NVIDIA Modulus Sym v1.0.0
Sym v1.0.0


Source code for modulus.sym.utils.io.plotter

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Defines helper Plotter class for adding plots to tensorboard summaries

import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from typing import Dict

class _Plotter:
    def __call__(self, *args):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _add_figures(self, group, name, results_dir, writer, step, *args):
        "Try to make plots and write them to tensorboard summary"

        # catch exceptions on (possibly user-defined) __call__
            fs = self(*args)
        except Exception as e:
            print(f"error: {self}.__call__ raised an exception:", str(e))
            for f, tag in fs:
                    results_dir + name + "_" + tag + ".png",
                writer.add_figure(group + "/" + name + "/" + tag, f, step, close=True)

    def _interpolate_2D(self, size, invar, *outvars):
        "Interpolate 2D outvar solutions onto a regular mesh"

        assert len(invar) == 2

        # define regular mesh to interpolate onto
        xs = [invar[k][:, 0] for k in invar]
        extent = (xs[0].min(), xs[0].max(), xs[1].min(), xs[1].max())
        xyi = np.meshgrid(
            np.linspace(extent[0], extent[1], size),
            np.linspace(extent[2], extent[3], size),

        # interpolate outvars onto mesh
        outvars_interp = []
        for outvar in outvars:
            outvar_interp = {}
            for k in outvar:
                outvar_interp[k] = scipy.interpolate.griddata(
                    (xs[0], xs[1]), outvar[k][:, 0], tuple(xyi)

        return [extent] + outvars_interp

[docs]class ValidatorPlotter(_Plotter): "Default plotter class for validator" def __call__(self, invar, true_outvar, pred_outvar): "Default function for plotting validator data" ndim = len(invar) if ndim > 2: print("Default plotter can only handle <=2 input dimensions, passing") return [] # interpolate 2D data onto grid if ndim == 2: extent, true_outvar, pred_outvar = self._interpolate_2D( 100, invar, true_outvar, pred_outvar ) # make plots dims = list(invar.keys()) fs = [] for k in pred_outvar: f = plt.figure(figsize=(3 * 5, 4), dpi=100) for i, (o, tag) in enumerate( zip( [true_outvar[k], pred_outvar[k], true_outvar[k] - pred_outvar[k]], ["true", "pred", "diff"], ) ): plt.subplot(1, 3, 1 + i) if ndim == 1: plt.plot(invar[dims[0]][:, 0], o[:, 0]) plt.xlabel(dims[0]) elif ndim == 2: plt.imshow(o.T, origin="lower", extent=extent) plt.xlabel(dims[0]) plt.ylabel(dims[1]) plt.colorbar() plt.title(f"{k}_{tag}") plt.tight_layout() fs.append((f, k)) return fs
[docs]class InferencerPlotter(_Plotter): "Default plotter class for inferencer" def __call__(self, invar, outvar): "Default function for plotting inferencer data" ndim = len(invar) if ndim > 2: print("Default plotter can only handle <=2 input dimensions, passing") return [] # interpolate 2D data onto grid if ndim == 2: extent, outvar = self._interpolate_2D(100, invar, outvar) # make plots dims = list(invar.keys()) fs = [] for k in outvar: f = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4), dpi=100) if ndim == 1: plt.plot(invar[dims[0]][:, 0], outvar[:, 0]) plt.xlabel(dims[0]) elif ndim == 2: plt.imshow(outvar[k].T, origin="lower", extent=extent) plt.xlabel(dims[0]) plt.ylabel(dims[1]) plt.colorbar() plt.title(k) plt.tight_layout() fs.append((f, k)) return fs
[docs]class GridValidatorPlotter(_Plotter): """Grid validation plotter for structured data""" def __init__(self, n_examples: int = 1): self.n_examples = n_examples def __call__( self, invar: Dict[str, np.array], true_outvar: Dict[str, np.array], pred_outvar: Dict[str, np.array], ): ndim = next(iter(invar.values())).ndim - 2 if ndim > 3: print("Default plotter can only handle <=3 input dimensions, passing") return [] # get difference diff_outvar = {} for k, v in true_outvar.items(): diff_outvar[k] = true_outvar[k] - pred_outvar[k] fs = [] for ie in range(self.n_examples): f = self._make_plot(ndim, ie, invar, true_outvar, pred_outvar, diff_outvar) fs.append((f, f"prediction_{ie}")) return fs def _make_plot(self, ndim, ie, invar, true_outvar, pred_outvar, diff_outvar): # make plot nrows = max(len(invar), len(true_outvar)) f = plt.figure(figsize=(4 * 5, nrows * 4), dpi=100) for ic, (d, tag) in enumerate( zip( [invar, true_outvar, pred_outvar, diff_outvar], ["in", "true", "pred", "diff"], ) ): for ir, k in enumerate(d): plt.subplot2grid((nrows, 4), (ir, ic)) if ndim == 1: plt.plot(d[k][ie, 0, :]) elif ndim == 2: plt.imshow(d[k][ie, 0, :, :].T, origin="lower") else: z = d[k].shape[-1] // 2 # Z slice plt.imshow(d[k][ie, 0, :, :, z].T, origin="lower") plt.title(f"{k}_{tag}") plt.colorbar() plt.tight_layout() return f
[docs]class DeepONetValidatorPlotter(_Plotter): """DeepONet validation plotter for structured data""" def __init__(self, n_examples: int = 1): self.n_examples = n_examples def __call__( self, invar: Dict[str, np.array], true_outvar: Dict[str, np.array], pred_outvar: Dict[str, np.array], ): ndim = next(iter(invar.values())).shape[-1] if ndim > 3: print("Default plotter can only handle <=2 input dimensions, passing") return [] # get difference diff_outvar = {} for k, v in true_outvar.items(): diff_outvar[k] = true_outvar[k] - pred_outvar[k] fs = [] for ie in range(self.n_examples): f = self._make_plot(ndim, ie, invar, true_outvar, pred_outvar, diff_outvar) fs.append((f, f"prediction_{ie}")) return fs def _make_plot(self, ndim, ie, invar, true_outvar, pred_outvar, diff_outvar): # make plot # invar: input of trunk net. Dim: N*P*ndim # outvar: output of DeepONet. Dim: N*P nrows = max(len(invar), len(true_outvar)) f = plt.figure(figsize=(4 * 5, nrows * 4), dpi=100) invar_data = next(iter(invar.values())) for ic, (d, tag) in enumerate( zip( [true_outvar, pred_outvar, diff_outvar], ["true", "pred", "diff"], ) ): for ir, k in enumerate(d): plt.subplot2grid((nrows, 4), (ir, ic)) if ndim == 1: plt.plot(invar_data[ie, :].flatten(), d[k][ie, :]) elif ndim == 2: plt.scatter( x=invar_data[ie, :, 0], y=invar_data[ie, :, 1], c=d[k][ie, :], s=0.5, origin="lower", cmap="jet", ) plt.colorbar() plt.title(f"{k}_{tag}") plt.tight_layout() return f
© Copyright 2023, NVIDIA Modulus Team. Last updated on Aug 8, 2023.