NVIDIA Holoscan SDK v0.5.1
Holoscan v0.5.1

Class HolovizOp

class HolovizOp : public holoscan::Operator

Operator class for data visualization.

This high-speed viewer handles compositing, blending, and visualization of RGB or RGBA images, masks, geometric primitives, text and depth maps. The operator can auto detect the format of the input tensors when only the receivers parameter list is specified.

  1. Displaying Color Images

Image data can either be on host or device (GPU). Multiple image formats are supported

  • R 8 bit unsigned

  • R 16 bit unsigned

  • R 16 bit float

  • R 32 bit unsigned

  • R 32 bit float

  • RGB 8 bit unsigned

  • BGR 8 bit unsigned

  • RGBA 8 bit unsigned

  • BGRA 8 bit unsigned

  • RGBA 16 bit unsigned

  • RGBA 16 bit float

  • RGBA 32 bit float

When the type parameter is set to color_lut the final color is looked up using the values from the color_lut parameter. For color lookups these image formats are supported

  • R 8 bit unsigned

  • R 16 bit unsigned

  • R 32 bit unsigned

  1. Drawing Geometry

In all cases, x and y are normalized coordinates in the range [0, 1]. The x and y correspond to the horizontal and vertical axes of the display, respectively. The origin (0, 0) is at the top left of the display. All coordinates should be defined using a single precision float data type. Geometric primitives outside of the visible area are clipped. Coordinate arrays are expected to have the shape (1, N, C) where N is the coordinate count and C is the component count for each coordinate.

  • Points are defined by a (x, y) coordinate pair.

  • Lines are defined by a set of two (x, y) coordinate pairs.

  • Lines strips are defined by a sequence of (x, y) coordinate pairs. The first two coordinates define the first line, each additional coordinate adds a line connecting to the previous coordinate.

  • Triangles are defined by a set of three (x, y) coordinate pairs.

  • Crosses are defined by (x, y, size) tuples. size specifies the size of the cross in the x direction and is optional, if omitted it’s set to 0.05. The size in the y direction is calculated using the aspect ratio of the window to make the crosses square.

  • Rectangles (bounding boxes) are defined by a pair of 2-tuples defining the upper-left and lower-right coordinates of a box: (x1, y1), (x2, y2).

  • Ovals are defined by (x, y, size_x, size_y) tuples. size_x and size_y are optional, if omitted they are set to 0.05.

  • Texts are defined by (x, y, size) tuples. size specifies the size of the text in y direction and is optional, if omitted it’s set to 0.05. The size in the x direction is calculated using the aspect ratio of the window. The index of each coordinate references a text string from the text parameter and the index is clamped to the size of the text array. For example, if there is one item set for the text parameter, e.g. text=[‘my_text]and three coordinates, thenmy_textis rendered three times. Iftext=[‘first text’, ‘second text’]and three coordinates are specified, thenfirst textis rendered at the first coordinate,second textat the second coordinate and thensecond textagain at the third coordinate. Thetext` string array is fixed and can’t be changed after initialization. To hide text which should not be displayed, specify coordinates greater than (1.0, 1.0) for the text item, the text is then clipped away.

  1. Displaying Depth Maps

When type is depth_map the provided data is interpreted as a rectangular array of depth values. Additionally a 2d array with a color value for each point in the grid can be specified by setting type to depth_map_color.

The type of geometry drawn can be selected by setting depth_map_render_mode.

Depth maps are rendered in 3D and support camera movement. The camera is controlled using the mouse:

  • Orbit (LMB)

  • Pan (LMB + CTRL | MMB)

  • Dolly (LMB + SHIFT | RMB | Mouse wheel)

  • Look Around (LMB + ALT | LMB + CTRL + SHIFT)

  • Zoom (Mouse wheel + SHIFT)

  1. Output

By default a window is opened to display the rendering, but the extension can also be run in headless mode with the headless parameter.

Using a display in exclusive mode is also supported with the use_exclusive_display parameter. This reduces the latency by avoiding the desktop compositor.

The rendered framebuffer can be output to render_buffer_output.

Public Types

enum class InputType

Input type.

All geometric primitives expect a 1d array of coordinates. Coordinates range from 0.0 (left, top) to 1.0 (right, bottom).


enumerator UNKNOWN

unknown type, the operator tries to guess the type by inspecting the tensor

enumerator COLOR

RGB or RGBA color 2d image.

enumerator COLOR_LUT

single channel 2d image, color is looked up

enumerator POINTS

point primitives, one coordinate (x, y) per primitive

enumerator LINES

line primitives, two coordinates (x0, y0) and (x1, y1) per primitive

enumerator LINE_STRIP

line strip primitive, a line primitive i is defined by each coordinate (xi, yi) and the following (xi+1, yi+1)

enumerator TRIANGLES

triangle primitive, three coordinates (x0, y0), (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) per primitive

enumerator CROSSES

cross primitive, a cross is defined by the center coordinate and the size (xi, yi, si)

enumerator RECTANGLES

axis aligned rectangle primitive, each rectangle is defined by two coordinates (xi, yi) and (xi+1, yi+1)

enumerator OVALS

oval primitive, an oval primitive is defined by the center coordinate and the axis sizes (xi, yi, sxi, syi)

enumerator TEXT

text is defined by the top left coordinate and the size (x, y, s) per string, text strings are define by InputSpec::text_

enumerator DEPTH_MAP

single channel 2d array where each element represents a depth value. The data is rendered as a 3d object using points, lines or triangles. The color for the elements can be specified through DEPTH_MAP_COLOR. Supported format: 8-bit unsigned normalized format that has a single 8-bit depth component

enumerator DEPTH_MAP_COLOR

RGBA 2d image, same size as the depth map. One color value for each element of the depth map grid. Supported format: 32-bit unsigned normalized format that has an 8-bit R component in byte > 0, an 8-bit G component in byte 1, an 8-bit B component in byte 2, and an 8-bit A component in byte 3unsigned 8-bit RGBA

enum class DepthMapRenderMode

Depth map render mode.


enumerator POINTS

render points

enumerator LINES

render lines

enumerator TRIANGLES

render triangles

Public Functions

HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS (HolovizOp) HolovizOp()=default

virtual void setup(OperatorSpec &spec) override

Define the operator specification.


spec – The reference to the operator specification.

virtual void initialize() override

Initialize the operator.

This function is called after the operator is created by holoscan::Fragment::make_operator().

virtual void start() override

Implement the startup logic of the operator.

This method is called multiple times over the lifecycle of the operator according to the order defined in the lifecycle, and used for heavy initialization tasks such as allocating memory resources.

virtual void compute(InputContext &op_input, OutputContext &op_output, ExecutionContext &context) override

Implement the compute method.

This method is called by the runtime multiple times. The runtime calls this method until the operator is stopped.

  • op_input – The input context of the operator.

  • op_output – The output context of the operator.

  • context – The execution context of the operator.

virtual void stop() override

Implement the shutdown logic of the operator.

This method is called multiple times over the lifecycle of the operator according to the order defined in the lifecycle, and used for heavy deinitialization tasks such as deallocation of all resources previously assigned in start.

struct InputSpec

Input specification

Public Functions

InputSpec() = default

inline InputSpec(const std::string tensor_name, InputType type)

inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept

true if the input spec is valid

Public Members

std::string tensor_name_

name of the tensor containing the input data

InputType type_ = InputType::UNKNOWN

input type

float opacity_ = 1.f

layer opacity, 1.0 is fully opaque, 0.0 is fully transparent

int32_t priority_ = 0

layer priority, determines the render order, layers with higher priority values are rendered on top of layers with lower priority values

std::vector<float> color_ = {1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f}

color of rendered geometry

float line_width_ = 1.f

line width for geometry made of lines

float point_size_ = 1.f

point size for geometry made of points

std::vector<std::string> text_

array of text strings, used when type_ is TEXT.

DepthMapRenderMode depth_map_render_mode_ = DepthMapRenderMode::POINTS

depth map render mode, used if type_ is DEPTH_MAP or DEPTH_MAP_COLOR.

© Copyright 2022-2023, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jul 28, 2023.