Class SegmentationPostprocessorOp

Holoscan v0.5.1
class SegmentationPostprocessorOp : public holoscan::Operator

Public Functions

HOLOSCAN_OPERATOR_FORWARD_ARGS (SegmentationPostprocessorOp) SegmentationPostprocessorOp()=default

virtual void setup(OperatorSpec &spec) override

Define the operator specification.


spec – The reference to the operator specification.

virtual void start() override

Implement the startup logic of the operator.

This method is called multiple times over the lifecycle of the operator according to the order defined in the lifecycle, and used for heavy initialization tasks such as allocating memory resources.

virtual void compute(InputContext &op_input, OutputContext &op_output, ExecutionContext &context) override

Implement the compute method.

This method is called by the runtime multiple times. The runtime calls this method until the operator is stopped.

  • op_input – The input context of the operator.

  • op_output – The output context of the operator.

  • context – The execution context of the operator.

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