
You are viewing the NeMo 2.0 documentation. This release introduces significant changes to the API and a new library, NeMo Run. We are currently porting all features from NeMo 1.0 to 2.0. For documentation on previous versions or features not yet available in 2.0, please refer to the NeMo 24.07 documentation.

Stable Diffusion#

This section gives a brief overview of the stable diffusion model in NeMo Framework.

Model Introduction#

Stable Diffusion stands out as an advanced text-to-image diffusion model, trained using a massive dataset of image,text pairs. Its core capability is to refine and enhance images by eliminating noise, resulting in clear output visuals. When presented with an image named z0, the model systematically injects noise. With each iteration marked by “t”, the image, now termed zt, becomes increasingly distorted. As the value of “t” climbs, the image edges closer to resembling complete noise. Moreover, when provided with specific details like a text prompt or the time step “t”, the model can accurately determine the extent of noise introduced to zt.

Stable diffusion has three main components: A U-Net, an image encoder(Variational Autoencoder, VAE) and a text-encoder(CLIP).

  • U-Net: The Unet processes the noisy latents (x) to predict the noise, utilizing a conditional model which also incorporates the timestep (t) and text embedding for guidance.

  • VAE: The VAE model, equipped with both an encoder and decoder, engages in image compression during latent diffusion training. In a standard Stable Diffusion training stage, for instance, an input image is condensed from 512x512x3 dimensions to 64x64x4. This compression results in decreased memory and computational requirements when compared to pixel-space diffusion models. Subsequently, during inference, the decoder reverses this process by transforming denoised latent representations back into their original, tangible image forms.

  • Text-encoder: The text-encoder, typically a simple transformer like CLIP, converts input prompts into embeddings, which guides the U-Net’s denoising process. These embeddings help train the U-Net to handle noisy latents effectively.

Model Configuration#

In this section, we explain how to configure the size and initialization of the VAE, U-Net, and text encoder components of the Stable Diffusion model.

Variational Auto Encoder#

The VAE configuration is defined under first_stage_config.

    _target_: nemo.collections.multimodal.models.text_to_image.stable_diffusion.ldm.autoencoder.AutoencoderKL
    from_pretrained: /path/to/vae.bin
    embed_dim: 4
    monitor: val/rec_loss
      double_z: true
      z_channels: 4
      resolution: 256  #Never used
      in_channels: 3
      out_ch: 3
      ch: 128
      - 1
      - 2
      - 4
      - 4
      num_res_blocks: 2
      attn_resolutions: []
      dropout: 0.0
      target: torch.nn.Identity

The VAE weights are fixed during training, and it’s essential to pass a pretraiend checkpoint to first_stage_config.from_pretrained for initialization. The VAE architecture is shared for Stable diffusion v1 and v2 series. The scaling factor of VAE is 2**(len(ch_mult - 1)), which is 8 in this case. Thus the output image shape will be (H//8, W//8, 4).


The U-Net configuration is defined under unet_config.

    _target_: nemo.collections.multimodal.modules.stable_diffusion.diffusionmodules.openaimodel.UNetModel
    from_pretrained: /path/to/pretrain.ckpt
    from_NeMo: True #Must be specified when from pretrained is not None, False means loading unet from HF ckpt
    image_size: 32 # unused
    in_channels: 4
    out_channels: 4
    model_channels: 320
    - 4
    - 2
    - 1
    num_res_blocks: 2
    - 1
    - 2
    - 4
    - 4
    num_head_channels: 64
    use_spatial_transformer: true
    use_linear_in_transformer: true
    transformer_depth: 1
    context_dim: 1024
    use_checkpoint: False
    legacy: False
    use_flash_attention: True
  • If from_pretrained is not specified, the U-Net initializes with random weights. To fine-tune, you can provide a pretrained U-Net checkpoint, either from an intermediate NeMo checkpoint (set from_NeMo=True) or from other platforms like Huggingface (set from_NeMo=False).

  • U-Net size
    • num_res_blocks: Defines the count of resnet blocks at every level.

    • model_channels and channel_mult: Set the tensor dimensions for each level.

  • Attention blocks
    • attention_resolution: Integrates attention blocks after the resnet block of every level.

    • use_spatial_transformer: Specifies the type of attention block employed.

    • use_linear_in_transformer: Chooses between a linear layer and convolution layer for in/out projections.

    • transformer_depth: Dictates the count of basic_transformer_block in each spatial_transformer_block.

  • context_dim: Must be adjusted to match the text encoder’s output dimension.

Text Encoder#

The text encoder configuration is defined under cond_stage_config.

To use the NeMo implementation of the CLIP model in stable diffusion, one can use the following cond_stage_config:

  _target_: nemo.collections.multimodal.modules.stable_diffusion.encoders.modules.FrozenMegatronCLIPEmbedder
  restore_from_path: /path/to/nemo_clip.nemo
  device: cuda
  freeze: True
  layer: "penultimate"
  • restore_from_path: Must be provided to use NeMo CLIP models, all CLIP config-related information is already embeded in .nemo checkpoint file.

  • layer: Specifies which layer’s output will be used as text encoder output.

Alternatively, one can also use the Huggingface implementation of the CLIP model using the config below

    _target_: nemo.collections.multimodal.modules.stable_diffusion.encoders.modules.FrozenOpenCLIPEmbedder
    arch: ViT-H-14
    version: laion2b_s32b_b79k
    device: cuda
    max_length: 77
    freeze: True
    layer: "penultimate"
  • arch and version: Determines which CLIP model to load.

Training with precached latents#

Since the VAE and text encoder remain frozen during training, you can pre-calculate the image and caption latents offline, enhancing training throughput. To create a pre-cached dataset, see Multimodal Dataset. For training using this dataset, configure section properly and set model.first_stage_key=image_encoded along with model.cond_stage_key=captions_encoded.
