TAO v5.5.0

Offline Data Augmentation


Offline Data Augmentation is currently only designed for object-detection datasets using KITTI or COCO format.

Training a deep neural network can be a daunting task, and the most important component of training a model is the data. Acquiring curated and annotated datasets is often a manual process involving thousands of person-hours of painstaking labelling. Even if the data is carfully collected and planned, it is very difficult to estimate all the corner cases that a network can have, and repeating the process of collecting missing data and annotating it is very expensive and has long turnover times.

Online augmentation with the training data loader is a good way to increase variation in the dataset. However, the augmented data is generated randomly based on the distribution the data loader follows when sampling the data. To achieve a high level of accuracy, the model may need to be trained for a long time.

To circumvent these limitations, generate a dataset with the required augmentations, and give control to the user, the TAO Data Services provides an Offline Data Augmentation service. Offline augmentation can dramatically increase the size of the dataset when collecting and labeling data is expensive or not possible. The augmentation service provides several custom GPU-accelerated augmentation routines:

  • Spatial augmentation

  • Color-space augmentation

  • Image blur

Spatial Augmentation

Spatial augmentation comprises routines where data is augmented in space. The following spatial augmentation operations are supported:

  • Rotate (optionally, with AI-assisted bounding-box refinement)

  • Resize

  • Translate

  • Shear

  • Flip

Color-Space Augmentation

Color-space augmentation comprises routines where the image data is augmented in the color space. The following operators are supported:

  • Hue Rotation

  • Brightness offset

  • Contrast shift

Image Blur

Along with the above augmentation operations, the augmentation service also supports image blurring or sharpening, which is described further in FilterKernel config.

The spatial augmentation routines are applied to the images as well as the groundtruth labels, while the color augmentation routines and channel-wise blur operator are applied only to images. The sample workflow is as follows:


Offline Data Augmentation expects a directory of images and a directory containing KITTI text labels or a COCO JSON file.

Refer to the Data Annotation Format KITTI and COCO sections for more information about the data formats.

The configuration YAML file for augmentation experiements contains four major components, as well as a few global parameters for launching multi-GPU job and saving the job log.

  • Spatial-augmentation config

  • Color-augmentation config

  • Blur config

  • Data config (output image dimension, dataset type, etc.)

Parameter Datatype Description
spatial_aug Dict config The configuration of the spatial-augmentation operators
color_aug Dict config The configuration of the color-augmentation operators
blur_aug Dict config The configuration of the gaussian-blur operator to be applied on the image. The blur is computed channel-wise and then concatenated based on the number of image channels.
data Dict config The configuration of the input data type and input/output dataset location
random_seed int32 The seed for the randomized augmentation operations
num_gpus int32 The number of GPUs to use for the augmentation task
gpu_ids List[int] The indices for the GPUs to use for the augmentation task
cuda_blocking bool Debug flag to add CUDA_LAUNCH_BLOCKING=1 to the command calls
results_dir string The directory where experiment results are saved

Spatial-Augmentation Config

The spatial-augmentation config contains parameters to configure the spatial augmentation routines.

Parameter Datatype Description Supported Values
rotation Dict config Configures the rotate-augmentation operator. Defining this value activates rotation.

{ angle: 0.5 units: degrees }

See Rotation config
flip Dict config Configures the flip-augmentation operator. Defining this value activates flip along the horizontal and/or vertical axes.

{ flip_vertical: true flip_horizontal: true }

See Flip config
translation Dict config Configures the translation-augmentation operator. Defining this values activates translating the images across the x and/or y axes.

{ translate_x: 8 translate_y: 8 }

See Translation config
shear Dict config Configures the shear augmentation operator. Defining this value activates a shear to the images across the x and/or y axes.

{ shear_ratio_x: 0.2 shear_ratio_y: 0.2 }

See Shear config

Rotation Config

The rotation operation rotates the image at an angle. The transformation matrix for shear operation is computed as follows:


[x_new, y_new, 1] = [x, y, 1] * [[cos(angle) sin(angle) zero] [-sin(angle) cos(angle) zero] [x_t y_t one]] Where x_t, y_t are defined as x_t = height * sin(angle) / 2.0 - width * cos(angle) / 2.0 + width / 2.0 y_t = -1 * height * cos(angle) / 2.0 + height / 2.0 - width * sin_(angle) / 2.0 Here height = height of the output image, width = width of the output image.




Supported Values

angle float The angle of the rotation to be applied to the image and the coordinates +/- 0 - 360 (degrees) +/- 0 - 2ℼ (radians)
units string The units in which the angle parameter is measured “degrees”, “radians”
refine_box Dict config Parameters for enabling AI-assisted bounding box refinement




Supported Values

gt_cache string The path to the groundtruth mask labels or the pseudo mask labels generated by the TAO Auto Labeling service
enabled boolean A flag specifying whether to enable AI-assisted bounding box refinement True, False

Shear Config

The shear operation introduces a slant to the object along the x or y dimension. The transformation matrix for shear operation is computed as follows:


[x_new, y_new, 1] = [x, y, 1] * [[1.0 shear_ratio_y, 0], [shear_ratio_x, 1.0, 0], [x_t, y_t, 1.0]] X_t = -height * shear_ratio_x / 2. Y_t = -width * shear_ratio_y / 2. Here height = height of the output image, width = width of the output image.




Supported Values

shear_ratio_x float32 The amount of horizontal shift per y row.
shear_ratio_y float32 The amount of vertical shift per x column.

Flip Config

The operator flips an image and the bounding box coordinates along the horizontal and vertical axis.




Supported Values

flip_horizontal bool The flag to enable flipping an image horizontally true, false
flip_vertical bool The flag to enable flipping an image vertically true, false

Translation Config

The operator translates the image and polygon coordinates along the x and/or y axis.




Supported Values

translate_x int The number of pixels to translate the image along the x axis 0 - image_width
translate_y int The number of pixels to translate the image along the y axis 0 - image_height

Color Augmentation Config

The color augmentation config contains parameters to configure the color space augmentation routines, including the following:




hue Dict config This augmentation operator applies hue rotation augmentation.
contrast Dict config This augmentation operator applies contrast scaling.
brightness Dict config This configures the brightness shift augmentation operator.
saturation Dict config This augmentation operator applies color saturation augmentation.

Hue Config

This augmentation operator applies color space manipulation by converting the RGB image to HSV, performing hue rotation, and then returning with the corresponding RGB image.




Supported Values

hue_rotation_angle float32 Hue rotation in degrees (scalar or vector). A value of 0.0 (modulo 360) leaves the hue unchanged. 0 - 360 (the angles are computed as angle % 360)

Saturation Config

This augmentation operator applies color space manipulation by converting the RGB image to HSV, performing saturation shift, and then returning with the corresponding RGB image.




Supported Values

saturation_shift float32 Saturation shift multiplier. A value of 1.0 leaves the saturation unchanged. A value of 0 removes all saturation from the image and makes all channels equal in value. 0.0 - 1.0

Brightness Config

This augmentation operator applies a channel-wise brightness shift.




Supported Values

offset float32 Offset value per color channel 0 - 255

Contrast Config

This augmentation operator applies contrast scaling across a center point to an image.




Supported Values

contrast float32 The contrast scale value. A value of 0 leaves the contrast unchanged. 0 - 1.0
center float32 The center value for the image. In this case, the images are scaled between 0-255 (8 bit images), so setting a value of 127.5 is common. 0.0 - 1.0

KernelFilter Config

The KernelFilter config applies the Gaussian blur operator to an image. A Gaussian kernel is formulated based on the following parameters, then a per-channel 2D convolution is performed between this image and kernel.




Supported Values

size int The size of the kernel for convolution >0
std float The standard deviation of the Gaussian filter for blurring >0.0

Data Config

The data config parameters configure the input and output data dimension, type, and location.




dataset_type string The dataset type. Only “coco” and “kitti” values are supported
output_image_width Optional[int] The output image width. If this value is not specified, the input image width is preserved.
output_image_height Optional[int] The output image height. If this value is not specified, the input image height is preserved.
image_dir string The input image directory
ann_path string The annotation path (i.e. the label directory for the KITTI dataset and annotation JSON for COCO)
output_dataset string The directory to save the augmented images and labels
batch_size int The batch size of DALI dataloader
include_masks boolean A flag specifying whether to load segmentation annotation when reading a COCO JSON file

The offline augmentation service has a simple command line interface, which is defined as follows:


tao dataset augmentation generate [-h] -e <experiment spec file> [results_dir=<global_results_dir>] [spatial_aug.<spatial_aug_option>=<spatial_aug_option_value>] [color_aug.<color_aug_option>=<color_aug_option_value>] [blur_aug.<blur_aug_option>=<blur_aug_option_value>] [data.<data_option>=<data_option_value>] [num_gpus=<num_gpus>] [gpu_ids=<gpu_ids>]

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: The path to the YAML spec file

Optional Arguments

Once the dataset is generated, you can use the code:dataset-convert tool to convert it to TFRecords so that it can be ingested by the train sub-task. Details about converting the data to TFRecords are described in the Data Input for Object Detection section, and training a model with this dataset is described in the Data Annotation Format section.

Below are some sample rendered augmented images:


Input image rotated by 5 degrees


Image rotated by 5 degrees, with hue rotation by 25 degrees and a saturation shift of 0.0

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© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Oct 15, 2024.