Class VirtualTransmitterOp

Holoscan v0.6

Base Type

class VirtualTransmitterOp : public holoscan::ops::VirtualOperator

Virtual Transmitter operator.

This operator represents a transmitter that is connected to a receiver in another fragment. Although this operator has an input port, the input port (and its name) of this operator represents the output port (and its name) of an operator that is connected to this operator in the same fragment.

Public Functions

template<typename StringT, typename ArgListT, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<std::string, StringT> && std::is_same_v<ArgList, std::decay_t<ArgListT>>>>
inline explicit VirtualTransmitterOp(StringT &&output_port_name, IOSpec::ConnectorType connector_type, ArgListT &&arg_list)

virtual void setup(OperatorSpec &spec) override

Define the operator specification.


spec – The reference to the operator specification.

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