TAO v5.5.0

TAO Converter

The TAO Converter is distributed as a separate binary for x86 and Jetson platforms. The tao-converter binaries are available as an NGC resource.


TAO Converter is now depricated for x86 devices; we recommend using TAO Deploy to generate a device-specific optimized engine. TAO Converter is still required for deploying to Jetson devices.

TAO Converter Support Matrix for x86


TAO converter version

7.2 v3.21.08_trt7.2_x86
7.1 v3.21.08_trt7.1_x86
8.0 v3.21.11_trt8.0_x86
8.2 v3.21.11_trt8.2_x86
8.4 v3.21.11_trt8.4_x86
TAO Converter Support Matrix for Jetson


TensorRT version

TAO converter version

Jetson 7.1 v3.21.11_trt7.1_aarch64
Jetson 8.0 v3.21.11_trt8.0_aarch64
Jetson 8.4 v3.22.05_trt8.4_aarch64
AGX (Jetson + dGPU) 7.1 v3.21.11_trt7.1_agx

TAO Converter Instructions by Model

Previous Integrating TAO CV Models with Triton Inference Server
Next TAO Converter with Classification TF1/TF2
© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Oct 15, 2024.