NVIDIA Morpheus (24.10.01)
(Latest Version)

Program Listing for File module.cpp

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/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "./include/py_llm_engine.hpp" #include "./include/py_llm_node.hpp" #include "./include/py_llm_node_base.hpp" #include "./include/py_llm_task_handler.hpp" #include "py_llm_engine_stage.hpp" #include "py_llm_lambda_node.hpp" #include "morpheus/llm/input_map.hpp" #include "morpheus/llm/llm_context.hpp" #include "morpheus/llm/llm_engine.hpp" #include "morpheus/llm/llm_node.hpp" #include "morpheus/llm/llm_node_base.hpp" #include "morpheus/llm/llm_node_runner.hpp" #include "morpheus/llm/llm_task.hpp" #include "morpheus/llm/llm_task_handler.hpp" #include "morpheus/messages/control.hpp" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "morpheus/pybind11/input_map.hpp" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "morpheus/utilities/cudf_util.hpp" #include "morpheus/version.hpp" #include <mrc/segment/object.hpp> // for Object, ObjectProperties #include <mrc/utils/string_utils.hpp> #include <nlohmann/detail/exceptions.hpp> // for nlohmann::detail::out_of_range #include <pybind11/functional.h> // IWYU pragma: keep #include <pybind11/pybind11.h> // for arg, init, class_, module_, str_attr_accessor, PYBIND11_MODULE, pybind11 #include <pybind11/stl.h> // IWYU pragma: keep #include <pymrc/coro.hpp> // IWYU pragma: keep #include <pymrc/utilities/json_values.hpp> // for JSONValues #include <pymrc/utils.hpp> // for pymrc::import #include <memory> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <string> #include <utility> #include <vector> // IWYU pragma: no_include "morpheus/llm/fwd.hpp" // IWYU pragma: no_include <pybind11/attr.h> // IWYU pragma: no_include <pybind11/pytypes.h> namespace morpheus::llm { namespace py = pybind11; PYBIND11_MODULE(llm, _module) { _module.doc() = R"pbdoc( ----------------------- .. currentmodule:: morpheus.llm .. autosummary:: :toctree: _generate )pbdoc"; // Load the cudf helpers CudfHelper::load(); // Import the mrc coro module mrc::pymrc::import(_module, "mrc.core.coro"); // Import the messages module mrc::pymrc::import(_module, "morpheus._lib.messages"); py::class_<InputMap>(_module, "InputMap") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<std::string, std::string>(), py::arg("external_name"), py::arg("internal_name")) .def_readwrite("external_name", &InputMap::external_name, "The name of node that will be mapped to this input. Use a leading '/' to indicate it is a " "sibling node otherwise it will be treated as a parent node. Can also specify a specific node " "output such as '/sibling_node/output1' to map the output 'output1' of 'sibling_node' to this " "input. Can also use a wild card such as '/sibling_node/\\*' to match all internal node names") .def_readwrite( "internal_name", &InputMap::internal_name, "The internal node name that the external node maps to. Must match an input returned from " "`get_input_names()` of the desired node. Defaults to '-' which is a placeholder for the " "default input of the node. Use a wildcard '\\*' to match all inputs of the node (Must also use a " "wild card on the external mapping)."); py::class_<LLMTask>(_module, "LLMTask") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init([](std::string task_type, py::dict task_dict) { return LLMTask(std::move(task_type), mrc::pymrc::cast_from_pyobject(task_dict)); }), py::arg("task_type"), py::arg("task_dict")) .def_readonly("task_type", &LLMTask::task_type) .def( "__getitem__", [](const LLMTask& self, const std::string& key) { try { return mrc::pymrc::cast_from_json(self.get(key)); } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { throw py::key_error("key '" + key + "' does not exist"); } }, py::arg("key")) .def( "__setitem__", [](LLMTask& self, const std::string& key, py::object value) { try { // Convert to C++ nholman object return self.set(key, mrc::pymrc::cast_from_pyobject(std::move(value))); } catch (const std::out_of_range&) { throw py::key_error("key '" + key + "' does not exist"); } }, py::arg("key"), py::arg("value")) .def("__len__", &LLMTask::size) .def( "get", [](const LLMTask& self, const std::string& key) { try { return mrc::pymrc::cast_from_json(self.get(key)); } catch (const nlohmann::detail::out_of_range&) { throw py::key_error("key '" + key + "' does not exist"); } }, py::arg("key")) .def( "get", [](const LLMTask& self, const std::string& key, py::object default_value) { try { return mrc::pymrc::cast_from_json(self.get(key)); } catch (const nlohmann::detail::out_of_range&) { return default_value; } }, py::arg("key"), py::arg("default_value")); // .def( // "__iter__", // [](const LLMTask& self) { // return py::detail::make_iterator_impl<iterator_key_access<typename Iterator>, // return_value_policy Policy, // typename Iterator, // typename Sentinel, // typename ValueType>(self.task_dict.items().begin(), // self.task_dict.items().end()); // self.task_dict.items().begin().begin() return py::make_key_iterator(map.begin(), map.end()); // }, // py::keep_alive<0, 1>()) // .def( // "items", // [](const LLMTask& self) { // return py::make_iterator(self.begin(), self.end()); // }, // py::keep_alive<0, 1>()) // .def( // "values", // [](const LLMTask& map) { // return py::make_value_iterator(self., self.end()); // }, // py::keep_alive<0, 1>()); py::class_<LLMContext, std::shared_ptr<LLMContext>>(_module, "LLMContext") .def(py::init<>()) .def(py::init<std::shared_ptr<LLMContext>, std::string, input_mappings_t>(), py::arg("prent"), py::arg("name"), py::arg("inputs")) .def(py::init<LLMTask, std::shared_ptr<ControlMessage>>(), py::arg("task"), py::arg("message")) .def_property_readonly("name", &LLMContext::name) .def_property_readonly("full_name", &LLMContext::full_name) .def_property_readonly("view_outputs", &LLMContext::view_outputs) .def_property_readonly("input_map", &LLMContext::input_map) .def_property_readonly("parent", &LLMContext::parent) .def("task", &LLMContext::task) .def("message", &LLMContext::message) .def("get_input", py::overload_cast<>(&LLMContext::get_input, py::const_)) .def("get_input", py::overload_cast<const std::string&>(&LLMContext::get_input, py::const_), py::arg("node_name")) .def("get_inputs", &LLMContext::get_inputs) .def("set_output", py::overload_cast<mrc::pymrc::JSONValues&&>(&LLMContext::set_output), py::arg("outputs")) .def("set_output", py::overload_cast<const std::string&, mrc::pymrc::JSONValues&&>(&LLMContext::set_output), py::arg("output_name"), py::arg("output")) .def("push", &LLMContext::push, py::arg("name"), py::arg("inputs")); py::class_<LLMNodeBase, PyLLMNodeBase<>, std::shared_ptr<LLMNodeBase>>(_module, "LLMNodeBase") .def(py::init_alias<>()) .def("get_input_names", &LLMNodeBase::get_input_names, R"pbdoc( Get the input names for the node. Returns ------- list[str] The input names for the node )pbdoc") .def("execute", &LLMNodeBase::execute, py::arg("context"), R"pbdoc( Execute the current node with the given `context` instance. All inputs for the given node should be fetched from the context, typically by calling either `context.get_inputs` to fetch all inputs as a `dict`, or `context.get_input` to fetch a specific input. Similarly the output of the node is written to the context using `context.set_output`. Parameters ---------- context : `morpheus._lib.llm.LLMContext` Context instance to use for the execution )pbdoc"); py::class_<LLMNodeRunner, std::shared_ptr<LLMNodeRunner>>(_module, "LLMNodeRunner") .def_property_readonly("inputs", &LLMNodeRunner::inputs) .def_property_readonly("name", &LLMNodeRunner::name) .def_property_readonly("parent_input_names", &LLMNodeRunner::parent_input_names) .def_property_readonly("sibling_input_names", &LLMNodeRunner::sibling_input_names) .def("execute", &LLMNodeRunner::execute, py::arg("context")); py::class_<LLMNode, LLMNodeBase, PyLLMNode<>, std::shared_ptr<LLMNode>>(_module, "LLMNode") .def(py::init_alias<>()) .def( "add_node", [](LLMNode& self, std::string name, py::object inputs, std::shared_ptr<LLMNodeBase> node, bool is_output) { user_input_mappings_t converted_inputs; if (inputs.is_none()) { // Populate the inputs from the node input_names for (const auto& single_input : node->get_input_names()) { converted_inputs.emplace_back(single_input); } } else { converted_inputs = inputs.cast<user_input_mappings_t>(); } return self.add_node(std::move(name), std::move(converted_inputs), std::move(node), is_output); }, py::arg("name"), py::kw_only(), py::arg("inputs") = py::none(), py::arg("node"), py::arg("is_output") = false, R"pbdoc( Add an LLMNode to the current node. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the node to add inputs : list[tuple[str, str]], optional List of input mappings to use for the node, in the form of `[(external_name, internal_name), ...]` If unspecified the node's input_names will be used. node : LLMNodeBase The node to add is_output : bool, optional Indicates if the node is an output node, by default False )pbdoc"); py::class_<LLMTaskHandler, PyLLMTaskHandler, std::shared_ptr<LLMTaskHandler>>( _module, "LLMTaskHandler", "Acts as a sink for an `LLMEngine`, emitting results as a `ControlMessage`") .def(py::init<>()) .def("get_input_names", &LLMTaskHandler::get_input_names, R"pbdoc( Get the input names for the task handler. Returns ------- list[str] The input names for the task handler. )pbdoc") .def("try_handle", &LLMTaskHandler::try_handle, py::arg("context"), R"pbdoc( Convert the given `context` into a list of `ControlMessage` instances. Parameters ---------- context : `morpheus._lib.llm.LLMContext` Context instance to use for the execution Returns ------- Task[Optional[list[ControlMessage]]] )pbdoc"); py::class_<LLMEngine, LLMNode, PyLLMEngine, std::shared_ptr<LLMEngine>>(_module, "LLMEngine") .def(py::init_alias<>()) .def("add_task_handler", &LLMEngine::add_task_handler, py::arg("inputs"), py::arg("handler")) .def("run", &LLMEngine::run, py::arg("message")); py::class_<PyLLMLambdaNode, LLMNodeBase, std::shared_ptr<PyLLMLambdaNode>>(_module, "LLMLambdaNode") .def(py::init<>([](py::function fn) { return std::make_shared<PyLLMLambdaNode>(std::move(fn)); }), py::arg("fn")) .def("get_input_names", &PyLLMLambdaNode::get_input_names) .def("execute", &PyLLMLambdaNode::execute, py::arg("context")); py::class_<mrc::segment::Object<PyLLMEngineStage>, mrc::segment::ObjectProperties, std::shared_ptr<mrc::segment::Object<PyLLMEngineStage>>>( _module, "LLMEngineStage", py::multiple_inheritance()) .def(py::init<>(&PyLLMEngineStage::init), py::arg("builder"), py::arg("name"), py::arg("engine")); _module.attr("__version__") = MRC_CONCAT_STR(morpheus_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << morpheus_VERSION_MINOR << "." << morpheus_VERSION_PATCH); } } // namespace morpheus::llm

© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Jul 8, 2024.