Morpheus CLI Overview
This section focuses on the Morpheus CLI and illustrates how the CLI can be used to configure and run a Morpheus Pipeline.
The Morpheus CLI is built on the Click Python package which allows for nested commands and chaining multiple commands together. At a high level, the CLI is broken up into two main sections:
For running FIL, NLP or OTHER pipelines.
Tools/Utilities to help set up, configure and run pipelines and external resources.
Users can get help on any command by passing --help
to a command or sub-command. For example, to get help on the
$ morpheus run --help
Usage: morpheus run [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Run subcommand, used for running a pipeline
--num_threads INTEGER RANGE Number of internal pipeline threads to use [default: 64; x>=1]
--pipeline_batch_size INTEGER RANGE
Internal batch size for the pipeline. Can be much larger than the model batch size. Also used for Kafka consumers [default: 256; x>=1]
--model_max_batch_size INTEGER RANGE
Max batch size to use for the model [default: 8; x>=1]
--edge_buffer_size INTEGER RANGE
The size of buffered channels to use between nodes in a pipeline. Larger values reduce backpressure at the cost of memory. Smaller
values will push messages through the pipeline quicker. Must be greater than 1 and a power of 2 (i.e. 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.) [default:
128; x>=2]
--use_cpp BOOLEAN [Deprecated] Whether or not to use C++ node and message types or to prefer python. Only use as a last resort if bugs are encountered.
Cannot be used with --use_cpu_only [default: True]
--use_cpu_only Whether or not to run in CPU only mode, setting this to True will disable C++ mode. Cannot be used with --use_cpp
--manual_seed INTEGER RANGE Manually seed the random number generators used by Morpheus, useful for testing. [x>=1]
--help Show this message and exit.
pipeline-fil Run the inference pipeline with a FIL model
pipeline-nlp Run the inference pipeline with a NLP model
pipeline-other Run a custom inference pipeline without a specific model type
Currently, Morpheus pipeline can be operated in four different modes.
This pipeline mode is used to run inference on FIL (Forest Inference Library) models such as XGBoost, RandomForestClassifier, etc.
This pipeline mode is used to run inference on NLP models, it offers the ability to tokenize the input data prior to submitting the inference requests.
Run a customized inference pipeline without using a specific model type.
Similar to the run command, we can get help on the tools:
$ morpheus tools --help
Usage: morpheus tools [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
Tools subcommand
--help Show this message and exit.
autocomplete Utility for installing/updating/removing shell completion for Morpheus
onnx-to-trt Converts an ONNX model to a TRT engine
The help text will show arguments, options and all possible sub-commands. Help for each of these sub-commands can be queried in the same manner:
$ morpheus tools onnx-to-trt --help
Usage: morpheus tools onnx-to-trt [OPTIONS]
Converts an ONNX model to a TRT engine
--input_model PATH [required]
--output_model PATH [required]
--batches <INTEGER INTEGER>... [required]
--seq_length INTEGER [required]
--max_workspace_size INTEGER [default: 16000]
--help Show this message and exit.
The Morpheus CLI supports bash, fish, zsh, and PowerShell autocompletion. To set up autocomplete, it must first be installed. Morpheus comes with a tool to assist with this:
$ morpheus tools autocomplete install
bash completion installed in ~/.bash_completion
$ source ~/.bash_completion
After autocomplete has been installed, [TAB]
can be used to show all commands, options and arguments when building
pipelines via the CLI:
$ morpheus run pipeline- # [TAB][TAB]
pipeline-fil pipeline-nlp