NVIDIA Morpheus (24.10.01)
(Latest Version)


class GpuAndCpuMixin[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Mixin intented to be added to stages which support both GPU and CPU execution modes.


Returns the DataFrame module that should be used for the given execution mode.


get_df_class() Returns the DataFrame class that should be used for the given execution mode.
get_df_pkg() Returns the DataFrame package that should be used for the given execution mode.
supported_execution_modes() Returns a tuple of supported execution modes of this stage.
property df_type_str: Literal['cudf', 'pandas']

Returns the DataFrame module that should be used for the given execution mode.


Returns the DataFrame class that should be used for the given execution mode.


Returns the DataFrame package that should be used for the given execution mode.


Returns a tuple of supported execution modes of this stage.

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