NVIDIA Holoscan SDK v0.4.0
Clara Holoscan v0.4.0

Holoscan API

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Holoviz composites real time streams of frames with multiple different other layers like segmentation mask layers, geometry layers and GUI layers.

For maximum performance Holoviz makes use of Vulkan, which is already installed as part of the Nvidia driver.

Holoviz uses the concept of the immediate mode design pattern for its API, inspired by the Dear ImGui library. The difference to the retained mode, for which most APIs are designed for, is, that there are no objects created and stored by the application. This makes it easy to quickly build and change an Holoviz app.

The code below creates a window and displays an image. First Holoviz needs to be initialized. This is done by calling clara::viz::Init().

The elements to display are defined in the render loop, termination of the loop is checked with clara::viz::WindowShouldClose().

The definition of the displayed content starts with clara::viz::Begin() and ends with clara::viz::End(). clara::viz::End() starts the rendering and displays the rendered result.

Finally Holoviz is shutdown with viz::Shutdown().

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© Copyright 2022, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jun 28, 2023.