Next Steps#

Now that you have successfully launched the Docker container and entered it, this section will guide you through the container, initial steps to take within the container (such as configuration, downloading pre-trained model weights, etc.), and where to find tutorials.

NGC CLI Configuration#

NVIDIA NGC Command Line Interface (CLI) is a command-line tool for managing Docker containers in NGC. If NGC is not already installed in the container, download it as per the instructions here (note that within the container, the AMD64 Linux version should be installed).

Once installed, run ngc config set to establish NGC credentials within the container.

First-Time Setup#

First, invoke the following launch script. The first time, it will create a .env file and exit:


Next, edit the .env file with the correct NGC parameters for your organization and team:


Download Model Weights#

You may now download all pre-trained model checkpoints from NGC through the following command:

./ download

This will download all models to the workspace/bionemo/models directory. Optionally, you may persist the models by copying them to your mounted workspace, so that they need not be redownloaded each time.

Directory Structure#

Note that workspace/bionemo is the home directory for the container. Below are a few key components:

  • bionemo: Contains the core BioNeMo package, which includes base classes for BioNeMo data modules, tokenizers, models, etc.

  • examples: Contains example scripts, datasets, YAML files, and notebooks

  • models: Contains all pre-trained models checkpoints in .nemo format.

Weights and Biases Setup (Optional)#

Training progress and charts of the models can be visualized through Weights and Biases. Setup your API Key to enable logging.

BioNeMo Framework Tutorials#

The best way to get started with BioNeMo Framework is with the tutorials. Below are some of the example walkthroughs which contain code snippets that you can run from within the container.

Tutorials are presented as notebooks (.ipynb format), which may contain various code snippets in formats like Python, Bash, YAML, etc. You can follow the instructions in these files, make appropriate code changes, and execute them in the container.

It is convenient to first launch the BioNeMo Framework container and copy the tutorial files to the container, either via the JupyterLab interface drag-and-drop or by mounting the files during the launch of the container (docker run -v ...).



Model Pre-Training

Launching a MegaMolBART model pre-training with ZINC-15 dataset

Custom Datasets

Setting up the ZINC15 dataset used for training MolMIM

Model Pre-Training

Launching a MolMIM model pre-training with ZINC-15 dataset, both from scratch and starting from an existing checkpoint

Model Pre-Training

Launching an ESM-1nv model pre-training with UniRef50 dataset

Model Pre-Training

Launching an ESM-2nv model pre-training with curated data from UniRef50, UniRef90

Model Pre-Training

Pretraining a geneformer model for representing single cell RNA-seq data

Geneformer Benchmarking

Benchmarking pre-trained Geneformer models against a baseline with cell type classification

Model Training

Launching an EquiDock model pre-training with DIPS or DB5 datasets


Performing Inference with MegaMolBART for Generative Chemistry and Predictive Modeling with RAPIDS


Performing Inference with MolMIM for Generative Chemistry and Predictive Modeling with RAPIDS


Performing Inference with ESM1-nv and Predictive Modeling with RAPIDS


Performing Inference with ESM2-nv and Predictive Modeling with RAPIDS


Performing Property-guided Molecular Optimization with MolMIM, which internally involves inference


Performing inference and cell clustering on CELLxGENE data with a pretrained geneformer model

Model Finetuning

Overview of Finetuning pre-trained models in BioNeMo

Encoder Finetuning

Encoder Fine-tuning in BioNeMo: MegaMolBART

Downstream Tasks

Training a Retrosynthesis Model using USPTO50 Dataset

Downstream Tasks

Fine-tuning MegaMolBART for Solubility Prediction

Custom Datasets

Adding the OAS Dataset: Downloading and Preprocessing

Custom Datasets

Adding the OAS Dataset: Modifying the Dataset Class

Custom DataLoaders

Creating a Custom Dataloader