using Visual Studio Code Overview
- Step #1: Setting Up Docker
- Step #2: Authenticating local Docker with NGC
- Step #3: Create VS Code Container with a Dockerfile
- Step #4: Launching VS Code on Base Command
Base Command Datasets and Workspaces
- Datasets and Workspaces Overview
- Step #1: Dataset and Workspace Navigation
- Step #2: Dataset Creation (Local Upload)
- Step #3: Dataset Creation (Download from Internet)
- Step #4: Dataset Creation (Download from S3)
- Step #5: Workspace Creation
- Step #6: Workspace Use
- Step #7: Workspace Conversion to a Dataset
- Step #8: Dataset and Workspace Removal