Class RawPacketMessage
Defined in File raw_packet.hpp
class RawPacketMessage
Container for class holding a list of raw packets (number of packets, max size and pointers)
Public Functions
uint32_t count() const
Return number of packets in the message.
- Returns
uint32_t get_max_size() const
Return max packet size in the message.
- Returns
uintptr_t get_pkt_addr_idx(uint32_t pkt_idx) const
Get the address of the packet at the given index.
- Returns
uintptr_t get_pkt_hdr_size_idx(uint32_t pkt_idx) const
Get the header size of the packet at the given index.
- Returns
uintptr_t get_pkt_pld_size_idx(uint32_t pkt_idx) const
Get the payload size of the packet at the given index.
- Returns
uintptr_t *get_pkt_addr_list() const
Get the address of the packet list.
- Returns
uintptr_t *
uint32_t *get_pkt_hdr_size_list() const
Get the header size of the packet list.
- Returns
uintptr_t *
uint32_t *get_pkt_pld_size_list() const
Get the payload size of the packet list.
- Returns
uintptr_t *
uint32_t get_queue_idx() const
Get the queue index of the packet list.
- Returns
bool is_gpu_mem() const
Return if packet list is store in GPU (true) or CPU pinned memory (false)
- Returns
Public Static Functions
static std::shared_ptr<RawPacketMessage> create_from_cpp(uint32_t num, uint32_t max_size, uintptr_t *ptr_addr, uint32_t *ptr_hdr_size, uint32_t *ptr_pld_size, bool gpu_mem, uint16_t queue_idx = 0xFFFF)
Create RawPacketMessage cpp object from a cpp object, used internally by
- Parameters
data_table –
index_col_count –
- Returns
Protected Functions
RawPacketMessage(uint32_t num, uint32_t max_size, uintptr_t *ptr_addr, uint32_t *ptr_hdr_size, uint32_t *ptr_pld_size, bool gpu_mem, int queue_idx)
Protected Attributes
uint32_t m_num
uint32_t m_max_size
uintptr_t *m_ptr_addr
uint32_t *m_ptr_hdr_size
uint32_t *m_ptr_pld_size
uint16_t m_queue_idx
bool m_gpu_mem
uint32_t count() const