Function holoscan::viz::ImageHost
Defined in File holoviz.hpp
void holoscan::viz::ImageHost(uint32_t width, uint32_t height, ImageFormat fmt, const void *data, size_t row_pitch = 0)
Defines the image data for this layer, source is host memory.
If the image has a alpha value it’s multiplied with the layer opacity.
If fmt is a depth format, the image will be interpreted as a depth image, and will be written to the depth buffer when rendering the color image from a separate invocation of Image*() for the same layer. This enables depth-compositing image layers with other Holoviz layers. Supported depth formats are: D32_SFLOAT.
- Parameters
width – width of the image
height – height of the image
fmt – image format
data – host memory pointer
row_pitch – the number of bytes between each row, if zero then data is assumed to be contiguous in memory