NVIDIA Morpheus (24.06)
(Latest Version)


class DistinctIncrementColumn(name, dtype, input_name, groupby_column='username', period='D', timestamp_column='timestamp')[source]

Bases: morpheus.utils.column_info.RenameColumn

Subclass of RenameColumn, counts the unique occurrences of a value in groupby_column over a specific time window period based on dates in the timestamp_column field. Only increments the count when the value in input_name changes.


The column to group by.


The period to use when grouping.


The column to use for determining the period.


convert_pandas_dtype(dtype) Return the pandas type string of column.
get_input_column_types() Return a dictionary of input column names and types needed for processing.
get_pandas_dtype() Return the pandas type string for the currently set dtype.
static convert_pandas_dtype(dtype)[source]

Return the pandas type string of column.


Return a dictionary of input column names and types needed for processing. This is used for schema validation and should be overridden by subclasses.


Return the pandas type string for the currently set dtype.

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