NVIDIA Morpheus (24.06)
(Latest Version)

Struct CuDFTableUtil

struct CuDFTableUtil

Structure that encapsulates cuDF table utilities.

Public Static Functions

static cudf::io::table_with_metadata load_table(const std::string &filename)

Load a table from a file.


filename – The name of the file to load.


cudf::io::table_with_metadata The table loaded from the file.

static std::vector<std::string> get_column_names(const cudf::io::table_with_metadata &table)

Get the column names from a cudf table_with_metadata.


table – The table to get the column names from.


std::vector<std::string> The column names.

static void filter_null_data(cudf::io::table_with_metadata &table, const std::vector<std::string> &filter_columns)

Filters rows from a table that contain null values in a given columns. null values in columns other than those specified in filter_columns are not considered. Any missing columns are ignored.

  • table – The table to filter

  • filter_columns – The name of the columns to filter on

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