NVIDIA Morpheus (24.06)
(Latest Version)



monitor(builder) This module function is used for monitoring pipeline message rate.

This module function is used for monitoring pipeline message rate.


An mrc Builder object.


Configurable Parameters:
  • description (str): Name for this Monitor Stage in the console window. Example: ‘Progress’; Default: ‘Progress’.

  • silence_monitors (bool): Silences the monitors on the console. Example: True; Default: False.

  • smoothing (float): Determines throughput smoothing. 0 = Instantaneous, 1 = Average. Example: 0.01; Default: 0.05.

  • unit (str): Units to display in the rate value. Example: ‘messages’; Default: ‘messages’.

  • delayed_start (bool): Delays the progress bar until the first message is received. Useful for accurate timing in large pipelines. Example: True; Default: False.

  • determine_count_fn_schema (str): Custom function for determining the count in a message, suitable for batched and sliced messages. Example: func_str; Default: None.

  • log_level (str): This stage is enabled when the configured log level is at log_level or lower. Example: ‘DEBUG’; Default: INFO.

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