NVIDIA Modulus Sym v1.2.0


Source code for modulus.sym.geometry.discrete_geometry

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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Defines a Discrete geometry

import numpy as np
import csv
from stl import mesh as np_mesh
from sympy import Symbol

from .geometry import Geometry
from .parameterization import Parameterization, Bounds, Parameter
from modulus.sym.constants import diff_str

[docs]class DiscreteGeometry(Geometry): """ Constructs a geometry for a discrete list of geometries """ def __init__( self, geometries, parameterization=Parameterization(), interior_epsilon=1e-6 ): # make sdf function def _sdf(list_sdf, discrete_parameterization, dims): def sdf(invar, params, compute_sdf_derivatives=False): # make output array to gather sdf values outputs = {"sdf": np.full_like(next(iter(invar.values())), np.nan)} if compute_sdf_derivatives: for d in dims: outputs["sdf" + diff_str + d] = np.full_like( next(iter(invar.values())), -1000 ) # compute sdf values for given parameterizations for i, f in enumerate(list_sdf): # get sdf index for each point evaluating on sdf_index = np.full_like( next(iter(invar.values())), True ) # TODO this could be simplified for key in discrete_parameterization.parameters: expanded_d = np.tile( discrete_parameterization.param_ranges[Parameter(key)][ i : i + 1 ], (params[key].shape[0], 1), ) sdf_index = np.logical_and( sdf_index, (params[key] == expanded_d) ) # compute sdf values on indexed sdf function sdf_indexed_invar = { key: value[sdf_index[:, 0], :] for key, value in invar.items() } sdf_indexed_params = { key: value[sdf_index[:, 0], :] for key, value in params.items() } computed_sdf = f( sdf_indexed_invar, sdf_indexed_params, compute_sdf_derivatives ) # update output values for key, value in computed_sdf.items(): outputs[key][sdf_index[:, 0], :] = value return outputs return sdf new_sdf = _sdf( [g.sdf for g in geometries], parameterization, geometries[0].dims ) # compute bounds bounds = geometries[0].bounds for g in geometries[1:]: bounds = bounds.union(g.bounds) # make curves new_curves = [] for g in geometries: new_curves += g.curves # initialize geometry super().__init__( new_curves, new_sdf, dims=len(geometries[0].dims), bounds=bounds, parameterization=parameterization, )

class DiscreteCurve: def __init__(self, curves, discrete_parameterization=Parameterization()): # store attributes self.curves = curves self._dims = len(curves[0].dims) self.discrete_parameterization = discrete_parameterization def sample( self, nr_points, criteria=None, parameterization=None, quasirandom=False ): # use internal parameterization if not given if parameterization is None: parameterization = self.parameterization # continually sample points throwing out points that don't satisfy criteria invar = { key: np.empty((0, 1)) for key in self.dims + ["normal_" + x for x in self.dims] + ["area"] } params = {key: np.empty((0, 1)) for key in parameterization.parameters} total_sampled = 0 total_tried = 0 nr_try = 0 while True: # sample curve local_invar, local_params = self._sample( nr_points, parameterization, quasirandom ) # compute given criteria and remove points if criteria is not None: computed_criteria = criteria(local_invar, local_params) local_invar = { key: value[computed_criteria[:, 0], :] for key, value in local_invar.items() } local_params = { key: value[computed_criteria[:, 0], :] for key, value in local_params.items() } # store invar for key in local_invar.keys(): invar[key] = np.concatenate([invar[key], local_invar[key]], axis=0) # store params for key in local_params.keys(): params[key] = np.concatenate([params[key], local_params[key]], axis=0) # keep track of sampling total_sampled = next(iter(invar.values())).shape[0] total_tried += nr_points nr_try += 1 # break when finished sampling if total_sampled >= nr_points: for key, value in invar.items(): invar[key] = value[:nr_points] for key, value in params.items(): params[key] = value[:nr_points] break # check if couldn't sample if nr_try > 1000 and total_sampled < 1: raise Exception("Unable to sample curve") return invar, params

© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Jan 25, 2024.