Program Listing for File llm_context.cpp

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/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2023-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION & AFFILIATES. All rights reserved. * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "morpheus/llm/llm_context.hpp" #include "morpheus/utilities/string_util.hpp" #include <algorithm> #include <sstream> #include <stdexcept> #include <utility> namespace morpheus::llm { LLMContext::LLMContext() : m_state(std::make_shared<LLMContextState>()) {} LLMContext::LLMContext(LLMTask task, std::shared_ptr<ControlMessage> message) : LLMContext() { m_state->task = std::move(task); m_state->message = std::move(message); } LLMContext::LLMContext(std::shared_ptr<LLMContext> parent, std::string name, input_mappings_t inputs) : m_parent(std::move(parent)), m_name(std::move(name)), m_inputs(std::move(inputs)) {} LLMContext::~LLMContext() = default; std::shared_ptr<LLMContext> LLMContext::parent() const { return m_parent; } const std::string& LLMContext::name() const { return m_name; } const input_mappings_t& LLMContext::input_map() const { return m_inputs; } const LLMTask& LLMContext::task() const { if (m_parent) { return m_parent->task(); } return m_state->task; } std::shared_ptr<ControlMessage>& LLMContext::message() const { if (m_parent) { return m_parent->message(); } return m_state->message; } nlohmann::json::const_reference LLMContext::all_outputs() const { return m_outputs; } std::string LLMContext::full_name() const { // Determine the full name if (m_parent) { return m_parent->full_name() + "/" + m_name; } // If we dont have a parent, we are the root context. So return nothing return ""; } std::shared_ptr<LLMContext> LLMContext::push(std::string name, input_mappings_t inputs) { return std::make_shared<LLMContext>(this->shared_from_this(), std::move(name), std::move(inputs)); } void LLMContext::pop() { // Copy the outputs from the child context to the parent if (m_output_names.empty()) { // Use them all by default m_parent->set_output(m_name, std::move(m_outputs)); } else if (m_output_names.size() == 1) { // Treat only a single output as the output m_parent->set_output(m_name, std::move(m_outputs[m_output_names[0]])); } else { // Build a new json object with only the specified keys nlohmann::json new_outputs; for (const auto& output_name : m_output_names) { new_outputs[output_name] = m_outputs[output_name]; } m_parent->set_output(m_name, std::move(new_outputs)); } } nlohmann::json::const_reference LLMContext::get_input() const { if (m_inputs.size() > 1) { throw std::runtime_error( "LLMContext::get_input() called on a context with multiple inputs. Use get_input(input_name) instead."); } return this->get_input(m_inputs[0].internal_name); } nlohmann::json::const_reference LLMContext::get_input(const std::string& node_name) const { if (node_name[0] == '/') { nlohmann::json::json_pointer node_json_ptr(node_name); if (!m_outputs.contains(node_json_ptr)) { throw std::runtime_error(MORPHEUS_CONCAT_STR("Input '" << node_name << "' not found in the output map")); } // Get the value from a sibling output return m_outputs[node_json_ptr]; } else { // Must be on the parent, so find the mapping between this namespace and the parent auto found = std::find_if(m_inputs.begin(), m_inputs.end(), [&node_name](const auto& map_iterator) { return map_iterator.internal_name == node_name; }); if (found == m_inputs.end()) { std::stringstream error_msg; error_msg << "Input '" << node_name << "' not found in the input list."; if (!m_inputs.empty()) { error_msg << " Available inputs are:"; for (const auto& input : m_inputs) { error_msg << " '" << input.internal_name << "'"; } } else { error_msg << " Input list is empty."; } throw std::runtime_error(error_msg.str()); } auto& input_name = found->external_name; // Get the value from a parent output return m_parent->get_input(input_name); } } nlohmann::json LLMContext::get_inputs() const { nlohmann::json inputs = nlohmann::json::object(); for (const auto& in_map : m_inputs) { inputs[in_map.internal_name] = this->get_input(in_map.internal_name); } return inputs; } void LLMContext::set_output(nlohmann::json outputs) { m_outputs = std::move(outputs); this->outputs_complete(); } void LLMContext::set_output(const std::string& output_name, nlohmann::json output) { m_outputs[output_name] = std::move(output); } void LLMContext::set_output_names(std::vector<std::string> output_names) { m_output_names = std::move(output_names); } void LLMContext::outputs_complete() { // m_outputs_promise.set_value(); } nlohmann::json::const_reference LLMContext::view_outputs() const { // // Wait for the outputs to be available // m_outputs_future.wait(); return m_outputs; } } // namespace morpheus::llm

© Copyright 2024, NVIDIA. Last updated on Apr 25, 2024.