Troubleshoot Your Dev Kit#
Use the information in this documentation to troubleshoot issues that arise when you work with your NVIDIA IGX Orin Developer Kit.
Reading IGX (Devkit/BoardKit/P3940) System Serial Number and Getting the Manufacturing Date#
The Serial Number can be read by logging into the IGX OS and run this command
sudo dmidecode --string system-serial-numberThe manufacturing date is embedded in the serial number. For example, a serial number SN: xxx4323xxxxxx indicates it was released in the Week 43 of 2023.
HDMI-In Does Not Support Hot-Plugging#
The Development Kit has an HDMI-in capture card. The firmware of the HDMI-in does not support hot-plugging the HDMI cable while you are capturing an input stream. Unplugging and re-plugging the HDMI cable while you are capturing input results in unexpected behavior.
We recommend that you keep the HDMI cable plugged in while capturing input.
If you accidentally unplug the cable while capturing input, try to restart the stream, or reboot your Dev Kit.
USB Timeout Error During Flashing#
A USB timeout error may occur during flashing. The following error indicates that your flash host’s USB port is not enabled:
1[ 0.1172 ] Sending bct_br
2[ 0.1603 ] ERROR: might be timeout in USB write.
3Error: Return value
First try changing the USB port:
Move to a different USB port, if available.
Power cycle the IGX and retry flashing.
If that doesn’t work, try disabling autosuspend:
To disable
on your host’s USB ports, run the following command.sudo bash -c 'echo -1 > /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend'
Power cycle the IGX and retry flashing.
This error does not clear until you power cycle the IGX, so don’t skip that step.
UEFI Trying To Access fTPM Boot Errors#
During the boot process of the IGX system the following or similar lines of errors can be obeserved in the boot log:
1> get_rpc_alloc_res:645 RPC allocation failed
2> E/LD: init_elf:486 sys_open_ta_bin(bc50d971-d4c9-42c4-82cb-343fb7f37896)
3> E/TC:?? 00 ldelf_init_with_ldelf:131 ldelf failed with res: 0xffff000c
This is expected and can be safely ignored since IGX does not have a fTPM installed.
No Connectivity to the BMC#
Ethernet must be connected to Port 5 per this I/O diagram here: I/O and External Interfaces
Confirm whether the connection is direct to a host or via a switch or larger network. The latest BMC firmware is configured to get an IP address via DHCP but will fall-back to the static address after a few minutes.
For troubleshooting, it is usually easier to be directly connected from a host to the BMC.
Assign manually to the host network interface that is connected to the BMC.
If connected through a larger network or switch, double check if there is a DHCP server running on that network that may have assigned a new IP address to the BMC once connected.
One way of finding all connected device is on a Linux host to use the arp command. If the network interface is for example on device “enp3s0” you would issue the command arp -a -i enp3so
Find the device that matches the BMC MAC address of your IGX ← TBD, where does the customer find the MAC address of their IGX??
If you got the IGX from someone else, other than directly from a distributor or OEM in the original retail packaging, ask them if they changed to network configuration and/or installed a different firmware onto the BMC.
No Display Output on dGPU#
Confirm that the dGPU you are using is either an RTX A6000 or Ada6000 RTX card. These are the only GPU cards currently supported with IGX Orin.
Confirm the dGPU is connected to the right PCIe connector on the IGX board. It has to be in port 14 per this I/O diagram here: I/O and External Interfaces
Confirm the dGPU has power connected to it via
either the ODM provided adapter cable or directly connected to the power cable labeled “CM-PSU” (For A6000/Ada6000)
or via the retail adapter cable and two connectors labelled “PCI-E” (For Ada6000) inside the case. These are only accessible once one opens the other side of IGX.
Ensure you dGPU has the proper vBIOS installed. To check if it has the proper vBIOS installed:
Connect a Displayport cable directly to a monitor and the IGX via one of the DP ports on the dGPU. Do NOT connect the cable to port 8 in this case.
Boot the IGX
You should see the UEFI screen after several seconds if the right vBIOS is installed on the dGPU.
If the correct vBIOS is not installed, please install the iGPU BaseOS FIRST. From the iGPU installation, when complete, follow the instructions at Flashing the dGPU with ARM VBIOS.
Once the vBIOS has been properly flashed, re-install BaseOS with the dGPU installation.
Ensure the proper QSPI/UEFI version is installed. Should be the latest version corresponding to the IGX SW release you are using and has to be at least IGX SW 1.0 PR for Ada6000 RTX. See IGX Software Releases.
Boot Failure#
Log in to the BMC and check the boot log. The following message indicates a problem with the bootloader:
ASSERT [FvbNorFlashStandaloneMm] /out/nvidia/optee.t234-uefi/StandaloneMmOptee_RELEASE/edk2-nvidia/Silicon/NVIDIA/Drivers/FvbNorFlashDxe/FvbNorFlashStandaloneMm.c(937): ((BOOLEAN)(0==1))
If you see that message, use the WebUI to reflash the bootloader with the QSPI bootloader image using the procedure at Update your QSPI firmware.
Argus Camera Image Capture Failure#
When image capture fails with the following error while using the argus_camera library:
JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is 584, caller expects 728
This indicates that there is a version mismatch with the JPEG image encoding library. To prevent this error, preload the correct library using the following shell command:
export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/nvidia/