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"""Maxwell's equation
from sympy import Symbol, Function, Number
import numpy as np
from modulus.sym.eq.pde import PDE
from modulus.sym.node import Node
# helper functions computing curl
def _curl(v):
x, y, z = Symbol("x"), Symbol("y"), Symbol("z")
dim = len(v)
if dim == 3:
vx, vy, vz = v
return [
vz.diff(y) - vy.diff(z),
vx.diff(z) - vz.diff(x),
vy.diff(x) - vx.diff(y),
elif dim == 2:
vx, vy = v
return [vy.diff(x) - vx.diff(y)]
elif dim == 1:
return [v[0].diff(y), -v[0].diff(x)]
raise Exception("Input dimension for Curl operator must be 1, 2 or 3!")
# helper functions computing cross product
def _cross(a, b):
x, y, z = Symbol("x"), Symbol("y"), Symbol("z")
dim = len(a)
if dim == 3:
a1, a2, a3 = a
b1, b2, b3 = b
return [a2 * b3 - a3 * b2, a3 * b1 - a1 * b3, a1 * b2 - a2 * b1]
elif dim == 2:
a1, a2 = a
b1, b2 = b
return [a1 * b2 - a2 * b1]
raise Exception("Input dimension for cross product must be 2 or 3!")
[docs]class MaxwellFreqReal(PDE):
Frequency domain Maxwell's equation
ux : str
uy : str
uz : str
k : float, Sympy Symbol/Expr, str
Wave number. If `k` is a str then it is
converted to Sympy Function of form 'k(x,y,z,t)'.
If 'k' is a Sympy Symbol or Expression then this
is substituted into the equation.
mixed_form: bool
If True, use the mixed formulation of the diffusion equations.
name = "MaxwellFreqReal"
def __init__(self, ux="ux", uy="uy", uz="uz", k=1.0, mixed_form=False):
# set params
self.ux = ux
self.uy = uy
self.uz = uz
self.mixed_form = mixed_form
if self.mixed_form:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Maxwell's equation is not implemented in mixed form"
# coordinates
x, y, z = Symbol("x"), Symbol("y"), Symbol("z")
# make input variables
input_variables = {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}
# wave speed coefficient
if isinstance(k, str):
k = Function(k)(*input_variables)
elif isinstance(k, (float, int)):
k = Number(k)
# E field
assert isinstance(ux, str), "uz needs to be string"
ux = Function(ux)(*input_variables)
assert isinstance(uy, str), "uy needs to be string"
uy = Function(uy)(*input_variables)
assert isinstance(uz, str), "uz needs to be string"
uz = Function(uz)(*input_variables)
# compute del X (del X E)
c2ux, c2uy, c2uz = _curl(_curl([ux, uy, uz]))
# set equations
self.equations = {}
self.equations["Maxwell_Freq_real_x"] = c2ux - k**2 * ux
self.equations["Maxwell_Freq_real_y"] = c2uy - k**2 * uy
self.equations["Maxwell_Freq_real_z"] = c2uz - k**2 * uz
[docs]class SommerfeldBC(PDE):
Frequency domain ABC, Sommerfeld radiation condition
Only for real part
Equation: 'n x _curl(E) = 0'
ux : str
uy : str
uz : str
name = "SommerfeldBC"
def __init__(self, ux="ux", uy="uy", uz="uz"):
# set params
self.ux = ux
self.uy = uy
self.uz = uz
# coordinates
x, y, z = Symbol("x"), Symbol("y"), Symbol("z")
normal_x = Symbol("normal_x")
normal_y = Symbol("normal_y")
normal_z = Symbol("normal_z")
# make input variables, t is wave number
input_variables = {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}
# E field
assert isinstance(ux, str), "uz needs to be string"
ux = Function(ux)(*input_variables)
assert isinstance(uy, str), "uy needs to be string"
uy = Function(uy)(*input_variables)
assert isinstance(uz, str), "uz needs to be string"
uz = Function(uz)(*input_variables)
# compute cross product of curl for sommerfeld bc
n = [normal_x, normal_y, normal_z]
u = [ux, uy, uz]
bcs = _cross(n, _curl(u))
# set equations
self.equations = {}
self.equations["SommerfeldBC_real_x"] = bcs[0]
self.equations["SommerfeldBC_real_y"] = bcs[1]
self.equations["SommerfeldBC_real_z"] = bcs[2]
[docs]class PEC(PDE):
Perfect Electric Conduct BC for
ux : str
uy : str
uz : str
dim : int
Dimension of the equations (2, or 3). Default is 3.
name = "PEC_3D"
def __init__(self, ux="ux", uy="uy", uz="uz", dim=3):
# set params
self.ux = ux
self.uy = uy
self.uz = uz
self.dim = dim
# coordinates
x, y, z = Symbol("x"), Symbol("y"), Symbol("z")
normal_x = Symbol("normal_x")
normal_y = Symbol("normal_y")
normal_z = Symbol("normal_z")
# make input variables, t is wave number
input_variables = {"x": x, "y": y, "z": z}
# E field
assert isinstance(ux, str), "uz needs to be string"
ux = Function(ux)(*input_variables)
assert isinstance(uy, str), "uy needs to be string"
uy = Function(uy)(*input_variables)
if self.dim == 3:
assert isinstance(uz, str), "uz needs to be string"
uz = Function(uz)(*input_variables)
# compute cross of electric field
if self.dim == 2:
n = [normal_x, normal_y]
u = [ux, uy]
elif self.dim == 3:
n = [normal_x, normal_y, normal_z]
u = [ux, uy, uz]
raise ValueError("'dim' needs to be 2 or 3")
bcs = _cross(n, u)
# set equations
self.equations = {}
self.equations["PEC_x"] = bcs[0]
if self.dim == 3:
self.equations["PEC_y"] = bcs[1]
self.equations["PEC_z"] = bcs[2]