TAO v5.5.0


OCRNet is a model to recognize characters in an image. It supports the following tasks:

  • dataset_convert

  • train

  • evaluate

  • prune

  • inference

  • export

These tasks can be invoked from the TAO Launcher using the following convention on the command-line:


tao model ocrnet <sub_task> <args_per_subtask>

Where args_per_subtask are the command-line arguments required for a given subtask. Each subtask is explained in detail in the following sections.

The train dataset and evaluation dataset for OCRNet is in LMDB format. You can use dataset_convert to convert the original images and labels to LMDB format. The original dataset should be organized in the following structure:


/Dataset /images 0000.jpg 0001.jpg 0002.jpg ... gt_list.txt characters_list.txt

The gt_list.txt file contains all the ground truth text for the images, and each image and its corresponding label is specified with one line of text:


0000.jpg abc 0001.jpg defg 0002.jpg zxv ...

There is a characters_list.txt file that contains all the characters found in the dataset. Each character occupies one line.

The experiment spec file includes arguments for all the tasks supported by OCRNet (train/evaluate/inference/prune/export). Here is an example spec file used in the OCRNet get_started notebook:


results_dir: /results encryption_key: nvidia_tao model: TPS: True backbone: ResNet feature_channel: 512 sequence: BiLSTM hidden_size: 256 prediction: CTC quantize: False input_width: 100 input_height: 32 input_channel: 1 dataset: train_dataset_dir: [] val_dataset_dir: /data/test/lmdb character_list_file: /data/character_list max_label_length: 25 batch_size: 32 workers: 4 augmentation: keep_aspect_ratio: False train: seed: 1111 gpu_ids: [0] optim: name: "adadelta" lr: 1.0 clip_grad_norm: 5.0 num_epochs: 10 checkpoint_interval: 2 validation_interval: 1 evaluate: gpu_id: 0 checkpoint: "??" test_dataset_dir: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/evaluate" prune: gpu_id: 0 checkpoint: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/prune" prune_setting: mode: experimental_hybrid amount: 0.4 granularity: 8 raw_prune_score: L1 inference: gpu_id: 0 checkpoint: "??" inference_dataset_dir: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/inference" export: gpu_id: 0 checkpoint: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/export" dataset_convert: input_img_dir: "??" gt_file: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/convert_dataset" gen_trt_engine: onnx_file: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/convert_dataset"

Parameter Data Type Default Description Supported Values
model dict config – The configuration of the model architecture
dataset dict config – The configuration of the dataset
train dict config – The configuration of the training task
evaluate dict config – The configuration of the evaluation task
inference dict config – The configuration of the inference task
encryption_key string None The encryption key to encrypt and decrypt model files
results_dir string /results The directory where experiment results are saved
prune dict config – The configuration for the pruning
export dict config – The configuration of the export
dataset_convert dict config – The configuration for the dataset convert


The model parameter provides options to change the architecture of OCRNet.


model: TPS: True backbone: ResNet feature_channel: 512 sequence: BiLSTM hidden_size: 256 prediction: CTC quantize: False





Supported Values

TPS Boolean False A flag that enables Thin-plate spline interpolation for the OCRNet input True/False
num_fiducial Unsigned int 20 The number of fiducial points for TPS >4
backbone String ResNet The backbone of the OCRNet model ResNet, ResNet2X, FAN_tiny_2X
feature_channel Unsigned int 512 The number of channels for the backbone output feature >0
sequence String BiLSTM The sequence module of the OCRNet model BiLSTM
hidden_size Unsigned int 256 The number of channels for the BiLSTM hidden layer >0
prediction String CTC The method for encoding and decoding the output feature CTC, Attn
input_width Unsigned int 100 The input image width >4
input_height Unsigned int 32 The input image height >32
input_channel Unsigned int 1 The input image channel 1,3
quantize Boolean False A flag that enables quantize and dequantize nodes in the OCRNet backbone True/False


The dataset parameter provides options to set the dataset consumed in training and evaluation.


dataset: train_dataset_dir: [/data/train/lmdb] val_dataset_dir: /data/test/lmdb character_list_file: /data/character_list max_label_length: 25 batch_size: 32 workers: 4 augmentation: keep_aspect_ratio: False aug_prob: 0.3 reverse_color_prob: 0.5 rotate_prob: 0.5 max_rotation_degree: 5 blur_prob: 0.5 gaussian_radius_list: [1, 2, 3, 4]





Supported Values

train_dataset_dir List of String None A list of absolute paths to the training datasets. Currently, only a list length of 1 is supported. List of String
val_dataset_dir String None The absolute path to the evaluation dataset dataset absolute path
character_list_file String None The absolute path to character list file absolute file path
max_label_length Unsigned int 25 The maximum length of the ground truth >0
batch_size Unsigned int 32 The batch size for training >0
workers Unsigned int 4 The number of workers to parallel preprocess the training data >=0
augmentation Dict config – The augmentation config. –


The augmentation parameter provides options to set augmentation pipeline during training.


augmentation: keep_aspect_ratio: False aug_prob: 0.3 reverse_color_prob: 0.5 rotate_prob: 0.5 max_rotation_degree: 5 blur_prob: 0.5 gaussian_radius_list: [1, 2, 3, 4]





Supported Values

keep_aspect_ratio Bool False A flag to enable keeping aspect-ratio when resize the image to model input size False/True
aug_prob Float 0.0 The probability to apply the following augmentation on the input image [0, 1]
reverse_color_prob Float 0.5 The probability to reverse the color of the input image [0, 1]
rotate_prob Float 0.5 The probability to random rotate the input image [0, 1]
max_rotation_degree Float 0.5 The maximum degree the image will be rotated >=0
blur_prob Float 0.5 The probability to blur the input image [0, 1]
gaussian_radius_list List of integer [1, 2, 3, 4] The list of radius when apply gaussian blur on the image –


The train parameter provides options to set training hyperparameters.


train: seed: 1111 gpu_ids: [0] optim: name: "adadelta" lr: 1.0 clip_grad_norm: 5.0 num_epochs: 10 checkpoint_interval: 2 validation_interval: 1

Parameter Datatype Default Description Supported Values
num_gpus unsigned int 1 The number of GPUs to use for distributed training >0
gpu_ids List[int] [0] The indices of the GPU’s to use for distributed training
seed unsigned int 1234 The random seed for random, numpy, and torch >0
num_epochs unsigned int 10 The total number of epochs to run the experiment >0
checkpoint_interval unsigned int 1 The epoch interval at which the checkpoints are saved >0
validation_interval unsigned int 1 The epoch interval at which the validation is run >0
resume_training_checkpoint_path string The intermediate PyTorch Lightning checkpoint to resume training from
results_dir string /results/train The directory to save training results
optim Dict config – The configuration for the optimizer –
clip_grad_norm Float 5.0 The threshold value of magnitude of the gradient L2 norm to be clipped >4
distributed_strategy String ddp The distributed strategy for multi-GPU training ddp
pretrained_model_path String None The absolute path to pretrained weights –
quantize_model_path String None The absolute path to pretrained models for quantize-aware-training –
model_ema Bool False Enable model exponential moving average in the training False/True


The optim provides the options to set the optimizer for the training.


optim: name: "adadelta" lr: 1.0





Supported Values

name String adadelta The optimizer type adadelta, adam
lr Float 1.0 The initial learning rate for the training >0.0


The evaluate parameter provides options to set evaluation hyperparameters.


evaluate: checkpoint: "??" test_dataset_dir: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/evaluate"





Supported Values

checkpoint String – The absolute path to the model checkpoint for evaluation –
results_dir String /results/evaluate The directory to save evaluation results
num_gpus Unsigned int 1 The number of GPUs to use for distributed evaluation >0
gpu_ids List[int] [0] The indices of the GPU’s to use for distributed evaluation
test_dataset_dir String – The absolute path to the evaluation LMDB dataset –
batch_size Unsigned int 1 The evaluation batch size >0


The prune parameter provides options to set prune hyperparameters.


gpu_id: 0 checkpoint: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/prune" prune_setting: mode: experimental_hybrid amount: 0.4 granularity: 8 raw_prune_score: L1





Supported Values

checkpoint String – The absolute path to the model checkpoint for pruning –
gpu_id Unsigned int 0 The GPU device index A valid gpu index
results_dir String – The absolute path to the pruning log –
pruned_file String – The absolute path for storing the pruned model checkpoint –
prune_setting Dict config – The pruning hyperparameters –


The prune_setting parameter contains options for the pruning algorithms:





Supported Values

mode String amount The absolute path to the model checkpoint to be pruned:
  • amount: Prune the amount ratio of weights according to the importance
  • threshold: Prune weights with importance smaller than the threshold value
  • experimental_hybrid: Prune weights using a hybrid of threshold and amount
amount, threshold, experimental_hybrid
amount Float – The amount value for amount and experimental_hybrid mode [0, 1]
threshold Float – The threshold value for threshold mode >=0
granularity Unsigned int 8 The granularity of the pruned layer. The number of pruned-layer output channels will be a multiple of the granularity. >0
raw_prune_score Dict config L1 The method for computing the importance of weights L1, L2


The inference parameter provides options for inference.


inference: checkpoint: "??" inference_dataset_dir: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/inference"





Supported Values

checkpoint String – The absolute path to the model checkpoint for inference –
results_dir String /results/inference The directory to save inference results
num_gpus Unsigned int 1 The number of GPUs to use for distributed inference >0
gpu_ids List[int] [0] The indices of the GPU’s to use for distributed inference
inference_dataset_dir String – The absolute path to the inference images directory –
batch_size Unsigned int 1 The inference batch size >0


The export parameter provides export options.


export: gpu_id: 0 checkpoint: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/export"





Supported Values

checkpoint String – The absolute path to the model checkpoint for export –
gpu_id Unsigned int 0 The GPU device index Valid gpu index
onnx_file String – The absolute path to export ONNX file –
results_dir String – The absolute path to the export output –


The dataset_convert parameter provides options to set dataset conversion.


dataset_convert: input_img_dir: "??" gt_file: "??" results_dir: "${results_dir}/convert_dataset"





Supported Values

input_img_dir String – The absolute path to images directory –
gt_file String – The absolute path to the ground truth file –
results_dir String – The absolute path to dataset_convert (i.e. the LMDB dataset and log) –

Use the following command to convert the raw dataset to LMDB format:


tao model ocrnet dataset_convert -e <experiment_spec_file> [results_dir=<global_results_dir>] [dataset_convert.<dataset_convert_option>=<dataset_convert_value>]

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: The path to the experiment spec file.

Optional Arguments

You can set the optional arguments to override the option values in the experiment spec file.

  • results_dir: The global results directory. The dataset_convert results will be saved in results_dir/dataset_convert.

  • dataset_convert.<dataset_convert_option>: The dataset_convert options.

Use the following command to start OCRNet training:


tao model ocrnet train -e <experiment_spec_file> [results_dir=<global_results_dir>] [model.<model_option>=<model_option_value>] [dataset.<dataset_option>=<dataset_option_value>] [train.<train_option>=<train_option_value>] [train.optim.<optim_option>=<optim_option_value>] [train.gpu_ids=<gpu indices>] [train.num_gpus=<number of gpus>]

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec: The experiment specification file to set up the training experiment

Optional Arguments

You can set optional arguments to override the option values in the experiment spec file.


For training, evaluation, and inference, we expose 2 variables for each respective task: num_gpus and gpu_ids, which default to 1 and [0], respectively. If both are passed, but inconsistent, for example num_gpus = 1, gpu_ids = [0, 1], then they are modified to follow the setting with more GPUs, for example num_gpus = 1 -> num_gpus = 2.

Checkpointing and Resuming Training

At every train.checkpoint_interval, a PyTorch Lightning checkpoint is saved. It is called model_epoch_<epoch_num>.pth. These are saved in train.results_dir, like so:


$ ls /results/train 'model_epoch_000.pth' 'model_epoch_001.pth' 'model_epoch_002.pth' 'model_epoch_003.pth' 'model_epoch_004.pth'

The latest checkpoint will also be saved as ocr_model_latest.pth. Training will automatically resume from ocr_model_latest.pth if it exists in train.results_dir. This will be superseded by train.resume_training_checkpoint_path if it is provided.

The major implication of this logic is that, if you wish to trigger fresh training from scratch, either:

  • Specify a new, empty results directory (Recommended)

  • Remove the latest checkpoint from the results directory

Use the following command to start OCRNet evaluation:


tao model ocrnet evaluate -e <experiment_spec_file> evaluate.checkpoint=<model to be evaluated> [model.<model_option>=<model_option_value>] [dataset.<dataset_option>=<dataset_option_value>] [evaluate.<evaluate_option>=<evaluate_option_value>] [evaluate.gpu_ids=<gpu indices>] [evaluate.num_gpus=<number of gpus>]

Multi-GPU evaluation is currently not supported for OCRNet.

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: THe xperiment spec file to set up the evaluation experiment. This should be the same as a training spec file.

  • evaluate.checkpoint: The .pth model.

Optional Arguments

You can set optional arguments to override the option values in the experiment spec file.

Multi-GPU evaluation is currently not supported for OCRNet.

Use the following command to start OCRNet pruning:


tao model ocrnet prune -e <experiment_spec_file> [results_dir=<global_results_dir>] [model.<model_option>=<model_option_value>] [dataset.<dataset_option>=<dataset_option_value>] [prune.<prune_option>=<prune_option_value>] [prune.prune_setting.<prune_setting_option>=<prune_setting_value>]

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: The path to the experiment spec file.

Optional Arguments

You can set optional arguments to override the option values in the experiment spec file.


If running training, evaluation, or inference on a pruned graph, you must provide the model.pruned_graph_path parameter when running the respective task. It should be the same as the value provided for prune.pruned_file in the prune task.

Use the following command to start OCRNet inference:


tao model ocrnet inference -e <experiment_spec_file> [results_dir=<global_results_dir>] [model.<model_option>=<model_option_value>] [dataset.<dataset_option>=<dataset_option_value>] [inference.<inference_option>=<inference_option_value>]

Multi-GPU inference is currently not supported for OCRNet.

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: The path to the experiment spec file.

Optional Arguments

You can set optional arguments to override the option values in the experiment spec file.

  • results_dir: The global results directory. The inference results will be saved in results_dir/inference.

  • model.<model_option>: The model options.

  • dataset.<dataset_option>: The dataset options.

  • inference.<inference_option>: The inference options.

Use the following command to export an OCRNet PyTorch checkpoint to an ONNX model:


tao model ocrnet export -e <experiment_spec_file> [results_dir=<global_results_dir>] [model.<model_option>=<model_option_value>] [dataset.<dataset_option>=<dataset_option_value>] [export.<export_option>=<export_option_value>]

Required Arguments

  • -e, --experiment_spec_file: The path to the experiment spec file.

Optional Arguments

You can set optional arguments to override the option values in the experiment spec file.

  • results_dir: The global results directory. The export results will be saved in results_dir/export.

  • model.<model_option>: The model options.

  • dataset.<dataset_option>: The dataset options.

  • export.<export_option>: The export options.

For DeepStream integration, see Deploy nvOCDR to DeepStream.

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© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Aug 30, 2024.