NVIDIA Holoscan SDK v0.5.1

Inference Module

The Holoscan Inference Module in the Holoscan SDK is a framework that facilitates designing and executing inference and processing applications through its APIs. All parameters required by the Holoscan Inference Module are passed through a parameter set in the configuration file of an application. Detailed features and their corresponding parameter sets are explained in the section below.

Required parameters and related features available with the Holoscan Inference Module are listed below, along with the limitations in the current release.

  • Data Buffer Parameters: Parameters are provided in the inference settings to enable data buffer locations at several stages of the inference. As shown in the figure below, three parameters input_on_cuda, output_on_cuda and transmit_on_cuda can be set by the user.

    • input_on_cuda refers to the location of the data going into the inference.

      • If value is true, it means the input data is on the device

      • If value is false, it means the input data is on the host

    • output_on_cuda refers to the data location of the inferred data.

      • If value is true, it means the inferred data is on the device

      • If value is false, it means the inferred data is on the host

    • transmit_on_cuda refers to the data transmission.

      • If value is true, it means the data transmission from the inference extension will be on Device

      • If value is false, it means the data transmission from the inference extension will be on Host

  • Inference Parameters

    • backend parameter is set to either trt for TensorRT, or onnxrt for Onnx runtime.

      • TensorRT:

        • CUDA-based inference supported both on x86 and aarch64

        • End-to-end CUDA-based data buffer parameters supported. input_on_cuda, output_on_cuda and transmit_on_cuda will all be true for end-to-end CUDA-based data movement.

        • input_on_cuda, output_on_cuda and transmit_on_cuda can be either true or false.

      • Onnx runtime:

        • Data flow via host only. input_on_cuda, output_on_cuda and transmit_on_cuda must be false.

        • CUDA or CPU based inference on x86, only CPU based inference on aarch64

    • infer_on_cpu parameter is set to true if CPU based inference is desired.

      The tables below demonstrate the supported features related to the data buffer and the inference with trt and onnxrt based backend, on x86 and aarch64 system respectively.






      Supported values for trt

      true or false

      true or false

      true or false


      Supported values for onnxrt




      true or false






      Supported values for trt

      true or false

      true or false

      true or false


      Supported values for onnxrt





    • model_path_map: User can design single or multi AI inference pipeline by populating model_path_map in the config file.

      • With a single entry it is single inference and with more than one entry, multi AI inference is enabled.

      • Each entry in model_path_map has a unique keyword as key (used as an identifier by the Holoscan Inference Module), and the path to the model as value.

      • All model entries must have the models either in onnx or tensorrt engine file format.

    • pre_processor_map: input tensor to the respective model is specified in pre_processor_map in the config file.

      • The Holoscan Inference Module supports same input for multiple models or unique input per model.

      • Each entry in pre_processor_map has a unique keyword representing the model (same as used in model_path_map), and the tensor name as the value.

      • The Holoscan Inference Module supports one input tensor per model.

    • inference_map: output tensor per model after inference is specified in inference_map in the config file.

      • Each entry in inference_map has a unique keyword representing the model (same as used in model_path_map and pre_processor_map), and the tensor name as the value.

    • parallel_inference: Parallel or Sequential execution of inferences.

      • If multiple models are input, then user can execute models in parallel.

      • Parameter parallel_inference can be either true or false.

      • Inferences are launched in parallel without any check of the available GPU resources, user must make sure that there is enough memory and compute available to run all the inferences in parallel.

    • enable_fp16: Generation of the TensorRT engine files with FP16 option

      • If backend is set to trt, and if the input models are in onnx format, then users can generate the engine file with fp16 option to accelerate inferencing.

      • It takes few mintues to generate the engine files for the first time.

    • is_engine_path: if the input models are specified in trt engine format in model_path_map, this flag must be set to true.

    • in_tensor_names: Input tensor names to be used by pre_processor_map.

    • out_tensor_names: Output tensor names to be used by inference_map.

  • Other features: Table below illustrates other features and supported values in the current release.


    Supported values

    Data type


    Inference Backend

    trt or onnxrt

    Inputs per model


    GPU(s) supported


    Inferred data size format

    NHWC, NC (classification)

    Model Type

    All onnx or All trt engine type

  • Multi Receiver and Single Transmitter support

    • The Holoscan Inference Module provides an API to extract the data from multiple receivers.

    • The Holoscan Inference Module provides an API to transmit multiple tensors via a single transmitter.

Following are the steps to be followed in sequence for creating an inference application using the Holoscan Inference Module in the Holoscan SDK.

Parameter Specification

All required inference parameters of the inference application must be specified. Specification are provided in the application configuration file in C++ API based application in the Holoscan SDK. Inference parameter set from the sample multi AI application using C++ APIs in the Holoscan SDK is shown below.


multiai_inference: backend: "trt" model_path_map: "plax_chamber": "../data/multiai_ultrasound/models/plax_chamber.onnx" "aortic_stenosis": "../data/multiai_ultrasound/models/aortic_stenosis.onnx" "bmode_perspective": "../data/multiai_ultrasound/models/bmode_perspective.onnx" pre_processor_map: "plax_chamber": ["plax_cham_pre_proc"] "aortic_stenosis": ["aortic_pre_proc"] "bmode_perspective": ["bmode_pre_proc"] inference_map: "plax_chamber": "plax_cham_infer" "aortic_stenosis": "aortic_infer" "bmode_perspective": "bmode_infer" in_tensor_names: ["plax_cham_pre_proc", "aortic_pre_proc", "bmode_pre_proc"] out_tensor_names: ["plax_cham_infer", "aortic_infer", "bmode_infer"] parallel_inference: true infer_on_cpu: false enable_fp16: false input_on_cuda: true output_on_cuda: true transmit_on_cuda: true is_engine_path: false

Inference workflow

Inference workflow is the core inference unit in the inference application. This section provides steps to be followed to create an inference workflow.

In Holoscan SDK, the Multi AI Inference operator is designed using the Holoscan Inference Module APIs.

Arguments in the code sections below are referred to as .

  • Parameter Validity Check: Input inference parameters via the configuration (from step 1) are verified for correctness.


    auto status = HoloInfer::multiai_inference_validity_check(...);

  • Multi AI specification creation: For a single AI, only one entry is passed into the required entries in the parameter set. There is no change in the API calls below. Single AI or multi AI is enabled based on the number of entries in the parameter specifications from the configuration (in step 1).


    // Declaration of multi AI inference specifications std::shared_ptr<HoloInfer::MultiAISpecs> multiai_specs_; // Creation of multi AI specification structure multiai_specs_ = std::make_shared<HoloInfer::MultiAISpecs>(...);

  • Inference context creation.


    // Pointer to inference context. std::unique_ptr<HoloInfer::InferContext> holoscan_infer_context_; // Create holoscan inference context holoscan_infer_context_ = std::make_unique<HoloInfer::InferContext>();

  • Parameter setup with inference context: All required parameters of the Holoscan Inference Module are transferred in this step, and relevant memory allocations are initiated in the multi AI specification.


    // Set and transfer inference specification to inference context auto status = holoscan_infer_context_->set_inference_params(multiai_specs_);

  • Data extraction and allocation: The following API is used from the Holoscan Inference Module to extract and allocate data for the specified tensor.


    // Extract relevant data from input, and update multi AI specifications gxf_result_t stat = HoloInfer::multiai_get_data_per_model(...);

  • Map data from per tensor to per model: This step is required in this release. This step maps data per tensor to data per model. As mentioned above, current release supports only one input tensor per model.


    auto status = HoloInfer::map_data_to_model_from_tensor(...);

  • Inference execution


    // Execute inference and populate output buffer in multiai specifications auto status = holoscan_infer_context_->execute_inference(multiai_specs_->data_per_model_, multiai_specs_->output_per_model_);

  • Transmit inferred data:


    // Transmit output buffers auto status = HoloInfer::multiai_transmit_data_per_model(...);

Figure below demonstrates the Multi AI Inference operator in the Holoscan SDK. All blocks with blue color are the API calls from the the Holoscan Inference Module.


Application creation

After creation of an inference workflow, an application creation is required to connect input data, pre-processors, inference workflow, post-processors and visualizers for end-to-end application creation. A sample multi AI pipeline from iCardio.ai’s Multi AI application is part of Holoscan SDK, provided in both C++ and Python.

Application Execution

After a Holoscan SDK application has been successfully created, built and installed, execution is performed as described here for a sample Multi AI application

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