NVIDIA Modulus Sym v1.2.0


Source code for modulus.sym.trainer

# Copyright (c) 2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

""" Modulus Solver

import os
import time
import numpy as np
import torch
from torch.utils.tensorboard import SummaryWriter
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import _LRScheduler
from torch.cuda.amp import GradScaler
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.cuda.profiler as profiler
import torch.distributed as dist
from termcolor import colored, cprint
from copy import copy
from operator import add
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
import hydra
import itertools
from collections import Counter
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
import logging
from contextlib import ExitStack

from .domain.constraint import Constraint
from .domain import Domain
from .loss.aggregator import Sum
from .utils.training.stop_criterion import StopCriterion
from .constants import TF_SUMMARY, JIT_PYTORCH_VERSION
from .hydra import (
from .distributed.manager import DistributedManager

[docs]class AdamMixin: """Special functions for training using the standard optimizers Should be used with ADAM, SGD, RMSProp, etc. """ def adam_compute_gradients( self, aggregator: nn.Module, global_optimizer_model: nn.Module, step: int ): loss, losses = 0, Counter({}) for agg_step in range(self.grad_agg_freq): with torch.autocast( self.device_amp, enabled=self.amp, dtype=self.amp_dtype ): torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push("Loss computation") losses_minibatch = self.compute_losses(step) torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() losses_minibatch = { key: value / self.grad_agg_freq for key, value in losses_minibatch.items() } torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push("Loss aggregator") loss_minibatch = aggregator(losses_minibatch, step) torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() loss += loss_minibatch torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push("Weight gradients") self.scaler.scale(loss_minibatch).backward() torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() losses.update(losses_minibatch) return loss, dict(losses) def adam_apply_gradients(self): self.scaler.step(self.optimizer) self.scaler.update()
[docs]class AdaHessianMixin: """Special functions for training using the higher-order optimizer AdaHessian""" def adahess_compute_gradients( self, aggregator: nn.Module, global_optimizer_model: nn.Module, step: int ): if self.amp: raise NotImplementedError("AMP is not supported for this optimizer.") # With data hessian we need to keep grad graph on back-prop to approximate # the hessian with. The suggested PyTorch way is to use torch.grad instead # of backward. loss, losses = 0, Counter({}) grads = [ torch.zeros_like(parameter) for parameter in list(global_optimizer_model.parameters()) ] for agg_step in range(self.grad_agg_freq): losses_minibatch = self.compute_losses(step) losses_minibatch = { key: value / self.grad_agg_freq for key, value in losses_minibatch.items() } loss_minibatch = aggregator(losses_minibatch, step) grads_step = torch.autograd.grad( loss_minibatch, list(global_optimizer_model.parameters()), create_graph=True, ) grads = list(map(add, grads, grads_step)) loss += loss_minibatch losses.update(losses_minibatch) # Set gradients of models manually for grad, param in zip(grads, global_optimizer_model.parameters()): param.grad = grad return loss, dict(losses) def adahess_apply_gradients(self): self.adam_apply_gradients()
[docs]class BFGSMixin: """Special functions for training using BFGS optimizer""" def bfgs_compute_gradients( self, aggregator: nn.Module, global_optimizer_model: nn.Module, step: int ): # Dummy functioned used entirely just for logging purposes and storing # objects for internal BFGS updates. Gradients are not calc'd here for BFGS if self.amp: raise NotImplementedError("AMP is not supported for this optimizer.") if self.max_steps != 0: self.log.warning("lbfgs optimizer selected. Setting max_steps to 0") self.max_steps = 0 if self.grad_agg_freq != 1: self.log.warning("lbfgs optimizer selected. Setting grad_agg_freq to 1") self.grad_agg_freq = 1 losses = self.compute_losses(step) loss = aggregator(losses, step) self.bfgs_step = step self.bfgs_aggregator = aggregator # Re-zero any gradients for param in global_optimizer_model.parameters(): param.grad = None return loss, losses def bfgs_closure_func(self): self.optimizer.zero_grad() loss = 0 losses = self.compute_losses(self.bfgs_step) loss = self.bfgs_aggregator(losses, self.bfgs_step) loss.backward() self.bfgs_optim_steps += 1 return loss def bfgs_apply_gradients(self): assert ( not self.bfgs_aggregator is None ), "Call bfgs_compute_gradients prior to this!" assert not self.bfgs_step is None, "Call bfgs_compute_gradients prior to this!" self.bfgs_optim_steps = 0 self.log.info(f"[step: {self.bfgs_step:10d}] lbfgs optimization in running") self.optimizer.step(self.bfgs_closure_func) self.log.info( f"lbfgs optimization completed after {self.bfgs_optim_steps} steps" )

# base class for optimizing networks on loss

[docs]class Trainer(AdamMixin, AdaHessianMixin, BFGSMixin): """Base class for optimizing networks on losses/constraints""" def __init__(self, cfg: DictConfig): super(Trainer, self).__init__() # Save a local copy of the config self.cfg = cfg # set training parameters self._network_dir = self.cfg.network_dir self._initialization_network_dir = self.cfg.initialization_network_dir self.max_steps = self.cfg.training.max_steps self.grad_agg_freq = self.cfg.training.grad_agg_freq self.save_network_freq = self.cfg.training.save_network_freq self.print_stats_freq = self.cfg.training.print_stats_freq self.summary_freq = self.cfg.training.summary_freq self.amp = self.cfg.training.amp self.stop_criterion_metric = self.cfg.stop_criterion.metric self.stop_criterion_min_delta = self.cfg.stop_criterion.min_delta self.stop_criterion_patience = self.cfg.stop_criterion.patience self.stop_criterion_mode = self.cfg.stop_criterion.mode self.stop_criterion_freq = self.cfg.stop_criterion.freq self.stop_criterion_strict = self.cfg.stop_criterion.strict self.save_filetypes = self.cfg.save_filetypes self.summary_histograms = self.cfg.summary_histograms self.apply_gradients = self._apply_gradients self.compute_gradients = self._compute_gradients # make logger self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Set distributed manager self.manager = DistributedManager() # set device self.device = self.manager.device self.device_amp = "cuda" if self.manager.cuda else "cpu" # set amp dtype if self.cfg.training.amp_dtype == "bfloat16" or self.device_amp == "cpu": self.amp_dtype = torch.bfloat16 if self.device_amp == "cpu" and self.amp: self.log.warning( "Switching amp_dtype to bfloat16, AutocastCPU only supports bfloat16" ) else: self.amp_dtype = torch.float16 def compute_losses(self, step: int): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") def _compute_gradients(self): raise NotImplementedError("Config should set the compute_gradients function") def _apply_gradients(self): raise NotImplementedError("Config should set the apply_gradients function") def get_saveable_models(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") def create_global_optimizer_model(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") def load_network(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") def save_checkpoint(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") def record_constraints(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") def record_validators(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") @property def has_validators(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") def record_inferencers(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") @property def has_inferencers(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") def record_monitors(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") @property def has_monitors(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") def get_num_losses(self): raise NotImplementedError("Subclass of Constraint needs to implement this") def _record_constraints(self): data_parallel_rank = ( self.manager.group_rank("data_parallel") if self.manager.distributed else 0 ) if data_parallel_rank == 0: rec_inferencer_start = time.time() self.record_constraints() self.log.debug( f"{self.step_str} saved constraint results to {self.network_dir}" ) self.log.info( f"{self.step_str} record constraint batch time: {time.time()-rec_inferencer_start:10.3e}s" ) def _record_validators(self, step): data_parallel_rank = ( self.manager.group_rank("data_parallel") if self.manager.distributed else 0 ) if data_parallel_rank == 0: rec_validation_start = time.time() self.validator_outvar = self.record_validators(step) self.log.debug( f"{self.step_str} saved validator results to {self.network_dir}" ) self.log.info( f"{self.step_str} record validators time: {time.time()-rec_validation_start:10.3e}s" ) def _record_inferencers(self, step): data_parallel_rank = ( self.manager.group_rank("data_parallel") if self.manager.distributed else 0 ) if data_parallel_rank == 0: rec_inferencer_start = time.time() self.record_inferencers(step) self.log.debug( f"{self.step_str} saved inferencer results to {self.network_dir}" ) self.log.info( f"{self.step_str} record inferencers time: {time.time()-rec_inferencer_start:10.3e}s" ) def _record_monitors(self, step): data_parallel_rank = ( self.manager.group_rank("data_parallel") if self.manager.distributed else 0 ) if data_parallel_rank == 0: rec_monitor_start = time.time() self.monitor_outvar = self.record_monitors(step) self.log.debug( f"{self.step_str} saved monitor results to {self.network_dir}" ) # write parameter histograms to tensorboard if self.summary_histograms: for ( name, parameter, ) in self.global_optimizer_model.named_parameters(): name = name.split(".") name = ".".join(name[:-1]) + "/" + ".".join(name[-1:]) self.writer.add_histogram(name, parameter.detach().flatten(), step) if parameter.grad is not None: self.writer.add_histogram( name + "_gradient", parameter.grad.detach().flatten(), step, ) self.log.info( f"{self.step_str} record monitor time: {time.time()-rec_monitor_start:10.3e}s" ) # check if stopping criterion is met def _check_stopping_criterion(self, loss, losses, step): if self.manager.rank == 0: if self.stop_criterion_metric is None: return False elif step % self.stop_criterion_freq == 0: criterion_metric_dict = {"loss": {"loss": loss.cpu().detach().numpy()}} criterion_metric_dict["loss"].update( {key: val.cpu().detach().numpy() for key, val in losses.items()} ) if self.has_monitors: criterion_metric_dict.update( { "monitor": { key: val.cpu().detach().numpy() for key, val in self.monitor_outvar.items() } } ) if self.has_validators: criterion_metric_dict.update( { "validation": { key: val.cpu().detach().numpy() for key, val in self.validator_outvar.items() } } ) stop_training = self.stop_criterion.evaluate(criterion_metric_dict) return stop_training else: return False def _train_loop( self, sigterm_handler=None, ): # TODO this train loop may be broken up into methods if need for future children classes # make directory if doesn't exist if self.manager.rank == 0: # exist_ok=True to skip creating directory that already exists os.makedirs(self.network_dir, exist_ok=True) # create global model for restoring and saving self.saveable_models = self.get_saveable_models() self.global_optimizer_model = self.create_global_optimizer_model() # initialize optimizer from hydra self.compute_gradients = getattr( self, self.cfg.optimizer._params_.compute_gradients ) self.apply_gradients = getattr( self, self.cfg.optimizer._params_.apply_gradients ) self.optimizer = instantiate_optim(self.cfg, model=self.global_optimizer_model) # initialize scheduler from hydra self.scheduler = instantiate_sched(self.cfg, optimizer=self.optimizer) # initialize aggregator from hydra self.aggregator = instantiate_agg( self.cfg, model=self.global_optimizer_model.parameters(), num_losses=self.get_num_losses(), ) if self.cfg.jit: # Warn user if pytorch version difference if not torch.__version__ == JIT_PYTORCH_VERSION: self.log.warn( f"Installed PyTorch version {torch.__version__} is not TorchScript" + f" supported in Modulus. Version {JIT_PYTORCH_VERSION} is officially supported." ) self.aggregator = torch.jit.script(self.aggregator) if self.amp: torch._C._jit_set_autocast_mode(True) if len(list(self.aggregator.parameters())) > 0: self.log.debug("Adding loss aggregator param group. LBFGS will not work!") self.optimizer.add_param_group( {"params": list(self.aggregator.parameters())} ) # create grad scalar for AMP # grad scaler is only available for float16 dtype on cuda device enable_scaler = self.amp and self.amp_dtype == torch.float16 self.scaler = GradScaler(enabled=enable_scaler) # make stop criterion if self.stop_criterion_metric is not None: self.stop_criterion = StopCriterion( self.stop_criterion_metric, self.stop_criterion_min_delta, self.stop_criterion_patience, self.stop_criterion_mode, self.stop_criterion_freq, self.stop_criterion_strict, self.cfg.training.rec_monitor_freq, self.cfg.training.rec_validation_freq, ) # load network self.initial_step = self.load_network() # # make summary writer self.writer = SummaryWriter( log_dir=self.network_dir, purge_step=self.summary_freq + 1 ) self.summary_histograms = self.cfg["summary_histograms"] # write tensorboard config if self.manager.rank == 0: self.writer.add_text( "config", f"<pre>{str(OmegaConf.to_yaml(self.cfg))}</pre>" ) # create profiler try: self.profile = self.cfg.profiler.profile self.profiler_start_step = self.cfg.profiler.start_step self.profiler_end_step = self.cfg.profiler.end_step if self.profiler_end_step < self.profiler_start_step: self.profile = False except: self.profile = False self.profiler_start_step = -1 self.profiler_end_step = -1 # Distributed barrier before starting the train loop if self.manager.distributed: dist.barrier(device_ids=[self.manager.local_rank]) barrier_flag = False if self.manager.cuda: start_event = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) end_event = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) start_event.record() else: t = time.time() # termination signal handler if sigterm_handler is None: self.sigterm_handler = lambda: False else: self.sigterm_handler = sigterm_handler # train loop with ExitStack() as stack: if self.profile: # Add NVTX context if in profile mode self.log.warning("Running in profiling mode") stack.enter_context(torch.autograd.profiler.emit_nvtx()) for step in range(self.initial_step, self.max_steps + 1): if self.sigterm_handler(): if self.manager.rank == 0: self.log.info( f"Training terminated by the user at iteration {step}" ) break if self.profile and step == self.profiler_start_step: # Start profiling self.log.info("Starting profiler at step {}".format(step)) profiler.start() if self.profile and step == self.profiler_end_step: # Stop profiling self.log.info("Stopping profiler at step {}".format(step)) profiler.stop() torch.cuda.nvtx.range_push("Training iteration") if self.cfg.cuda_graphs: # If cuda graphs statically load it into defined allocations self.load_data(static=True) loss, losses = self._cuda_graph_training_step(step) else: # Load all data for constraints self.load_data() self.global_optimizer_model.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) # compute gradients loss, losses = self.compute_gradients( self.aggregator, self.global_optimizer_model, step ) # take optimizer step self.apply_gradients() # take scheduler step self.scheduler.step() # check for nans in loss if torch.isnan(loss): self.log.error("loss went to Nans") break self.step_str = f"[step: {step:10d}]" # write train loss / learning rate tensorboard summaries if step % self.summary_freq == 0: if self.manager.rank == 0: # add train loss scalars for key, value in losses.items(): if TF_SUMMARY: self.writer.add_scalar( "Train_/loss_L2" + str(key), value, step, new_style=True, ) else: self.writer.add_scalar( "Train/loss_" + str(key), value, step, new_style=True, ) if TF_SUMMARY: self.writer.add_scalar( "Optimzer/loss", loss, step, new_style=True ) self.writer.add_scalar( "learning_rate/lr", self.scheduler.get_last_lr()[0], # TODO: handle list step, new_style=True, ) else: self.writer.add_scalar( "Train/loss_aggregated", loss, step, new_style=True ) self.writer.add_scalar( "Train/learning_rate", self.scheduler.get_last_lr()[0], # TODO: handle list step, new_style=True, ) if self.manager.distributed: barrier_flag = True # write train / inference / validation datasets to tensorboard and file if step % self.cfg.training.rec_constraint_freq == 0: barrier_flag = True self._record_constraints() if (step % self.cfg.training.rec_validation_freq == 0) and ( self.has_validators ): barrier_flag = True self._record_validators(step) if (step % self.cfg.training.rec_inference_freq == 0) and ( self.has_inferencers ): barrier_flag = True self._record_inferencers(step) if (step % self.cfg.training.rec_monitor_freq == 0) and ( self.has_monitors ): barrier_flag = True self._record_monitors(step) # save checkpoint if step % self.save_network_freq == 0: # Get data parallel rank so all processes in the first model parallel group # can save their checkpoint. In the case without model parallelism, data_parallel_rank # should be the same as the process rank itself data_parallel_rank = ( self.manager.group_rank("data_parallel") if self.manager.distributed else 0 ) if data_parallel_rank == 0: self.save_checkpoint(step) self.log.info( f"{self.step_str} saved checkpoint to {add_hydra_run_path(self.network_dir)}" ) if self.manager.distributed: barrier_flag = True if self.manager.distributed and barrier_flag: dist.barrier(device_ids=[self.manager.local_rank]) barrier_flag = False # print loss stats if step % self.print_stats_freq == 0: # synchronize and get end time if self.manager.cuda: end_event.record() end_event.synchronize() elapsed_time = start_event.elapsed_time( end_event ) # in milliseconds else: t_end = time.time() elapsed_time = (t_end - t) * 1.0e3 # in milliseconds # Reduce loss across all GPUs if self.manager.distributed: dist.reduce(loss, 0, op=dist.ReduceOp.AVG) elapsed_time = torch.tensor(elapsed_time).to(self.device) dist.reduce(elapsed_time, 0, op=dist.ReduceOp.AVG) elapsed_time = elapsed_time.cpu().numpy()[()] # print statement print_statement = ( f"{self.step_str} loss: {loss.cpu().detach().numpy():10.3e}" ) if step >= self.initial_step + self.print_stats_freq: print_statement += f", time/iteration: {elapsed_time/self.print_stats_freq:10.3e} ms" if self.manager.rank == 0: self.log.info(print_statement) if self.manager.cuda: start_event.record() else: t = time.time() # check stopping criterion stop_training = self._check_stopping_criterion(loss, losses, step) if stop_training: if self.manager.rank == 0: self.log.info( f"{self.step_str} stopping criterion is met, finished training!" ) break # check max steps if step >= self.max_steps: if self.manager.rank == 0: self.log.info( f"{self.step_str} reached maximum training steps, finished training!" ) break torch.cuda.nvtx.range_pop() def _cuda_graph_training_step(self, step: int): # Training step method for using cuda graphs # Warm up if (step - self.initial_step) < self.cfg.cuda_graph_warmup: if (step - self.initial_step) == 0: # Default stream for warm up self.warmup_stream = torch.cuda.Stream() self.warmup_stream.wait_stream(torch.cuda.current_stream()) with torch.cuda.stream(self.warmup_stream): # zero optimizer gradients self.global_optimizer_model.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) # # compute gradients self.loss_static, self.losses_static = self.compute_gradients( self.aggregator, self.global_optimizer_model, step ) torch.cuda.current_stream().wait_stream(self.warmup_stream) # take optimizer step self.apply_gradients() # take scheduler step self.scheduler.step() # Record graph elif (step - self.initial_step) == self.cfg.cuda_graph_warmup: torch.cuda.synchronize() if self.manager.distributed: dist.barrier(device_ids=[self.manager.local_rank]) if self.cfg.cuda_graph_warmup < 11: self.log.warn( f"Graph warm up length ({self.cfg.cuda_graph_warmup}) should be more than 11 steps, higher suggested" ) self.log.info("Attempting cuda graph building, this may take a bit...") self.g = torch.cuda.CUDAGraph() self.global_optimizer_model.zero_grad(set_to_none=True) # TODO: temporary workaround till this issue is fixed: # https://github.com/pytorch/pytorch/pull/104487#issuecomment-1638665876 delay = os.environ.get("MODULUS_CUDA_GRAPH_CAPTURE_DELAY", "10") time.sleep(int(delay)) with torch.cuda.graph(self.g): # compute gradients self.loss_static, self.losses_static = self.compute_gradients( self.aggregator, self.global_optimizer_model, step ) # take optimizer step # left out of graph for AMP compat, No perf difference self.apply_gradients() # take scheduler step self.scheduler.step() # Replay else: # Graph replay self.g.replay() # take optimizer step self.apply_gradients() self.scheduler.step() return self.loss_static, self.losses_static def _eval( self, ): # check the directory exists if not os.path.exists(self.network_dir): raise RuntimeError("Network checkpoint is required for eval mode.") # create global model for restoring and saving self.saveable_models = self.get_saveable_models() # set device if self.device is None: self.device = self.manager.device # load model self.step = self.load_step() self.step = self.load_model() self.step_str = f"[step: {self.step:10d}]" # make summary writer self.writer = SummaryWriter( log_dir=self.network_dir, purge_step=self.summary_freq + 1 ) self.summary_histograms = self.cfg["summary_histograms"] if self.manager.cuda: torch.cuda.synchronize(self.device) # write inference / validation datasets to tensorboard and file if self.has_validators: self._record_validators(self.step) if self.has_inferencers: self._record_inferencers(self.step) if self.has_monitors: self._record_monitors(self.step) def _stream( self, ): # check the directory exists if not os.path.exists(self.network_dir): raise RuntimeError("Network checkpoint is required for stream mode.") # create global model for restoring and saving self.saveable_models = self.get_saveable_models() # set device if self.device is None: self.device = self.manager.device # load model self.step = self.load_step() self.step = self.load_model() self.step_str = f"[step: {self.step:10d}]" if self.manager.cuda: torch.cuda.synchronize(self.device) # write streamed results to file return self.record_stream @staticmethod def _load_network( initialization_network_dir: str, network_dir: str, models: List[nn.Module], optimizer: Optimizer, aggregator: nn.Module, scheduler: _LRScheduler, scaler: GradScaler, log: logging.Logger, manager: DistributedManager, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ): # set device if device is None: device = manager.device # load optimizer step = Trainer._load_optimizer( network_dir, optimizer, aggregator, scheduler, scaler, log, device, ) # load model step = Trainer._load_model( initialization_network_dir, network_dir, models, step, log, device, ) return step @staticmethod def _load_optimizer( network_dir: str, optimizer: Optimizer, aggregator: nn.Module, scheduler: _LRScheduler, scaler: GradScaler, log: logging.Logger, device: torch.device, ): manager = DistributedManager() model_parallel_rank = ( manager.group_rank("model_parallel") if manager.distributed else 0 ) # attempt to restore optimizer optimizer_checkpoint_file = ( network_dir + f"/optim_checkpoint.{model_parallel_rank}.pth" ) log.info("attempting to restore from: " + add_hydra_run_path(network_dir)) if os.path.exists(optimizer_checkpoint_file): try: checkpoint = torch.load(optimizer_checkpoint_file, map_location=device) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint["optimizer_state_dict"]) aggregator.load_state_dict(checkpoint["aggregator_state_dict"]) scheduler.load_state_dict(checkpoint["scheduler_state_dict"]) scaler.load_state_dict(checkpoint["scaler_state_dict"]) step = checkpoint["step"] success = colored("Success loading optimizer: ", "green") log.info(success + add_hydra_run_path(optimizer_checkpoint_file)) except: fail = colored("Fail loading optimizer: ", "red") step = 0 log.info( fail + add_hydra_run_path(network_dir + "/optim_checkpoint.pth") ) else: log.warning("optimizer checkpoint not found") step = 0 return step @staticmethod def _load_model( initialization_network_dir: str, network_dir: str, models: List[nn.Module], step: int, log: logging.Logger, device: torch.device, ): manager = DistributedManager() model_parallel_rank = ( manager.group_rank("model_parallel") if manager.distributed else 0 ) # attempt to restrore from initialization network dir if initialization_network_dir != "": for i_dir in initialization_network_dir.split(","): if os.path.exists(i_dir): log.info("attempting to initialize network from " + i_dir) for model in models: if os.path.exists(i_dir + "/" + model.checkpoint_filename): try: model.load(i_dir, map_location=device) success = colored("Success loading model: ", "green") log.info( success + i_dir + "/" + model.checkpoint_filename ) except: fail = colored("Fail loading model: ", "red") step = 0 log.error( fail + i_dir + "/" + model.checkpoint_filename ) else: log.warning( "model " + model.checkpoint_filename + " not found for initialization" ) # attempt to restore models for model in models: if os.path.exists(network_dir + "/" + model.checkpoint_filename): try: model.load(network_dir, map_location=device) success = colored("Success loading model: ", "green") log.info( success + add_hydra_run_path( network_dir + "/" + model.checkpoint_filename ) ) except: fail = colored("Fail loading model: ", "red") log.info( fail + add_hydra_run_path( network_dir + "/" + model.checkpoint_filename ) ) else: log.warning("model " + model.checkpoint_filename + " not found") step = 0 return step @staticmethod def _load_step( network_dir: str, device: Optional[torch.device] = None, ): manager = DistributedManager() model_parallel_rank = ( manager.group_rank("model_parallel") if manager.distributed else 0 ) if os.path.exists(network_dir + f"/optim_checkpoint.{model_parallel_rank}.pth"): try: checkpoint = torch.load( network_dir + f"/optim_checkpoint.{model_parallel_rank}.pth", map_location=device, ) step = checkpoint["step"] except: step = 0 else: step = 0 return step @staticmethod def _save_checkpoint( network_dir: str, models: List[nn.Module], optimizer: Optimizer, aggregator: nn.Module, scheduler: _LRScheduler, scaler: GradScaler, step: int, ): # Get model parallel rank so all processes in the first model parallel group # can save their checkpoint. In the case without model parallelism, model_parallel_rank # should be the same as the process rank itself and only rank 0 saves manager = DistributedManager() model_parallel_rank = ( manager.group_rank("model_parallel") if manager.distributed else 0 ) # save models for model in models: model.save(network_dir) # save step, optimizer, aggregator, and scaler torch.save( { "step": step, "optimizer_state_dict": optimizer.state_dict(), "aggregator_state_dict": aggregator.state_dict(), "scheduler_state_dict": scheduler.state_dict(), "scaler_state_dict": scaler.state_dict(), }, network_dir + f"/optim_checkpoint.{model_parallel_rank}.pth", )
© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Jan 25, 2024.