TAO provides an extensive model zoo containing pre-trained models for computer vision use cases.
There are three types of pre-trained models that you can start with:
Foundation models: Foundation models are large scale Machine Learning models that are trained on vast quantities of data at scale. These models are often trained using some form of self-supervised of semi-supervised training algorithms. The primary goal of a foundational model is to serve as a starter that can be adapted to a variety of downstream tasks.
Purpose-built pre-trained models: These are highly accurate models that are trained on thousands of data inputs for a specific task. These domain-focused models can either be used directly for inference or can be used with TAO for transfer learning on your own dataset.
Pre-trained weights: The pre-trained weights for these models merely act as a starting point to build more complex models. For computer vision use cases, these pre-trained weights are trained on Open Image datasets, and they provide a much better starting point for training versus starting from a random initialization of weights.

You can choose from 100+ permutations of model architecture and backbone with the general purpose vision models.
Foundation Models
Model name |
Description |
NGC Instance |
TAO Finetuning |
TAO Commercial Pretrained NV-CLIP Model | TAO Commercial Pretrained NV-CLIP ViT-H Model | nvidia/tao/nvclip_vit | No |
TAO Commercial Pretrained NV-Dinov2 Model | TAO Commercial Pretrained NV-Dinov2 Model ViT-G backbone | nvidia/tao/nvdinov2_vitg | Downstream finetuning with classification_pyt, DINO and visual changenet |
SegIC | In-context segmentation model trained on commercial data. | nvidia/tao/segic | No |
Mask Grounding DINO | Open vocabulary multi-modal instance segmentation model trained on commercial data. | nvidia/tao/mask_grounding_dino | Yes |
Grounding DINO | Open vocabulary multi-modal object detection model trained on commercial data. | nvidia/tao/grounding_dino | Yes |
TAO Toolkit ODISE 1.1 | Model to recognise characters from a preceding OCDNet model. | nvidia/tao/odise | Yes (from source only) |
Mask Auto Label | Pretrained model to generate semantic segmentation labels. | nvidia/tao/mask_auto_label | Yes |
FoundationPose | 6-DoF object pose estimation and tracking, providing the object pose and 3D bounding box | nvidia/tao/foundationpose | No |
Purpose-built models
Model name |
Description |
NGC Instance |
TAO Finetuning |
BEVFusion for 3D Object Detection | BEVFusion model to detect 3D objects from point cloud and RGB data. | nvidia/tao/bevfusion | Yes |
Action Recognition Net | 5 class action recognition network to recognize what people do in an image. | nvidia/tao/actionrecognitionnet | Yes |
ReidentifcationNet Transformer | SWIN Transformer based Re-Identification network to generate embeddings for identifying persons in different scenes. | nvidia/tao/reidentificationnet_transformer | Yes |
ReIdentificationNet | Re-Identification network to generate embeddings for identifying persons in different scenes. | nvidia/tao/reidentificationnet | Yes |
CenterPose - ISAAC Ros | 3 pose detection model for retail objects. | nvidia/tao/centerpose_ros | Yes |
Optical Character Recognition | Model to recognise characters from a preceding OCDNet model. | nvidia/tao/ocrnet | Yes |
Retail Object Detection | DINO (DETR with Improved DeNoising Anchor Boxes) based object detection network to detect retail objects on a checkout counter. | nvidia/tao/retail_object_detection | Yes |
Pose Classification | Pose classification network to classify poses of people from their skeletons. | nvidia/tao/poseclassificationnet | Yes |
PointPillarNet | Model to detect one or more objects from a LIDAR point cloud file and return 3D bounding boxes. | nvidia/tao/pointpillarnet | Yes |
PeopleSemSegNet - AMR | Semantic segmentation of persons in an image. | nvidia/tao/peoplesemsegnet_amr | Yes |
PeopleSemSegnet | Semantic segmentation of persons in an image. | nvidia/tao/peoplesemsegnet | Yes |
PeopleSegNet | 1 class instance segmentation network to detect and segment instances of people in an image. | nvidia/tao/peoplesegnet | Yes |
PeopleNet Transformer | 3 class object detection network to detect people in an image. | nvidia/tao/peoplenet_transformer | Yes |
PeopleNet - AMR | 3 class object detection network to detect people in an image. | nvidia/tao/peoplenet_amr | Yes |
PeopleNet | 3 class object detection network to detect people in an image. | nvidia/tao/peoplenet | Yes |
Multiple 3D CenterPose | Single-stage, keypoint-based method for category-level object pose estimation | nvidia/tao/multiclass_3d_centerpose | Yes |
Retail Object Recognition | Embedding generator model to recognize objects on a checkout counter. | nvidia/tao/retail_object_recognition | Yes |
PeopleSemSegformer | Model to segment persons in an image. | nvidia/tao/peoplesemsegformer | Yes |
PeopleNet Transformer v2.0 | 3 class object detection network to detect people in an image. | nvidia/tao/peoplenet_transformer_v2 | Yes |
Visual ChangeNet - Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet - Segmentation | nvidia/tao/visual_changenet_segmentation_landsatscd | Yes |
CenterPose | 3 pose detection model for retail objects. | nvidia/tao/centerpose | Yes |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation - MvTEC | Change segmentation model. | nvidia/tao/visual_changenet_segmentation_mvtec | Yes |
Optical Inspection | Model to detect defects in soldered components on a Printed Circuit Board. | nvidia/tao/optical_inspection | Yes |
PCB Defect Classification | Model to classify defects in soldered components on a Printed Circuit Board. | nvidia/tao/pcb_classification | Yes |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation - (Research-only) | Visual ChangeNet-Segmentation (Research-only) | nvidia/tao/visual_changenet_segmentation_levircd | Yes |
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet - Classification Models | nvidia/tao/visual_changenet_classification | Yes |
FaceDetect | Detect faces from an image. | nvidia/tao/facenet | Yes |
FaceDetectIR | 1 class object detection network to detect faces in an image. | nvidia/tao/facedetectir | Yes |
HeartRateNet | Estimate heart-rate non-invasively from RGB facial videos. | nvidia/tao/heartratenet | Yes |
Gaze Estimation | Detect a persons eye gaze point of regard and gaze vector. | nvidia/tao/gazenet | Yes |
Facial Landmarks Estimation | Detect fiducial keypoints from an image of a face. | nvidia/tao/fpenet | Yes |
EmotionNet | Network to classify emotions from face. | nvidia/tao/emotionnet | Yes |
GestureNet | Classify gestures from hand crop images. | nvidia/tao/gesturenet | Yes |
License Plate Recognition | Model to recognize characters from the image crop of a License Plate. | nvidia/tao/lprnet | Yes |
LPDNet | Object Detection network to detect license plates in an image of a car. | nvidia/tao/lpdnet | Yes |
DashCamNet | 4 class object detection network to detect cars in an image. | nvidia/tao/dashcamnet | Yes |
CitySemSegFormer | Semantic segmentation of persons in an image. | nvidia/tao/citysemsegformer | Yes |
BodyPoseNet | Detect body pose from an image. | nvidia/tao/bodyposenet | Yes |
Optical Character Detection | Network to detect characters in an image. | nvidia/tao/ocdnet | Yes |
VehicleTypeNet | Resnet18 model to classify a car crop into 1 out 6 car types. | nvidia/tao/vehicletypenet | Yes |
VehicleMakeNet | Resnet18 model to classify a car crop into 1 out 20 car brands. | nvidia/tao/vehiclemakenet | Yes |
TrafficCamNet | 4 class object detection network to detect cars in an image. | nvidia/tao/trafficcamnet | Yes |
BodyPose3DNet | 3D human pose estimation network to predict 34 keypoints in 3D of a person in an image. | nvidia/tao/bodypose3dnet | No |
Pre-trained Models
Model name |
Description |
NGC Instance |
Mask2Former | Binary instance segmentation model trained on COCO data. | nvidia/tao/mask2former |
TAO Pretrained Semantic Segmentation | Pretrained weights to facilitate transfer learning using Transfer Learning Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_semantic_segmentation |
TAO Pretrained Instance Segmentation | Pretrained weights to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_instance_segmentation |
TAO Pretrained EfficientDet | Pretrained weights to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_efficientdet |
TAO Pretrained DetectNet V2 | Pretrained weights to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_detectnet_v2 |
TAO Pretrained Classification | Pretrained weights to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_classification |
TAO Pretrained Object Detection | Pretrained weights to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_object_detection |
Pre-trained SegFormer ImageNet weights | Pre-trained SegFormer weights trained on ImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_segformer_imagenet |
Pre-trained EfficientDet NvImageNet backbones | Pre-trained EfficientNet backbone weights trained on NvImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_efficientdet_tf2_nvimagenet |
Pre-trained EfficientDet Model trained on COCO | Pre-trained EfficientDet models trained on COCO to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_efficientdet_tf2_coco |
Deformable DETR | Model trained on COCO2017 to detect and classify objects. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_deformable_detr_coco |
DINO | Model trained on COCO2017 to detect and classify objects. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_dino_coco |
TAO Pretrained DINO with Foundational Model Backbone | TAO Pretrained DINO with Foundational Model Backbone | nvidia/tao/dino_with_fm_backbone |
DINO with NVDinoV2 backbone on COCO | Model trained on COCO2017 to detect and classify objects. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_nvdinov2_dino_coco |
Pre-trained FasterViT based ImageNet Classification weights | Pre-trained FasterViT weights trained on ImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_fastervit_classification_imagenet |
Pre-trained FasterViT based NVImageNet Classification weights | Pre-trained FasterViT weights trained on NVImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_fastervit_classification_nvimagenet |
Pre-trained GCViT ImageNet Classification weights | Pre-trained GCViT weights trained on ImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_gcvit_classification_imagenet |
Pre-trained Deformable DETR NvImageNet weights | Pre-trained deformable_detr weights trained on NvImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_deformable_detr_nvimagenet |
Pre-trained FAN based ImageNet Classification weights | Pre-trained FAN weights trained on ImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_fan_classification_imagenet |
Pre-trained FAN based NVImageNet Classification weights | Pre-trained FAN weights trained on NVImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_fan_classification_nvimagenet |
Pre-trained DINO ImageNet weights | Pre-trained DINO weights trained on ImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_dino_imagenet |
Pre-trained Segformer - CityScapes | Pre-trained segformer models trained on CityScapes. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_segformer_cityscapes |
Pre-trained SegFormer NvImageNet weights | Pre-trained SegFormer weights trained on NvImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_segformer_nvimagenet |
Pre-trained GCViT NVImageNet Classification weights | Pre-trained GcViT weights trained on NVImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_gcvit_classification_nvimagenet |
Pre-trained DINO NvImageNet weights | Pre-trained DINO weights trained on NvImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_dino_nvimagenet |
Pre-trained Deformable DETR ImageNet weights | Pre-trained deformable_detr weights trained on ImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_deformable_detr_imagenet |
Pretrained Mask Auto Label | Pretrained model to facilitate transfer learning for MAL on TAO Toolkit | nvidia/tao/pretrained_mask_auto_label |
Pre-trained ImageNet Back bones weights | Pre-trained weights trained on ImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_imagenet_backbones |
Pre-trained NVImageNet Back bones weights | Pre-trained weights trained on NVImageNet to facilitate transfer learning using TAO Toolkit. | nvidia/tao/pretrained_nvimagenet_backbones |
TAO Pretrained EfficientDet-TF2 | Pretrained efficientnet backbones for TAO Toolkit’s efficientdet-tf2 | nvidia/tao/pretrained_efficientdet_tf2 |
TAO Pretrained Classification-TF2 | Pretrained backbones for TAO Toolkit TF2 image classification | nvidia/tao/pretrained_classification_tf2 |
Performance Metrics
The performance of these pretrained models across various NVIDIA platforms is summarized in the table below. The numbers in the table are the inference performance measured using the trtexec tool in TensorRT samples.
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
DLA1 + DLA2 BS |
PeopleNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 16 | 400 | 16 | 300 |
PeopleNet (v2.3) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 314 | 32 | 226 |
PeopleNet (v2.5 unpruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 16 | 140 | 32 | 70 |
TrafficCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 16 | 457 | 16 | 352 |
DashCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 479 | 64 | 358 |
FaceDetect-IR | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 384x240x3 | INT8 | 64 | 2588 | 64 | 1700 |
VehilceMakeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 64 | 4261 | 64 | 2218 |
VehicleTypeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 64 | 3391 | 64 | 2044 |
FaceDetect (pruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 736x416x3 | INT8 | 32 | 613 | 32 | 492 |
License Plate Detection v1.0 | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 640x480x3 | INT8 | 32 | 32 | ||
License Plate Recognition | ResNet | 96x48x3 | FP16 | 128 | 1498 | – | – |
Facial landmark | 80x80x1 | FP16 | 32 | 1606 | – | – | |
GazeNet | 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 25x25x1 | FP16 | 64 | 1241 | – | – | |
GestureNet | 160x160x3 | FP16 | 64 | 5420 | – | – | |
BodyPose | 288x384x3 | INT8 | 16 | 195 | – | – | |
Action Recognition 2D RGB | 2D CNN | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 32 | 577 | – | – |
Action Recognition 3D RGB | 3D CNN | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 4 | 38 | – | – |
Action Recognition 2D OF | 2D Optical Flow | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 16 | 826 | – | – |
Action Recognition 3D OF | 3D Optical Flow | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 4 | 42 | – | – |
Point Pillar | Point Pillar | FP16 | 1 | 38 | – | – | |
Pose classification | ST-GCN | FP16 | 8 | 105 | – | – | |
3D Pose - Accuracy | FP16 | 16 | 241 | – | – | ||
3D Pose - Performance | FP16 | 16 | 295 | – | – | ||
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Shuffle | UNET - Shuffle | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 289 | – | – |
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Vanilla | UNET - Vanilla | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 27 | – | – |
PeopleNet Transformer | D-DETR | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 2 | 13 | – | – |
ReidentificationNet | ResNet50 | 3x256x18 | FP16 | 64 | 1049 | – | – |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - 100 class | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 16 | 48 | – | – |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - binary | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 16 | 45 | – | – |
RetailObjectEmbedding v1.0 | ResNet101 | 3x224x224 | FP16 | 32 | 544 | – | – |
CitySemSegFormer v1.0 | SegFormer | FP16 | 1 | 0.6 | – | – | |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 146.6 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 94.5 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 62 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 43.9 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-XL-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 39.9 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 212 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 163 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-T | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 110 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-S | 224x224x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 51.2 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 28.8 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 1 | 10.4 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H-384 (384 resolution) | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 4 | 23.4 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB0 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 870 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB1 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 344 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB2 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 313 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB3 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 234 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB4 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 175 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB5 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 123 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR+RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 9.6 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR + GCViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 5.2 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 8.4 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-S | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 4.4 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + GC-ViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 4.9 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-L | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 2.6 | – | – |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
Cityscapes Segmentation | Segformer + FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | Efficientdet-D5 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 3.4 | – | – |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - Meta | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 3.4 | – | – |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 59.8 | – | – |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 41.9 | – | – |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | NVCLIP-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 575 | – | – |
Siamese Optical Inspection | Siamese CNN | 2x512x128x3 | FP16 | 16 | 482 | – | – |
OCDNet | DCN-RN18 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 2 | 45 | – | – |
OCDNet | DCN-RN50 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 2 | 22 | – | – |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM pruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1373 | – | – |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM unpruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1051 | – | – |
PCB Inspection | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 198 | – | – |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | Segformer + MIT | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 1.9 | – | – |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN -B-H | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 1.78 | – | – |
PeopleSemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -S-H | 512x128x3 | FP16 | 16 | 44.7 | – | – |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -B-H | 256x256x3 | FP16 | 16 | 21.92 | – | – |
CenterPose | DLA34 | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 27.74 | – | – |
CenterPose | FAN-S-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 11.35 | – | – |
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
DLA1 + DLA2 BS |
PeopleNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 1116 | 32 | 528 |
PeopleNet (v2.3) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 890 | 32 | 404 |
PeopleNet (v2.5 unpruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 16 | 421 | 32 | 104 |
TrafficCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 1268 | 32 | 594 |
DashCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 1308 | 64 | 587 |
FaceDetect-IR | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 384x240x3 | INT8 | 128 | 7462 | 128 | 2720 |
VehilceMakeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 128 | 11872 | 128 | 3956 |
VehicleTypeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 128 | 9815 | 128 | 3494 |
FaceDetect (pruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 736x416x3 | INT8 | 64 | 1700 | 64 | 870 |
License Plate Detection v1.0 | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 640x480x3 | INT8 | 64 | 64 | ||
License Plate Recognition | ResNet | 96x48x3 | FP16 | 128 | 4118 | – | – |
Facial landmark | 80x80x1 | FP16 | 64 | – | – | ||
GazeNet | 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 25x25x1 | FP16 | 128 | 3226 | – | – | |
GestureNet | 160x160x3 | FP16 | 128 | 15133 | – | – | |
BodyPose | 288x384x3 | INT8 | 16 | 559 | – | – | |
Action Recognition 2D RGB | 2D CNN | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 64 | 1577 | – | – |
Action Recognition 3D RGB | 3D CNN | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 8 | 105 | – | – |
Action Recognition 2D OF | 2D Optical Flow | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 32 | 1702 | – | – |
Action Recognition 3D OF | 3D Optical Flow | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 4 | 109 | – | – |
Point Pillar | Point Pillar | FP16 | 1 | 90 | – | – | |
Pose classification | ST-GCN | FP16 | 16 | 262 | – | – | |
3D Pose - Accuracy | FP16 | 16 | 597 | – | – | ||
3D Pose - Performance | FP16 | 16 | 711 | – | – | ||
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Shuffle | UNET - Shuffle | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 703 | – | – |
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Vanilla | UNET - Vanilla | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 75 | – | – |
PeopleNet Transformer | D-DETR | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 2 | 33 | – | – |
ReidentificationNet | ResNet50 | 3x256x18 | FP16 | 64 | 2772 | – | – |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - 100 class | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 16 | 121 | – | – |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - binary | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 16 | 114 | – | – |
RetailObjectEmbedding v1.0 | ResNet101 | 3x224x224 | FP16 | 32 | 1355 | – | – |
CitySemSegFormer v1.0 | SegFormer | FP16 | 1 | 1.5 | – | – | |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 385 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 255 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 166 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 117 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-XL-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 106 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 559 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 431 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-T | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 293 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-S | 224x224x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 138 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 80.7 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 4 | 28.1 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H-384 (384 resolution) | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 8 | 61.2 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB0 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 2152 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB1 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 860 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB2 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 811 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB3 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 609 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB4 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 451 | – | – |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB5 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 318 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR+RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 25.8 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR + GCViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 14.2 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 22 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-S | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 11.2 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + GC-ViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 13 | – | – |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-L | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 6.2 | – | – |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
Cityscapes Segmentation | Segformer + FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | Efficientdet-D5 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 8.1 | – | – |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - Meta | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 8.1 | – | – |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 161 | – | – |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 112 | – | – |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | NVCLIP-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 1541 | – | – |
Siamese Optical Inspection | Siamese CNN | 2x512x128x3 | FP16 | 32 | 1538 | – | – |
OCDNet | DCN-RN18 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 4 | 120 | – | – |
OCDNet | DCN-RN50 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM pruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 128 | 3876 | – | – |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM unpruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 128 | 2950 | – | – |
PCB Inspection | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 560 | – | – |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | Segformer + MIT | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 4.8 | – | – |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN -B-H | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 4.4 | – | – |
PeopleSemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | – | – | ||
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -S-H | 512x128x3 | FP16 | 16 | 113.2 | – | – |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -B-H | 256x256x3 | FP16 | 16 | 55 | – | – |
CenterPose | DLA34 | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 57.04 | – | – |
CenterPose | FAN-S-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 28.03 | – | – |
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
PeopleNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 4228 |
PeopleNet (v2.3) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 3160 |
PeopleNet (v2.5 unpruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 1603 |
TrafficCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 5082 |
DashCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 4900 |
FaceDetect-IR | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 384x240x3 | INT8 | 128 | 27100 |
VehilceMakeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 256 | 46200 |
VehicleTypeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 128 | 37200 |
FaceDetect (pruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 736x416x3 | INT8 | 64 | 7700 |
License Plate Detection v1.0 | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 640x480x3 | INT8 | 128 | 12500 |
License Plate Recognition | ResNet | 96x48x3 | FP16 | 128 | 12400 |
Facial landmark | 80x80x1 | FP16 | 128 | 12400 | |
GazeNet | 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 25x25x1 | FP16 | 512 | 12321 | |
GestureNet | 160x160x3 | FP16 | 512 | 47361 | |
BodyPose | 288x384x3 | INT8 | 32 | 1596 | |
Action Recognition 2D RGB | 2D CNN | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 16 | 6000 |
Action Recognition 3D RGB | 3D CNN | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 4 | 380 |
Action Recognition 2D OF | 2D Optical Flow | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 32 | 8940 |
Action Recognition 3D OF | 3D Optical Flow | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 16 | 461 |
Point Pillar | Point Pillar | FP16 | 1 | 271 | |
Pose classification | ST-GCN | FP16 | 64 | 1121.68 | |
3D Pose - Accuracy | FP16 | 32 | 1913.92 | ||
3D Pose - Performance | FP16 | 32 | 2241.83 | ||
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Shuffle | UNET - Shuffle | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 64 | 2862.76 |
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Vanilla | UNET - Vanilla | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 253.77 |
PeopleNet Transformer | D-DETR | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 135 |
ReidentificationNet | ResNet50 | 3x256x18 | FP16 | 128 | 9649 |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - 100 class | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 64 | 485 |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - binary | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 64 | 450 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v1.0 | ResNet101 | 3x224x224 | FP16 | 64 | 4791 |
CitySemSegFormer v1.0 | SegFormer | FP16 | 1 | 6.4 | |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 1806 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 1185 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 769 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 548 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-XL-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 423 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 3105 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 2339 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-T | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 1658 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-S | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 1077 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 711 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 388 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 8 | 151 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H-384 (384 resolution) | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 16 | 260 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 8 | 179 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB0 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 8361 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB1 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 3245 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB2 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 3078 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB3 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 2320 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB4 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1669 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB5 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1203 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR+RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 8 | 141 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR + GCViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 8 | 87 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 8 | 115 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-S | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 56 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + GC-ViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 8 | 77 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-L | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 8 | 33.4 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 1098 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | Segformer + FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 834 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 606 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 465 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | Efficientdet-D5 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 8 | 44.2 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - Meta | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 8 | 44 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 734 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 522 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | NVCLIP-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 5886 |
Siamese Optical Inspection | Siamese CNN | 2x512x128x3 | FP16 | 32 | 6318 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN18 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 16 | 387 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN50 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 8 | 186.6 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM pruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 128 | 12122 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM unpruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 128 | 9656 |
PCB Inspection | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 3221 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | Segformer + MIT | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 4 | 29.3 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN -B-H | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 4 | 23.7 |
PeopleSemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 8 | 116.8 |
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -S-H | 512x128x3 | FP16 | 16 | 436 |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -B-H | 256x256x3 | FP16 | 16 | 204 |
CenterPose | DLA34 | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 57.46 |
CenterPose | FAN-S-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 26.73 |
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
PeopleNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 3819 |
PeopleNet (v2.3) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 2568 |
PeopleNet (v2.5 unpruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 1007 |
TrafficCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 4754 |
DashCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 4600 |
FaceDetect-IR | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 384x240x3 | INT8 | 128 | 26900 |
VehilceMakeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 256 | 44800 |
VehicleTypeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 256 | 31500 |
FaceDetect (pruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 736x416x3 | INT8 | 64 | 6000 |
License Plate Detection v1.0 | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 640x480x3 | INT8 | 256 | 13900 |
License Plate Recognition | ResNet | 96x48x3 | FP16 | 256 | 9000 |
Facial landmark | 80x80x1 | FP16 | 512 | 9600 | |
GazeNet | 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 25x25x1 | FP16 | 512 | 10718 | |
GestureNet | 160x160x3 | FP16 | 512 | 35371 | |
BodyPose | 288x384x3 | INT8 | 32 | 1334 | |
Action Recognition 2D RGB | 2D CNN | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 16 | 4600 |
Action Recognition 3D RGB | 3D CNN | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 4 | 265 |
Action Recognition 2D OF | 2D Optical Flow | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 32 | 6500 |
Action Recognition 3D OF | 3D Optical Flow | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 16 | 284 |
Point Pillar | Point Pillar | FP16 | 1 | 246 | |
Pose classification | ST-GCN | FP16 | 64 | 825.75 | |
3D Pose - Accuracy | FP16 | 32 | 1286.05 | ||
3D Pose - Performance | FP16 | 32 | 1558.21 | ||
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Shuffle | UNET - Shuffle | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 64 | 2429.62 |
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Vanilla | UNET - Vanilla | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 180.04 |
PeopleNet Transformer | D-DETR | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 106 |
ReidentificationNet | ResNet50 | 3x256x18 | FP16 | 128 | 6129 |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - 100 class | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 64 | 367 |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - binary | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 64 | 341 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v1.0 | ResNet101 | 3x224x224 | FP16 | 64 | 3105 |
CitySemSegFormer v1.0 | SegFormer | FP16 | 1 | 4.5 |
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 99.1 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 64.5 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 42.3 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 29.8 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-XL-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 27 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 146 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 111 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-T | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 75 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-S | 224x224x3 | FP16 | ||
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 35.2 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 19.8 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | ||
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H-384 (384 resolution) | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 4 | 16 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | ||
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB0 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 571 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB1 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 227 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB2 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 208 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB3 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 155 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB4 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 116 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB5 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 81 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR+RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 6.6 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR + GCViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 3.6 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 5.7 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-S | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 3.1 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + GC-ViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 3.3 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-L | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 1.8 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | ||
Cityscapes Segmentation | Segformer + FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | ||
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | ||
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | Efficientdet-D5 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 2.3 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - Meta | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 2.3 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 40.2 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 28.4 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | NVCLIP-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 393 |
Siamese Optical Inspection | Siamese CNN | 2x512x128x3 | FP16 | 16 | 399 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN18 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | ||
OCDNet | DCN-RN50 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | ||
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM pruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 64 | 935 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM unpruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 64 | 715 |
PCB Inspection | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 133.9 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | Segformer + MIT | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 1.36 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN -B-H | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 1.2 |
PeopleSemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | ||
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -S-H | 512x128x3 | FP16 | 16 | 31 |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -B-H | 256x256x3 | FP16 | 16 | 15.2 |
CenterPose | DLA34 | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 19.16 |
CenterPose | FAN-S-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 7.94 |
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
PeopleNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 128 | 8500 |
PeopleNet (v2.3) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 6245 |
PeopleNet (v2.5 unpruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 3291 |
TrafficCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 256 | 9717 |
DashCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 256 | 9500 |
FaceDetect-IR | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 384x240x3 | INT8 | 256 | 51600 |
VehilceMakeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 1024 | 88300 |
VehicleTypeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 512 | 72300 |
FaceDetect (pruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 736x416x3 | INT8 | 256 | 14900 |
License Plate Detection v1.0 | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 640x480x3 | INT8 | 256 | 23200 |
License Plate Recognition | ResNet | 96x48x3 | FP16 | 256 | 27200 |
Facial landmark | 80x80x1 | FP16 | 256 | 19600 | |
GazeNet | 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 25x25x1 | FP16 | 1024 | 25394 | |
GestureNet | 160x160x3 | FP16 | 1024 | 94555 | |
BodyPose | 288x384x3 | INT8 | 16 | 3180 | |
Action Recognition 2D RGB | 2D CNN | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 32 | 12600 |
Action Recognition 3D RGB | 3D CNN | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 16 | 797 |
Action Recognition 2D OF | 2D Optical Flow | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 64 | 17535 |
Action Recognition 3D OF | 3D Optical Flow | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 16 | 899 |
Point Pillar | Point Pillar | FP16 | 1 | 425 | |
Pose classification | ST-GCN | FP16 | 64 | 2144.84 | |
3D Pose - Accuracy | FP16 | 32 | 3466.34 | ||
3D Pose - Performance | FP16 | 32 | 4176.37 | ||
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Shuffle | UNET - Shuffle | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 64 | 5745.79 |
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Vanilla | UNET - Vanilla | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 496.34 |
PeopleNet Transformer | D-DETR | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 267 |
ReidentificationNet | ResNet50 | 3x256x18 | FP16 | 256 | 20781 |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - 100 class | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1012 |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - binary | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 64 | 947 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v1.0 | ResNet101 | 3x224x224 | FP16 | 64 | 9851 |
CitySemSegFormer v1.0 | SegFormer | FP16 | 4 | 13 | |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 3867 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 2576 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1692 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1196 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-XL-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 1046 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 6863 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 5162 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-T | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 3600 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-S | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 2435 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1663 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 917 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 32 | 344 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H-384 (384 resolution) | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 64 | 577 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 64 | 402 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB0 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 256 | 17909 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB1 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 256 | 6994 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB2 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 256 | 6665 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB3 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 256 | 4987 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB4 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 3577 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB5 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 256 | 2583 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR+RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 296 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR + GCViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 184 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 244 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-S | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 121 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + GC-ViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 165 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-L | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 70.6 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 2381 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | Segformer + FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1808 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1338 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1000 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | Efficientdet-D5 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 94.3 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - Meta | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 94.2 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1621 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1155 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | NVCLIP-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 15584 |
Siamese Optical Inspection | Siamese CNN | 2x512x128x3 | FP16 | 128 | 15660 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN18 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 64 | 724 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN50 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 64 | 351 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM pruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 512 | 28297 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM unpruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 512 | 21212 |
PCB Inspection | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 7095 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | Segformer + MIT | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 8 | 62.2 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN -B-H | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 8 | 50.4 |
PeopleSemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 32 | 254 |
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -S-H | 512x128x3 | FP16 | 16 | 920 |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -B-H | 256x256x3 | FP16 | 16 | 435 |
CenterPose | DLA34 | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 82.16 |
CenterPose | FAN-S-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 49.99 |
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
PeopleNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 1379 |
PeopleNet (v2.3) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 1064 |
PeopleNet (v2.5 unpruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 465 |
TrafficCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 1725 |
DashCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 64 | 1676 |
FaceDetect-IR | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 384x240x3 | INT8 | 128 | 9810 |
VehilceMakeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 256 | 16500 |
VehicleTypeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 128 | 12500 |
FaceDetect (pruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 736x416x3 | INT8 | 64 | 2578 |
License Plate Detection v1.0 | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 640x480x3 | INT8 | 128 | 6123 |
License Plate Recognition | ResNet | 96x48x3 | FP16 | 128 | 3959 |
Facial landmark | 80x80x1 | FP16 | 128 | 4622 | |
GazeNet | 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 25x25x1 | FP16 | 512 | 4563 | |
GestureNet | 160x160x3 | FP16 | 512 | 15377 | |
BodyPose | 288x384x3 | INT8 | 32 | 598 | |
Action Recognition 2D RGB | 2D CNN | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 16 | 1897 |
Action Recognition 3D RGB | 3D CNN | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 4 | 139 |
Action Recognition 2D OF | 2D Optical Flow | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 32 | 3320 |
Action Recognition 3D OF | 3D Optical Flow | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 16 | 192 |
Point Pillar | Point Pillar | FP16 | 1 | 111 | |
Pose classification | ST-GCN | FP16 | 64 | 376.4 | |
3D Pose - Accuracy | FP16 | 32 | 614.98 | ||
3D Pose - Performance | FP16 | 32 | 712.94 | ||
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Shuffle | UNET - Shuffle | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1027.85 |
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Vanilla | UNET - Vanilla | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 79.08 |
PeopleNet Transformer | D-DETR | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 48 |
ReidentificationNet | ResNet50 | 3x256x18 | FP16 | 64 | 2586 |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - 100 class | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 32 | 162 |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - binary | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 32 | 151 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v1.0 | ResNet101 | 3x224x224 | FP16 | 32 | 1270 |
CitySemSegFormer v1.0 | SegFormer | FP16 | 1 | 2 | |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 624 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 403 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 259 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 188 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-XL-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 166 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 999 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 739 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-T | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 517 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-S | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 335 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 223 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 122 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 4 | 45.1 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H-384 (384 resolution) | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 8 | 91 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 4 | 62 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB0 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 2735 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB1 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1099 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB2 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 1006 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB3 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 753 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB4 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 526 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB5 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 375 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR+RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 46.5 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR + GCViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 30.3 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 38.9 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-S | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 20 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + GC-ViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 8 | 26.7 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-L | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 10.9 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 374 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | Segformer + FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 272 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 198 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 156.7 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | Efficientdet-D5 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 2 | 15.2 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - Meta | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 15.4 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 253 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 184 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | NVCLIP-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 1838 |
Siamese Optical Inspection | Siamese CNN | 2x512x128x3 | FP16 | 32 | 2314 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN18 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 16 | 155 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN50 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 1 | 72.5 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM pruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 128 | 3649 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM unpruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 128 | 2673 |
PCB Inspection | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 1012 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | Segformer + MIT | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 9.4 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN -B-H | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 7.3 |
PeopleSemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 4 | 39.6 |
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -S-H | 512x128x3 | FP16 | 16 | 146 |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -B-H | 256x256x3 | FP16 | 16 | 59.7 |
CenterPose | DLA34 | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 24.27 |
CenterPose | FAN-S-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 9.77 |
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 4249 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 2647 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1720 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1154 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-XL-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1005 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 6282 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 4632 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-T | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 3118 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-S | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 2022 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1282 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 628 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 2 | 247 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H-384 (384 resolution) | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 4 | 558 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 4 | 366 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB0 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 19577 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB1 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 7723 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB2 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 7234 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB3 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 5063 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB4 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 3740 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB5 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 2671 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR+RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 283 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR + GCViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 182 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 215 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-S | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 119.5 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + GC-ViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 151 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-L | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 68.5 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1985 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | Segformer + FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1510 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1144 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 840 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | Efficientdet-D5 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 88.5 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - Meta | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 88.6 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1648 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1124 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | NVCLIP-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 9407 |
Siamese Optical Inspection | Siamese CNN | 2x512x128x3 | FP16 | 128 | 10390 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN18 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 4 | 940 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN50 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 4 | 445 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM pruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 128 | 18971 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM unpruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 256 | 13950 |
PCB Inspection | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 6619 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | Segformer + MIT | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 47.3 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN -B-H | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 40.9 |
PeopleSemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 2 | 210 |
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -S-H | 512x128x3 | FP16 | 4 | 980 |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -B-H | 256x256x3 | FP16 | 8 | 364 |
CenterPose | DLA34 | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 106.70 |
CenterPose | FAN-S-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 56.65 |
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1604 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 949 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 632 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 442 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-XL-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 365 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 2440 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 1797 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-T | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 1266 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-S | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 817 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 546 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 268 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 4 | 101 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H-384 (384 resolution) | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 4 | 207 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 4 | 145 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB0 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 7072 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB1 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 2454 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB2 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 2306 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB3 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 1527 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB4 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 1134 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB5 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 780 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR+RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 107 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR + GCViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 70 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 79.6 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-S | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 44 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + GC-ViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 56.6 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-L | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 26.4 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 750 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | Segformer + FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 581 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 442 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 341 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | Efficientdet-D5 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 34.1 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - Meta | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 34.1 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 603 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 4 | 430 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | NVCLIP-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 4375 |
Siamese Optical Inspection | Siamese CNN | 2x512x128x3 | FP16 | 32 | 2821 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN18 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 1 | 333 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN50 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 1 | 169 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM pruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 128 | 8036 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM unpruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 64 | 6045 |
PCB Inspection | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 2543 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | Segformer + MIT | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 17.8 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN -B-H | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 15.7 |
PeopleSemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 83.4 |
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -S-H | 512x128x3 | FP16 | 4 | 344 |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -B-H | 256x256x3 | FP16 | 8 | 131.48 |
CenterPose | DLA34 | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 40.68 |
CenterPose | FAN-S-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 18.69 |
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
PeopleNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 749 |
PeopleNet (v2.3) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 581 |
PeopleNet (v2.5 unpruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet34 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 231 |
TrafficCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 916 |
DashCamNet | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 960x544x3 | INT8 | 32 | 865 |
FaceDetect-IR | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 384x240x3 | INT8 | 64 | 4982 |
VehilceMakeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 128 | 8000 |
VehicleTypeNet | ResNet18 | 224x224x3 | INT8 | 128 | 6302 |
FaceDetect (pruned) | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 736x416x3 | INT8 | 32 | 1174 |
License Plate Detection v1.0 | DetectNet_v2 - ResNet18 | 640x480x3 | INT8 | 128 | 2570 |
License Plate Recognition | ResNet | 96x48x3 | FP16 | 128 | 2180 |
Facial landmark | 80x80x1 | FP16 | 256 | 2800 | |
GazeNet | 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 224x224x1, 25x25x1 | FP16 | 256 | 2488 | |
GestureNet | 160x160x3 | FP16 | 256 | 7690 | |
BodyPose | 288x384x3 | INT8 | 16 | 278 | |
Action Recognition 2D RGB | 2D CNN | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 8 | 1044 |
Action Recognition 3D RGB | 3D CNN | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 4 | 56 |
Action Recognition 2D OF | 2D Optical Flow | 224x224x96 | FP16 | 16 | 1419 |
Action Recognition 3D OF | 3D Optical Flow | 224x224x32x3 | FP16 | 2 | 58 |
Point Pillar | Point Pillar | FP16 | 1 | 63 | |
Pose classification | ST-GCN | FP16 | 64 | 211.5 | |
3D Pose - Accuracy | FP16 | 32 | 370.13 | ||
3D Pose - Performance | FP16 | 32 | 471.81 | ||
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Shuffle | UNET - Shuffle | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 631.31 |
PeopleSemSegNet_v2 - Vanilla | UNET - Vanilla | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 16 | 44.09 |
PeopleNet Transformer | D-DETR | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 4 | 27 |
ReidentificationNet | ResNet50 | 3x256x18 | FP16 | 64 | 1570 |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - 100 class | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 32 | 106 |
RetailObjectDetection v1.0 - binary | EfficientNet-D5 | 416x416x3 | FP16 | 32 | 99 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v1.0 | ResNet101 | 3x224x224 | FP16 | 32 | 803 |
CitySemSegFormer v1.0 | SegFormer | FP16 | 1 | 1.3 | |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 399 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 256 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 168 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 118 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-XL-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 8 | 103 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 666 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 492 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-T | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 336 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-S | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 213 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 137 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 67 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 2 | 26 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H-384 (384 resolution) | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 8 | 55.5 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 1 | 38 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB0 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1870 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB1 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 726 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB2 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 690 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB3 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 518 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB4 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 363 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB5 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 265 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR+RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 27.7 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR + GCViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 17.9 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 22.5 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-S | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 11.7 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + GC-ViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 15.7 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-L | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 6.7 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 230 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | Segformer + FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 174 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 129 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 97.7 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | Efficientdet-D5 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 8.9 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - Meta | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 1 | 8.8 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 161 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 113 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | NVCLIP-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 16 | 1200 |
Siamese Optical Inspection | Siamese CNN | 2x512x128x3 | FP16 | 32 | 1391 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN18 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 8 | 93 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN50 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 1 | 45.5 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM pruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 128 | 2094 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM unpruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 128 | 1482 |
PCB Inspection | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 688 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | Segformer + MIT | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 5.8 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN -B-H | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 1 | 4.4 |
PeopleSemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 23.3 |
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -S-H | 512x128x3 | FP16 | 16 | 95.81 |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -B-H | 256x256x3 | FP16 | 16 | 36.02 |
CenterPose | DLA34 | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 15.69 |
CenterPose | FAN-S-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 5.80 |
Model Name |
Arch |
Inference resolution |
Precision |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 6555 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 4393 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 2833 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1982 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-XL-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 32 | 1692 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 11942 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-xTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 9094 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-T | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 6381 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-S | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 4145 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 3040 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1618 |
ImageNet Classification | GC-ViT-L-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 32 | 613 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-B-H-384 (384 resolution) | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 64 | 985 |
ImageNet Classification | FAN-L-H-384 | 384x384x3 | FP16 | 64 | 681 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB0 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 256 | 28765 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB1 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 256 | 11363 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB2 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 256 | 10830 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB3 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 256 | 8115 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB4 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 5915 |
ImageNet Classification | EfficientNetB5 | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 256 | 4323 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR+RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 526 |
COCO Object Detection | DDETR + GCViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 317 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + RN50 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 442 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-S | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 213 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + GC-ViT-T | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 290 |
COCO Object Detection | DINO + FAN-L | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 125.5 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-T-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 4189 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | Segformer + FAN-S-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 3143 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 2306 |
Cityscapes Segmentation | SegFormer + FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1732 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | Efficientdet-D5 | 960x544x3 | FP16 | ||
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - binary | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 167 |
RetailObjectDetection v2.0 - Meta | DINO-FAN_base | 960x544x3 | FP16 | 32 | 167 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-B-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 2686 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | FAN-L-H | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1919 |
RetailObjectEmbedding v2.0 | NVCLIP-B | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 64 | 29070 |
Siamese Optical Inspection | Siamese CNN | 2x512x128x3 | FP16 | 128 | 24107 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN18 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1468 |
OCDNet | DCN-RN50 | 640x640x3 | FP16 | 64 | 706 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM pruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 512 | 55717 |
OCRNet | ResNet50 + Bi-LSTM unpruned | 32x100x3 | FP16 | 512 | 48492 |
PCB Inspection | GC-ViT-xxTiny | 224x224x3 | FP16 | 128 | 12273 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | Segformer + MIT | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 8 | 108 |
CitySemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN -B-H | 1024x1024x3 | FP16 | 8 | 89.5 |
PeopleSemSegFormer v2.0 | SegFormer + FAN-B-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 32 | 454 |
Visual ChangeNet Classification | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -S-H | 512x128x3 | FP16 | 64 | 1581 |
Visual ChangeNet Segmentation | Visual ChangeNet + FAN -B-H | 256x256x3 | FP16 | 32 | 841 |
CenterPose | DLA34 | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 105.84 |
CenterPose | FAN-S-H | 512x512x3 | FP16 | 1 | 76.26 |
General purpose computer vision models
With general purpose models, you can train an image classification model, object detection model, or an instance segmentation model.
For classification, you can train using one of the available architectures such as ResNet, EfficientNet, VGG, MobileNet, GoogLeNet, SqueezeNet, or DarkNet.
For object detection tasks, you can choose from the popular YOLOv3/v4/v4-tiny, FasterRCNN, SSD, RetinaNet, and DSSD architectures, as well as NVIDIA’s own DetectNet_v2 architecture.
For instance segmentation, you can use MaskRCNN for instance segmentation or UNET for semantic segmentation.
This gives you the flexibility and control to build AI models for any number of applications, from smaller, light-weight models for edge GPUs to larger models for more complex tasks. For all the permutations and combinations, refer to the table below.
Backbone |
Re-identification |
Metric Learning Recognition |
NvDINOv2 | X | |
GcViT | ||
ViT | X | |
FAN | ||
FasterViT | ||
ResNet | X | X |
Swin | X | |
EfficientNet | ||
ST-GCN (graph convolutional network) | ||
MIT-b |
Backbone |
Image classification |
NvDINOv2 | X |
GcViT | X |
ViT | X |
FAN | X |
FasterViT | X |
ResNet | X |
Swin | X |
EfficientNet | X |
ST-GCN (graph convolutional network) | |
MIT-b |
Backbone |
Grounding DINO |
EfficientDet |
NvDINOv2 | X | |||
GcViT | X | X | ||
ViT | X | X | ||
FAN | X | |||
FasterViT | ||||
ResNet | X | X | ||
Swin | X | |||
EfficientNet | X | |||
ST-GCN (graph convolutional network) | ||||
MIT-b |
Backbone |
Mask GroundingDINO |
Mask2Former |
NvDINOv2 | |||
GcViT | |||
ViT | X | ||
FAN | |||
FasterViT | |||
ResNet | |||
Swin | X | X | |
EfficientNet | |||
ST-GCN (graph convolutional network) | |||
MIT-b |
Backbone |
SegFormer |
Mask2Former |
NvDINOv2 | ||
GcViT | ||
ViT | ||
FAN | X | |
FasterViT | ||
ResNet | ||
Swin | X | |
EfficientNet | ||
ST-GCN (graph convolutional network) | ||
MIT-b | X |
Backbone |
Mask2Former |
NvDINOv2 | |
GcViT | |
ViT | |
FAN | |
FasterViT | |
ResNet | |
Swin | X |
EfficientNet | |
ST-GCN (graph convolutional network) | |
MIT-b |
Backbone |
NvDINOv2 | ||
GcViT | ||
ViT | ||
FAN | X | X |
FasterViT | ||
ResNet | X | X |
Swin | ||
EfficientNet | ||
ST-GCN (graph convolutional network) | ||
MIT-b |
Backbone |
Classification |
Segmentation |
NvDINOv2 | X | X |
GcViT | ||
ViT | X | X |
FAN | X | X |
FasterViT | ||
ResNet | ||
Swin | ||
EfficientNet | ||
ST-GCN (graph convolutional network) | ||
MIT-b |
Backbone |
Pose Classification |
NvDINOv2 | |
GcViT | |
ViT | |
FAN | |
FasterViT | |
ResNet | |
Swin | |
EfficientNet | |
ST-GCN (graph convolutional network) | X |
MIT-b |
Computer Vision Feature Summary
The table below summarizes the computer vision models and the features enabled.
CV Task |
Model |
New in 22-05 |
New in TAO 4.0 |
New in TAO 5.0 |
New in TAO 5.5 |
Pruning |
Knowledge Distillation |
AutoML |
Channel-wise QAT |
Class weighting |
Visualization (TB) |
MLOPs integration (W&B/ClearML) |
Multi-node |
Multi-GPU |
Early Stopping |
Framework |
Annotation Format |
Classification | ResNet10/18/34/50/101 | No | No | No | No | yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | No | tf1 | ImageNet | yes |
Classification | VGG16/19 | No | No | No | No | yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | No | tf1 | ImageNet | yes |
Classification | GoogleNet | No | No | No | No | yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | No | tf1 | ImageNet | yes |
Classification | MobileNet_v1/v2 | No | No | No | No | yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | No | tf1 | ImageNet | yes |
Classification | SqueezeNet | No | No | No | No | yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | No | tf1 | ImageNet | yes |
Classification | DarkNet19/53 | No | No | No | No | yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | No | tf1 | ImageNet | yes |
Classification | EfficientNet_B0-B7 | No | No | No | No | yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | No | tf1 | ImageNet | yes |
Classification | CSPDarkNet19/53 | No | No | No | No | yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | No | tf1 | ImageNet | yes |
Classification | CSPDarkNet-Tiny | No | No | No | No | Yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | No | tf1 | ImageNet | yes |
Classification | EfficientNet_B0-B5 | No | No | No | No | yes | No | No | yes | yes | yes | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | No | tf2 | ImageNet | yes |
Classification | GcViT | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | yes | yes | no | yes | no | no | no | yes | yes | yes | No | pyt | ImageNet | no |
Classification | FAN | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | yes | yes | no | yes | no | no | no | yes | yes | yes | No | pyt | ImageNet | no |
Detection | EfficientDet | No | No | No | No | yes | No | no | yes | no | yes | no | yes | clearml,wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | no | tf2 | COCO | yes |
Detection | RetinaNet | No | No | No | No | yes | No | yes | yes | yes | no | yes | yes | clearml,wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | yes | tf1 | KITTI/COCO | yes |
Detection | DetectNet_v2 | No | No | No | No | yes | No | yes | yes | yes | no | yes | yes | clearml,wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | yes | tf1 | KITTI/COCO | yes |
Detection | SSD | No | No | No | No | yes | No | yes | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | yes | tf1 | KITTI/COCO | yes |
Detection | DSSD | No | No | No | No | yes | No | yes | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | yes | tf1 | KITTI/COCO | yes |
Detection | Deformable DETR | Yes | no | No | No | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | no | pyt | COCO | no |
Detection | DINO | No | no | Yes | No | no | yes | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | no | pyt | COCO | no |
Detection | GroundingDINO | No | no | No | Yes | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | no | pyt | ODVG/COCO | no |
Detection | BevFusion | No | No | No | Yes | no | No | no | no | no | no | no | no | wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | no | pyt | KITTI/Nuscenes | no |
Multitask classification | All classification | No | No | No | No | yes | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml | No | yes | yes | yes | no | tf1 | Custom | yes |
Instance/Panoptic/Semantic Segmentation | Mask2Former | No | No | No | Yes | no | No | no | no | no | no | no | no | wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | no | pyt | COCO | no |
Instance Segmentation | MaskRCNN | No | No | No | No | yes | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | No | yes | yes | yes | no | tf1 | COCO | no |
Semantic Segmentation | Segformer | Yes | no | No | No | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | No | yes | no | no | no | pyt | CityScape - PNG | no |
Semantic Segmentation | UNET | No | No | No | No | yes | No | yes | yes | yes | no | no | yes | clearml,wandb | yes | yes | yes | yes | no | tf1 | CityScape - PNG | no |
OCR | LPR | No | No | No | No | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | yes | no | no | yes | yes | yes | yes | tf1 | Custom - txt file | no |
Key Points | 2D body pose | No | No | No | No | yes | No | no, but PTQ | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no | yes | yes | yes | no | tf1 | COCO | no |
Key Points | 2D body pose | No | No | No | No | yes | No | no, but PTQ | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no | yes | yes | yes | no | tf1 | COCO | no |
Point Cloud | PointPillars | Yes | No | No | No | Yes | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no | yes | yes | yes | no | pyt | KITTI | no |
Action Recognition | 2D action recognition RGB | No | No | No | No | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | wandb | no | no | yes | yes | no | pyt | Custom | no |
Action Recognition | 3D action recognition RGB | No | No | No | No | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | wandb | no | no | yes | yes | no | pyt | Custom | no |
Action Recognition | 2D action recognition OF | No | No | No | No | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | wandb | no | no | yes | yes | no | pyt | Custom | no |
Action Recognition | 3D action recognition OF | No | No | No | No | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | wandb | no | no | yes | yes | no | pyt | Custom | no |
Other | Pose action classification | Yes | No | No | No | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | wandb | no | no | yes | yes | no | pyt | COCO | no |
Other | HeartRateNet | No | No | No | No | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | yes | yes | no | tf1 | NVIDIA Defined | no |
Other | GazeNet | No | No | No | No | no | No | no | yes | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | yes | yes | no | tf1 | NVIDIA Defined | no |
Other | EmotionNet | No | No | No | No | no | No | no | yes | no | no | no | yes | no | no | no | no | yes | no | tf1 | NVIDIA Defined | no |
Other | GestureNet | No | No | No | No | no | No | no | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | yes | yes | yes | no | tf1 | NVIDIA Defined | no |
Feature Embedding | ResNet50 | Yes | no | No | No | no | No | no | yes | no | no | no | no | no | no | yes | no | no | no | pyt | Market1501 | No |
Other | OpticalInspection | No | No | Yes | No | No | No | No | yes | yes | no | Yes (False Positive Rate Sampling) | yes | wandb | no | no | yes | no | no | pyt | NVIDIA Defined | Yes |
Other | Optical Character Detection | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | no | wandb | No | Yes | Yes | no | No | pyt | NVDIA defined | no |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition | No | No | Yes | No | Yes | No | No | yes | yes | no | no | no | wandb | No | yes | Yes | no | No | pyt | NVIDIA Defined | no |