
NeMo 2.0 is an experimental feature and currently released in the dev container only: Please refer to NeMo 2.0 overview for information on getting started.

Send Queries to the NVIDIA Triton Server for NeMo LLMs

After starting the service with the scripts supplied in the TensorRT-LLM, vLLM, and In-Framework sections, the service will be in standby mode, ready to receive incoming requests. There are multiple methods available for sending queries to this service.

  • Use the Query Script: Execute the query script within the currently running container.

  • PyTriton: Utilize PyTriton to send requests directly.

  • HTTP Requests: Make HTTP requests using various tools or libraries.

Send a Query using the Script

The following example shows how to execute the query script within the currently running container.

  1. To use a query script, run the following command:

    python scripts/deploy/nlp/ --url "http://localhost:8000" --model_name nemotron --prompt "What is the capital of United States?"
  2. Change the url and the model_name based on your server and the model name of your service. The code in the script can be used as a basis for your client code as well.

  3. If the there is a prompt embedding table, run the following command to send a query:

    python scripts/deploy/nlp/ --url "http://localhost:8000" --model_name nemotron --prompt "What is the capital of United States?" --task_id "task 1"
  4. The following parameters are defined in the script:

    • --url: url for the triton server. Default=””.

    • --model_name: name of the triton model to query.

    • --prompt: user prompt.

    • --max_output_len: Max output token length. Default=128.

    • --top_k: considers only the top N most likely tokens at each step.

    • --top_p: determines the cumulative probability distribution used for sampling the next token in the generated response. Controls the diversity of the output.

    • --temperature: controls the randomness of the generated output. Higher value, such as 1.0, leads to more randomness and diversity in the generated text, a lower value, like 0.2, produces more focused and deterministic responses.

    • --task_id: id of a task if ptuning is enabled.

Send a Query using the NeMo APIs

The NeMo Framework provides NemoQueryLLM APIs to send a query to the Triton server for convenience. These APIs are only accessible from the NeMo Framework container.

  1. To run the request example using NeMo APIs, run the following command:

    from nemo.deploy.nlp import NemoQueryLLM
    nq = NemoQueryLLM(url="localhost:8000", model_name="nemotron")
    output = nq.query_llm(prompts=["What is the capital of United States?"], max_output_token=10, top_k=1, top_p=0.0, temperature=1.0)
  2. Change the url and the model_name based on your server and the model name of your service. Please check the NeMoQuery docstrings for details.

  3. If there is a prompt embedding table, run the following command to send a query:

    output = nq.query_llm(prompts=["What is the capital of United States?"], max_output_token=10, top_k=1, top_p=0.0, temperature=1.0, task_id="0")